Identifying And Addressing Steering And Suspension Faults In Vehicles
- Check and asses the risk in a bid to guarantee the safety of the light vehicle
- To make an estimate of the financial implications involved
- Initiate repair action for improved vehicle durability
- Vehicles manual- provides information about the vehicle parts, how to carry out diagnosis and repairs too.
- Manufacturer’s websites- this is a digital platform where the manufacturer has their vehicle models and using the vehicle identification number, you can access part numbers and even repair procedures.
A steering fault-when the vehicle steering system fails to function within the manufacturers set limits causing a steering strain or misalignment.
Symptoms of a faulty steering
- Increased strain while steering the vehicle or worse steering lock while driving
- Misalignment form the central set position according to the manufacturer set standards
- Squeaking noises and vibrations in the steering rack and pinion
A vehicle suspension fault -when the car suspension systems fail to perform as intended leading to changes in the vehicle performance and comfort.
Symptoms of a faulty suspension
- Increased vibrations transferred from the wheels to the vehicle cabin that suggests worn out of ineffective suspension ability from the suspension systems
- Reduced handling and manoeuvrability while negotiation corners
- Leaking shock absorbers or loose mountings that make clutter noises underneath the vehicle
After identifying the fault, a thorough assessment of the work to be done is carried out. Any hazards foreseeable can be avoided through proper planning to avoid any accidents.
Such can be done through:
- Getting the right tools and equipment for the job ready, e.g. a high platform jack to lift and securely hold the vehicle.
- Using personal protective equipment to avoid personal injuries. Observing personal and general safety rules are paramount for any task to avoid accidents or bodily injuries.
- Keeping the workplace clean and organized to avoid any accidents
- Having a proper and conducive workplace space especially for heavy and repetitive tasks to avoid certain health risks such as back pains(Depratment of Education and Training, 2018)
- Identify the steering systems in the vehicle and gathering the specifications, the possible faults that are to be identified and the risk hazards associated with the entire process for better planning.
- Prepare for analysis and evaluation by getting the right tools and equipment for the job to help with troubleshooting for any problems with the steering systems.
- Using the appropriate methodology, carry out the analysis of each part and record all findings and results.
- Then, make out a recommendation from the data at hand and come up with solutions to the problem. A thoroughly documented report should be provided for justification of the repairs needed, a practical approach for the repair and a quote estimating all the financial implications to be expected.
- Complete the work process by observing the workplace procedures such as a final inspection, proper documentation for record purposes, proper storage of tools and cleaning the workspace afterward.
- Identify the suspension system in the vehicle part by part. Then, gather the specifications, the possible faults for each one of the parts identified and the risk hazards associated with the entire inspection process.
- Prepare for analysis and evaluation by getting the right tools and equipment to help in assessing the suspension systems.
- Using the appropriate methodology, carry out the analysis while recording all findings and results for analysis.
- Prepare a report with the recommendations from the data recorded and provide solutions to the problem through a thoroughly documented report. The report should point out why the repairs are necessary the mode of repair and an estimate for the costs to be expected.
- Finally, do a proper documentation and filing of the report. Also, ensure that the workplace is cleaned and tools properly stored.
- Identifying the individual parts of the steering and suspension systems.
- Getting the parts specifications or working and what faults I expect to find upon inspection.
- Looking at the safety hazards posed by the inspection processes and preparing in advance to avert such dangers.
- Getting the right tools and equipment for the specific inspection processes to get the right data during the inspection process.
- Gathering all the required data and recording it for further analysis.
- Using the appropriate methodology and analysis, compared the data to the parts specifications from the manufacturer to troubleshoot the faulty parts in the system.
- Compiling a detailed report on the individual parts and identifying the faulty parts.
- Making a recommendation on the faulty parts and justifying their repairs or replacement.
- Estimating the cost of the entire repairs to be done.
Steering system
- A scan tool- check for DTC (diagnostic trouble codes) from the steering systems sensors or the vehicle’s electronic control module (ECM).
- Digital multi-meter- used to measure the voltage passing through the steering system electronics to establish the failure of electronic parts of faulty parts.
- Physical inspection-this involves the use of both eyes and sound from the power steering pump, steering rack, the driving belts, and the power steering fluid level and condition.
Suspension system
- A scan tool – For the electronically controlled suspension systems may require running the diagnostic scan tool to evaluate the state and condition of the suspension systems.
- Physical inspection- this involves the use of the eyes here you inspect the individual suspension systems and check for any leakages, worn out or of broken parts that may require replacement.
- Road/drive test- this requires you to bounce off the car while stationary on a test platform or road with the set conditions to have established the actual suspension problem if both diagnostic and physical inspection did not establish any problem.
- OBD Scanning tool – the scan tool is used to read out reports from the vehicle electronic control module and give the faults within the vehicle steering and suspension systems.
- Road/drive test – taking the faulty car for a driving test may be a way of establishing the actual problem. This gives a better feel of the actual problem and helps narrow down the areas in which to troubleshoot for the faults in the suspension and steering systems.
- Physical inspection- this is the use of eyes, sound, and touch to examine a certain aspect or part of the vehicle to establish if it is faulty or not. It can help identify broken worn out suspension and steering systems.
- Digital multi-meter- the multi-meter can be used to troubleshoot any electrical faults that affect the suspension and steering systems.
- Code readers- it is a handheld device that reads out a fault in the system and translates the code to what is the fault and where it is located in the steering or suspension systems.
Depratment of Education and Training. (2018). Vet.Net . Retrieved from Australian Government-Department of Educational abd Training:
The Department of Infrastructure, Regional development and Cities. (2018, july). Vehicle Standards Bulletins. Retrieved from The Department of Infrastructure, Regional development and Cities: