Identifying And Addressing Ethical Issues In Social Work And Family Life: A Study On Newly Married Couples
SWK401 Social Casework and Family Intervention
SWK401 Social Casework and Family Intervention
Ethical decision-making process
The social interaction of the family members is an essential means to assess the various problems which may be existing in any family. Various students, as well as researchers, assess these problems with the help of various questionnaires among the different members of the family. The following study is conducted on a newly married couple to get a clear idea about the various difficulties they may face in their relationship (Barkley& Robin, 2014). The study will utilize various methodologies of social sciences to assess the problems and provide appropriate solutions to those problems. This study will provide a lot of information regarding the similar problems which are in the society and will help the student community as well as the scientific community in the better understanding of such situations.
The family life cycle is the various stages of development of an individual’s life and how he or she is passing throughout these stages. There are challenges in each and every stage of life and this particular theory helps to assess these challenges (Lesser et al., 2015). Family life circle is a special method by which the members of a family can be questioned and from the questions, various stress factors acting upon the family can be assessed (Bono et al., 2015). The family life cycle shows the levels of development a family undergoes. There are mainly five stages in the family life circle process. These are: Independence, Coupling or marriage, Parenting, Launching adult children and senior years. Each stage is different and distinct from the other stages (Carvalho et al., 2016). In light of the present study, the theory will be applied to a newly married couple.
Recently married couples have to face a lot of problems. Among various other problems is the financial problem. Generally, the two people previously had separate lives and the financial responsibilities were their own problems. But after the marriage, these responsibilities become one. They have to share their responsibilities together and they have to take special care so that every possible area is managed properly. There are also additional needs like vacations, shopping, EMI for the house, and various other expenses which are to undertake by the two people which they did not have to bear previously (Roberts et al., 2015). The best possible way to deal with this is to sort out the responsibilities together and get through the problems together.
Family life cycle
Another particular problem among the newly married couples is experienced by the in-laws. In many cases, the interaction with the in-laws is the reason for many problems (Widmer, 2016). Various in-laws are difficult persons to deal with and behave badly. It causes a lot of emotional distress as well as family problems. The best way to deal with these situations is to have an open discussion and full expression of the problem and the individual is facing.
After the marriage, there are a lot of other responsibilities which each one of the couples has to fulfill. They have to understand that other form the professional and one’s individual life, there exists a life for the both of the people. The proper understanding of this particular area helps to strengthen the relationship and increases the bonding among the couples. However, in the majority of the cases, the couples are unable to understand this and overlook the problems. It strains the relationship and causes a lot of emotional turmoil among them. The best way to avoid this situation is the proper understanding of the situation and a proper approach to set up the priorities and schedule various tasks. Another important suggestion is to spend some quality moments together.
Apart from that, there are additional problems. Post marriage there are various habits of the individuals which become annoying and intolerable and it further elevates the incidents of arguments and quarrels (Voena, 2015). There is also some particular habit which is not liked by the other person in the marriage. For properly solving these, the best probable solution will be to discuss these matters openly and freely.
Due to the increase of the working couples, there are certain situations when the couples are reluctant to do the household works after a busy day at work (England, 2017). For solving this particular properly, the couples need to sort out the work schedule and help out each other in the daily household works.
For properly working out the married life and the second order change may be implemented. Second order changes help to develop a new point of view to a preexisting structure. It provides a lot of information related to the areas which may be improved. This second order change theory is widely used in organizations as well as human values and behaviors. It is a great way to deal with the problems that may arise in the relationships (Becvar&Becvar, 2017). In the present context, this particular method may be applied to uphold all the positive areas of the people in the relationship and it will provide them a lot of information regarding why the relationship is good and why they should be together. The ability to view upon the positives will helps avoid the various problems and provide a good view of the preexisting problems (Raymo et al., 2015). It is also particularly beneficial in the various family discussions as it will make the overall discussion free of various conflicts and arguments which is particularly vital.
Financial problems among newly married couples
Bio-psycho-social-spiritual model is a unique theory which uses the four components to find out the various problems in patients as well as in other social problems (Borrell-Carrió et al., 2004). The main theory is based on the various questions which cover all the four components discussed in the model (Matteliano et al., 2014). In the present context, this same theory is used to detect the problems. For the proper assessment, both the husband as well as the five will be interviewed based on this model (Hodgson et al., 2016). The questions and the findings are discussed below:
In this portion, all the basic needs of a human being are assessed. In light of the present study, various questions were asked to both the members of the family. The questions were mainly aimed towards the accessibility of those necessities and if they were fulfilled or not. The questionnaires are as follows:
Are they getting enough amount of money for sustaining the family? (Assess how well they are maintaining their relationship.)
Is there enough food? (Assess how much biological need is fulfilled.)
Is there enough shelter and space for both the persons? (Same as above.)
Is there availability of proper medicines and is the health is maintained properly? (Same as above.)
The questions are done in such a way that all the biological needs are covered properly in the questionnaire series. The interviewer must also take care that questions are simple and short and any highly personal matters are not discussed in the questions. The interviewer must also be very friendly and suggestive to the couples and provide all the necessary information to the couples which may help them to understand their needs and also provide the appropriate knowledge about how to fulfill those needs.
In this portion, the overall psychological needs and the capabilities of the members are assessed. It also points out the role each and every member plays and how they are utilizing their roles to provide comfort to the other person. In this portion too, the questions are aimed towards both members of the family. The questions in this section will be aimed towards the various psychological needs of the individuals. The questionnaires are as follows:
Are they behaving fairly with each other?
Do they spend enough time with each other and do they give proper priority to each other? (To assess emotional bonding.)
Are there any arguments? (To detect conflicts.)
In-law interaction among newly married couples
Are the relationships with the in-laws well enough to sustain the proper relationships with the other members of the family? (To detect sustainability and compatibility.)
How do the couple deal with the problems which arise during living together? (To detect understanding between the couple.)
How does the discussion session undergo after a certain problem? (Same as above.)
This particular portion deals with the social life of the couple. It assesses the interrelationship of them with other relatives as well as the family members. This particular assessment is important as it provides clear idea about the relationships of the family and what it is the present situation of the family members in respect to their social interactions (Umberson et al., 2018). It provides a lot of information about the social life of the family and very often if any problems are encountered in some member’s behavior then this questionnaire helps to address the issues properly (Burgess Moser et al., 2017). The questions in this section is as follows:
Who are the family members? (Get an idea about the whole family circle.)
How close are they towards their members? (Provides idea about the bonding of the husband and wife towards the other members of the family.)
How often do they interact with the members? (It provides important information about how good the couples are bonding with each other.)
What are their views about them? (It helps to get proper information about how the couple understands each other.)
How do they interact with the acquaintances of the members? (Helps to get proper idea about the attitude towards other relatives as well as friends and known persons.)
How often do they spend time with the acquaintances? (Helps to assess the bonding of the partners as wells the other people of the social circle.)
What is their attitude towards them? (Provides a lot of information about the views about the social circle of the partners.)
It has to be kept in mind that the questions will be direct and open-ended. The participants must be able to freely answer the questions with the feeling of any restraint of problems (Thibaut, 2017). The questions must be constructed as such that it matches the whole situation and provides appropriate knowledge about the problems as well as provide the necessary preventive measures to the participants.
Spiritual assessment is particularly helpful to understand the attitude and way of thinking of the individual subject. It provides a lot of information about an individual’s belief and approach towards life and also provides various knowledge about how they face the various challenges in life (Patterson et al., 2000). It also provides information about the religious beliefs of the person based on which proper conclusions are easily able to draw about the attitudes of that person. There is also a change of beliefs and behaviors among people with different religious beliefs. This particular area is absolutely new in the questionnaire series (Saad et al., 2017). And lots of people don’t have any clear idea regarding this. However, it is one of the most important factors which may be of particular importance. The various questions in this questionnaires are as follows:
Psychological and social needs of couples
What are their religious beliefs? (Helps to understand the attitude and moral values.)
What are their views towards life? (Attitude of the participant towards life.)
What is their view towards the equality of women? (How the participant values the woman and how much he considers the equality of gender.)
What is their thinking of the various religious organizations? (Get an idea about their views of the religious organizations.)
Are they any part of such an organization? (Helps to assess the various views of the participant which may be due to the result of the organization.)
How much they value their religious practices in their daily life? (How much religious practices they conduct in their life.)
What are their religious views regarding the marriage? (Helps to get an idea about the particular view the religion poses on the married life of the individual.)
What is the impact of their religious views on their marriage? (Helps to properly assess the religious impacts on the relationship.)
It must be kept in mind that religious issues are particularly sensitive issues and the questionnaire must be put in such a way that the participants are not offended in any way. The questionnaire must also contain all relevant questions which are particularly in line with the religion as well as religious beliefs. The questions must also be structured in such a way that it helps to find out all the relevant issues and helps to assess the beliefs and thinking of the participant.
Genogram is a unique tool which is used by various researchers to depict a particular situation of a family with the help of simple structures. The simple diagram contains various important details of any family and provides a lot of knowledge about the situation and interrelationship of the family members. The genogram resembles the family tree to some extent but there are some distinct differences which sets it apart from it (Press, 2018. McGoldrick, 2016). The genogram contains more detailed information in its structure. This particular tool is widely used in the genetics as well as sociological studies (Pope & Lee, 2015). The most important feature of this tool is that it provides a wide range of information in just some simple diagrams. The use of genogram also reduces the use of long and elaborate written materials in various reports. Genogram contains various symbols which depict the particular member of a family. Each and every group of members have separate symbols. The overall structure is almost the same and the diagrams used are universally identifiable. The diagrams also provide a detailed idea about the relationships of the people in the family. The genogram can be created by simple MS Office applications but more appropriate and better genograms can be produced by various types of special software available in the market. This software provides the capability to add a lot of extra details in the figures and have the capability to create multiple and complex genograms with ease without the requirement of detailed editing.
Application of second-order change theory
In case of the present study the genogram of the couple is provided below:
Fig: genogram of the couple.
The figure provides the necessary information about the couple. The square depicts the male or husband and the circle depicts the female or the wife. The straight connecting line is the relationship between them. There are many variations of this line and the structural changes in different situations. The present situations signify that the couple is married. There are no separation or critical conflict among the couple. Another genogram is provided below which depicts the emotional attachment between them.
Fig: Emotional attachment of the couple.
The figure here depicts that the couple has an overall love in their relationship. It also signifies that the couple has no such incidence of critical conflicts among them. However, from the questionnaire, there were some minor conflicts which came to light but it can be negligible. The best suggestion will be to maintain the proper understanding among themselves.
The study was conducted on a newly married couple to understand their needs and conflicts. It provided a lot of important information regarding their present situation and social interactions. Various conflicts and problems were encountered in the questionnaire but none of them were highly significant enough to cause any serious problems in the relationships. However serious preventive measures must be taken to properly address the issues and proper discussions must be held on a regular basis to avoid any larger conflicts in the future. The present study provides a lot of guidelines to similar problems and may help the scientific community to develop appropriate steps to avoid such kind of problems in the life of newly married couples.
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Bio-psycho-social-spiritual model
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