Identification Of Sustainability In 4 Pine Brewing Company

Identification of sustainability initiative and authenticity

Discuss about the Identification of Sustainability.

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The United Nations press briefing on sustainable development (UN, 2017) acknowledges that there is little effort made towards meeting global sustainability. Among these are concerns for climate change, which includes the reduction of greenhouse emissions. The universal agenda recognizes that sustainability connects to economic, social and environmental factors (Shaltegger & Wagner, 2011). In business, sustainability encourages companies to embrace environmental and social strategies as a way of contributing towards the development of the society. The applications are different in varied case scenarios. Australia’s top private owned beer company 4P has an organizational goal whose focus is to offer exceptional beer experience. Its implementation strategy for sustainability mentions social and environmental responsibility (4 Pine, 2017). The organization acknowledges the importance of values and authenticity in its integrity, craftsmanship and community service. This discussion analyses the 4P management team’s unpretentious sustainability approach with comparisons to real life sustainability practices in the corporate world. Reputable businesses today incorporate sustainability in business decisions but the approaches are different. These cover more than the environmental concerns and may include innovation & technology, community CSR and sustainability reporting. 4P’s strategy is the alignment of the employee’s goals with the organizations agenda. (4Pinesbeeer, 2017).

The brewing company, which has been in existence since 2008 is a service industry. Its plan shows a genuine attitude towards sustainability as indicated by its management approaches. A closer look at its long-term goals unveils an employee culture whose focus is on people. Driven by passion, honesty, and unpretentious attitude, the brand recognizes the value of people (4 pines beer, 2017). The company seeks the best employees and provides a competent working environment. Among them are rewards and participation in company profits. This gives it an authentic purpose, and agenda for effective sustainability. This plan ensures that the benefits trickle down to the consumer for sustainable future business. Innovation as a sustainability exercise incorporates improved changes in the supply chain, business model and meeting consumer’s needs (Wagner & Schaltegger, 2011). In this case, the consumer as the motivation influences the innovation process. Most important on its sustainability is the employee who determines the success of the organization. Its approach distinguishes it from competitors and it upholds its long-term plans. Most organizations have corporate social responsibilities as the center of their sustainability. However, few place much emphasis on the employee as 4P Beer Company. Its ‘selfie’ plan encourages exemplary working relationship for its employees.

Authenticity of sustainability initiative

4P is genuine in its plan because its website clarifies that sustainability revolves around environmental and social responsibility goals. 4Ps agenda targets employees and other businesses in the industry for a better business environment. Its plan is to have sustainable relationships. The brand is a producer of beer, which uses a natural resource, malt. The company sources for it across the globe. Sustainability will ensure a stable supply of these resources. Other organizations choose to pursue environmental initiatives, which emphasize on the reduction of carbon emissions during production, energy saving and clean processes (Kramer & Porter, 2011). 4P stands out with its contribution to the larger consumer within its location in Australia. Although it needs to consider incorporating, charity projects that do not have direct benefits to its profits. Employees, customers and business relations are also important in business. However, CSR that gives to the community does not expect any returns. Analysts would consider 4 Pine Brewing Company’s approach to sustainability a Public Relations Act because its impact does not have a trickledown effect on society (Epstein & Buhovac, 2014). It is evident that 4P enlists environmental and social responsibility amongst its sustainability goals. This is because consumers today prefer to associate with brands that have an authentic sustainability approach.

People form organizations and 4 Pine has a good sustainability agenda that targets its human resources. It has a selfie management tool, which encourages the employees to embrace self-improvement practices. This strategy operates on the fact that when employees take the initiative towards performance, the organization also benefits (Kehoe & Wright, 2013).  The survival of the organization depends on the people behind it. 4 Pine shows the ability to find great employees and to retain them. Most organizations know how to attract professionals but they fail to create a competitive environment that sustains them. 4P uses sustainability to make sure that its workers enjoy working for the company. This develops respect for the company and workers are happy to be part of the team. Research reveals that more employees commit to their work and are unlikely to resign if the working conditions are favorable  (Gammon, 2014). Adopting sustainability approaches as part of the organizational culture shapes an informed workforce. The 4 Pine’s agenda successfully manages to change the employee attitude by engaging them in the organizations agenda. Its selfie plan aligns an employee’s goals to that of the organization. This means that when the company grows, its people also succeed.  What’s more, it advocates for a balanced approach to work. Its objectives cater for family time and the employees get entertainment and travel allowances. These are crucial for a relaxed mind and body.

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Contribution of initiatives to positive social and human outcomes

Sustainability starts with an overhaul of the organizations approaches. This culminates into changes in the job market and its management practices (Wiek, Withycombe, & Redman, 2011). Innovation helps to solve problems in society. Regular training is part of the talent development approaches used by 4 Pine Brewing. The brand has a clear road map to helping employees to become better people. It encourages honesty and allows employees to plan their own self-development strategy. By providing a conducive environment for people to develop, the company improves human life. 4 Pine encourages a good relationship between the employee and managers. Its performance delivery matrix focuses on both 4 Pines and its workers. It motivates them to take the initiative, develop a positive attitude and cultivate a teamwork approach. Human talent thrives in an environment where there is collaboration. This approach to sustainability creates passionate workers who are happy to serve consumers. In return, it supports a multilevel approach to sustainability, which combines social, and technology factors (Geels, 2011). In an effort to encourage employees to embrace change, 4 Pine implements new ideas across all its operations and functions. This is an excellent way to survive in a modern business environment where competition drives organizations out of business.

Innovation drives improvements and 4 Ps agenda is visible in its employee approaches. Using Maslow’s, ideas the company takes a different business approach (Dempsey, Bramley, Power, & Brown, 2011). It strives to solve social concerns through skills and its success factor is people. The company attaches its sustainability plan to financial goals because its objective is to improve lives while in business. This explains its commitment to an individualistic approach (4 Pine, 2017). Among its goals is the personal goal, which encourages employees to embrace change. Its formula for success considers how to improve through people performance indicators. This kind of sustainability approach considers the improvement of life, and social cohesion for better welfare, stable working environment and business growth. Its conceptualization transforms social responsibility into mutual responsibility between the employee and the employer (Benn, Dunphy, & Griffiths, 2014). 4 Pine Brewing Company has a plan that integrates social responsiveness into its own organization. Innovation brings in a new mode of thinking, with socio economic benefits targeting its workers. This approach is resource efficient because it capitalizes on its human resource for a good reputation. This ability to hire and retain the best also mitigates costs and risks.

Corporate Social Responsibility approaches continue to embrace sustainability. This is because sustainability strategizes by integrating efficiency in meeting current needs with a long-term focus (Ivey Business School, 2014). However, sustainability approaches are different in business. 4P is keen on the future generations and it uses its human resource potential effectively in order to secure its future supplies. However, for some organizations, sustainability encompasses the use of environmental initiatives based on their specific needs. These include placing an emphasis on the process of operations (Kramer & Porter, 2011). Critics may point out that 4P needs a sustainability approach that defines its contribution to society. Although employees and customers are important for business success, sustainability needs to incorporate CSR practices like giving back to the community. Its competitor CUB includes CSR in its advertising to encourage responsible consumption of alcohol and energy efficiency (Carlton & United Breweries, 2017). Corporate responsibility initiatives include service to charitable organizations such as orphanages and medical welfare support. 4P needs to broaden its CSR strategies to reach out to the community at large. The Brewers Association of Australia & New Zealand encourages supporting the community (Brewers Association of Australia & New Zealand, 2017).

Businesses in a different sector might need a different approach to this type of CSR. 4 Pine is in the service industry, which depends on people to succeed. However, businesses which focus on products needs to consider the environmental impact of its processes. Research shows that consumers respect and associate with brands which have a green label. However, marketing tactics continue to defame this strategy  (Unruh, 2011). A manufacturing plant that exploits natural resources and releases carbon fumes into the environment needs to show accountability for its processes. Retail and manufacturing companies have come under heavy attack for failure to manage its supply chain sustainably (Knagorsk, 2017). The environmental impact motion affects companies whose manufacturing, distribution and operations need intensive energy efficiency, waste reduction modes.  In most countries, this has also become a safety law, which ensures that employees work in health and conducive environments. This agenda protects the environment and its natural resources. This kind of plan would mean that 4 Pine uses renewable energy in its production plants. Modern sustainability approaches consider effective and efficient supply chain management practices (Searcy & Ahi, 2013). This covers all stakeholders involved and it defines the value chain using efficiency for performance.


In conclusion, sustainability is a multifaceted and multilevel approach. It comprises of efficient approaches whose focus is on people, society and the environment.  It differs from one organization to another and its long-term perspective ensures that the present resources can sustain future generations. This is a significant concept for the 21st Century because of the influx of business operations. Business organizations continue to adopt its mechanisms in various functions. Different businesses have varied ideas of sustainability. For some, this is an advertising or PR strategy while others like 4 Pine view it as an ethical CSR practice. 4 Pine is a company in the service sector hence it acknowledge that its existence is solely dependent on people. Therefore, it designs strategies that value employees as the brand ambassadors. Through a highly competitive plan, it develops a plan that attracts and retains the best employees for its workforce. This approach gives the brand a good reputation and serves as a stimulant for performance and growth. On the other hand, there are brands whose framework succeed via an environmental conservation plan. This approach suits production and manufacturing companies because of the supply chain factors. Its selection of this plan comes from the changing consumer trends and business regulations. Some companies also prefer an integrated approach that has both environmental and people factors. In fact, 4 Pine mentions all these including innovation. However, the focus needs to be on a strategy that gives the brand a competitive edge. Having a reputable brand today calls for the incorporation of sustainability as a CSR or company strategy.


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