Human Rights, Global Insecurity And The Law: Challenges Faced By The Government Of Maldives


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The purpose of the essay is to identify the challenges that the government in Maldives has faced.  The people of the country were focusing on the challenges that were becoming the hindrances in developing policies for safeguarding the victims. There are many issues regarding the policymaking in the country to safeguard the people from becoming the victims of various criminal activities such as, gender discrimination, domestic violence, violence on women and financial crisis (Mingst and Arreguín 2013). Therefore, the study has tried to identify the problems there in implementing the policies to minimise the criminal activities.

In this study, the analysis of the cases that have been conducted in the previous part of the project helped to evaluate the criminal activities in the country. These cases have helped to understand the challenges in the country while developing the policies. Therefore, the essay has analysed various cases in the country that women and normal people have faced. In the first case study, the crime regarding the gender discrimination has been analysed to shed light in the country’s policing processes to minimise the chances of crime on the people (Lutz 2016). Therefore, the government has implemented some rules and policies for the people of the country to safeguard the women from becoming victims of crimes of gender discrimination.

In the second case study, it has revealed another case of crime related to the women of the country. In this case, the women are facing the problem regarding the domestic violence. Therefore, it has been analysed from the previous article that has described the case of Samiya an individual who has faced the domestic violence. Therefore, it can be said that the government was trying to implement various rules and laws for preventing the people from falling into the crime. The main issue in these cases was illiteracy. Due to this challenge, most of the people in the country were unaware about the rules and laws of governments that can protect their rights from being exploiting. As they have no idea about the laws or new rules for preventing the crimes, they are unable to implement those in their regular life in order to get rid of the same.

According to Allison et al. (2012), the government of Maldives has tried to implement new laws for the citizen of the country and faced many problems to make them understand about the application of the laws. In the country, the people are facing problems regarding gender discrimination and domestic violence. However, the government was trying to implement some new laws to protect the women from becoming victims of gender discrimination and domestic violence. They have taken help from the organizations like WHO, UNICEF and UNFPA (Lazaridis 2016). These organisations have helped the country to evaluate the recent situation of crimes and to understand the level of violence in the incidents. In order to understand the level of the crimes in the country, the study of the Maldivian domestic violence has helped to change the policies of the government. Therefore, the main aim of the study is to find out the reasons for which the various case studies has been analysed. All the case studies have described one crime activity that has been held in the country mostly, which constitutes examples of violence on women.

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The government has presented some acts for protesting this situation but was unable to implement those acts properly due to some problems in the country. The law is there to safeguard the people from becoming victims of the crime, but there were no such proper implications for which the law can be applicable. Therefore, it was a challenge for the government of the country to set the detail analysis of the law to understand when the law can be applicable for the crime. Therefore, the country has developed the Domestic Violence Act in a way that all the ambiguity of the law would be removed and the people can implement those in their need. According to Edkins and Zehfuss (2013), the Domestic Violence Act has firstly presented the proper explanation and definition of the domestic violence and then has described the detail terminologies for the effects of the act after implementing to the criminal. Therefore, the people can understand that the act will be applicable for the acts of violence with respect to physical and mental torture. When women face problems in their homes regarding mental torture, physical and emotional torture or any other types of problems faced, then those activities will be considered as the domestic violence. These crimes will be punishable under the act and the victims will get proper guidance and help from the government to get justice. Therefore, in this case, the analysis of the domestic violence act has discussed been in the study to find out the challenges that the government has faced during implementing the law. Therefore, the main challenge they have faced in this case is the ambiguity of the law. The vagueness of the law was leading a misconception about the policy among the people. Therefore, the government has studied the cultural background of Maldives to understand the recent situation of the people of the country to implement proper law for their domestic environment. According to Hellum and Aasen (2013), the article has developed the idea about the crimes in the country from asking the women who were affected by various domestic violence and torture.

There are different models for developing policing system for a country. According to Saul and Renshaw (2014), there are five steps in the policing model such as, rule of law, separation policing, democratic policing, links of human rights and governance in policing. Additionally, it can be said that the policing model can be of three types, namely democratic, totalitarian and governing. In the democratic policing model, the protection of the citizens get the foremost priority while in the totalitarian policing process the state get the priority The democratic policing process is the most suitable process that can understand the problems and issues of the people. Therefore, when a democratic policing model is followed, the policing process becomes more effective. According to this law, there is everything included under this law and the main motto of this policing process is to give protection of the human rights with the ideal of rule of law. Therefore, in order to implement this policing process the human rights should be protected through the Magna Carta, Universal declaration of Human Rights and International treaties. This process can be applicable by covering the individual oversight, which can be accountable through police legitimacy, procedural justice and organisational justice. On the other hand, the governance policing process refers to the process where the policies are developed through some steps. The government should have to consider some factors before developing the policing process. In this process, the policy formation and implementation should be in supportive with the government.


In conclusion, it can be said that the various studies of crime cases in Maldives has exposed the situation of the people there. After evaluating all the cases it has been clearly exposed that the country is suffering from the crimes mostly on the women. There are many instances of gender discrimination in various places where the women have to face regular challenges to prove their qualities only due to the negligence to the female gender. Along with this, there was a practice of domestic violence on women where they have been suffering mentally as well as physically. Therefore, the government of Maldives has tried to implement some laws and rules to protect these victims. However, they have faced many problems during this law enforcement. In the policing process, they have to face many challenges that have been discussed in this study to get a proper knowledge of the real situation

Reference List

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