Human Resources Management In Health Care
Factors Considered in Recruitment at St. Patrick’s Nursing Home
Explain Human Resources Management in Health Care.
There is an important role played by the activities of the human resources management in the different operations of the healthcare organization. The significance of the human resources management was realized in the 2000 B.C. Despite considering the type of the operations, the use of human resources was applied to any type of organizational activities (Armstrong 2014). In this essay, there is a detailed discussion of the recruitment process of individuals in health care, strategies for the effective building of social care, promoting and monitoring of the individual in the health care and approaches taken for the management of people engaged in health care.
The important factors that is looked into when there is recruitment in the organization for the positions that are vacant involves a very comprehensive policy of the recruitment, overall aim of the recruitment , the main objectives of the organization , policies of organizational personnel , government policies , post legislation , cost of recruitment and implication of finances (Armstrong and Armstrong 2011). For St. Patrick’s Nursing Home, the factor that is considered very important is the defining of the requirements for the candidates to be recruited. Some opportunities are present that can replace the employee for achieving the requirements of the hospital (Valentine, Mathis and Jackson 2013). There is a need for the nursing home to justify and clarify it. There is a need for the vacant spaces to be filled by setting out of the person specification and the role of job. With the role of the profile, the capabilities and the skills with the working experience and the profile of the job will help in the effective evaluation of the individual at the time of the interview. When the candidates are recruited in hospital then there is a need for understanding the technical skills and knowledge, overall behaviour, past experience, manual handling of the capabilities (Byars and Rue 2011). There is a need for the internal recruitment needs to be considered as crucial for the St Patricks Nursing Home. There is a need for the nursing home St Patrick’s to advertise in the newspaper, internet and many job centers. St. Patrick’s Nursing Home should make sure that it attracts more candidates that are capable.
There are different countries in the world they have their own policy and the legislative guideline for the recruitment, selection and employment of the individuals in the organization (DeCenzo, Robbins and Verhulst 2013). St Patricks Nursing Home is also strictly following this type of rules and the regulations. Under the UK law, there is equal opportunities and the rights provided regardless of the religion, race , language and gender. Some of the major law that is concerned with the process of recruitment are Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Employment Act 2008, The Race Relation Act 1976, Employment Policy and Legislation Employment Relations Act 2004.
Legislative and Policy Frameworks for Recruitment and Selection
Employment Policy and Legislation Employment Relations Act 2004 helps in covering the resolution at the place of work. This helps in enhancing the tribunal methods and there is equal wage for all (Tracy 2014).
Sex Discrimination Act 1975 helps to resolve discrimination against the individual. There are many time the job searchers they are faced with the direct and the indirect discrimination. Direct type of discrimination involves deciding not to hire, rejecting with the training and not providing with promotion for what they deserve. The Indirect type of discrimination arises from the procedures, practices and the policies of the organization.
There are many issues under the UK labour law that has been reformed by the Employment Act 2008. This will help in the resolution of the conflict, strengthening of the standards of the minimum levels of wage and standards of the employment. The St Patrick’s Nursing Home helps in the recruitment of a diverse workforce (Torrington 2011). As a Human Resources Officer, there is a need for implementing all the above acts along with the Equality Act 2010 so that there is fair recruitment, selection and retention of the staffs in St Patrick’s Nursing Home.
The selection of the candidates by St Patrick’s Nursing Home is done as per the ability to perform the job efficiently. There are three steps that is used for interview, psychometric test and assessment centers.
Interview: The first step that is involved when there is selection of the candidate involves conducting of the interviews. The interviews can be done through the structured or the unstructured form like the common face-to-face interview or one to one interview (Dessler, 2013). This would be helping the recruiter to get a suitable candidate and then matching the curriculum vitae of the candidate with that of the job description. All the candidates they are given the equal opportunities so that they are shown suitability to the job (Rothwell et al. 2012). Interviewer during the time of interview talks about the impression of the candidate and then it can amend any type of the superficial elements.
Psychometric Test: The numerical and literacy are used as the trait which is seen to use critical reasoning and intelligence which is not revealed through the interview. There is a fair assessment of the candidate is done for the suitability of the job as all of them are tested through the standardized test (Werner, Schuler and Jackson 2012). There can be increasing retention of the employees when the employers they can predict the performance of the future (Dessler 2013). There is a difficulty that the candidates they can write anything in order to please the employees. There is a problem of language barrier, which can create misinterpretation of the results.
Approaches to Selecting the Best Individual for St. Patrick’s Nursing Home
It is recommended that St Patricks Nursing Home should be selecting the individuals through the structured interview. This would help in following some type of criteria and would be helping in getting the right type of candidate. There is also a scope for the candidates to ask questions regarding the job profile, prospects of the job and training of the organization.
A team mainly involves a number of persons who are working for the common goal. There are several theories that help the individuals to work as a team. There are a number of theories on the way the individuals they interact with the team namely Belbin and Tuckman.
The development of the team at the first stage involves forming as per the Bruce Tuckman theory (1978). This is the stage when there is no identification of the role of the members. There is identification of the role but the progress is little and when they are tested, the leaders will be answering the questions (Price and Price 2011). There are arguments and differences involved during the time of brainstorming. The members who are competing for it take the positions. There is a struggle for the power and there is difficulty in making decisions. Norming is another step through which the group members the members they are frankly exchange of ideas and views and there is behavioral pattern adjustment and the attitude to towards each other for the developing of the work habit (Belbin 1993). In this particular type of phase, the team members they agree and work towards rules and values, professional attitude, exchange of the methods and others (Stone 2011). The supervisors and the managers they are seen to contribute more. The members they are able to understand the others better through this phase.
The team development was analyzed through the mature team, consolidated team, experiment team and undeveloped team as per the theory of Wood Cock (1979). St Patrick’s Nursing Home can use the theory for the development of the team from a group of strangers to the making the member focus towards the common goal. The development of the team will be starting when the feeling of the members will be avoided. The leader will be take most of the decision. As a team of experimenting, the long hours of working and favoritism will be discussed openly and the members would be listening to each other. The team would be more self-examining.
Theories on Individual Interactions in Groups vs. Teams in Health and Social Care
With a consolidated team, there will be interaction with the members in the cooperative bases, which would helps in enhancing the interpersonal skills. The opinions of the others will be respected. There would be clear objective of the tasks and would be defined properly. During the stage of the maturity, it is evident that there is higher degree of productivity , methods of working style and leadership contributory. The team would be recognizing the duty with rest of the organizations. Through the theory there will be development of a productive team which would be delivering high quality service which would help in the retention of the staff and the enhancing of the quality of care.
Several types of approaches work collaboratively in a group or team. There is uniqueness in every team so there is a need for a collaborative process of working. The following are the approaches that can be taken by St Patricks Nursing Home, which is concerned about the working of the teams in the organization:
There is a need for diversity in the personalities and the skills for the effective working of the team. The members of the team need to use their strengths so that the weak points are covered (Dessler 2014). There is a need for the core objective of the team is understood and is explicit. This needs to be learnt by the members (Wilton 2013). There is a need for transparency and understanding of the responsibility of every member.There is a need for the development of trust among the members of the team, which is done through spending of quality time in the open environment. The members should be given the space to talk on the different type of subject and making a conclusion on the topic. There is a need for providing additional opportunities of social time with the others in the open sort of communication environment (Dowling, Festing and Engle 2013). The concerns that helps to deeply rely on the pledge and group agreement, will help in trying to engage all the members of the group in the decision making process and the implementation. There is a need for the members of the group to be engaged in the activities of health and social care. While the group is managed, there is a need to see that there is no communication barrier (Gilmore and Williams 2013). There is need to recognize the interactive, relational and the social issues. This all issues need to be identified and recognized early.There is a need for authorising the members. There is a need to provide appreciation to the best work (Prescott and Rothwell 2012). There is a need for leading and arranging meetings in a group on the nursing home. There is a need for the development of different team for the various tasks. For example, Team A would arrange for the meetings, Team B for the maintenance, the supply, and many more.
There are a number of steps for the measurement of the performance of the individuals in the social and health care organization. The main type of approaches involves level of performance, finding for the domains where candidate improvement is weak, marking the level of performance of the individual and the fixing of the standards that would be helping in the accomplishment of the standards (Harzing and Pinnington 2011).
The performance management helps in preparing of the plan by the employees and the managers to monitor and review of the contribution of the employees for the objectives and the targets (Ivancevich and Konopaske 2013). The management of the performance can be appraised through the observation, appraisal of performance, management through the objectives and 360-degree feedback.
The performance appraisal in a six-month or the yearly evaluation helps in understanding the contribution of the employees to their present job and their potential for a good performance (Mondy and Mondy 2012). This will be helpful in the communication of two types, improves the level of the performance , there is equal effort made by all in the setting of the objectives and the goals , identifying the needs of training and support for a better type of job.
The performance appraisal will be helping the workers of St Patricks Nursing Home to improve their overall performance, which would be evaluated against the set of objectives and targets. The performance of the employees from the various sources will help in getting views on the performance of the employees.
The performance management would involve where the employees and the manager they prepare to review and monitor the employees contribution to the objectives and the target. Performance management can be done through the 360-degree feedback, observation, appraisal of performance and management through the objectives.
Performance appraisal is a six months or a yearly evaluation of the contribution of the employees to the present job and the potential to perform better. This would help in the two way communication, improvement in the performance, joint effort for setting up the goals, identification of the training needs and support required for better job (Noe 2014). The performance appraisal will help in benefiting the St Patrick’s Nursing Home in the overall performance will evaluate the set of the objectives and targets.
The performance management will be done through the 360-degree feedback. The feedback provided and the view of the performance of the employee’s performance will be made from the different sources. This will help in the accurate and the genuine feedback. The 360 degree feedback tool will be used by the St Patrick’ Nursing Home so that there is unbiased views on the performance of the employees. The problem like the poor communication, lack of teamwork and poor attitude needs to be dealt. This will help in improving the quality of the work and enhancing the performance.
Under management by objective performance is evaluation against the extent to which the goals are agreed by the employee and the manager to achieve. As the employees will be involved in the process so the utilization of the improved satisfaction and self-appraisal as they would be involved in the process.
When there is continuous, development there would involve variety in the activities of learning. The strategies for the promoting of the development of the individual involve the following:
On the job training is a type of training that is gathered in the place of work. An experienced individual in the working environment gives the training (Mondy and Mondy 2014). There is a need for the appropriate type of training and this will help in acquiring of enough skills before the carrying out of the work. The human resources officer should be choosing the most appropriate form of on the job training for the employees of SPNH. The employees can use the knowledge, learners decide how they want to learn and increase the productivity as the employees they will learn as they work. The quality of the training will be done based on the knowledge and skills of the work.
Coaching will help in the identification of the individual capabilities and the skills and this gives them the support to use them for the achievement of the goals. There is also need for the manager to possess the necessary skills for coaching the members for the development of the team. The benefits of the coaching is that the person who will be able to identify the goals and way of achieving them through, inquiry, reflection and discussion. Coaching will help in the acquiring of the skills. The lack of the resources will affect the development of the individuals.
Mentoring: This helps in the continuous development. There is a long-term relationship established between the employees who are less experienced and the experienced employees through mentoring. The level of productivity also increases (Mondy and Mondy 2013). The high performing team will be established when the manager they have mentoring skills. Mentoring will help in enhancing the growth and productivity through the assessment of the feedback, which gives the mentee the sense of achievement.
There are two types of leadership theories that can be used and they are Situational and the Functional Theory Model.
The functional theory focuses on the working of the leaders towards meeting the needs of the team. The leader will be aiming at achieving the cohesion and effectiveness of the team. The leader in such a case function participates actively, coaches the subordinates , motivates the others , organizes the task and monitors. This theory will be applicable for SPNH as there is no team work present. Through the active participation, the manager will be able to identify the weakness of the members of the team. Motivation will help in the retention of the staff and the through the system of monitoring. The errors will be will be identified and eliminated.
The patterns and styles of the leadership depend on the level and the position. The situational theory helps in ascertaining the best leadership patterns. It has been believed that there are certain types of leadership applicable to the different situations. When the leader deals with the skilled expert groups then the authoritarian leadership is applicable to the less skilled workers. The style of leadership will be determined by the situational variable. This theory would be applicable for SPNH as the problems related to the staff turnover, poor teamwork, communication and quality would be resolved.
Ivancevich and Konopaske (2013) has argued that the individuals they are able to achieve better results for the work done through participative , collaborative and person centred approach. The ground rules , respect and rights will be used for managing the work in SPNH. This would help in the resolving of the bad behavior and resolving the conflicts. The promotion of the rights by the members must be done for example the right to be respected. The members need to work in cooperation so that there is effective communication.
There is a need for the employees to listen. A member will be only listening attentively through the body language, good eye contact, giving feedbacks and asking questions to the mentor (Valentine, Mathis and Jackson 2013). The views of the other staff will be accepted and staff will not impose their opinion in the others.
The relationship at work can be better managed through the when there is allocation of the task done suitably in the organization. There is a need for all the members in the organization to understand and be fully aware of the responsibilities and the jobs .Apart from this there are some features and attributes that is to be incorporated through the working of the relationship. The people who share their opinions very honestly about their failure and the successes will be helping the co-workers to be motivated. St Patrick’s Nursing Home employees should consider and be aware of the relationship at work, as this will help in opening of the concept and new thoughts. When there is respect among the co-workers, there would be a valuable approach for managing the work relationship at St Patrick’s Nursing Home. The managing of the workplace relationship can be done through the interaction of the skills and communication.
The managing of the conflict will help in resolving the friction and the disagreements among the employees which will be threatening the relationship at work. The differences in the opinion of the team members must be resolved within the team (Gilmore and Williams 2013). The staff will be able to bring in productive outcomes when they will be developing situational sensing.
There are different types of skills and knowledge acquired though the development and training. This has led to meeting of individual need of the user. I gained the confidence for running my own duties. I was able to work well with the others when giving training to the workers. It helps me to build a strong relationship with the colleagues. There were times when I could not learn during the short phase of time. Training is also funded in my organization so that the cost can be cut. My manager helped me to learn about the approaches of training. I have developed myself throughout the course of my work as my manager allotted tasks to me. The experience and the knowledge that she held was passed on to me, which developed my profession. I clarified by queries along the course of my work. There were times when I received the criticism for my opinions. I have developed tremendously. My manager was approachable and flexible.
There has been proper training and coaching received by my mentor. Working in the team has helped me to identify my fallacy. Team members have helped me to learn in group. Working independently has made me learn more from the experiences but it would be even better to work under someone for the proper guidance. For starting of a business, I would be recruiting the person who is capable for the post and proper training and guidance would be provided so that they turn out to be productive for the organizations (Gilmore and Williams 2013). I would be transformational leader who would be incorporating the changes in the organization as per the changes in the current scenario.
Thus, it can be concluded that the management of the human resources is very important for the health and social care. The goals of the organization are dependent upon the people working in the organization. Human resource is one of the three principles of the inputs with the other two types of major inputs being the consumables and physical capital. There is a lot of planning and the controlling of the activities of the human resources so that efficient level of performance is done while meeting the objectives of the organization.
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