Human Resource Management: Tasks And Strategies

Task 1

The human resource management requires depending on the involvement of the lie managers or the senior managers due to the following reasons:

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  • The line manager approaches are the critical factors for the company to supervise the employees and ensure the employee engagement within the company (Reiche, Mendenhall and Stahl 2016).
  • The line manager needs to approve the performance appraisal process for the employees.
  • The line managers describe the performance related pay that the HR professionals need to address to the associated employees.
  • The line managers require implementing the work related strategies. Without the approval of the line managers, the strategic decisions would be pending and the HR professionals need to wait for the approval (Alfes et al.2013).
  • The line manager is committed to resolve the conflicts that are difficult for the HR professionals to resolve (Coe and Letza 2014).
  • Selection and Recruitment
  • Employee Lifecycle Management
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Training and Development
  • Employee Engagement and Retention
  • Benefits Administration
  • Attendance Sheet maintaining
  • Payroll Administration
  • Budget Management
  • Minimum of bachelor’s degree
  • Responsible towards employee motivation, engagement and retention
  • Effective communication and interpersonal skills
  • Basic understanding of the organisational functionalities
  • Good Decision making skills

ROI is the percentage measuring tool to calculate the profitability of the organisation and organize the personal financial decisions. The human resource is basically dealing with the people management. However, it is difficult to get access the data related to the organisational profitability rate until the proper data is revealed (Alfes et al. 2013). Hence, the human resource department faces difficulties in calculating ROI. However, it is important to the HR to make a calculation of ROI. It will be helpful for structuring the organisational decisions since the profitability would be calculated.

  • The quantitative data is gathered to keep the track of the productivity whereas the qualitative data collection process depends on the human observation (Messersmith and Wales 2013).
  • In human resource management, the quantitative data is used to rank the employees. The qualitative data evaluates the performance monitoring aspect of the employees.
  • Equal employment opportunities
  • Affirmative Action
  • Strict legal action against sexual harassment
  • Hiring the right talent
  • Providing the necessary training and education
  • Providing the updated handbook
  • Conducting the HR compliance Audits

The HR professionals require the effective communication skills, be it with the higher management level or with the employees (Ford 2014). The human resource strategies need to be aligned with the management planning process for establishing the business operations. The association of the HR and the management is necessary for structuring the business functions.

Performance and Contract Management in human resource management determines the contracts made between the employees and the employers. While recruiting the suitable people for the organisation, the contract or the agreement is made between the HR and candidates (Pollock, Wick and Jefferson 2015). This contract generally contains the rules and norms of the organisation that they need to follow within the company. It is thus quite important for the human resource management basics.

Extracting feedbacks from the employees or the other management personnel are quite efficient process of understanding the area of improvement. The human resource department can identify the drawbacks through such feedback process.

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Self-study determines the involvement of the self-evaluation without seeking others’ supervision or direction.

On –site training refers to the particular area or building group where people stay, study, or work.

Off-site training refers to the site, which is away from the actual work place or environment (Grohmann and Kauffeld 2013).

It is associated with the direct individual confrontation, competition, one-on-one discussion, person-to-person meeting, or communication.

  Mentoring defines an act of providing training or advising people, especially the colleagues.

It is considered as the systematic method of enabling the small groups to address the complicated issues by working collectively or meeting regularly.

It is a practice of moving the employees between diverse works and promoting experiences.

It is the work experience option that educates the students regarding a job by following the footsteps of a competent worker.

a) Value: Trustworthiness

  • Telling the truth
  • Be reliable
  • Be sincere
  • Keeping private information secret

b)Value: Justice and Fairness

  • Treating people equally
  • Making equal approaches
  • Undertaking the justified decisions

c) Value: Respect

  • Being Polite
  • Prioritizing opinion
  • Involving in the organisational functions
  • Contract based action can be undertaken
  • Performance monitoring
  • Penalty imposing in case of poor performance
  • Arranging meeting
  • Enabling training and development advisory system

This type of survey reveals the satisfaction rate of the potential customers and also suggests the method increasing the satisfaction.

1) How far are you satisfied with our services?

  • Highly satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Neutral
  • Dissatisfied
  • Highly Dissatisfied

2) How far do you consider the quality of service superior to others?

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree

In this type of survey, the service related questions are included.

1) What are the following services you think need to be improved?

  • Customer service
  • Quality Management
  • Pricing Structure
  • Design
  • Others
  1. Do you think that the after sale service is important for our customers?
  • Yes
  • No

Collecting information from a group of customers by undertaking the face to face interview is also one type of survey.

1. Reason for consulting Line and Senior Managers regarding human resource needs

1) What are the major challenges do you consider you face while purchasing any product?

2) What type of brand specifications you would prefer during the purchase?

Audit method is considered as the course of action that is aligned with the on-site verification activity to understand the process or quality system. The analytical method is used for evaluating the positive and negative impact of any particular aspect. The budget method signifies the necessary financial capital that is needed to be invested for a particular purpose. Collecting the statistical or numeric data to analyze the organisational potentiality is considered as the ratio method. Finally, the balanced score card is generally a strategic planning and management system that defines the structured way of communicating the major mission or goal (Coe and Letza 2014).


                                                                             Figure: Checklist for HR services

Being the HR manager, Bower has violated the confidentiality, which is needed for maintaining the safety and security of the organization. Evidence of this lies in exposing the internal activities to a competitor. This gives Joe, a competitor an opportunity to take advantage of the issue and misguides Bower regarding the turnover of two employees, Gabby and Petra. Along with this, providing extra facilities to Petra is Bower’s partiality towards Gabby. This is an act of deviation from the duties, which he is to perform as an HR Manager (Marchington et al. 2016). Revealing employment records to the employees is illegal. Indulgence in such activities by a manager like Bower, questions his designation and experience.

On the other hand, if Bower has talked with Joe about other issues, than the internal activities, he would not have had a haphazard and chaotic experience. Apart from this, if Bower had verified the reality of the statements given by Joe over phone, it would have been projected the individualism and confidence of Bower in terms of exposing his managerial skills (Hendry 2012).  

1. Legislations related to human resource management are:

  • Civil Rights Act (1964)- ensures the protection of the employees by mitigating the racial discriminations
  • Fair Labor Standards Act- assures the employees about the provision of equal and minimum wage. The standards of this legislation are revised for the upgradation in the quality and standards of the services
  • Family and Medical Leave Act- This act provides the employees with an opportunity to take 12 weeks of non-paid leaves in a year in case of serious health emergencies of self or family; spending quality time with the newly born baby among others ( 2017)
  • Disability Act- safeguards the employees from encountering discriminations regarding their disabilities.
  • Employment Equity Act- ensures the employees of receiving equal treatment from the colleagues, managers and other staffs.

2. Elements in a code of conduct are:

  • Values
  • Principles
  • Managerial support
  • Individual responsibility of the personnel to carry out the allocated tasks
  • Compliance to the levied rules and regulations
  • Clarity in the purpose
  • Consideration of the individual sentiments, dignity and respect of the employees

3. Plans are the outcomes of the proposed strategies. Chalking out plans to make noticeable advances with the identified strategies is mainly the ways and means to seek out effective means for execution the business operations. This is applicable for all of the fields including the human resource management (Purce 2014). However, the focus of this question is on the labor requirements. Taking the bank details of the labors for providing them with the access to the accidental policies is an example, which projects the relationship between strategies and plans in terms of the human resource management. Planning the labor charges as a result of the monetary loss is also an effective example in this direction. In view of this, if strategic vision is adopted towards inclusion of Minimum Wage Act, Equality Act (2010) would prove beneficial in upgrading the standard and quality of the human resource development ( 2017).

2. Ten HR Services

4. Two of the main problems, which occur in contract management, are:

  • Verbal contracts, which causes conflicts between the two parties
  • Keeping track of the financial matters

The reasons for these problems are:

  • Difference of opinions
  • Lack of adequate knowledge for handling the matters efficiently and effectively

5. Feedback makes the personnel aware of the customers’ reaction. Effective consideration of these suggestions proves beneficial in terms of modifying the potential drawbacks, which degrade the standard and reputation of the organization. Recording the feedbacks and contents of the customers helps the personnel to publish authentic data of the offered products and services and the feedbacks generated by the customers in response to the offering (Sikora and Ferris 2014). Moreover, providing better quality products and services enhances the stability in the relationship between the company and their stakeholders and shareholders.

1. Recruitment is an important step for the organization in terms of enhancing the productivity through the means of efficient execution of the business activities. The services that can be provided in the process of recruitment and selection are:

  • Training and development courses
  • Study materials
  • Latest and modern machines
  • Safe and comfortable working conditions
  • Post training tests

Aim and purpose of recruitment: To create an effective team, who possesses flexibility to carry out the tasks, so that the organization emerges successful in achieving the identified and the specified goals and objectives.

2. Adopting a strategic vision would help the bank personnel to systematize the human resource management tasks. Chalking out plans for implementing the proposed strategies is a wise step in terms of making noticeable advances towards the proposed strategies (Alfes et al. 2013). Involvement of the employees, stakeholders and shareholders in the meeting would help the personnel to gain awareness about the error of judgments if any in the proposed strategies. This includes the materials needed, cost, and maintenance of the labors among others.

3. External business environment is competitive in nature, which limits the scope and arena of the companies and organizations. This is resulting in employee and customer turnover, stalling the productivity. This is particularly affecting the growth of the human resource department.

4. Organizing frequent open forums and discussions between the employees and managers would enhance the cultural diversity (Kerzner 2013).



                                                                                     Figure: Client need assessment form

6. The employees along with the managers need to abide and comply with the propositions of the legislations related to recruitment and selection. Introducing policies, code of conduct, applying various monitoring techniques and awarding punishments for violation, helps the managers in ensuring whether the requirements are met (Alfes et al. 2013).



Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Advertising the news of the vacancy

Collect the resumes of the candidates

Select the profile of the candidate, which matches with the identified and the specified requirements

Conduct interview of the shortlist candidates

Organize group discussion  among the selected candidates

Final selection

Send draft to  the higher authorities

Table: Action plan for selection and recruitment

8. The HR Manager needs to abide by certain ethics in terms of recruiting the rightful candidate. Within this, Data Protection Act (1998) is important, as the HR needs to maintain the privacy, security and safety of the personal profile of the candidate. Along with this, in the interview, the HR must not ask questions, which bear resemblance with the personal life of the candidate ( 2017).


Alfes, K., Shantz, A.D., Truss, C. and Soane, E.C., 2013. The link between perceived human resource management practices, engagement and employee behaviour: a moderated mediation model. The international journal of human resource management, 24(2), pp.330-351.

Alfes, K., Truss, C., Soane, E.C., Rees, C. and Gatenby, M., 2013. The relationship between line manager behavior, perceived HRM practices, and individual performance: Examining the mediating role of engagement. Human resource management, 52(6), pp.839-859.

Arneson, J., Rothwell, W. and Naughton, J., 2013. Training and development competencies redefined to create competitive advantage. Training & Development, 67(1), pp.42-47.

Coe, N. and Letza, S., 2014. Two decades of the balanced scorecard: A review of developments. The Poznan University of Economics Review, 14(1), p.63.

Ford, J.K., 2014. Improving training effectiveness in work organizations. Psychology Press.

Grohmann, A. and Kauffeld, S., 2013. Evaluating training programs: Development and correlates of the questionnaire for professional training evaluation. International Journal of Training and Development, 17(2), pp.135-155.

Hendry, C., 2012. Human resource management. Routledge. (2017. Policies- human rights. Available at: [Accessed on 13th August 2017]

Kerzner, H., 2013. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.

Marchington, M., Wilkinson, A., Donnelly, R. and Kynighou, A., 2016. Human resource management at work. Kogan Page Publishers.

Messersmith, J.G. and Wales, W.J., 2013. Entrepreneurial orientation and performance in young firms: The role of human resource management. International Small Business Journal, 31(2), pp.115-136.

Pollock, R.V., Wick, C.W. and Jefferson, A., 2015. The six disciplines of breakthrough learning: How to turn training and development into business results. John Wiley & Sons.

Purce, J., 2014. The impact of corporate strategy on human resource management. New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals), 67.

Reiche, B.S., Mendenhall, M.E. and Stahl, G.K. eds., 2016. Readings and cases in international human resource management. Taylor & Francis.

Sikora, D.M. and Ferris, G.R., 2014. Strategic human resource practice implementation: The critical role of line management. Human Resource Management Review, 24(3), pp.271-281. (2017). Workplace legislations. Available at: [Accessed on 13th August 2017]

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