Human Resource Management: Nature, Characteristics, And People Management Strategies

Importance of Human Resource Management in Business Success

In today’s time, almost all the authors have stated the importance of human resource management for business success. Vozaa (2018), stated that it is a strategic approach that helps in managing the human resource of organization in an effective manner. Marchington, Wilkinson, Donnelly and Kynighou (2016), believe that human resource management helps the company in getting competitive advantage. Human resource manager in every organization is required to effectively manage its human resource for business success. Human resource management is an important function of manager that helps the manager in recruitment, selection, development, and training of employees in the organization Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart and Wright, (2016).

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By criticising this, Bianca (2018), stated that for ensuring the success of human resource in organization, is essential to treating the human resource as an important asset. Same as, the chosen organization Google also indulges in various activities of human resource management for the smooth functioning in the organization. Through effectively managing the human resource, individual in the Google brought together to achieve the goals in effective manner. In this way, it is based on the individual skills, knowledge, and talent in the organization. By considering all the elements of human resource, Bratton and Gold (2017), believes that for smooth functioning results are necessary not rules. Therefore, it mainly focuses on the result rather than focusing on rules. Human resource management is future oriented as it helps the organization in achieving the goals by proving the motivated as well as competent employees. Besides this, it also helps in maintain the coordination among people who are working at different levels in the organization.

There are various Characteristics of Human resource management. Firstly, it is both science as well as art. It is an art because it helps in managing the people by taking innovative approaches. However, Bailey, Mankin, Kelliher and Garavan (2018), believed that it is science because of the application of various theories. Besides this, it is a pervasive function of management by covering all level and kind of people, operational staff, and management.  It is required in all kinds of organization whether it is profit making or non-profit organization. Human resource management in organization is a continuous process that begins with the planning and continuous with recruitment, selection, training and ends with performance appraisal. HRM provides the equal opportunities to each employee without doing any sort of discrimination. Human department of every organization ensures the quality work by coordinating the different departments in the organization. HRM in the organization ensures the regulation friendly environment in the organization.

Barney, (1991), highlighted that after the evolution of SHRM, various differences occurred in human resource department. As Human resource management does not have specified rules in the organization but in strategic human resource management, there are certain set of rules for each field in the organization that every people is required to follow. Besides this, strategic HRD ensures that right and talented people must present in the organization to meet the current as well as future needs of the organization. Same as HRM, strategic HRM also uses various methods for motivating the employees and their productivity. Then most important characteristic of human resource management is that it establishes the positive and strong relationship between management and labour. The human resource department in every company is responsible for maintaining the good relations among all the staff of organization and maintain team building. Goggle has also effectively managed the relation among all the staff of organization and it contributes in the success of organization.  HRM department also arranges the time-to-time meeting so that any deficiency come to notice and can be solved. In Google, HRM department timely conduct the meeting of its staff and upper level management (Nankervis, Baird, Coffey and Shields, 2016). Suggestions and ideas are also invited on the part of lower level people so to develop their skills to take decision.

Characteristics of Human Resource Management

It is true that firms can gain the competitive advantage by managing its human resource in an effective manner. There are various techniques used in the organization to achieve the competitive advantage in the firms. According to Vozza (2018), Employment security is one of the important tools that help in achieving the competitive advantage in the workplace. Employment security helps the employee in assuring a long-term agreement with the organization. This helps in generating the loyalty, willingness and commitment and extra efforts on part of employees. Google also uses this strategy by keeping its employees connected with the organization for the long time. As compare to this, (Renkema, Bondarouk and Bos, 2018), stated that high wages is also one such tool or strategy used for gaining the competitive advantage in the organization. By keeping the wages high, firms can attract the better, talented, and qualified people in the organization. It is the important basis of the organization success by keeping its employees happy with the good pay. By criticizing this statement, Power (2015), stated that besides wages various other strategies can also help in achieving the competitive advantage. Among those, Google also assures good amount of pay to its employees so that they work more hard for the organization. In addition to basic pay, incentives are also given to the employees in the organization for extra efforts. For employees, this practice is just and fair. Google believes that incentives are essential by providing value to the employees by paying extra for their efforts. Information sharing is also one such people development strategy to remain competitive. It is necessary to provide information regarding the productivity, operations, and profitability to the employees. Information sharing helps the organization to know how much the interest of employees and organization are related to each other.

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By keeping the people development strategies, Mohdin (2015), founded that Google is rated as top employer due to its best culture by treating the employees as an important asset. It has created a culture in which each one is allowed to share their ideas. This helps the company to maintain a supportive environment by working in a team. In addition to all this, empowerment and participation of employees is an important people development strategy that is helpful in achieving the competitive advantage. It is essential to include the employees in decision-making. In today’s complex business environment, it is required by the organization to maintain coordination among the employees and permit the lower-level employees for enhancing the performance. Training is also an important aspect in the organization to maintain the competitive advantage. There are varied of task that an employee is required to handle in the organization and training help’s in increasing the skills of the employees. Expertise in different field makes the work more interesting as well as flexible for the employees. For example- it can also replace any absent employee from the one who is capable to perform the duty. Training in Google keeps a great important at the workplace. The practices of human resource management put more emphasis on the training programs in Google. It uses different tools to support the innovative workforce. It regularly conducts training programs in order to make the employees expertise in different fields. Besides this, workforce management is also an important tool to gain the competitive advantage in the workforce. It is the main function of HR manager for every company and requires the proper attention. It actually covers every single process that are related to the employees. It is significant part for the success of the organization. Hiring and training are the two most important aspects. There are some steps that companies are required to follow in order to grab the competitive advantage in firm. For this proper job description is necessary so that employees are aware of their responsibilities and what are expected to them. Giving responsibility is not only enough. Allocating time for every task is also necessary to know the skills of every employee. In this way, people development strategies play an important role in the organization to gain the competitive advantage. Google is successful in today’s time as it is effectively making use of these strategies (Brewster, Chung and Sparrow, 2016).

People Management Strategies for Achieving Competitive Advantage in the Workplace

HRM plays an important role in the organization. All the successful organization’s creates a favourable and positive environment for employees by keeping its employees productive and happy. Through the help of HRM practices, organizations reward the desired employees. (Collings, Wood and Szamosi, 2018) stated that by keeping the separate department of human resource in organization, it ensures the positive working environment for all the people on organization. The chosen organization, Google also get various positive benefits by keeping the checking the performance of employees time-to-time. Human resource management practices also helps in satisfying and encouraging the employees by contributing in a positive manner. It is true that skills and knowledge of employees helps in increasing the competitive advantage in business, Organizations like Google capitalize on the positive impact of HRM by improving the employee’s performance. As per Boxall (2003), Proper working of human resource department is essential for getting the results. Same as,  HRM department in Google seeks to provide the various positive contributions to employees. It provides the resource for the training and education of employees as well as chance to use the knowledge. It is true that workers I today’s time expect the several conditions. Moreover, US workers are too diverse. There are also various older workers as well as workers with disabilities. Therefore, the impact of HRM on diverse workplace is flexible (Hassan, 2016). It is because organization wants to retain the workers for long time. For this, they provide flexible schedules, assignments, work locations, work environment, as well as flexible communication format. Human resource activities such as recruitment, selection, and development of employees and eventually retaining the employee’s affect the general performance of company in positive manner. Training, education, and development of employees also put the positive impact on business by ensuring the flexible working environment in organization (Ribeiro and Gomes, 2016).

The valuable HRM practices help the company to deal the problems of human resource in an effective manner. It also allows the work force to provide quality services in spite of external and internal difficulties to the company. Appropriate human resource management policies also facilitate the organization to prioritize its whole business strategies. HRM is a key function of management that contributes immensely in the success of the organization (Sheehan, Grant and Garavan, 2018).  The work force is truly the most important asset because employees are the one who are required to be well involved and enables the decision-making. Therefore, it is accepted that employees are most valuable assets in the organization; it is necessary to properly identify the human resource practices and policies and can bring the success in the organization. Human resource management has become an essential tool in the 21st century. HRM has contributed effectively in the Google and it is making effective use of HRM. It has taken innovation as its main aspect and worked upon it. For this, it has “employee centred culture” whose main work is the empowerment of employees. All the functions of HR are strategic partner in the company that focused on the core operations through hiring as well as retaining the best people in company. Human resource is the main reason behind the success of the Google. With the passage of time, it becomes famous for its friendly environment that is required in every organization. In this way, human resource management has contributed in the success of various organizations including Google.

Role of Human Resource Management in Google

In addition to the benefits, (Bashshur and Oc, 2015), said that HR also has various criticisms. Some of the criticism occurs when HR manager make the inappropriate strategy or goal. Due to this, employees are not able to effectively work in the organization and as a result, they criticize the HR department. Besides this, inappropriate training is also one such thing that is criticizes on the part of staff in the organization.

In recent time, Google is one such company who is effectively using the human resource in its organization. In this regard, Lombardo (2017), stated that it makes use of various strategies to address the needs of diversified workforce. However, the diversification enforces various challenges to the managers of human resource in organization. HR managers in Google mainly focus on effectively use of forecast information in order to minimise the shortage of employees in the organization. In Google, surveys are not just used for checking the increment of workforce rather than it uses the survey for improving the HR practices in organization. A survey conducted by HR marketer to check the viewpoint of respondents. As a result, it is founded that 48% believes that employee survey do not give a true picture and assessment. On the other hand, 31% believes that survey depicts the true picture (Maier, 2016).  In the past year, managing the human resource was quite simple but in today’s time, workforce is diverse. It includes different gender, values, culture, age, education, religion, lifestyle, marital status, ideologies, and values. Therefore, the current Human resource department requires certain changes through creativity and innovation. Current HR department requires innovation and creativity that help the organization remain competitive. Among all, friendly environment is one such important by including the flexibility in work schedules. The Google Company effectively uses all these trends by ensuring the flexibility in work schedules (Maier, 2016). In Google also, diverse people from different cultural background works that requires the proper attention on the part of HR department.

After the survey of Tourism sector in Sri Lanka, it is founded that it is fourth largest foreign earner. In 2007, tourism sector of Sri Lanka earned the $384.4 million (Ichniowski, Shaw and Prennushi, 1997). In recent time, tourism sector has been acing several problems related to HRM. Due to weather changes in several areas, tourism sector is not able to get the required workforce. This is one of the major problems that is being faced by Tourism sector related to human resource management.


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