Human Resource Management In Shipping Industry – Dasin Holdings Pte. Ltd.

Importance of Human Resource Policy in Shipping Management

Dasin Holdings Pte. Ltd. is a Singapore based shipping transportation company that was based established in the year 1992. The company is one of the biggest cargo transportation shipping agent and provides shipping agency service. The main features of the ship chartering and operations of the company is to deal with the large scale bulk carrier along with that of first class service. One of the priority of the organization is to deal with the safety and environmental protection. This helps to ensure full safety of the shipping crew members, which is also one of the major features of the Human resource policy of the company.

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The main purpose of this study is to identify and the importance of best possible human resource policy that can be implemented within the strategy of the shipping management. According to Karahalios (2014), the effective HR policies for the shipping companies need to focus upon the assessment of capability of human resource capability and thereby ensure full safety in the workplace.  

The study will therefore aim to improve the effectiveness of the existing HR policies of Dasin Holdings.  

  • To study the effectiveness level of existing HR management policy of Dasin Holdings Pte Ltd.

To identify the critical factors affecting the effective implementation of HR management policy of Dasin Holdings Pte Ltd. 

From the research paper of Lee et al. (2014), it is evident that with the growing demand of the consumer products and global trading all over the globe there is an increased rise in the pressure for all the major shipping agents. The modern day transportation industry focuses upon shipping of heavy cargos that can easily import heavy materials in all parts of the globe. This situation of the modern day shipping industry has provided opportunity to shipping agents and operators to expand the business. Ding et al. (2015), have added in the context that new types of job profile are being introduced within the shipping industry that has helped to create new demand of innovative HR policy.

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It is also relevant to mention with the new forms of working profile, it is highly essential to introduce the new forms of working styles that is needed to deal with the emerging challenges within the shipping industry. With the introduction of the gas-carrying capacity, the shipping industry has been able contribute majorly to the growing environment concerns. Nevertheless, the organizational structure of the shipping company has to be modified that is needed for smooth performance (Cahoon et al. 2014). The introduction of intrinsic and extrinsic practice of workforce has proved to be highly effective for providing the motivation for the workforce within the shipping and transportation industry.

Factors Affecting HR Management of Dasin Holdings Pte Ltd

The change within an industry is believed to be one of the major challenges for the HR department of the respective organization (Kiessling and Harvey 2014). Hence, it is highly essential for the HR department to fully evaluate the new demand of the organization and introduce new tools and techniques of the HR policy. It is also essential for the employees of the organization to have effective knowledge and awareness about the new change that has been introduced within the system. As mentioned by Stone and Deadrick. (2015), the workers of the shipping agents need to have proper awareness about the rising of the environmental issues that is one of the major purpose of the new organizational structure. The HR policy also needs to focus upon providing with the high level of customer service that will help to manage the complex and vast network of the shipping agents.

The future research work will thereby help to discover effective ways to deal with the rising challenges of the HR department of the shipping industry.    

The research methodology section provides the basic structure and guideline steps and the framework that is needed to conduct the work of investigation.

There are three types of Research Design including explanatory, exploratory and descriptive. In order to deal with the human resource policy of Dasin Holdings Private Limited, it is important to use the descriptive form of Research Design which will help to analyze all the underlying situation associated with the new policies of human resource development. 

The major purpose of quantitative research methods to analyze the statistical information in the form of numerical evaluation. It is also believed to be one of the empirical way to approach and conduct investigation on a certain subject. It can also help to derive hypothesis and formulate effective ideas. The mathematical and statistical tool is an important component of the quantitative research methods. This type of method is mainly used to analyze the information that has been collected from the survey of a particular group and sample.

The aim of qualitative research method is to analyze the behavior of the sample size in the investigation. This type of method is mainly used to generate and analyze data from the interview, which can be conducted in structured or semi structured method. It is also possible to obtain descriptive result in qualitative research methods (Liamputtong and Serry 2013). 

For the given research work the investigators will use both form of qualitative and quantitative research methods, which can help to analyze both primary and secondary form of information. 

The given research work will use both primary and secondary form of data. The primary data will be collected from the interview of the managers in Dasin. Survey will also be conducted upon the employees of the company.

On the other hand, in order to collect the secondary data, the researchers will focus on previously conducted research work relevant to human resource policy.

The research what is based upon human subject, it is essential for the researchers to get proper approval from the ethics committee to ensure validity of the research.

The timeline for the research is 7 weeks

Parts of the Research

1st week

2nd week

3rd week

4th week

5th week

6th week

7th week

Selection of Research Topic


Data collection from Primary sources



Creating Research framework


Literature review




Selection of Research Design



Selection of the Appropriate Research Methods



Primary and Secondary data analysis



Analysis & Interpretation of Data Collection





Drawing of Conclusion


Draft Formation before final submission










Submission of Final Research work










As data will be collected in the forms of survey of 100 participants the same will be represented in the form of bar graph. It will therefore be possible to bring about the relationship between the dependent and independent variables related to the human management factors. The secondary data will help to evaluate out the themes related to the human resource management of Dasin Holdings.


The conclusion will be drawn from the above findings and will be related to the respective research objectives. It will therefore be possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the HR strategies of Dasin Holdings. The recommendations will also be provided to improve the effectiveness of the current HR strategies. 


Cahoon, S., Caesar, L. and Fei, J., 2014. Human resource practices in seafaring: Opportunities for improving retention.

Ding, M.J., Kam, B.H., Zhang, J.Y. and Jie, F., 2015. Effects of human resource management practices on logistics and supply chain competencies–evidence from China logistics service market. International Journal of Production Research, 53(10), pp.2885-2903.

Karahalios, H., 2014. The contribution of risk management in ship management: the case of ship collision. Safety Science, 63, pp.104-114.

Kiessling, T. and Harvey, M., 2014. Human resource management issues associated with the globalization of supply chain management and logistics. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 44(8/9).

Lee, C.B., Wan, J., Shi, W. and Li, K., 2014. A cross-country study of competitiveness of the shipping industry. Transport Policy, 35, pp.366-376.

Liamputtong, P. and Serry, T., 2013. Making sense of qualitative data. Research methods in health: Foundations for evidence-based practice, pp.365-379.

Stone, D.L. and Deadrick, D.L., 2015. Challenges and opportunities affecting the future of human resource management. Human Resource Management Review, 25(2), pp.139-145.

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