Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices At Doki Doki
About Doki Doki
Discuss about the HRM at Doki Doki.
Employees are the heart of any organization. Be it a vast organization such as Microsoft that has global presence or simple retail outlet that sells vegetables, employees are the core of it. Employees represent the organization and work towards achieving its goals by contributing to the various sectors in the organization (Mondy, 2016). Certain employees may develop the product while certain number of them may market and sell it. The quality and other aspects are equally important but with competent employees goods and services can be sold efficiently making a substantial revenue, which the core objective of several companies (Mathis, 2016). This is one of the prime reason why almost all organizations place significance in the Human Resource Management, as this concept directly deals with the employees. From recruitment to termination with all the various stages such as performance management, grievance handling and employee motivation HRM plays a key role in any company (Hendry, 2012). In simpler words, it acts as a bridge between the management and employees with employee satisfaction as its core function.
The below report is an analysis of the various HRM practices utilized by a Japanese restaurant at Melbourne named DokiDoki. The report thoroughly details the various HRM concepts that the restaurant uses in its everyday business. It also lists the hiring and recruiting process along with the performance management process the restaurant follows. The report is an effort to show how HRM concepts are applied not only in behemoth organizations but also in smaller companies to run things smoothly with a satisfied staff.
As mentioned above Doki Doki is a Japanese Restaurant located in Melbourne that is known for its authentic Japanese cuisine. Walls dolled up with white lucky cats waving their left paws and dark Japanese décor, the ambience of the restaurant puts forth the rich culture of Japan. Customer satisfaction is the ultimate goal of the restaurant which fulfills the same through their delicious Japanese based menu and exemplary customer service. The staff working at the restaurant are generally from the eastern part of the world, people who understand the culture and who can exhibit the culture in the most efficient way possible. The crowd at the restaurant is however, not limited. The customers are from all possible places who visit the place to enjoy the delicacies produced by the Sushi and Sashimi Chefs. The staff members include manager, servers, chefs and cleaning crew.
HRM Principles Applied
To understand the HRM principles that Doki Doki currently applies it is crucial to understand the objectives of the company
The objectives of Doki Doki are as follows
- Customer Satisfaction is given the utmost importance. Ensuring that every customer has a pleasant experience and comes back for the quality of both food and service
- To serve every customer with a happy face and an exemplary meal and to ensure that the customer needs are satisfied in the best possible manner.
- To become the best restaurant that severs authentic Japanese food in the area of Melbourne
- To open at least one new branches at the end of every financial year.
- To spread the culture of Japan through food.
According to Henri Fayol division of work is a key principle amongst the fourteen principles of Management to ensure that the company runs smoothly (Shafritz, 2015). At Doki Doki, work is divided into divisions with each division having its own set of responsibilities. At the same time all the divisions report to the management. Each division also has their own head. For example, all the assistant chefs have to follow the head chef while all the servers follow the manager. Again, the manager and head chef are answerable to the management. This way the management is decentralized and a clear chain of command is formed to ensure that the activities are run efficiently (Peaucelle, 2015).
According to Geert Hofstede, management method varies from country to country and even company to company. The kind of method adopted is heavily dependent on the company’s background and how things are run within the management. The culture at Doki Doki is of the Japanese orientation. The concept of uncertainty avoidance is often seen at Doki Doki. They prefer structured situations for which they can take immediate action (Minkov, 2012). Every incident that occurs in Doki Doki is recorded and the appropriate action to it is suggested to every employee working at Doki Doki. The restaurant is always prepared for any kind of situations and learns from the incidents that occur outside the restaurant as well. Unexpected leaves and unpunctuality are highly criticized at Doki Doki. Also, the goals of Doki Doki are long term oriented meaning that they would rather work for reputation than work for mere money.
Another key HRM principle adopted at Doki Doki is the five disciplines proposed by Peter Senge. Personal mastery, mental models, building shared vision, team learning are the four disciples which combine to form the fifth discipline of system thinking. At Doki Doki, every person is expected to reach their own level of personal mastery in which every work they do. Their perspective is moved towards the shared vision to serve the customer in the best possible way and to increase the revenue of the company. Team learning is implemented by tea, work that is done under the supervision of the head chef and the manager (Senge, 2014). All these together help Doki Doki achieve a systems thinking the helps to work as one towards a common goal.
Day to Day HRM at Doki Doki
At Doki Doki there are several HRM processes and procedures followed through a clear HRM framework. The company has a defined standard of conduct that is integrated into the organization design. The standard of conduct is expected from every single employee at Doki Doki. The conduct states that the employee have to respectful at all costs to the customers and should not indulge in any disputes with the customers. In case of an issue they have to communicate to their higher authority or to the management to ensure that the issues are handled in the best possible manner (Armstrong, 2014). For example, when a drunk customer abuses a server, rather than indulging in a word fight the server would simply inform the manager who would escort the customer out of the restaurant. This also impacts the framework of good governance where though importance is place over customer satisfaction the company does not allow any of its employee to feel disrespected (Oke, 2016).
Grievance handling is a major part of the HRM activities at Doki Doki. Any kind of harassment or discrimination is not tolerated at Doki Doki. In case such a behavior is noticed they victim can report it to the manager or the management directly and post investigation the harasser would be suspended or terminated as need be (Purce, 2014). Nayasha a college graduate was working at Doki Doki when one of the fellow employees passed on sexual comments as a joke. Nayasha confronted her colleague and asked him to stop doing it. However, he continued the same behavior. Manager on noticing this spoke to the employee and informed him that he would be removed from the company and his behavior would be informed to the police to ensure the safety of Nayasha outside the restaurant, if he did not conduct himself. Post the warning given by the manager, nayasha felt safe and had no issues with her colleague anymore.
Job planning and human resource planning is done whenever required at Doki Doki. Since the restaurant is in the process of scaling itself, it is obvious that there is a need to increase the staff members to perform various duties (Jiang, 2012). The management has a register of suggestions for the employees that is reviewed weekly. In case of a continuous demand for increase in the employee number, the management contacts that particular division and asks all its members to for the necessity of the inclusion. After understanding the issue, the management checks in-house for the solution. As hiring would incur additional costs (Mello, 2014), management asks its employees itself to give suggestions on what can be done without hiring the employee. The suggestions costs and effectiveness is then compared with the costs and effectiveness of hiring an employee and the better option is adopted (Budhwar, 2013). This scenario was put in place when an assistant chef had to leave the restaurant on personal grounds. The load on the assistant chefs had been increasing especially on the holidays. To balance this the chefs had raised a demand to find a replacement. The management consulted with the team of chefs and asked them to provide suggestions. It was then that the management realized that the chef who left handled only three dishes which were regularly ordered and after he left the chefs where could not understand how to share the load. The management along with the head chef trained the assistant chefs on all these three dishes and the issue was resolved without the necessity of hiring. Recruitment and appraisal procedures at Doki Doki are covered in the next sessions
Recruitment Process at Doki Doki
Recruitment at Doki Doki is given a great importance as the company looks for people who can blend in with the Japanese culture, understand the essence of the restaurant and have the ability to manage people well. It follows different procedures when recruiting different sectors of the employees. Before any personnel is hired the company analysis the need for hiring (Alfes, 2013). It consultants the current staff to understand if the work done can be handled by the current staff. In case additional personnel are required the employees are asked to fill in what they expect from the new personnel (Nickson, 2013). The head chefs and cashier are from the management and hence recruitment for these positions is rarely done. However, assistant chefs, managers and servers are recruited frequently.
If an assistant chef is to be hired, the management gets in touch with the head chef to understand what work is usually delegated to the assistant chef and what skills would help the work become easy. The management also contacts the other assistant chefs to understand how they work around and what kind of attitude is expected. With all these inputs the management puts a detailed list of expectations (Buller, 2012). Instead of recruiting through advertisements the company follows a referral approach. The management usually requests the staff to point to potential chefs. This is generally followed as the current staff members are aware of the qualities that are required. Recruitment also happens through word of mouth where the management approaches potential chefs that are known to have exceptional skills with regard to Japanese cuisine (Jackson, 2014). All the thus gathered chefs are asked to prepare a cuisine that is regular on the Japanese menu and the food taste and quality is checked by the Head Chef and management. First level of screening is done here. Post this step each of the chef is asked to prepare a dish as guided by the head chef. The person who is able to follow instructions easily and is able to bring their own twist to the dish is selected. The person is also checked for their attitude towards other chefs. Friendly, helpful and quick leaners are given preference (Riley, 2014).
Servers and Managers directly interact with the customer. They mode of recruitment is usually through window advertising showing that positions are open. In case of managers the positions are open on job websites. For both the positions preference is given to Eastern applicants but not limited to them. People who are experienced are also preferred (Jiang, 2012). Under graduate students are preferred for server roles while managers are usually business graduates. The first level of screening for both the positions is their ability to talk. Their body language, tone and fluency are tested in a casual interview. Anyone who is impolite, violent or rude are rejected (Ulrich, 2013). For the server role, their ability to walk with grace, remember and recite the menu is checked. For the managers, day to day situations, which usually happen in a restaurant are given and their solutions are analyzed (Nel, 2014). Applicants who clear these rounds are selected.
At Doki Doki every employee is given a mandatory training for the first one week. One the first day, they are introduced with the various departments of the restaurants and the various personnel that work in them. A through detail is provided to them on their responsibilities and how they would behave with customers (Gatewood, 2015). The company’s anti-discrimination and grievance handling policy is also explained to the new recruits. A clear understanding is given on the need for every employee to treat the customers well. From the second day to the end of the week, employees have to shadow colleagues to understand how everything around the restaurant works. What is kept where, who is handled how, what should be done in case of crisis, and all such things are explained and are learnt in the shadow sessions. Post the shadow sessions the management assesses is there is a need for further training which is usually is not the case (Flamholtz, 2012). The employees are then deployed into their roles to handle their responsibilities. However they are constantly supervised by the management.
The basic salary of each of the employee is fixed. The salary of the employee also has a variable pay which is dependent on the sales that had happened over the month. The assistant chefs and the managers are given 5% of the profit while the servers are allowed to keep their tips. The basic salary of the employee is raised by 15% every year. In case of exceptional employee performance an additional pay is given as a bonus, the amount of which is again dependent on the sales done that month.
Career development is based on a combination of experience and performance. The job growth is limited at Doki Doki as the staff are few. However, whenever there is an opening the current staff is informed and interviewed to see if they can fit the job. The interview is offered to servers for manager role and assistant chef to head chef role. In both case the applicants should have the experience and should be top performers to be eligible for the interview in the first place (Kehoe, 2013).
Since most of the employees at Doki Doki are students, their examinations and college schedule is taken into consideration at all times by the management. The company makes sure that the education of the employee is not effected by their job. Instead they ensure that the employee has a learning experience at the job. Leaves are granted during the examination periods to help the employee study without any disturbance. Doki Doki being a small restaurant may not have all the above mentioned policies in hard copy format. However, they do ensure that every employee is giving adequate training and bonuses. The reason being that only a happy employee would make the customers happy.
Doki Doki though is a small restaurant abides by several employment laws laid down by the fair work ombudsman of the Australian Government. The pay, leaves, employee entitlements etc are all adopted from the same. Doki Doki has also taken up courses offered by for small business hiring and record keeping to understand the best way to handle their business. They use the pay calculator and the pay guide suggested by the fair work policies.
Jobs at Doki Doki are posted on the government website and the employees are hired through this site. This process is generally adopted for managerial roles. In case of issues in employment and other small business issues the company takes help from the Australian Small Business Commissioner’s website. The case studies are used as reference to understand how simple issues can be resolved. Australian Taxation Office is contacted for all tax related issues. The company also ensures gender equality and equal pay for men and women to ensure that they are in sync with the legislation. In case of assistance they contact the Workplace gender equality agency for the same.
Big or small businesses, all companies have employees as the heart of their business. To ensure that the employees are managed and grow well with the company, several HRM principles and procedures are used. HRM handles job design, recruitment, management, training, appraisal, grievance handling and termination of the employees with in the organization. To ensure that the procedures are correct several companies take the help of the rules laid down by the federal and state government. Doki Doki is one such business that applies HRM rules to ensure satisfied employee and happy customers.
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