Human Resource Challenges In Fast Growing Airlines

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Describe about the Human Resource Challenges in Fast Growing Airlines .

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Middle Eastern areas are generally lagging behind due to its global competitors. Due to this, the Middle East is facing educational concern including the demographics, sustainability issues, diversity, educational concerns and gender related problems (Sujatna p.34). In the Middle East, the worldwide airline industries have continued to grow fast due to its consistent profitability. From the past decade, the low cost carriers have driven its growth. While expanding rapidly, the markets are emerging fast while the profit margins are slowing down. In the commercial airline sector, every player in the value chain reports that the emerging markets has continued to gain success by aligning airplane manufacturers, travel agents, jet engine makers and other service companies (Vashishth p.159-160). This is due to the ironies faced by the passengers travelling from one place to another. While the nature of business seems to be complex, the vulnerability of the airlines seems to have security concerns on areas like profitability, increasing consumer expectations, shifting airline landscape and reducing the costs relatively. Hence, the area to look forward in this proposal is to identify the human resource challenges in the fast growing airlines of the Middle East.

Airline industry in Middle East is perhaps the Volatile industries in the world. This industry has a business way that is changing constantly as a part of its outside forces. In order to the fact that they are responsible to the regular bankruptcies and acquisitions, they are responsible for such wild variables as the financial and political circumstance of society and the client base. Consequently, the HR supervisor in the carrier industry has test of staffing for the ever-changing need.  On the other hand, the carrier’s needs are in the unswerving condition of flux, the preliminary stride the HR chief must take is to build a framework, which takes into consideration on the general assessment of the necessity and afterwards enroll in light of the assessed need. Within the business, there are diverse levels of positions including from administrators to pilots and from followers to support work force (Murakami p.281-292). Here, the HR manager is only responsible for successfully recruiting the staffs because of the diverse need of communication and the specific needs while gathering information that are relevant.

The literature review provides a logical area where the purpose of the topic stands behind the leadership, workforce area, tasks and schedules. Since HR stands as the center of these dramatic changes, a greater sense of the accelerated leaderships would work on the mission and purpose of the workforce. However, accomplishing the fundamental change of work would require creative considering, addressing esteemed practices and propensities, and a spotlight on society as a key component while driving working environment change and business achievement (Lange p.4-15). While studying the issues, the human resource manager faces in this industry is the increased level in the amount of outsourcing the jobs, recruiting personnel and handling the technological events. The key events focus on the top-line growth due to the limited profitability on revenue gains and increasing productivity and perhaps the increase in margins. This would determine how the individual commercials react and navigate the trends while determining the carrier performance of airlines in the coming years. Thus, the key areas that need to focus are as follows:

Topic on Literature review

Individuals are becoming usual while considering critical improvement in the encounters with the things they purchase. Small and large items are more dependable and are more easy to use with the ever-changing need. Considering how the cars have highly developed even in the earlier decade, with diversion highlights and redesigned security, and much better fuel and handling operation (Kilic, Zaim and Delen p.82-92). However, air travel has not tailed this example for this commendable experience. Customer hostility is trying for bearers to address the overhauling “hard item” i.e. the air ship might be a costly path for aircrafts to disconnect themselves, and this payback could be long in the coming. Moreover, advancing the “soft item” through dependable client experience is less expensive and frequently harder to actualize.

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The Airlines need to upgrade to work even more effectively. With couple of extraordinary cases, the finest carriers are those, which are of strictest cost control. The supreme lever to decrease the costs lies in fuel productivity, as plane fuel ordinarily characterizes to 40-55% of the working costs. Bearers with adequate assets have been slowly modernizing their navy to combine more effective fuel airplane (Curran and Fischer, p.12). However, as the planes are so costly, this method has an authentic value that it is attentively executed with bearer’s long-term plans for the understanding of its system. For example, the automatic expansion of the specific courses over a time of years. However, the heritage carriers have regularly developed out complex procedures over the decades that expenses would streamline the procedures of LCCs. For instance, the framework legacy bearers have set to hold the exchange travelers is designed to value the associations, and handle things between the flights whether to hold an analogous flight or rebook them.

The quick development of the air travel must go while creating with the markets, for example, Latin America and Asia is moving business with the focal point of gravity. Besides, the Center East-based bearers like the Etihad Airways, Emirates, and the Qatar Airways are captivating an expansive cut of through the legacy carriers. Besides, the Middle East bearers are subject to associating the traffic because their littler population of their district restricts their local markets. However, their extraordinary geographic position assembles the world’s population to capture the disproportionate share of the long-term market growth (Horwitz p.432-443). Likewise, LCCs experiences standard development rates for business area, particularly in rising economies with the fliers. Significant, the LCCs increasingly confront the client desires, particularly with the full-grown markets. Hence, these transporters should establish the right agreement between the investments to enhance experience they offer and keeping the cost preference.

Increasing consumer expectations

It is essentially important that the Human resource management team is sometimes responsible for playing the strategic role towards the success of the organization. In the recent occasions of the economies of the two nations (Qatar and UAE), there has been the issue of the human asset. Human asset has a good influence to be corporate. The following is the manner by which the supervisors of this office responding towards these difficulties. The difficulties examined underneath are regular in both the nations (Gubler and Mayrhofer 12165-12165). Human asset is also identified with the particular association acting as a vital perspective in the establishment.

The deficiency of abilities is a significant test and these experiences due to laying off workers on talent shortage. Hence, the job sectors have affected significantly with the operations with the help of product engineers and production operations. On every area, human resource challenges have a major impact on the aviation area. Thus, the key areas that need to have an observation are as follows:

Reinventing the HR

HR and Business pioneers in the Middle East see the earnest need to reevaluate the HR capacity and build it a genuine accomplice to business (Curran and Fischer, p.12). This test has advanced from ninth spot in 2014 to the second place in 2015 with 91% of the respondents considering it as critical and imperative contrasted with 66% a year ago, flagging a satisfactory HR yield and effect.


This is a major challenge that is deteriorating the airlines of Middle East while pressuring the HR leaders and business for several years or more. Despite the demand for the leadership is increasing significantly with the middle management. Regardless to the significance, the projects are not yet set up to create pioneers among the associations and are just 28% of respondents trust their associations to facilitate pioneers and prepare them to draw in representatives, drive development and set authoritative goals (Gilbert, De Winne and Sels p.600-616). Thus, the ability of administration is remarkable in the Middle East, which is battling in the distinguishing proof at different levels.

Employee commitment

Engagement and society is a top pattern in the worldwide business sector and it is viewed, as the issue of principal significance in Middle East with just about 90% of respondents ranking it as essential or vital. Besides, talent assortment in the Middle East assumes a major part in making this test exceptionally important (Baker p.344). Thus, the requirement for picking up a reasonable comprehension of the association society and re-evaluating how organizations create and move individuals is evident in light of the consequences of the review.

Growing pressure for reducing costs

The aim of this project paper is to analyze the human resource challenges in the fast growing airlines in the Middle East countries. While the objectives derived are as follows:

To identify the challenges faced by the Middle East countries due to the ever-changing human resource challenges

To analyze the general transitions and the demographic changes that has a major impact on the fast growing airlines of Middle East

To recommend practices that would be effective for minimizing the challenges faced by the airlines sector of Middle East

The outcome of the project highlights that how the global competitors have continued to gain good pace by aligning airplane manufacturers, jet engine makers and other service companies. Since the airline industry is volatile in the Middle East, it would be effective if the growth territory advances the diverse level of workforce through human resource facilities. Moreover, with the help of questionnaires and interviews, the ideal scenario can be analyzed through assuming arbitrary data (Cai p.137-143). This also projects outcome that would have a valid point while identifying consumer expectations, growing pressures and shifting the airline landscape to a new area.

The reason for interest in the project is that it feels better for the person while using the Internet for making the World a better place and easier to find areas that are effective. This also utilizes the interests by assisting the volunteer community while making differences on participating in an event (Fram p.322-324). Doing it on own way, it would be preferential to culminate what ponders while evaluating points on the topic “Human Resources Challenges in a fast growing Airlines in the Middle East”. In other ways, the reason for selecting the project would assist the volunteer community and contribute towards the work procedure. Besides, while volunteering the project, with the help of professors and friends, proper planning is done with the help of methods and approaches. Hence, this would serve as an ideal area to get opportunity in future purpose.

The key questions highlighted in the project paper that are as follows:

What are the challenges faced by the Middle East countries due to the ever-changing human need?

How rapid growth in the regions of Middle East has tried to access the global information on the low illiteracy rates?

How developing a good relationship in all the departments of airlines would prioritize the challenging of human resources?

What are the recommendations to minimize the negative challenges faced by the airlines of Middle East?

Shifting the airline landscape

The methodological part culminates the experimental research for characterizing issues and formulating the information based on conclusions. This would idealize “the control of things, ideas or images with the goal of generalizing the knowledge and learning ability helps in development of hypothesis”. Since, the chapter talks about the systematic approach on challenges faced by the airlines of Middle East. This would help to collect and assimilate methods in a theoretical manner (Al p.351-352). Thus, this would find the desire of getting a degree that is equivalent with the innovative work and the research process.

This would align the experiment that involves standard practices of manipulating independent and quantitative variables for generating data. Besides, system of the technical measurements is based on interval or the ratio-based area. Here, the generating results would analyze the test hypothesis by giving a clear picture. It is obvious that the prerequisite idea on experiments entail on the ethical considerations (Fram p.322-324). Hence, this would be feasible to clear the questions in an effective manner.

This generally involve with the designing of an experiment while collecting quantitative data. Here, the measurements are ordinal with internal data. A questionnaire is a method for measuring the information from any sample group, and testing the feelings and inclinations. However, this strategy is exceptionally simple, where spending plan is the major issue. This gives a component of scale to feeling and sentiment (Goodson, Loveless and Stephens, p.12). These figures are also self-assertive. However, this would give a directional method for measuring power. Here, quantifying manner is another method for playing out this investigation, with analysts regularly applying a numerical scale to the sort, or power of conduct (Zanutto p.87-89).

In this research, the investigator has taken a productive element while yielding the data. This is easily accessible for gathering action, cash and time. Here, descriptive research design is taken to evaluate the tests of airlines in the Middle East. More importantly, this would maximize the reliable data by collecting information with tangible results. With the help of fixed research designs, it would advance the variable with collected results (Hantrais p.133-145). This also allows with more freedom before taking a hypothesis that is suitable under the research study.

Primary data sources

Primary data sources are collected by making observations or through direct communication with the respondents. In personal interviews, the questioner makes inquiries for most part through eye-to-eye contact. Through interviews, individual gain dependable data that might acquire with a unique strategy (Love p.43). However, questionnaire is a method that is sent to the individual with a solicitation to answer the inquiries. This strategy is most widely connected in diverse looks of human and monetary topography. Schedule technique is extremely helpful in broadcasting request and can prompt genuinely dependable results. It is extremely costly and is normally embraced in investigations directed by legislative offices or by a few associations (Supino and Borer p.145).

Reinventing the HR

Secondary data source is a kind of quantitative data, which would be collected with a different purpose. Here, the data collected is in the form off journals, books, abstracts, magazines, research reports, market reports and internal records of several companies. Secondary data can spare time that would be spent while gathering information due to quantitative information. This can give a high-quality database, which would be impracticable for the individual analyst to gather the data (Sullivan p.734-743). Besides, the investigators of monetary and social change consider secondary data fundamental, since it is hard to lead another indication that catches past changes.


The researcher has used surveys to define the population, demography, age and gender. Population defines the area covered by the respondents in the particular area and this would define the optimal population with other areas like demography and age. Survey studies the sampling of individual units from a population and associated survey data collection areas, like questionnaire and methods for improving the accuracy of responses to surveys. Here, the researcher has taken 50 respondents to analyze the survey procedure through constraints like age, gender, close-ended opinions and others.

The draft chapter heading finds reasons to find what is learned from reading and research or experience. This would give an experience that is widely used in the work process through facts and reports.

Table: Gantt chart

Main activities

1st Week

2nd Week

3rd Week

4th Week

5th Week

6th Week

7th Week

Main activities










Chapter 1 Introduction









Chapter 2 Application and Theories  









Chapter 3 Research procedure









Chapter 4 Data performances









Chapter 5 Analysis and the Findings









Chapter 6 Recommendations and Overview









Final submission









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