Human-Computer Interaction In The Internet Of Things
Use of IoT in Daily Life
This report aims to discuss the idea of the Human computer interaction and the use [of this aspect in the daily life is briefly discussed in this report. A brief discussion of the various kinds of the interaction techniques, which could provide the IoT to be increasingly human oriented is provided in this report along with the role of the interaction and automation in the development of IoT is provided in this report. A brief discussion of the challenges in the human computer interaction is provided in this report.
Majority of the applications of the Internet of Things in present times offer significantly easy interfaces for the users compared to the wide capabilities of the smart device with the smart materials, web access and the sensors could commonly offer (Gubbi et al. 2013). During the thinking of the majority of the practical applications of the IoT, the aspect of the interaction among the human-computer is majorly focusses on the web interfaces or the graphical mobile and in several cases embedded interaction devices like the panels of touch screen. As it has been assumed that the devices of the IoT operate majorly automatically, the interfaces of the control are majorly targeted for the initial setups or any other more individual operations of configurations (Zanella et al. 2014). One more frequent tasks is the monitoring of the state of the device. The situated control of the IoT devices is commonly not so frequent in the present applications but it might gain the importance again in the daily life as majority of the devices are connected to IoT. For the situated control, it is specifically desirable that the interaction can be done with the device directly, rather indirectly by using the interfaces of the graphical user (Da Xu, He and Li 2014).
As it has been stated, majority of the interfaces of the human technology in the IoT are still conventional and it is commonly based on the GUIs (Al-Fuqaha et al. 2015). Moreover, the increased natural interaction among the intermodal like the gestural interaction and the spoken interaction could offer the increased pleasant and efficient interaction with the devices of IoT. But still the studies of the interfaces have not been done not so widely in the context of the IoT devices, and even there are some of the cases that are majorly connected to the applications that are non-serious like the gadgets and the toys (Stankovic 2014).
Interaction Techniques for IoT Devices
In the present daily life, the mobile phones and the mobile applications are being increasingly used for interaction with the IoT and the automation is increasingly used for the developing the IoT for fulfilling the requirements of the common people (Perera et al. 2014). As the IoT would continue to evolve at the immense rate, the concept of the smart cities, connected cards, connected machines and the smart homes would evolve significantly. In these environments, for interacting with the devices of the IoT, the use of the tablets, wearables and the smartphones would increase in use as it is majorly used for interacting (Cui 2016). The mobile devices are presently empowered with the sensors and the applications that has the capability of revealing the immense detail of information about the users. IoT would make huge impact on the economy and the environment in future. The automation in the present times are increasingly used for developing the IoT applications (Li, Da Xu and Zhao 2015). With the use of the automation and interaction, the strength of the ecosystem of the IoT would increase that would provide the common people with huge opportunities and the development in sector of healthcare, education, and travel.
The HCI with all the emerging trends consist of several challenges particularly when examining from the perspective of the managerial, individual, psychological, social and the cultural (Whitmore, Agarwal and Da Xu 2015). Some of the crucial challenges in the area of the HCI are:
Learnability: the major criteria of the usability is learnability. The learnability emerges in the connection with a software or the electronic device, which includes the interaction among the machine and the human (Holler et al. 2014). The most learnable applications could be those, which could comply with conventions of any other same programs. The optimisation of the learnability could be done by the creation of the simple designs of the user interface, which could be predictable in the layout and the navigation. The best way that could be used for improving the learnability is with the discovery of the expectations of the users prior the application is used by them (Botta et al. 2016).
Consistency and generalizability: The extension of the particular knowledge of the interaction for any new situation assists in providing the predictive model of any system for any user (Wortmann and Flüchter 2015). The consistency principle supports the users by permitting them to make the transfer of the knowledge from any application to any other. Any application should be consistent within it, with the earlier version of the product, the utilization of the metaphors and with the expectations of the user.
Automation in IoT Applications
Flexibility: The research has provided the evidence that any significant percentage of the people would use the mobile web from any context of their home. In the present times, the number of the users that are accessing the internet from the mobile devices is significantly higher than the people who are accessing from any desktop devices (Christidis and Devetsikiotis 2016). The innovative mobile devices are being developed almost each day for bridging the division among the digital world. Several of the devices consists of increased capabilities of computation and these are significantly smaller than any other computers that were used several years back (Bonomi et al. 2014). As the use of internet browsing by the users are increasing and the use of the apps are also increasing in the present times, the browsers and the platforms, innovative methods like the progressive improvement and the responsive web design are the important concepts that should be perceived for reaching the enhanced user experience (Lee and Lee 2015). In several situations, it is essential to offer the users with the increased level of the continuity among the various contexts, where the serving of one content to another devices or the browsers.
Digital skill variances and digital divide: Any hardware or software design should consider the age differences and the differences in the digital experiences of any target audience (Sicari et al. 2015). In the present world, there are several people of various age difference who use the technology of IoT and these people might contain various skill differences while using the IoT. It might lead to the problems while using the devices of IoT.
Therefore, it might be concluded that the IoT is providing the significant opportunities to the common people in the present time. During the thinking of the majority of the practical applications of the IoT, the aspect of the interaction among the human-computer is majorly focusses on the web interfaces or the graphical mobile and in several cases embedded interaction devices like the panels of touch screen. In these environments, for interacting with the devices of the IoT, the use of the tablets, wearables and the smartphones would increase in use as it is majorly used for interacting. The learnability emerges in the connection with a software or the electronic device, which includes the interaction among the machine and the human. The extension of the particular knowledge of the interaction for any new situation assists in providing the predictive model of any system for any user.
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