HRM Policies And Processes For Success: A Case Study Of Iceland Food Retail Company

HRM Policies and Procedures for Organizational Success: A Focus on Iceland Food Retail Company

In this essay, Iceland food Retail Company is chosen for evaluating the HRM policies and procedures. Iceland supermarket is a multinational chain of grocery together with general merchandise. This essay elaborates the HRM procedures and policies that could support the Iceland food retail company to provide strategic effects and contributing to competitive benefits in the last 15 years.

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Iceland Foods Ltd is a British supermarket chain that is established in wales with focus on revenue of frozen foods such as prepared meals with vegetables. It also deals in non-frozen grocery items like producing products, meat, dry and dairy goods. The corporation has about 2.2% share of the food market of UK. Iceland was initiated in the year of 1970 where Malcolm Walker started their first store in England with his business partner Peter Hinchcliffe. There are over 23000 employees within an organization. Iceland is one of fastest-growing as well as most innovative retailers that could be recognized as one of the best corporations to work for in the UK (Iceland, 2018).

HRM policies and processes that have contributed to organization success over the last 15 years

There are different HRM policies and procedures that have contributed towards the organizational success over the last 15 years. Employee’s motivation is key HRM procedure practiced by Iceland food Retail Company. It is implemented to motivate the workforces for attaining the goal of the corporation. In such manner, Tesco practices some motivational theories and strategies such as Maslow hierarchy of need theory, reward theory, and performance evaluation. Maslow recommends that motivation is the result of the efforts of an individual to accomplish five basic requirements like physiological, safety, social, esteem and self-actualization (Brewster, Chung, and Sparrow, 2016). According to Maslow, these requirements can create internal pressure that may affect the behavior of a person.

Training and development are also practiced in the HRM department of Iceland food retail. By practicing this methodical approach, Iceland has been entailing the training activities for ongoing development in skills of workforces. Furthermore, the line manager of Iceland focuses on developing training for improving the efficiency of workforces (Taylor, Doherty, and McGraw, 2015).   

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The pluralistic approach is key policies and process that have contributed to organization success over the last 15 years. This approach recommends that there is over one source of power in the association between business leaders and employees. Unions are a central part of a pluralistic strategy that seeks a balance of power amid employees and leadership. This approach suggests that conflict is unavoidable that can create complexity in innovation as well as the growth of the company (Hutchinson, et. al., 2015).

Meditation focuses on addressing an equilibrium amid wants of employees and management. Learning is beneficial to comprehend the perspectives of employees and it aids to decline the long-term conflicts. Because, management that rises up from the ranks can be embraced by employees with unions (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). These leaders have experienced working condition at first-hand.

A unitary approach to organizational development is also used by the HR manager is Iceland. This approach illustrates that a company should involve all stakeholders during organizational development such as employees to make an agreement and provides the right direction in the project. In this approach, Iceland food Retail Company can emphasize shared purpose as well as vision. Any divergence from these goals and shared objectives is an outcome of poor management that is unable to inspire and clearly articulate what needs to take place. A strike is considered destructive in this kind of approach because it declines the profitability of the company and it may harm each individual. The company should treat their employees as a business leader because it will lead to complete their overall aim and objectives (Patten and Zhao, 2014).

Employee Motivation

Cost Leadership Strategy is also practiced in Iceland supermarket. Moreover, the organization focuses on bulk on customers by making an effective pricing strategy. This pricing strategy is beneficial while goods and services are standardized. The company can sell generic acceptable goods at the lowest rates. They can decline costs to a corporation for reducing the price of the customer without reducing profits. Iceland food Retail Company can sell its products at average industry rates to earn maximum profits as compared to its competitors. It may also sell at below industry rates and trying to make a profit by increasing the market share. Iceland company is a good example of a company that is using a cost leadership strategy (Dodgson, 2018).

Differentiation strategy is used by a corporation to offer products and services with unique qualities and added value to customers. This would lead to pulling the attention of customers because they can set themselves apart from the rivalry. For succeeding in this approach, Iceland food retail should have access to the leading scientific investigation. In this approach, the company can focus on highly skilled, creative product development team, as well as company reputation for innovation and quality, and strong sales with marketing team (Baker, 2014).   

Focus strategy is used to emphasize on targeted customers, geographical fields, niche market, and product line. The idea of using this strategy is to serve a limited set of a customer as compared to the competitors who serve a higher range of consumers. This strategy works effectively for Iceland food retail to engage in nationwide marketing and helps to get a competitive benefit. It entails emphasizing the cost leadership or differentiation at a smaller scale. The idea is to develop the company to stand out within a particular market sector (Ellinger, and Ellinger, 2014).

Moreover, HR planning is a key component of the HRM system. By using the planning phase, Iceland is competent for gathering adequate data over the current HR of a company. It entails all the provisions, competencies as well as desired human resources for accomplishing the desired potential aspects and goals. This activity is necessary for Iceland to interact with the mutual goals about business strategy during the wider HR of the corporation (Bailey, et. al., 2018).

Iceland food retail is an employee-centric corporation due to direct communication of customers with its employees for accomplishing the requirement of customers. As a retail company, Tesco is highly dependent on employees to accomplish the aim and objectives. Tesco ensures that the workforces are managed in a way that they act effectively for attaining the goal of an organization while achieving the goal of an individual (Rees, and Smith, 2017). 

The legal and regulatory framework in the context of HRM

The performance of an individual relies on the fair treatment of employees within an organization. This regulation emphasizes fair deals in some practices of HRM such as recruitment, allotment, selection and role of the job. Moreover, fair treatment should be practiced in every practice of HRM like nationality, gender and race in the system of payment (Donado?Godoy, et. al., 2015).  

Training and Development

Through discrimination act, discrimination over entities could be restricted within an organization. There are some elements of legislation that focuses on the practices of discrimination. These acts consist of sex, disability and race act. Furthermore, sex discrimination act 1975 focuses on discrimination regarding gender. Race discrimination act 1976 prohibited the activities of discrimination on considering race. Moreover, disability discrimination act 1995 is assessed and performs for disabled employees (Analoui, 2017).

According to European Working Time Directive law, Iceland food retail provided sufficient holiday in each year. In addition, grievances associated with excessive working hour are becoming a key issue that might generate illness, stress, and depression among employees. This act can be forced with the intention of maintaining the health and safety of employees (Windolph, Harms, and Schaltegger, 2014).

Through data protection act, employees have the authority to access the information in Iceland supermarket. This act can oblige Iceland food retail to keep the data safe of an individual. Iceland food retail analyses the performance of their employees by taking feedback through line manager for store workforces. Furthermore, for the line managers, higher workforces give feedback with respect to the company. The appropriate tool for assessing the performance of employees is to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of employees within 4 months (Kurnia, et. al., 2015). Another method that is relevant to scrutinize the employee’s performance is continuous assessment, an online portal system, target-based mechanism, and direct monitoring of all activities.

An effective reward system enables managers to motivate employees to act in a significant manner. The reward system of Iceland defines different benefits for employees to perform their jobs in a predetermined manner. These benefits can be in the form of progression, compensation, business trips, relocating, and promotion according to a desire of employees. Iceland uses effective rewards system that encourages the employees to perform with high efficiency. The success of Iceland highly depends on the usefulness of the reward system that is applicable to an organization (Singal, 2014).

Iceland more focuses on operational as well as administrative activities that can help to retain the existing workforces. A company can give the training to their employees rather than recruiting contractors and more employees in the workplace. It can also make development in employees and creates human resource planning like organizing workshops and events for workforces, and education repayment (Samson, Daft, and Donnet, 2017).

Iceland food retail can make an effective organization for persuading the workforces. It should also offer a clear description of the job, morale building activities, annual reviews and wellness initiatives such as frequent communications among departments, contest, and outings. This would lead to the success of the company (Bratton, and Gold, 2017).

In Iceland food Retail Company, HR manager should develop a different department such as local fire department, Insurance Corporation, security professionals as well as employment experts to make sure the legal needs for their employees. It has been entailing the federal labor rules, creating an innocent and secures office space, warehouse, institution, and implements corporation approaches and procedures as well as paying all required taxes and insurance (Boella, 2017).

Pluralistic Approach

Employees can be terminated within an organization due to certain reasons like the elimination of companies’ regulations and laws by employees for their individual interests. This may negatively impact on organizational performance. In addition, unrelated organizational and personal goals are creating the conflict among employees within an organization and performance could be reduced by the employees. According to standard, non-performance of employees may reduce the competencies and effectiveness of corporation. The unfavorable business environment for a company like recession may reduce the sales of a company. The unacceptable belief of employees may ruin the organizational image. Legislative orders are implemented to terminate the particular employees by the court of law. Moreover, personal reasons for employees to left the organization are switching job, location change and marriage (Govindan, et. al., 2016).   

Iceland food retail company can use effective recruitment and selection procedure. It implements recruitment concepts on a constant basis with the help of internal, external and some different ways. These processes ensure that the company has acquired applications through all the corresponding applicants. At the initial level, the company assesses internal resources for attaining any profile existed at the workplace and then addresses external resourced by shortlisting the CVs of candidates according to profile. Referral processes can also be involved in an organization (Bouzon, Govindan, and Rodriguez, 2015).

Job evaluation is an essential element of human resource management because of containing compensation regulations. Another factor that plays a vital role in compensating the employees is focusing on the outside environment. This outside environment consists of business circumstances at a particular time, economic environment of the country, the situation of competitors in the industry as well as financial soundness of corporation. Iceland food retail company involves all these factors while making a compensating decision (Chen, et. al., 2015).  

Internal (Organisational) or External Environment factors have affected the delivery of HRM policy and practice within the United Kingdom in the last 25 years

There are certain internal as well as external factors that have an impact on delivery on HRM policies and practices within the United Kingdom in the last 25 years.

The Internal Environment

Organizational structure is a framework that helps to make relationship amid members and position of the company. The need for organization structure is to lead the human resources within an organization. It ensures the growth and development among employees. While a corporation does not implement the organizational structure initially and never created comprehensive organizational charts then, there may be chances of declining profitability.

The key benefits of human resources functions are to address the requirement of staffing. Iceland food retailing can develop an organizational chart, framing the roles that would perform, and ranking each position. It can also develop a description for a job with respect to each position to attain the task. HR manager does not frighten to create the position for which they do not have workforces and to leave out workforces who do not fit into the premium organizational chart. After identification of redundancies and holes at the workplace, HR manager can make a better plan to avoid it (Brunstein, 2016).

Cost Leadership Strategy

The company provides compensation to their employees for their work at the workplace. For paying compensation, HR manager evaluates the structure of compensation by conducting a survey associated with a location as well as industry-specific remuneration. This would be beneficial for making a feasible compensation decision and positively impact the declining employees turnover. It also helps in attracting potential workforces and retaining an existing one. In Iceland, the HR manager makes sure that internal compensation is fair. For example, proficient workforces with higher qualification employees get higher compensation as compared with college graduates performing the same tasks (Behrangrad, 2015).

HR practices involve certain factors like training to their workforces before promoting them.  Furthermore, recruitment approaches depend on internal promotion in the workplace. It can also assess retire employees hence replacement provisions could be made in time. For example, Iceland food retail company can provide the appropriate training and development to encourage them towards an organization. HR manager also identifies the number of employees proficient for retirement and also ensures the potential replacement (Marchington, et. al., 2016).

External factors

Political factor

Brexit impact on recruitment

The uncertainty is created by the UK because most of talented and professionals are leaving the EU. It is identified that cautiousness among potential applicants is increased in the company’s recruitment policies. HR manager might face difficulties in hiring senior and skilled workforce as well as they may face difficulties in hiring operational workforces. When a company focuses on employing migrants despite the Brexit decision, high amount of customers are prospecting that they will hire EU migrants in the year 2017. It is alike with the proportion performing in the year of 2016 (Brunstein, 2016).      

How prevalent are hard-to-fill vacancies

The labor market is currently capable of accomplishing the needs of some companies towards the demand for labor. In the UK, the unemployment rate is high and it has influenced different individuals in such a nation. Iceland food retailing is struggling to fill their vacancies and it is evaluated that there is lack of proficient skills and experience amid applicants. It is a key reason for recruitment complexities. The experience of a vacancy in skills shortage can differ in different sectors (Bratton and Gold, 2017).

Technological factors

Technology could be the imperative component in the food retailer as it directly impacts on their performance. In the UK, more than 70% of people have used the internet while more than 50% of consumers have subscribed it. Moreover, it is evaluated that online shopping growth has been increased years by years due to higher availability of the internet. Moreover, it is evaluated that loyalty culture is used by Iceland like Iceland club card could enable to retain consumers for long-term. It uses promotional tools and techniques to attract a huge number of consumers and switching them from the products and services of market players (Samson, Daft, and Donnet, 2017).

Moreover, it is evaluated that Iceland mobile app could only available for 4G phones name iPhone. It is evaluated that Iceland app could help their users towards the nearby shop in their located areas. Moreover, it is evaluated that online shopping could offer certain advantages due to the higher reputation of internet implication between the localized UK. It is examined that more than 73% of UK population could use broadband internet that could also majorly impact on the success of App (Singal, 2014).           

Differentiation Strategy

Economic factors

Consumer buying behavior could directly impact on the economic situation of the country. Thus, it is evaluated that economic factor could be key elements for the Iceland Food retail. In 2008, the country has suffered from the recession period that influences the overall performance of the business as well as economic condition hence the government has taken steps towards the interest rate for declining the unemployment rate and improve the country situation in the least time and cost (Kurnia, et. al., 2015).

It also leads to improve the confidence level of consumers towards spending that could also be effective to get a reliable conclusion. If the interest level of the government could be low then people could spend more and it could increase the demand for consumers towards goods and services. In addition, it is examined that different product demand could be imperative in improving the situation of the firm (Analoui, 2017).         


As per the above interpretation, it can be concluded that there are different HRM policies and procedures that have contributed to the organizational success over the last 15 years. These policies are employee’s motivation, legal and regulatory structure, the effectiveness of reward systems, recruitment and selection process, employees centric, and training and development. Another is the unitary approach, pluralistic approach, cost leadership strategy, differentiation strategy, focus strategy. There are certain internal as well as external environmental factors that have an impact on the delivery of HRM procedures within the UK in the last 25 years. These are organizational structure, employee’s relation, and compensation. External factors could be technological, economic and political factors.


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