HRM Best Practice Strategies For Managing Alcohol And Stress In The School: Legal Aspects And Preventive Measures

Legal Aspects of Health, Safety and Environmental Management System

Identify and evaluate HRM best practice strategies for managing alcohol and stress in the school. You should make reference to both formal and informal ways that employers might use to deal with this issue?

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In this assignment the case study which is been discussed is regarding a cook named Alex, who is one of the best team member and she follows all the rules of the organization. But for some reason she is not punctual in her organization and along with that she was smelling alcohol, which is totally against the rules of the organization and this will affect the atmosphere of the organization and as the organization is a primary school so it will make a bad impact on the organization as the parents of the students will be having a bad impression on the school which will not be accepted by the organization. The organization has to certain steps which will avoid these types of circumstances taking place in the organization which will affect the environment of the organization. So, in this assignment the legal aspects of an organization will be discussed along with their benefits and preventive measures.

In the case study the chosen character is Alexanda Johnson, cook of a primary school and one of the best employees of the organization. But due to some reasons she was not following the rules of the organization and was behaving in a totally different way which was not at all acceptable by the higher authorities of that school. Alex used to drink alcohol and then she used to come to her workplace. But they were also unable to blame her as they have no proof that she was drinking alcohol and the company also does not have any clear policy about drinking alcohol and then coming to work. The higher authorities were very much impressed with the work of Alex so they do not want to take any action against her. But they want to help her so that she can come out of the addiction and do not drink and come to her work place. The administration and the higher authorities need to implement such rules in their organizations so that other staffs do not get influence from Alex and they also starts following her. So, the organizations have to change or modify some of their rules and policies which the staffs of the organizations need to follow without any fail or else the organization will penalized that staff for breaking the policies of their organization (Parker, and Parker, 2014). The health, safety and the environment are one of the main concerns that the higher authorities need to be concern of so that neither the employees get hurt along with that the environment of the organization also does not gets affected due to any employees. The organization had to modify their rules from time to time along with the new rules that the government of the country will be implementing in their country for the organizations (Kuznetsov, 2011). The health and safety of the employees are the main concern of the organization as if the employees are not healthy and safe then they won’t be able to give their 100 % of their work to the organization and this will affect the work of the organization also. Every organization has some special rules are also there so that they can give extra care to their employees about their health and safety. In every organization before sending the employees in any danger prone area the organizations have to make sure about the safety of their employees and there should be no slight chances of getting hurt by any means. The organization makes documents and contracts that if the employee gets hurt while working then the organization will be bearing all the cost of that employee (Yang, and Luo, 2014). The organizations have to maintain all the legal factors also so that no new employee gets ragged by the old employees and they feel unsafe in that organization (Dimond, 2012) . In this case study Alex is one of the potential employees of the organization but since few days she was acting totally different and the behavior was not acceptable by their employees for any organization but as Alex is one of the best employees among the staffs working in that primary school and Alex was also one of the hard working employees so the higher authorities was thinking of making her understand all the consequences which may take place before taking any action (Dimond, 2013). Along with all this there is extra pressure on Alex as she had to do double the work because two kitchen staffs are on sick leave and as Alex is one of the potential staff so all the work pressure is also on her and as she is taking all the responsibilities she is getting tired both mentally and physically and for that reason she is getting addicted to alcohol. But getting addicted to alcohol and then coming drunk to her workplace is not at all acceptable by the organization (Viacheslavovna, and Sergeevna, 2015). So, the higher authorities need to understand her situation so that they can understand her problem and help her in whichever way possible (e Silva, and Hurt, 2014). But in the legal policies of that school there was nothing written clearly that if any employee gets drunk and then come to work then what type of punishment that person will be getting. As the school have to look into other matters also that if the parents of the students gets to know that a person who is getting drunk and then coming to the organization for work and not only that she is also cooking the meal of their children then they might not take this in a positive way and this might create a negative impact on the school and also on the staffs working there (Carvalho, and Orford, 2012). So, the organizations have to act accordingly so that the name of their organization also does not gets degrade and the employee of the organization also do not break any rule which may hamper the name and fame of the organization. So, for Alex the higher authorities have to make her understand that she should not do such types of things which will affect the name of the school badly and also the school organization has to make some changes in their legal policies and regulations in which there will be mentioned that what the organization expects from their employees and which things will not be acceptable by the organization (Bek, and Lista, 2013).

Best Practice and Preventive Measures

The Legal and health and safety care is one of the important factors which need to be maintained by every organization for their employees and in this the name and fame of the organization will also be involved (Pawde, and Parekh, 2013, October).  So, the policies and the regulations which the organization will be implementing in their company also need to be followed by the employees so that the decorum of organization is maintained. The organization will have to take certain actions against Alex but as she is a hard working employee of the organization so before taking any legal action against her she need to be warned but then also she does not change herself then she will have to face the legal actions which the organization will be taking against her. The legal actions adopted by the organizations have their benefits as if the organizations do not bind themselves with the legal policies then the employee will work totally according to their wish and they will not think about the problems and then the organization will have to handle all the problems. So, the organization need to implement some legal rules which will keep the environment of the organization positive and the employees who does not involve themselves in any problem they will also get a positive energy working in the organization(Borisova, 2013). Like in the case study though Alex is a hard working employee but if the organization does not take any actions against her drinking and then coming to the organization for this will give other employees to take steps which will not be acceptable by the organization. As the organization does not have any proof of her drinking and coming to work and also the organization has also not implemented any law that no worker can’t drink and then come for their work so they are unable to prove Alex guilty and take any further steps (Dimond, 2011) . But if the school had implemented the law before then based on that they could have taken steps which will help to keep the environment of the organization positive and motivate the workers and will also prevent other workers from taking any steps which will affect the environment of the organization Borisova, 2013). So, the organizations need to adopt the best practices which will keep themselves positive and along with that they also need to have fixed work for their work like as Alex is capable of handling a lot of responsibilities and for that mostly the work pressure is on her and this is making her mentally and physically tired so the organization also have to keep all these in their mind they divide the work pressure within their employees so that the work pressure does not stress one single employee (Antonov, and çõÑÂтýþò, 2014). The best practice and the best preventive measure adopted by an organization will keep the environment of the organization healthy and will also motive their employees to give their best without breaking any rule of the organization (Howard, 2013). So, to change this habit of Alex they need to talk with Alex and warn her so that she can change herself and also she need to be told that if she continues this habit of hers then the organization will have to take certain actions against hers as this habit of hers is making a bad impact on other employees working there (Gandapur, and Khan, 2013).

In this case study the main thing is the legal aspects which every organization need to maintain so that there is no illegal issues which may harm the name of the organization. So, it can be recommended to the organizations that they need to update all their policies and regulations from time to time with the modern time so that all their employees stay safe and healthy and the environment of the organization also remains positive which will give the employees an extra energy to work better and good mood and will help them to give their best to their organization. In case of the case study discussed in this assignment if any organization face these types of employees like Alex, who is one of the potential employee and for that they are unable to take any steps against her as they do not have any proof to take any action against her. Along with that the organization also does not have any law regarding drunken people coming to work. So, the organization has to be updated with all types of rules which will they can use in their organization whenever it is required so that all the employees remain safe and healthy and the environment also remains good.

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In a nutshell it can be said that legal factors is one of the important factors which every organization has to maintain both externally and internally be it in the domestic country or in the international country. Legal issues is one of those factors if they are not being followed then it will create a bad impression for the organization. The organization have to look into all the factors that their organization and also the employees working in their organization are not breaking any rule along with that they are also not breaking any rule of the organization. So, the higher authorities also have to make Alex understand that she is breaking the rules and this may affect other employees and they also start breaking the rule which will not be acceptable by the organization. So, after giving a warning to Alex the organization will have to take some actions if she does not change herself to keep the environment of the organization healthy.


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Yang, J., and Luo, D. (2014). The development of corporate responsibility practices in Chinese petroleum enterprises. International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, 8(2), 207-216.

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