HR Related Problem In Telstra Corporation Of Australia: A Report

Description of the problem

Identify a problem in an organisation (HR related problem) that you have access to- preferably an organisation where at least one group member works or has worked recently. You must focus on an unresolved HR problem. Prepare a report covering the following points:

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1. Provide a brief introduction to the organisation (it is acceptable to withhold the name of the organisation).

2. Describe the problem, as much as possible in terms of the observable or measurable symptoms it manifests, for example: employee unrest, high absenteeism, workplace bullying/ harassment, high staff turnover, loss of profit, sabotage, work related injuries, racism, discrimination, nepotism etc.

3. The problem should then be considered and analysed in terms of any two topics studied as part of this subject. To give some examples, your group may choose to: change the existing recruitment and selection method, or re-design jobs, or arrange special training program and so on. Try to choose the topic that seems to offer the most useful insights into the problem.

4. Design a change program or set of activities and procedures (actual action plan) utilising some aspect or aspects of your analysis. The change program should be intended to solve or improve the situation. 

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Human resource department plays the most crucial role in managing the employees within the concerned organization.  There are some of the issues which the HR department of various other organizations faces. In order to understand the issues faced by the Human Resource department, Telstra Corporation of Australia has been taken into consideration.   It is one of the leading telecommunication companies in Australia and was founded on 12 June 1975 having its headquarters in Melbourne, Australia (Telstra, 2016).  The company offers several facilities to all its customers such as the voice calling, messaging, internet services and many others. The higher value of the services, as well as the appropriate quality, has helped the firm to establish its brand reputation throughout the entire market segments of Australia. The Human Resource department of the Corporation faces some of the issues related to high employee turnover. There might be several other reasons associated with the increase in the higher rate of the employee’s turnover (Cassells, Gong, and Keegan, 2010).  In order to enhance the effectiveness of the concerned firm, the most significant are to manage all the issues related to the employees another concerned workforce of the particular organization. Managing the employees will help in increasing the efficiency of the concerned organization.  

Change in the existing selection and the recruitment method

The Higher rate of employee’s turnover is one of the crucial problems for many of the organizations.  There are several reasons behind the failing of the HR system in lowering down the employee’s turnover. The high turnover fort the employees signifies that the percentage of the employees who leaves the organization every year.  Job satisfactions, as well as dissatisfaction, are two of the most significant factors which need to be understood properly for retaining the employees within the firm. Understanding the desired requirements of the employees is considered to be huge importance as it helps in the reduction of the employee turnover rates (Du, 2013).  There are some of the reasons related to the job satisfaction for many of the well-known associations. The increase in the turnover rates for the respective employees makes it very difficult for the managers as well as the entire human resource department to increase the effectiveness of the firm (Fernandez and Pitts, 2011). If the employees are not satisfied with the offerings and the work process of the firm, then it may cause the employees to leave the firm on a large scale. Sometimes the employees are not satisfied with the work they are executing or sometimes they are dissatisfied with the facilities as well as the salaries offered by the concerned organization and this affects the effectiveness and the efficiency of the firm. 

For maintaining the effectiveness and the efficiency of organization it is imperative to recruit highly skill and determined employees as this will reduce the employee’s turnover. Identification of the skills and the candidates are very crucial as this will help in improving the complete performance of the preferred firm. First of all the decryption of the vacant position needs to be explained and then there should be an evacuation of the crucial needs for the conceded position within the organization. During the interview process, the most crucial thing is to recognize the desires of the candidates as this will increase the efficiency of the firm (Harris, McCaffer, and Edum-Fotwe, 2013).  Classification of the necessities of the candidates is crucial as this will help in selecting the most appropriate candidate for the preferred firm. Moreover, the vacant position needs to be filled up the appropriate candidate who possess the necessary qualification and should have the desired moral character or the concerned candidate should be well determined in order to enhance the effectiveness and the efficiency of the concerned firm.  Next, will be the identification of the duties as well as the responsibilities of the concerned candidates (Heaslip, 2014). In order to facilitate the working purpose of the concerned, it is crucial for the HR managers to increase the desired potential of the candidates as this will enhance the total performance of the firm.

Special training to the employees

It has become the critical problem for the HR managers to evaluate the desired potential skills of the respective employees. The dissatisfaction of the employees regarding the job creates a major problem for the entire firm. The issue for retaining the old employees within the firm is increasing on the great extent and therefore the employees needs to be provided effectual means of training as to bring out the desired positive outcomes for the concerned firm (Korzynski, 2013).  There needs to be special training provided to the respective employees so as to make the employees understand regarding the work process of the concerned firm. As being the manager of the concerned firm, the issues of the different employees needs to be critically recognized as this will provide them the desired sense of motivation in getting stick to the firm. Expectations, as well as the needs of the employees, need to be fulfilled and they must be encouraged in talking interest within the work of the organization (Mikkelsen, Jacobsen, and Andersen, 2015).  Effective means of the training will help in reducing the employee turnover costs for the concerned organization and this will evaluate the significant growth of the concerned organization. 

Identification of the entire issues and the formulation of the effective strategies are vital for maintaining the significant growth of the firm.  There are certain motivational theories which help in providing desired sense of motivation to the workforce which reduces the employee turnover rates.  In order to reduce the rates of employee’s turnover, the managers, as well as the leaders of the firm, needs to formulate effectual strategies as to motivate the employees. Job satisfaction and the attitudes of the employees are very crucial in evaluating the desired efficiency of the concerned association.  The attitudes of the employees help in recognizing their desired behavior towards the business process of the firm (Patterson, 2012).  The managers need to rectify the desired issues coming among the execution of the work processes. There are different ways to motivate the employees like by providing bonuses, referral bonuses, performance incentives, the different types of the rewarding programs and the promotions to the senior posts. Providing incentives help in recognizing the performances of the concerned workers and this brings out the probable outcomes for the firm.  Maslow hierarchy of needs reflects the desired requirements as well as the needs of the concerned employees within the particular firm (ZIEGLER, HAGEN, and DIEHL, 2012).  The theory critically explains the fact that the higher levels within an organization are achieved by the concerned workforce only if the lower levels are met with suitable needs.  These needs an area the psychological needs, safety needs, security, food, water, needs for self-actualization and the social needs which provide complete satisfaction to the employees (Rakowska, Valdes-Conca and de Juana-Espinosa, 2015).  There needs to be the perfect formulation of the effective management team which will help in recruiting the effective and effectual employees within the firm and this will help to reduce the turnover rates for the firm.  Theory x as well as the theory y reflects the opposite ends of the critical motivational spectrum (Telstra, 2016).  The Human resource department should plan regarding the different ways for retaining the old employees within the concerned firm as well as they need to motivate the employees by various means. The motivating of the employees will increase the expansions of the barriers of the firm throughout the concerned market segments and will provide the desired positive outcome for the concerned association (Webster and Williams, 2011).   The use of the offerings of bonuses as well as providing several incentives will; help in recognizing the employees and this will provide the desired sense of motivation which will help them in giving their best efforts for the evaluation of the business methods of the firm.


Telstra Corporation of Australia is one of the leading telecommunication companies in Australia having its headquarters in Melbourne, Australia. The high turnover fort the employees signifies that the percentage of the employees who leaves the organization every year.  If the employees are not satisfied with the offerings and the work process of the firm, then it may cause the employees to leave the firm on a large scale. Identification of the requirements of the candidates is crucial as this will help in selecting the most appropriate candidate for the preferred firm. In order to facilitate the working purpose of the concerned, it is crucial for the HR managers to increase the desired potential of the candidates as this will enhance the total performance of the firm. The managers need to rectify the desired issues coming among the execution of the work processes. 


Cassells, R., Gong, C. and Keegan, M. (2010). The pursuit of happiness. [Sydney]: AMP Limited.

Du, W. (2013). Informatics and management science VI. London: Springer.

Fernandez, S., and Pitts, D. (2011). Understanding Employee Motivation to Innovate: Evidence from Front Line Employees in United States Federal Agencies. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 70(2), pp.202-222.

Harris, F., McCaffer, R. and Edum-Fotwe, F. (2013). Modern Construction Management. Chichester: Wiley.

Heaslip, R. (2014). Managing complex projects and programs. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Korzynski, P. (2013). Employee motivation in new working environment. International Journal of Academic Research, 5(5), pp.184-188.

Mikkelsen, M., Jacobsen, C. and Andersen, L. (2015). Managing Employee Motivation: Exploring the Connections Between Managers’ Enforcement Actions, Employee Perceptions, and Employee Intrinsic Motivation. International Public Management Journal, pp.1-23.

Patterson, K. (2012). Change anything. New York: Business Plus.

Rakowski, A., Valdes-Conca, J. and de Juana-Espinosa, S. (2015). Affecting Factors of Public Employees’ Organizational Commitment. International Journal of Synergy and Research, 3, p.5.

Telstra, t. (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 May 2016].

Webster, A. and Williams, P. (2011). Polar bear pirates and their quest to engage the sleepwalkers. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K.: Capstone Pub.

ZIEGLER, R., HAGEN, B. and DIEHL, M. (2012). Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Job Performance: Job Ambivalence as a Moderator. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 42(8), pp.2019-2040.

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