HR Practices Report: A Case Study Of Coles Supermarket
The Introduction
The main aim of this assignment is to develop better understanding regarding people, culture and leadership value. This report will entail performance related initiative, culture related initiative and engagement related initiatives. Coles supermarket will be considered for this assignment as it has been found that it is the company that is continuing to deliver quality products, customer services and efficient value to millions of Australians. The long term commitment is made by the company in order to facilitate Australia to grow means the company is cooperating towards a sustainable future, developing long lasting bonding with Aussie farmers, and sustaining local jobs in the food industry.
Figure 1: motive of Coles Company
Source: (Coles, 2018)
Rewards and recognition
Coles can form the process of rewards and recognition by which they can encourage employees to perform in well efficient manner. It is the program by which employee get better understanding to understand their work through formal communication channel (Ferreir & Otley, 2009). Coles is applied in their process in order to make employees engage in the workplace. There are various benefits of performance related initiative by which the company can be benefitted. The benefits of this program are mentioned below:
- Increase the work motivation and repetition of desired behaviours
- Amplify team spirit
- Employee job satisfaction
- Handles the strong employer brand
- Lowers employee turnover
Way of evaluation
It has been found that the company can evaluate the performance related initiatives by focusing on various factors. It is necessary for the company to make a plan for this program with better understanding as it entails three steps. Firth one is aligning desired outcomes, selecting the interventions and review and resisting (Gruman & Saks, 2011). The company can measure the spreadsheet in which the detail regarding the performance of the employees is mentioned.
Work life balance
Work life balance is the culture related initiative by which the company can develop an effective environment of working where employees will not be pressured to perform the task. There are some tactics which need to be applied by the company to maintain the work life balance. It is required for the business to send the article to employees regarding the importance of finding a productive work life balance (Shanafelt, Hasan, Dyrbye, Sinsky, Satele, Sloan & West,2015). After that it is required by the company to highlight those people who have been successful in finding their balance. The company should make environment in which Coles need to maintain the work-life balance and implement some policies from which employees feel not pressurized from works.
Performance-related initiatives
It has been found that the working environment of the company is hectic in which the employees work under pressure. Most of employees of Coles are leaving their job due to mismanagement within the organization; it has been found that the company is facing issues with employees due to unethical practices done by the company that is false advertisement (Heffernan & Han, E.2015). The company uses various sources to attract number of customers towards services but there is no proper attention towards employee to manage their time. It is necessary for the company to pay attention towards flexible timings so that employee can perform in well efficient manner as the majority of men and women are equal within the operation of the company.
Personal Coaching
The company should focus on the personal coaching for employee engagement. It is an effective initiative by the company by which the employee selects their coach for professional as well as personal development. There is an allocated budget along with the set number of sessions covered by the company (Crawford, LePine & Rich, 2010). Personal coaching will be helpful for the company in order to give better understanding regarding maintaining the employee engagement. Employee engagement keeps significant value within the company as it facilitates company to involve in the task of the employees and get updated about the progress report. Along with that with employee engagement helps management to know more about the employee and their issues in performing the task. Communication is the medium by which an employee can share all issues and information regarding the allocated task to the manager. It demonstrates the need to the company to implement the strategies by which the company should develop the structure for employees to communicate directly to the top authority.
The success of this initiative is entirely based on HR department as they are liable to increase the attention of people towards this initiative. Personal coaching will be helpful for the company to more involve in the employees and prior information by HR to the new employees will be facilitated to them to attain objectives of the company (Kutzhanova, Lyons & Lichtenstein, 2009). With the help of employee engagement initiative, an employee can develop the performance and goals of an individual. Along with that this approach is helpful in increasing openness to personal development. Specific work related issues can be resolved by the person after getting personal coaching by the company. An individual will be focused towards huge responsibility and would develop self-awareness.
Culture-related initiatives
The recommendations are proposed below for all three initiatives to Coles Company. It would be helpful for the company to make improvement within the business in order to enhance trust of employees.
- Performance evaluation
It is recommended to the company to evaluate the performance of each employee in an efficient manner without biasness. Rewards and recognition are the main process by which the company can motivate huge number of employees towards performing well (Jeeva, 2016). Coles have huge responsibility to manage the team, customers and different department and the company should maintain the excel sheet of each employee and highlight them in from other employees to motivate other one as well (He, Li, Pahlavan & Wang, 2012).
- Flexible environment
It has been recommended in the context of the work life balance that the company need to focus on flexible environment for which the timing slots can be rearranged by the company as per suitability of the employees, the flexible environment of working will allow employees to work productively (Kelliher & Anderson, 2010). There are number of benefits of flexible environment such as money saving, more time for the family and less stress which push employee to work hard in the context of the growth of the company.
- Focus on personal development
The main motive of the personal coaching should be determined in the context of the personal development because encouraged and motivated employee can perform twice effectively in comparison of those who are demotivated from working environment. Personal coaching helps employee to get more confident that is why it is recommended to the company to give preference employee to choose what kind of coaching they need to improve their skills (Biswas?Diener, 2009). Along with that one on one session should be developed by the company in order to know more about the personal detail of the employees.
From above discussion, it can be concluded that Coles Company can get more attention from the customers if they apply above mentioned initiatives in their system. It has been analyzed that these initiatives have significant impact over the performance of the company because motivated employees have double capacity to perform allocated task adequately. Good customer service is the major motive of the company and it can be accomplished if the company have motivated employees. The discussion has been made under this assignment by taking consideration of performance, culture and engagement related initiatives. At last, the recommendations have been made in order to make improvement in the process of Coles Company.
Biswas?Diener, R. (2009). Personal coaching as a positive intervention. Journal of clinical psychology, 65(5), 544-553.
Coles, (2018). About Us. Retrived from:
Crawford, E. R., LePine, J. A., & Rich, B. L. (2010). Linking job demands and resources to employee engagement and burnout: a theoretical extension and meta-analytic test. Journal of applied psychology, 95(5), 834.
Ferreira, A., & Otley, D. (2009). The design and use of performance management systems: An extended framework for analysis. Management accounting research, 20(4), 263-282.
Gruman, J. A., & Saks, A. M. (2011). Performance management and employee engagement. Human Resource Management Review, 21(2), 123-136.
He, J., Li, S., Pahlavan, K., & Wang, Q. (2012). A realtime testbed for performance evaluation of indoor TOA location system. In Communications (ICC), 2012 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 482-486). IEEE.
Heffernan, M. & Han, E. (2015). Coles hit with $2.5 million fine over ‘fresh’ bread. Retrieved from
Jeeva, C. (2016). Impact of Misleading Advertisements: Issues and Remedies. Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, 6(4), 155-157.
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Kutzhanova, N., Lyons, T. S., & Lichtenstein, G. A. (2009). Skill-based development of entrepreneurs and the role of personal and peer group coaching in enterprise development. Economic Development Quarterly, 23(3), 193-210.
Shanafelt, T. D., Hasan, O., Dyrbye, L. N., Sinsky, C., Satele, D., Sloan, J., & West, C. P. (2015, December). Changes in burnout and satisfaction with work-life balance in physicians and the general US working population between 2011 and 2014. In Mayo Clinic Proceedings (Vol. 90, No. 12, pp. 1600-1613). Elsevier.