The term “composition” can be referred to many writings depending on the purpose and circumstances. It encompasses poetry, short stories, narratives and essays itself. Typically, students understand the instructions of what to deal with after having a meeting with a curator. There would be discussions about topics, requirements, format, and so on. However, it does not always work like that. Some students do not have any ideas or explanations from professors so that they improvise.
Poetry type involves verses written freely or in forms such as sonnets or Haiku. Short stories are first or third person prose fiction that tells the imaginary or real experience of one character. Narratives are personal stories that one can dedicate to own life. And, the essay is a today focus, a story, research, or analysis of any selected topic, typically, on one subject in order to reveal new details, results, or prove the facts.
Criminal law will rarely require students to operate with all the types, but an essay is perfect whenever you do not know the assignment format for sure.
How to Write a Composition Paper in Criminal Law? Subject Identity
Those enrolled in college studies dedicated to Criminal Law may find it quite complex. There are many fields, classes, and accordingly, a great variety of topics discussed. Criminal Law is regularly mistaken with Criminal Justice. The first one is related to the law body, while the latter to the enforcement of the law to people who commit crimes. As a result, it resembles somehow light ice that can put one in trouble if the topic was wrongly chosen.
For your convenience, find the following examples that might be of interest to you for your future composition essay:
- False Confessions. Select one or several events when a victim made false confessions, and how it contributed to his sentence. Otherwise, speak of the reasons why people tend to hide the truth even when they are at risk of life sentences;
- A Right to Defence. Speak of the rights people who commit crimes have, how they succeed in protecting themselves with or without defenders, and so on;
- Timely Arrests. How offenders are restricted in moving and migration. What are the actions taken? Or, how it violates the freedom of individuals;
- Constitution. This option does have a limit, one can choose any law and speak of its relevance, or even nonsense. If a curator allows, a student can generate a top list of stupid laws that have nothing to do with justice;
- Cybercrimes. Select social networks or email services as the instruments to distribute drugs, promote racism and violence;
- Human Trafficking. It will require prompt attention and analysis of this phenomenon today. Find out what are the ways of police to prevent such intentions or reveal offenders;
- Tax Fraud. Are there a “weapon” against those who neglect paying the taxes, and how to persuade them to be law-abiding;
- Involuntary Manslaughter. Are there any chances to prove one is guilt-free?
- Terrorist Attacks. How to spot and prevent them?
- Why people do not trust the police?
- Victims Forced to Commit Suicide. How does the law regulate such events?
Note, students had better avoid topics about the general concept of Criminal Law. First off, it just makes your knowledge about the subject visible but that’s it. Secondly, it is considered an easy-manageable topic. And, thirdly, you have to select only the area of your interest. For instance, if a student plans to pursue his career in Criminal Law, it is worth starting to investigate the obstacles or drawbacks of this study. Moreover, an interesting choice will give hints for a future dissertation that can be based on the same topic as well.
Those who decide to follow the path of the least resistance commonly fail. Today, the online world has many ready-to-use samples of essays that students are not shy borrowing or rewriting. As a result, professors may spot such intentions using plagiarism checkers. A bad grade, and in a best-case scenario, reworking are the outcomes that, in turn, will take many efforts and cause frustration.
Let’s Prepare to Writing a Composition in Criminal Law
All writing can start in a few ways. The first will deal with asking questions. Let’s imagine one chose False Confessions topic. Follow the next scheme:
- Why? – Why did you choose this topic? Why do you think it is relevant to the subject? Why do you think you can prove a reader your opinion?
- What? – What will you write about in particular? What are the materials used for researching and analyzing the matter?
- How? – How will you find facts or supporting evidence for your opinion? How can you change a reader’s mind about the selected topic? How much time will you dedicate to the writing?
- When? – When is it better to start writing? When will you proofread?
As you may see these questions prepare you for your prolific writing of a composition essay. Such an exercise helps to understand whether you are able to cope with the task and topic, and how much time you need on average to succeed in it.
It is another option for students who like planning. The idea is simple, one downloads a scheme from the Internet, or draws its own. And, then, this paper becomes a background for collecting the related to the topic ideas. No need to write everything precisely, or correct spelling that will take time. Combine this stage with the Pomodoro technique. Set a timer for 25 minutes, and start writing everything coming to your mind about False Confessions, terminology, phrases, argues, agreements, and so on. After relax for 5 minutes, and go back to writing again. This process lasts endlessly until one is satisfied with a number of clues.
When you have an approximate idea of what you can write about, try to structure words as per outline. Allocate them in the introduction, thesis, hook, main body, conclusion. However, the most attention is paid to the thesis that won’t compromise on banal statements but a catchy call to action.
Formatting a Composition Essay in Criminal Law
As per general requirements, a composition essay is a paper of 500-800 words, in Times New Roman, 12, one-inch margin. Depending on the educational establishments, curators may decrease or enlarge the word count but it is obligatorily to cover three main parts.
Introduction with Thesis
Any composition should be introduced to a reader. Mention the matter you plan to discuss, explain why it is worth writing about, and whether there is any plan to reveal new details regarding the subject. Hint about your attitude toward False Confessions. To make it interesting, try to play with a thesis or hook. Criminal Law is not a topic for fun (only when it deals with funny laws), so anecdotes are better to avoid. But, you are welcome to present your contemptuous or consentant opinion regarding the topic.
● ‘I believe False Confessions are a defense reaction inherent to individuals. Offenders lie or blame others for their crimes. However, I think there are some ways to encourage them telling the truth.’
First off, you explained the matter and presented the typical behavior of such individuals. Then, you intrigued the reader with impossible to imagine solutions to make offenders tell the truth.
The introduction should not take more than 100-150 words.
Main Body
To start writing the heart of a composition essay, check the main points you outlined. Make sure, each point has supporting evidence, otherwise, all your opinions will be considered biased. If possible attach facts, statistics, quotes from sources, or even real examples for more showiness.
Commonly there should be 8-10 points that are divided into three blocks or subparagraphs. One has to organize them in the way, each subparagraph limits to one idea and support.
Check your text on too much I, ME. Your personal position should be presented at the end of the essay. Moreover, be careful with logical transitions. Do not jump through lines, but lead a reader to reveal a final truth.
Restate a thesis. If an essay is larger than 500 words, you can briefly restate also the main points and results. No new information, or irrelevant wordy phrases to meet a word count of the paper. A professor will only underline them and put an interrogation mark.
A few more tips are to add a call to action, warning, or quotation. Do not apologize for your position or opinions. Or, at last, provoke a reader for additional food for thought. The best mastership is to leave readers unindifferent. Thus, again coming back to basics, even if a student has the banalest topic ever, he can decorate it in the way, anyone will stay shocked after reading.
Now, you are almost done. Editing and rereading will yield the fruits even in the most confident students. Nevertheless, now if you have some time in stock before a deadline, leave a paper for one to two days to restart your mind.
How to Write a Composition Essay in Criminal Law: Proofreading
Still thinking a composition essay is a hard-nut-to-crack? Actually, everything depends on the time one has. If there is plenty of time, a student can even easily manage the dissertation. However, in most cases, it is crucial to dedicate hours or days to proofreading that yearly saves students from a spelling or grammar failure. Check the next tips that will come in handy and boost your confidence when submitting a paper.
- Print your essay. Checking the text electronically does not always give the top results. Eyes are tired because of screen light, and your hand is tired of typing. Print a copy, and take color pens. Highlight even the sentences that you hesitate sound correct or logical;
- Go for Online Editors. They are helpful in terms of the grammar or spelling of the words. But, do not rely on them completely, they cannot substitute proofreading. If you need the best option, check Grammarly. It is free and one of the most accurate.
- Circle Punctuation Marks. It helps during the third-fourth rereading to understand their relevance in one place. Note, online checkers do not always highlight them when they are wrongly placed;
- Read backward. If your text converts into a “blank sheet”, try to change the direction, and start reading from the end, word by word without a hurry. Dedicate to one paragraph a few rereadings;
- Look for one error at one time. For example, you may know what are the common mistakes you regularly do, try to read a text a few times spotting only such discrepancies;
- Check the readability factor. Your sentences should not be very long. 10 words are more than enough to express your mind. If more, there is a high risk of losing the logic of the sentences. A professor may get puzzled as well;
- Write down the mistakes. If you notice new problems in your spelling or grammar, attach them to the list of words or tenses you should spend time on. It helps to eliminate their repetition in the future.
Finally, what can be better than having a study-buddy? It can be your friend or student as well who is in the same group as you. If you both do not experience any competition regarding who submits the best essay, try to spend more time together even when writing. Such a bond contributes to fast proofreading because you can exchange works and feel yourself, professors. And, also, it helps to generate more brilliant ideas for the subject.
Criminal Law is not a hard study but a serious one. So, try to make your contribution to its body. For example, discuss with others how 2020 can change the law in your country or state. How to promote law-abidance within offenders, and how to prevent any crimes in the future.
Once you followed all the tips mentioned in this guide, you are 100% near getting an excellent grade. One more time, a good topic and your persistence in creating a unique approach will be awarded. Good luck!
- Dressler, J. (2018). Understanding criminal law. 8th ed. Carolina Academic Pr.
- WARNER, J. (2020). WHY THEY CAN’T WRITE. [S.l.]: Johns Hopkins Univ.
- Strong, Stacie. (2018). How to Write Law Essays & Exams. Oxford, United Kingdom; New York, NY, Oxford University Press.
Writing an “A” paper is a very challenging task for most students. Actually, it`s not odd at all that most students encounter a lot of problems on their way to successful assignment completion. They might feel some difficulties while starting their essays, structuring them, and choosing the appropriate writing technique. What is more, some students can`t avoid failure at checking their own papers. If you recognize yourself in these lines, you should do your best and get professional help. And we are always here for you Our essay writing service is always happy to take some of this academic load off your shoulders.