How To Give And Receive Constructive Feedback In A Professional Setting
Example of Giving Feedback
Thank you, Dalal, for your sharing. I can see that you work at your best when given more responsibilities. responsibilities so I agree that the manager should give you more tasks to accomplish your work. I feel that being given space and some credit can allow us to give our best at work. Can you discuss a situation in the past where you were given such an opportunity? It is always easier to work without supervision as we feel entrusted.
I appreciate your comments Elmir. You have said that you received some constructive criticism but you took it well and you were glad over the approach the manager took in explaining things to you. I think it is very brave for a person to accept mistakes and acknowledge that they are not perfect so what you did was admirable. Accepting criticism is a big step towards making ourselves better and I thank you for that. Could you elaborate more on what the situation was all about? And maybe tell us more about how you could have reacted if the manager’s approach was not right.
First of all, thank you for doing this. I can see that you proposed an idea at work but it was rejected and this discouraged you. It is very typical of us human beings to be discouraged when we fail but what you did later is what differentiates winners from losers. You mentioned that you went back to your manager with a better idea and it was accepted. The reaction you had is very normal and maybe I would feel the same given your situation. Can you elaborate more on the reaction of other employees after your idea was approved? and tell us how the whole experience made you feel.
It nice of you to work with us Samar. It is mentioned in your reviews that you were given a negative opinion and you took it personally and not work oriented and this made you feel the need to be quiet and reserved. I understand why you did what you did Samar, It is not all the time that we accept the fact that we are not right. What if you try going back to the manager and explain to him your part of the story and see how it goes?
I appreciate your time here Dare. In your response, you mentioned that you feel bad when receiving a negative response but I like what you did when you were wrongly accused over something you did not do. I particularly like the fact that you did not get angry but rather explained yourself and I am glad the situation was resolved. How would you conduct yourself if you were in the manager’s shoes?
Tips for Making Feedback More Constructive
Thank you for your comments, Elie. You have mentioned that take in negative comments in a positive matter and that is what I like about you. I like the fact that you choose to distance yourself so that you can receive an opinion from your superiors objectively. This is a rare character you have as not everyone likes negative comments. Would you consider in the future to try not to minimize your distance with assessors?
I like that you know you are too much positive oriented. It is always good to know the things we do that goes way too far. I appreciate that you are going to try to work on your behavior in the future. Sometimes in life, we need people like you to help us be positive about life. Would you be content when getting opinions from someone like you in the future?
I should thank you Levgen for your feedback. I like the fact that you gave someone feedback and they took it well and made changes to it. How would you react if you gave someone feedback and they felt you were attacking them?
I like the approach you have when giving feedback where you start from the things this person did well on to the things that need more emphasis. In your response, you mentioned that you first have to know the type of person you dealing with, something I agree on. Can you excuse someone for not taking in your feedbacks positively?
Mazen has no experience on the topic but what would you do if you find yourself in such a situation?
Thank you, Christine, for your participation. I like your approach when you said its better to analyze the problem and look for solutions. Solutions only come in when the problem has first been identified. What would you do if the manager is not willing to help you?
I like that you feel assigning special projects might work to help solve the problem but first of all thank you for your time. I feel that such an approach will help give someone a task he is specialized on. What would you do if given a project you have no experience on?
I agree with you Farrukh when you said in your comment, first to tell me what the problem is and then help me find solutions. I think that identifying a problem is always the first step in solving the problem. What can you do to solve your problems individually?
Thank you Beat for being able to work with us. In your comment, you said that understanding the project and communication from the manager can help solve a problem. I agree with you as communication is key to everything. Can you think of any other solution the manager can bring to the table? And elaborate more on what other solutions you think can help in this situation?
Thank you for being here. You have mentioned that you are aware of respect and integrity and its importance at work. I particularly agree with you on the fact that anyone who violates the codes of conducts should be punished. What can you do if you see the manager not following the rules and ethics of the company?
Thank you for giving us your feedback. I agree with with you over what you said on respect as respect and integrity start with trust and a manager can only be effective if he is trustworthy. Can you report a manager who seems not to be transparent at work?