How Organizations Achieve IS/IT-Enabled Innovation: A Critical Discussion

Discussion on Four Examples of the Use of IS/IT for Innovation

There are four distinct components of the information system, which are technology, organizational structure, people and processes (Laudon and Laudon 2016). It is often restricted to some type of software for the core purpose of running the computerized database and any computer system. A major emphasis is provided to the information system with a definite boundary, storage, inputs, outputs and users with supportive communication networks. The most significant and important advantage of the information system is that it helps in easier decision making method (Gallagher and Sixsmith 2014). The following report outlines a detailed discussion on the management or impact of information system for four specific organizations. The strategic utilization or application of IT in the organization for the core purpose of achieving IS/ IT enabled innovation would be described here. Relevant recommendations as well as examples will also be provided in the report.

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The information system as well as information technology are extremely important and significant for any business since it helps in bringing major changes and innovation within the business (Demir and Krajewski 2013). Innovation eventually refers to the various changing processes and creating more efficient processes, ideas and products. The business innovation even enables the proper achievement of objectives and goals and hence business visibility and feasibility are checked eventually. There are some of the major and important examples of the use of IS/ IT for bringing innovation within the business. These four examples are as follows:

2.1.1 Brief Introduction

The first and the foremost example of the use of IS/IT is in Housing Bank in Jordan. This particular bank is one of the most popular and significant banks in Jordan (Klukas, Chen and Pape 2014). They have implemented decision support system within their business. It is the subsequent type of information system, which solely supports the organizational as well as business activities of decision making (Bajdor and Grabara 2014). This decision support system is also responsible for helping the people in making decisions regarding various problems, which might be rapidly changing and are not easily specified in advance being either structured, semi structured and unstructured. These decision support systems could either be completely computerized or be human powered (Kellermann and Jones 2013). The users of decision support system overview it as the subsequent tool for the purpose of facilitating the organizational processes. With this particular information system, Housing Bank was able to take accurate and speedy decisions for their business.

2.1 Case Study 1: Impact of Decision Support Systems for Housing Bank in Jordan

The important success factors of decision support system for this example of Housing Bank are higher level of interactivity, efficiency and effectiveness, easy development and complete control of the business operations. Being a popular bank in Jordan, Housing Bank has paid extra attention to the business operations and relevant decisions. The first success of decision support system for information system enabled innovation is the high level of interactivity. It is designed for interactively utilize by the decision makers or staff users for controlling the sequence of operation. Moreover, due to this factor, Housing Bank even had the opportunity of bringing efficiency and effectiveness within the decisions. They got an integrated and web based system and thus the development of the business operations was much easier for them. Housing Bank got complete control of their business operations and processes with DSS.

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The internal or external factors have major impacts over the success of the decision support system for bringing major success for innovation. These internal as well as external factors have the major effect on the failure or success of the business (Andrade and Doolin 2016). These business owners could not control the external factors, however they should have the ability of anticipating or adjusting to the factors for keeping the organization on track and bringing innovation. The major impacts of these internal as well as external factors for the success of DSS enabled innovation for Housing Bank is given below:

i) Internal Factors: The internal factors are those factors that affect the organization of Housing Bank internally and are also responsible for bringing major benefits. The most significant internal factor for them is organizational. The employees of the organization are the major assets of the company and when proper training regarding IS/ IT is provided to them, they could bring innovation in the organizational system. Moreover, the management should also be accustomed with every change in the business and thus the organization would enjoy several advantages.

ii) External Factors: Amongst the external factors, market requirement is the most important. The digital transformation and automation is the basic trend in this bank and for making the business completely upgraded with the system, DSS has played a major role (Demir and Krajewski 2013). With the help of this particular system, Housing Bank was able to take the relevant decisions regarding change in their business processes. For maintaining the social factor, they have provided utmost care to the customer. The digital transformation and automation is extremely beneficial for them and the customers as well. They were able to obtain major competitive advantages.

2.2 Case Study 2: Big Data Uses in Commonwealth Bank of Australia

CBA or Commonwealth Bank of Australia is the largest bank in Australia. They have used big data to analyze the customer’s risk. The big data are the large sets of data that are quite large as well as complex for the traditional software of data processing application for dealing with. The customer’s risks are extremely vital and important for the users and hence they have to eradicate each and every risk for maintaining a better relation with the customers (Bilbao-Osorio, Dutta and Lanvin 2013). With the help of big data analytics, the customers could easily get effective and better risk assessment for the business, earlier warning of risk challenges and even the ongoing cash flow performance. Due to the effectiveness, it was quite easier for them to execute these business processes without much complexities.

IT majorly focuses on the end utilization of information technology and these are quite different from the business processes and help in controlling the business functions. The respective data is represented and processed for forming the social memory, hence completing the communication system. Most of the organizations work with huge amount of data and these data are the basic values or facts and are then organized within the database. Being the largest bank in Australia, Commonwealth Bank of Australia has enjoyed some of the success factors of big data uses. The big data analytics was responsible for providing some of the major and the most significant competitive advantages (Wagner, Beimborn and Weitzel 2014). The big data provided larger chunk of raw data that was being collected, stored and finally analysed by several means. The structured and unstructured data forms were checked and analysed with big data.

With the help of internal and external factors, Commonwealth Bank of Australia was able to obtain success and bring innovation in their business. Due to the easier analysis of any form of data, CBA did not face any issue for data analysis. The impact of the internal and external factors for big data uses in Commonwealth Bank of Australia are as follows:

i) Internal Factors: The most significant internal factor that is responsible for providing a positive impact on the management of customer’s risks is organizational (Alwahaishi and Snásel 2013). The employees of the organization are the major assets of the company and when proper training regarding IS/ IT is provided to them, they could bring innovation in the organizational system.

ii) External Factors: The external factors of economic as well as technology are highly impacted in this particular organization of Commonwealth Bank of Australia. The business owners could not control their economy and hence for adjusting the operations, they face some issues. The economic factor is one of the most important external factor for any business. The technological factor refers to that specific external factor that the IS/ IT enabled innovation is properly implemented with technology (Demir and Krajewski 2013). Since, technology is responsible for transforming the operations and building stronger loyalty base.

Tesla is the American automotive as well as energy based organization that has its head quarters in Palo Alto California (Schwalbe 2015). They have a persistent 3G cell connectivity to the Internet. Tesla has used the technology of Internet of Things for creating cars by bringing innovation in their work. Since they are responsible for manufacturing electric cars, IoT has provided major benefits to them by providing the advantages and technological features. The several production as well as assembly plants were being operated to make the project successful in nature. For the innovation in the car project, Tesla was able to sell the Model S, Model 3 and Model X vehicles.

There are some of the major and most significant success factors of the Internet of Things that Tesla has obtained eventually (Lloyd 2017). The car has a camera and attitude or angle and several other sensors for acceleration. Moreover, Tesla has also formed the early warning threat detection or the reward system for the purpose of rewarding hackers for discovering the major vulnerabilities of the car security (Bloom et al. 2014). IoT has also provided the framework of application for allowing the developers in building the applications of running the car.

With the help of such factors, the organization of Tesla was able to bring out successful innovation in their business. They made a brand new car model with the help of this particular technology (Holtshouse 2013). The major influences of internal or external factors on the success of the IS or IT enabled innovation are as follows:

i) Internal Factors: The internal factor of management is the most important and significant for this particular organization of Tesla (Kellermann and Jones 2013). As per the new model of the car made by them, the approval from organizational management was extremely important to get accustomed with these changes.

ii) External Factors: The external factors of market requirement, social, industry and technological and economic had the major impacts on this project of automated cars in Tesla. The innovation was important for both the society and the business.

2.4.1 Brief Introduction

Google Maps has eventually brought out the major explorer in each of use. This particular application is responsible for providing directions to the strangers regarding their roads and routes (Marchewka 2014). Artificial intelligence made the technology hassle free and user friendly. The erroneous traffic predictions is easily eradicated with the help of Google Maps.

Due to the better algorithms of artificial intelligence, Google Maps has the ability of tracking the correct location in and around the area. The congestion could be easily avoided by them (Eason 2014). This is yet another effective success factor of AI that helps to bring innovation in the products. The utilization or activation of the information system is the most vital measure to the extent of the organizational growth and even progress. Hence, they have accelerated for finding, developing and obtaining benefits to achieve the goals and objectives (Dahlstrom and Bichsel 2014). For Google, the technical innovation can also mean that the deployment of newer ideas and creation of the dynamic products and improvement of the existing service.

The major impacts of the factors on the success of AI enabled innovations in Google Maps are given below:

i) Internal Factors: The internal factors of organizational and management had the major impacts on this particular innovation. Google was able to implement artificial intelligence for meeting the basic requirements of the application.

ii) External Factors: The external factor of technology played the most important role in this particular case study (Dahlstrom, Walker and Dziuban 2013). Moreover, this type of application was also important for the society and hence society, market and industry have also significant impacts.

The major recommendations for helping the organizations in succeeding within the IS/IT enabled innovation are as follows:

i) The first recommendation for the organizations is to implement a comprehensive technology plan so that the innovations could be easily implemented and accepted by the organizational staffs.

ii) Another important recommendation is to maintain a proper balance between the organizational staffs and the changes for bringing innovation in the business.


Therefore, from the above discussion, it can be concluded that the information system is the significant subset of information and communication technology or ICT, which the company uses and even acts in method that the organizational members could complete their work easily and effectively for supporting their business procedures. With the proper implementation of information system, data analysis and management turns out to be extremely effective and efficient in terms of other control systems. Innovation is one of the major contributions of IS to the respective organizations. The above report has clearly outlined the proper strategic application of information system or technology for bringing innovation to the business with relevant recommendations as well as examples. Four distinct examples are provided in the report for understanding the utilization of IS/ IT and some of the major success factors are identified for these four examples.


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