How Netflix Beat Blockbuster: A Case Study On Technological Diffusion And Innovation

History of Blockbuster and Netflix

Online streaming has replaced the traditional concept of video rentals. Viewers are able to access real-time online contents through Internet streaming by adopting a fast data or Internet connection. Online streaming helps in preventing the act of pirating. Wider range of audience can be reached via online streaming. Netflix is the leader of the digital content market since the year 1997. It is known for providing online entertainment services such as movies, TV series and original contents in more than 190 countries (Netflix Media Center 2018). Members are able to watch at anytime and anywhere without any commercials. Netflix used subscription plan for attracting more members and moved to original programming. It was able to decline the business of Blockbuster. Blockbuster was the leading company in the video rentals market in the 80s as well as 90s but lost its position after the arrival of Netflix.

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This report analyses how Netflix beat Blockbuster Video. It begins with discussing the history of Blockbuster and Netflix. This report focuses on various aspects such as changing technology and the benefits of online operations that led to the success of Netflix. It also shows how the pricing strategies as well as the innovations of Netflix were responsible for declining the business of Blockbuster. This report analyses whether Netflix will be able to retain its position in the future. It gives an overview of the withdrawal of Qwikster and the original programming of Netflix. This report also gives a brief outline of the future of Netflix.         

A brief history of Blockbuster

After the downfall of the oil and gas industry of Texas where Cook Data Services used to deliver software, David Cook had opened the first store of Blockbuster in Dallas in the year 1985. Blockbuster was able to achieve success quickly because of its ability to satisfy customers by renting a variety of videos and films. The founder of Waste Management Inc., Wayne Huizenga along with two other investors purchased the Blockbuster Company for $18 million in 1987. By the end of 1992, Blockbuster had opened 2800 and more number of retail stores around the world. In 1994, Blockbuster was sold to Viacom for $8.4 billion. Blockbuster earned approximately 16 percent of the total revenue from its late fees in the year 2000. By the end of 2004, Blockbuster became the largest video rentals in the world with around 9000 stores. The business of Blockbuster was declining as physical retail stores were getting replaced by online operations and in 2010 it had to file for protection against bankruptcy (Davis and Higgins 2013). After buying the assets and retail stores of Blockbuster in 2011, Dish Network had announced to close some of the stores in 2012. In 2013, Blockbuster announced to close all the remaining stores in the U.S. Despite the challenges faced due to traditional business models and strategies, Blockbuster managed to operate around ten stores in the U.S.    

Benefits of Online Operations and Changing Technology

A brief history of Netflix

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Netflix was co-founded by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph in 1997 for offering movie rentals over the Internet (Lusted 2012). The website of Netflix was launched in 1998. In 1999, Netflix started offering subscription services to its members and unlimited movie or DVD rentals for a less price on a monthly basis. Netflix introduced a recommendation system for giving movie suggestions to the users based on their ratings. By the end of 2005, Netflix had 4.3 million members. Netflix introduced video streamlining in 2007 (Netflix Media Center 2018). In 2008, Netflix partnered with electronics companies for streaming on the Blu-ray disc, set-top boxes of TV and Xbox 360. In 2009, it partnered with electronics companies for streaming on the PS3 that can be connected to the Internet. Netflix moved to original programming and offered original contents to the users in 2013. By 2016, Netflix was available across the world and had planned to expand their original programming. 

Changing technology

Netflix was able to gain leadership in the video rental industry by utilizing the features of the Internet technology. Reed Hastings could predict the future of video rental industry and started providing video rentals to the users over the Internet (Adhikari et al. 2012). The increase in the use of Internet led to the growth of Netflix. The executives of Netflix understood the importance and need of advanced technologies. The business strategy of Netflix was to provide Internet streaming for the convenient of the customers. The initial strategy of Netflix allowed its members to place online orders and the DVDs were delivered via mail. Netflix focused on building a virtual organization that helped it to deliver video rental services flawlessly and at a reasonable cost (Cook 2014). On the other hand, Blockbuster was using its old business model and strategy of renting videos from the retail stores. Netflix utilized the features of compressed technology as well as Internet technology for gaining leadership in the video rentals market. Later on, Netflix focused on online streaming that allowed its members to watch online videos without downloading it. Netflix utilized the technological advances and algorithms to build its recommendation system for giving appropriate movie suggestion to the users. For improving the algorithm of the recommendation system, a “Netflix Prize” of $1 million was offered to the people (Hallinan and Striphas 2016). Netflix utilizes open-source technologies and constantly focuses on the implementation of new technologies for media streaming. Netflix has focused on the use of data analytics for making its virtual platform scalable (Amatriain 2013). Technological advancements and increased use of the Internet has helped Netflix to achieve success and beat the business of Blockbuster.    

Pricing Strategies and Innovations

Retail outlets versus operating online

Reed Hastings, the co-founder of Netflix could correctly predict the decline of the video cassettes rental market. He focused on developing a virtual platform for renting movies and videos. Netflix preferred online operations over retail outlets. The customers considered online retailing to be more convenient than retail outlets. Netflix enabled its members to order and book movie DVDs by using connecting to the Internet. Online platform of Netflix could enhance the customer experience, which led to the increase of the number of its members to 4.7 million in 2005 (McDonald and Smith-Rowsey 2016). Customers did not have to face sales pressure and could save their time by using the website of Netflix. Online retailing could also save the travelling cost of the customers. Blockbuster was still operating the traditional retail outlets. With the emergence of the Internet technology, customers started realising the benefits of online stores and declined the business of Blockbuster (Freedman 2012). After introducing video streamlining in 2007, Netflix was able to reach the leading position in the video rentals industry. The technical team of Netflix could carry out online operations for implementing a recommendation system for enhancing customer experience by suggesting them movies based on their preferences. Netflix was also able to save the cost of operating retail outlets unlike Blockbuster. The retail outlets of Blockbuster stored only limited number of movies but the online platform of Netflix was able to provide variety of movies to its members (Hiller 2017). People preferred Netflix over Blockbuster because they could access various kinds of video games, movies and web series at their homes, save their time and travelling cost. The online streaming of movies and original programming has played a significant role in the success of Netflix. The virtual platform and online operations of Netflix could provide several benefits to the users that helped Netflix to become the leader in the video rental and streaming industry by beating its competitor, the Blockbuster. 

Pricing strategies

Blockbuster followed a pricing strategy where the customers were charged for each movie. The customers were charged late fines for not returning the movies within a mentioned time. The executives of Blockbuster believed in following an optimized pricing strategy based on the conditions of the local market. This strategy worked well until the arrival of Netflix. The pricing strategy of Blockbuster was considered to be unfavourable as compared to its competitors. The late fines collected by Blockbuster constituted more than ten percent of its revenue. Netflix initially adopted the traditional pricing strategy of charging for every rental along with the shipping charges (Allen, Feils and Disbrow 2014). Later on, Netflix moved to a new strategic model of pricing. It opted for the subscription pricing model where the customers were asked to pay a certain amount of money on a monthly basis. This strategy of monthly subscription enabled the users to watch unlimited videos and movies without any late fine. Netflix focused on providing customer convenience rather than renting huge of number of movies (Goldfayn 2012). This subscription plan of Netflix attracted several users and increased the value of the existing users. The recurring income of the business was able to add business value (Stelter 2013). Subscription pricing lessened the burden of the users as they did not have to guess the price or remain worried about their monthly expenses. Netflix was able to increase the scalability and flexibility of its business. It could build stronger relations with the customers. Customers found the model of subscription pricing of Netflix more convenient than the traditional pricing model of Blockbuster. The subscription pricing strategy of Netflix made a major contribution towards its success and helped in gaining competitive advantage over Blockbuster.

Netflix’s Disruptive Innovation Strategy

Netflix’s innovations

Netflix adopted a disruptive innovation strategy and became the market leader. Netflix started the business by focusing on a niche market that constituted movie lovers and online shoppers. Blockbuster Video rented video cassettes to the customers by charging a certain fee. The entire video rental industry operated in the same manner. Netflix launched an innovative approach of online retailing where it offered in-mail subscription services to the members (Euchner and Ganguly 2014). This innovative strategy of Netflix could beat all the competitions in the market and it could achieve the topmost position. Later on, Netflix decided to be even more innovative and move to online streaming and original programming. Netflix used algorithms to develop the recommendation system based on customer ratings. This system could suggest various movies to the customers based on their personal preferences. The recommendation system could satisfy the customers and enhance their online experience. Online streaming helped the users to watch videos in real-time and without downloading the video. This innovative idea of Netflix helped to gain million of members. Netflix flourished in the industry and kept on improving its business strategy through innovations (Afuah 2014). The next innovation of Netflix was to produce original content. In 2013, Netflix released the “House of Cards” series which was its original content. Original programming of Netflix attracted several customers. All the innovations of Netflix led to the demise of Blockbuster. Netflix attracted the customers of Blockbuster by offering various types of contents. Netflix adopted an on demand, high quality and low price approach for becoming the market leader (Villarroel, Taylor and Tucci 2013). The innovative approaches adopted by Netflix were highly convenient for the customers and it led to the collapse of Blockbuster.  

Netflix stumbles: The demise of Qwikster

Netflix was initially offering unlimited movie rentals along with a single DVD at $9.99 every month. It had increased the rate by charging $7.99 for streaming unlimited movies and $7.99 for providing unlimited DVDs. Therefore, the customers had to pay $15.98 every month for getting both the services. Customers were unhappy with this strategy as Netflix did not announce about any extra benefits for increasing the price. To overcome this challenging situation, Netflix decided to create Qwikster for offering the DVD-by-mail service. Netflix decided to focus on the streaming business as it could grow in the future ( 2018). The idea of Qwikster was put to an end after losing 1 million users or subscribers. One of the main reasons of the demise of Qwikster was its name. It had confused the users as both names “Netflix” and “Qwikster” were unrelated. The dual account and dual billing system were disapproved by the users. The users had objections regarding the business split. No investors would buy the business of Qwikster as the DVD-by-mail service had high operational cost and no future growth prospects. Netflix predicted that the business of Qwikster would come to an end in the near future. After losing 1 million subscribers, Netflix realised that the Qwikster plan would create more difficulties and had withdrawn it.

Future of Netflix

Netflix rebuilds: The rise of original content 

After losing 1 million subscribers, Netflix could gain its position in the market by producing original content. It launched “Lilyhammer” in the year 2012. It completely moved into original programming with the launch of “House of Cards” in 2013. Netflix invested a huge sum of money in original programming for maintaining its topmost position in the video streaming industry.  Netflix had several reasons for moving to the original programming approach. New as well as original content helped in retaining the existing subscribers and attracting new subscribers (Bellante, Vilardi and Rossi 2013). Netflix wanted to reduce sudden cancellation of subscription by introducing original contents. Original programming could help Netflix to increase the subscription price in the future without any issue (Tryon 2015). Netflix had to buy license for online streaming. The licensing cost was increasing at a fast pace. Netflix would not have to worry about licensing cost by producing in-house content. Netflix could save its operational cost by adopting the approach of original programming. Netflix focused on original programming for retaining its position in the market and achieving more success. It mainly focuses on customer convenience. Its main motive was to beat HBO.      

The future of Netflix 

Netflix planned to spend around $8 billion on the production of original contents in the year 2018. It planned to release 80 movies in 2018. The price of its subscription plan is expected increase by $1 every month and its premium subscription plan is expected to increase by $2 every month. Their plan is to offer a subscription plan of $15 every month to beat its competitor, HBO. Netflix has a chance of becoming similar to a traditional TV network. The business model and strategy of Netflix can be adopted by various other companies in the future (Harvard Business Review 2018). This can create high risk for the business of Netflix. It is predicted that there will be several online channels in the future. Netflix is also focusing on producing animated series and becoming like Disney. The increase in the subscription plan would help Netflix to generate more revenues and grow in the future. Netflix can become the “must subscribe” online channel across the world and the US market by adopting innovative strategies and business models. Netflix might face certain risks in the future as its business model can be implemented by other businesses. The quality of original contents would help Netflix to secure its position in the market. Economical growth would help Netflix to fight against competitions in the market. Netflix is expected to have a tremendous growth in the US market. Original programming would help Netflix to grow its business and achieve further success in the future (Abraham 2013). By the end of 2018, Netflix is supposed to fill its library with 50 percent of original contents. Although there is a chance of high risk in the future, Netflix is still expected to retain its position as the dominant leader of the online streaming industry in the US.   


This report analyses the background of Netflix and concludes that Netflix could achieve success by adopting and utilizing the features of advanced technologies. It demonstrated how the use of traditional business model had led to the decline of Blockbuster Video. Customers had started to prefer the online operations of Netflix over the retail outlets of Blockbuster due to their own convenience. According to this report, Netflix used the features of Internet technology for offering in-mail subscription services to the users. This report said that the subscription pricing model and the disruptive innovations of Netflix were the main strategies that helped it to beat Blockbuster. It also said that Netflix had lost 1 million subscribers after announcing about the Qwikster plan. The Qwikster plan would make the business operations complicated and reduce customer convenience. This report said that Netflix adopted original programming as it would bring several benefits to its business such as increase in the number of subscribers and no licensing cost. According to this report, Netflix has a plan of investing $8 million in original programming in 2018 and fill 50 percent of its library with original contents. This report said that although there are several business risks that Netflix can face in the future, there is high possibility of its growth in the US. This report concludes that the main focus of Netflix is on original programming and this can help it to maintain a dominant streaming provider in the US.      


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