How HRM/CPM Can Contribute To The Ethical Goal Of Human Happiness Through Utilitarianism
Utilitarianism and Human Happiness
Utilitarianism elevates the basic pleasure. In human life, happiness cannot be the rationale aim due to unattainable. People can spend their lives without the happiness. People can become virtuous and can gain happiness via the renouncing happiness. According to Elsner (2015), happiness is the moments of the rapture that occurs in life troubled by various pains. This happens due to the difference in different class of people regarding social arrangements and education. The virtuous people renounce the happiness. The main reason of the unhappiness in people is the selfish attitude and lack of the mental cultivation. Hence, only human has the ability to become happy (Glock 2012). ‘Happiness Principle’ of Utilitarianism states that the ethics should bring ‘the greatest good for the greatest number of people.’ However, this may create problems for the human resource management. HRM has own policies and this has organizational rules. The best HRM policies can increase the performance outcomes of the organization.
Utilitarianism is one of the greatest principles that state the considered moral. These morals promote the utility and the immoral while the promotion is reverse. As opined by Kramar and De Cieri (2005), utility is the happiness with absence of the pain. The basic element of the philosophy is the action of a particular person and their utility results. The person can be considered as the moral while their actions promote utility of general public with the greatest principles. The action, which increases the utility, cannot imply the moral action (Lavenda, Schultz and Zutter 2013). The moral must have the optimal choice to increase the utility and decrease the pain. However, Rousselière (2015) mentioned that Utilitarianism has various issues. The main issue is the greatest happiness principle. This can include the inability of seeing the future and determination of the consequences of actions. The Utilitarianism mainly depends on the perspective of society. People have the ability to become happy by their own work. To become happy, it is necessary to elevate the poverty as well as the disease to energetic society for the future development. The greatest happiness principles are good in general. However, it has flaws ethical system does. Due to inability to predict the future to action, the result sometimes falls to intend.
If the immoral cause the pain, there will be no one to moral in the world. The greatest happiness principle allows people to cause the pain to others including the majority of people to become happier. Things such as the slavery, racism, rape, murder and bulling can be can justify those actions by the killing the opposition of them (Stichter 2015). If the number became major then the murdering will become justifiable for the moral. The greatest happiness principles try to eliminate the use of the laws that the government provide. With the increase of the action of human, the general utility increases and in such case, the breakdown of law does not matter. The Utilitarianism fails when people become engaged in unethical works and break the rules of the greatest happiness principles. Ryde and Sofianos (2014) argued that Utilitarianism is conflated with the expediency and considered as the immoral. The expedient refers to the act against the right for sake of the personal short term goals. In such way the expediency can be harmful for people and people should avoid it. Arjoon (2008) stated that the goal of expediency is not to hurt the society.
The Challenges of HRM/CPM in Promoting Human Happiness
CPM is the smart human resources assistance that manages people. CPM provides support to the corporate and ambition of people to meet the aspirations (Elsner 2015). CPM mainly focuses on the HR solutions with the extra value for both company and employees of the company.CPM can turn Human Resources in the strategic tools to achieve the ambitions. This help to add values to the employee fluctuation. Moreover, the CPM helps to measure the potential with the HR technique (Xiang 2016). CPM helps in the recruitment process to be successful while both the company and employees keep their commitments. It is very necessary to maintain the professional commitment. CPM helps to retain the talented employees in the organization to develop the teamwork for the development of the organization. This approach motivates the investment strategically. CPM improves the performance of the organization to corporate better result in future (Hills 2015). CPM depends on the vision, strategies and objective of the organization. It is necessary to focus on the every level of the HRM to implement the corporate strategies. The business model refers to the conceptual comprehensive approach. This model helps to optimize performance of both employees and company. The CPM helps to optimize the human resources, which is based on the vision, mission, objective, knowledge and strategies of the organization (Kramar and De Cieri 2005).
CPM helps the organization by proving guidance to become successful. This guidance has several steps including identifying, analysis, and interpretation of the needs of the business in the organization (Lavenda, Schultz and Zutter 2013). This focuses on the talent of the individual employees and thus provides profitability, continuity and efficiency. Every department as well as every employee play significant role to implement the corporate strategy. This is a holistic approach. This helps in the evaluation of the organization and involved department and individual employees. This approach influences the employees to provide their best effort to make the company successful and increase the profit with the performance. The business model is conceptual and comprehensive approach. The consultancy helps to start up the business by providing comprehensive approach. Ryde and Sofianos (2014) stated that human management resources play the key role in the development of a company. With the strong HRM strategies, the company will be successful. It is the formal system that is devised for management of the employees in the organization. The human resource management has several responsibilities in the development of the organization. This can include the staffing, benefits and compensation of the employees and designing the work.
HRM is related to the mortality. HRM moral ethical behavior and obligation cam carry connotation to the mortal philosophy. HRM does not view as the Utilitarianism that is the greatest good for the greatest number of people and no harm to the principle. Human resource management restrict to the level of 2, 3 as well as 4. On the other hand, human resource management is not able to reach to the level five and seven. Human resource management favors the managerial rules at level 4. This can support the corporate goals over the human goals (Xiang 2016). Human resource management is related to the personal benefits but do not related to the Utilitarianism and the Kantian Universal ethics. Utilizing the human resource helps in generating the values that is addressed by the HRM. The main problems that faced by the human resource managers are the ambiguous criteria, partiality, discrimination, compliance with the compliance, poor training, cynicism, poor skills and unwillingness (Rousselière 2015). The human resources managers, who are morally decent, have various responsibilities including the appropriate regard for the employees. Vulnerability, autonomy, morality, suffering and value each employees. The ethics of human resource management include the organizational justice, distributive justice, procedural justice and interactional justice.
Human resource management includes the CSR, collectivism, unitarism, managerial view, commodification and human capital. Corporate social responsibility refers to the form of the corporate self regulation that is integrated in the business model (Kramar and De Cieri 2005). In case of human resource management, the corporate social responsibilities plays significant role. Collectivism is the opposite of the individualism. In case of the success of an organization, collectivism is necessary so that the organization can grow up. This helps to negotiate the employees with the management. Human capital is the approach to the employee staffing, which perceives the assets to measure the future values. This helps to enhance via investment. Unitarism is one of the American models of human resource management. In such context, the employees need to share the same objectification whereas the managers shares various objectification for the development of the organization (Lavenda, Schultz and Zutter 2013).
Based on the above discussion, it can be said that Utilitarianism plays important role in human life. Only human has the ability to become happy. The best HRM policies can increase the performance outcomes of the organization. The basic element of the philosophy is the action of a particular person and their utility results. The moral must have the optimal choice to increase the utility and decrease the pain. The Utilitarianism mainly depends on the perspective of society. The greatest happiness principles are good in general. CPM helps to measure the potential with the HR technique. CPM helps to retain the talented employees in the organization to develop the teamwork for the development of the organization. The CPM helps to optimize the human resources, which is based on the vision, mission, objective, knowledge and strategies of the organization. The human resources managers, who are morally decent, have various responsibilities including the appropriate regard for the employees.
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