How HR Functions And Roles Positively Influence Staff To Achieve Organization’s Outcomes: A Case Study Of Google

Roles and responsibilities in HRM

a.Collaborative approach

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Collaboration is an important feature among all the managerial levels of Google. HR professionals and managers collaborate for regulating the performance of the employees. This collaboration is assistance in terms of preparing plans for enhancing the preconceived skills, expertise and knowledge of the employees (Noe et al., 2017). Meetings are conducted, where the HR professionals propose suggestions to the managers regarding the allocation of roles and tasks. Prior planning helps in modifying the drawbacks within the stipulated time. Consciousness towards this direction is assistance in terms of averting the errors and discrepancies at the time of actual execution of the projects. Consideration of the organizational requirements prove beneficial in terms of maintaining equality and transparency within the business operations (Bratton & Gold, 2017).


HR managers conduct market research for standardizing the business operations. Stable relationship with the members of research and development team helps in seeking an insight into the ways in which the employees can be involved in the operations. At the initial stage, selection and hiring process is emphasized upon. In this, focus is placed on the qualification of the employees. Once the employees are selected, they are instructed to expose dedication, commitment and perseverance towards the allocated duties and responsibilities (Brewster, Chung & Sparrow, 2016). Capability analysis is conducted by the managers for estimating the capability of the employees regarding the execution of challenging and enduring tasks. 


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Consideration of organizational culture enables Google to lure the attention of the clients and the customers. Offering special set of goods and services is assistance in terms of influencing the purchasing decision and power of the customers. In case of private sector, the professionals are in search of new talents, who would contribute in adding value to the business operations. Strategic approach in this direction is assistance towards maintaining the stability in the public relations (Berman et al., 2019). Here, the main focus is on seeking an insight into the capability of the employees in terms of fulfilling the identified and specified requirements. In this case, adoption of continuous process improvement proves beneficial for enhancing the awareness about the avenues through which benchmark level of performance can be reached (Brewster et al., 2016).

Management of the operations in HR department

Like all other companies, HR manager in Google is entrusted with the responsibility to ensure the wellbeing of the employees. For this, transparency is essential within the plans and schemes. Taking care of the proficiency of the employees in every parameter is necessary for effective handling of the human resources. Sound knowledge of the HR towards compensation benefits, safety, payrolls, recruitment and selection and training is accounted as one of the essential requirements for controlling the HRM operations (Bailey et al., 2018). HR managers needs to be flexible, as he is needed for maintaining the balance between the disciplines in the departmental units.

Awareness about the legislations

Adherence and compliance towards the legislations is crucial in terms of reducing the error rates. Mention can be made of the federal, state and labour laws, which acquaints the personnel with the latest versions of the employment legislations. Evaluation of the implemented legislations is done by the HR managers. This evaluation is effective in terms of detecting the areas, which needs modification (Albrecht et al., 2015). Typical example can be cited of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), which enables the officers to incorporate all the medical records of the employees. 

HRM functions

Conversations in leadership

HR manager in Google indulges in stable conversations with the leaders for evaluating the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed plans. As the aim is to enhance the profit margin, therefore, the aim is to brief the personnel about return on investment. For this, the bottom line production dynamics is taken into consideration. As compared to the other sectors, the return on investment is less transparent in case of Google. As the parameter of human resource management is vast, therefore, implementation of the plans and strategies is bound to bear negative results unless it is done strategically (Nankervis et al., 2016). Moreover, management of the bigger workforce adds to the complexities. Bureaucratic hierarchy of organizational structure seems to be an obstacle in the management. This is because it adds to the layers of authorities. This addition makes the path of leadership more distant, compelling the managers to strive more for taking their skills, abilities and competencies to the leadership levels (Guest, 2017).

Public relations in case of the employees

An employee conducting overtime duties does not contribute towards maintaining the stability in the relationship with the employees. Confidence is one of the essential attributes for building strong and flexible teams. For this, support is needed for the employees, which can be attained through the means of open forums and discussions. Offering flexible working conditions and congenial working atmosphere is one of the effective means for gaining trust from the employees. Feedbacks and surveys regarding the offered roles is assistance towards maintaining the stability in the relationship with the employees (Voegtlin & Greenwood, 2016). Strong interpersonal skills proves beneficial for Google in terms of enhancing the productivity levels. However, according to the critics, the interpersonal skills of the HR manager of Google is slower as compared to the contemporary brands.

Ensuring legal compliance

Complying with the tax obligations and the labour laws is one of the primary duties of the HR manager. The guidelines levied by state and federal government is crucial for developing policies on recruitment and selection, working hours and wage division (Lehnert et al., 2016). Sound knowledge of these policies and the latest versions helps the HR manager of Google to maintain the pace with the contemporary brands. 

a.Moral issue

Moral issue relates with the approach towards supporting or harming others.

Hypothesis 1: Moral issues express difference in believe rather than preference

As the employees belong to different socio-cultural background, difference of opinion is common. As a result of this, discriminations occur, which stalls the productivity. Along with this, sexual harassments have added to the concerns of the female employees regarding their safety and security. One of the striking issues is the preference of men for higher posts than females attain commonality in the workplace of the bigger companies (Shin et al., 2015). In case of the human resource planning of Google, planning is made for recruiting the desired candidates. However, in the bigger sectors, male employees have more opportunities than the females, adding to the stereotypical notions related to suppression of women. Google prefers male employees over females. This is in terms of searching for the candidates, who are flexible enough for handling the ambience of pressure (Lehnert et al., 2016).

Management of the operations in HR department

Practical issue

Practical issues lays emphasis on theories rather than practice. In case of Google, practical issues relate to the emphasis on the awareness towards the work, which is being performed. This is an innovative thinking of the managers in terms of effective knowledge management. According to the arguments of Voegtlin and Greenwood, (2016), systematic approach towards planning for the selecting the candidates is assistance for the Google personnel. This is in terms of executing the tasks as per the requirements.


Guest, (2017) affirms with the aspect that diversity prevails in the workplace of Google. Some of the employees belong to Muslim community, where Ramazan is a popular festival. Mention can be made of one employee, who was asked to work over time during the Ramazan month. He refused to accept the offer for which he was rejected.

Regulatory issue

According to the labour laws, employees are entitled not beyond the shift timings. In spite of that, Google compels some of the employees to work for 9 hours. This is against the labour laws. In addition to this, he was not getting adequate pay. This became an everyday story. As per the records, there are tax issues, as the personnel are not paying even half of the amount being earned. 

Qualification: Recruitment and selection at Google is conducted as per the organizational requirements. However, side parting with political parties for knowledge management has spoiled the reputation of the company.

Hiring employees from different cultures is really an obstacle. This is because the time of interviews clash, aggravating the complexities towards fulfilling the identified and specified requirements. One of the other difficulties in this context is getting the employees who would stay for longer duration in the companies (Nankervis et al., 2016). This is in terms of coping up with the external challenges and pressures inflicted by the contemporary brands.

In spite of knowing that political tensions are prevailing in Pakistan, an Indian guy was sent as a representative of Google. On moral grounds, the government instructed the company to boycott each of the products and services. However, Albrecht et al., (2015) argues that location plays an important role in acting according to the rules of moral acceptance.

Capability analysis is conducted by Google for selecting the candidates. However, recent issue of nepotism has deprived the talented candidates from getting chance. Striking instance is that the post is offered to someone belonging to higher posts or candidates having influential political supports. Apart from this, Google fails to complete the recruitment process in time, even though the assistance of the checklists. This reflects misutilization of power, which results in negative outcomes (Bailey et al., 2018). 


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