How Hastings Transformed Netflix: A Look Into His Autocratic Leadership Style

Hastings’ Autocratic Leadership Style and Communication


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Analyse the following questions based on the case scenario. You need to present and evaluate the facts and explore the hidden leadership principles behind these facts. How did Hastings change his use of communications in sending and receiving messages from Pure Software to Netflix? How did Hastings change his use of feedback from Pure Software to Netflix? How did Hastings change his use of coaching guidelines from Pure Software to Netflix? Which conflict management style did Hastings tend to use at Pure and Netflix?In making a deal with Epix, which conflict management style was most likely used by Netflix? How would you improve Netflix’s product offerings (i.e., what things can’t you watch that you would like to w atch) or processes (i.e., how can it improve its delivery or service)? Which level or levels of analysis and leadership paradigm are presented in this case, and did Hastings use the management or leadership paradigm?  How did Hastings Big Five model of personality leadership traits change from Pure Software to Netflix? Which University of Iowa leadership styles did Hastings use at Pure Software and Netflix? 6. Explain how power, organizational politics, networking, and negotiation are, or are not, discussed in the case.

Adler (2001) says that hasting change his use of the communication in sending and receiving the messages by transforming the systems that was prevailing in the Netflix by building the company to the hard driving and the risk culture and also is the fact that hasting never make the look to the stop of his shoulders hat and was one step ahead of the competition. He made the communication in the autocratic style where he, being the CEO of the company was making the guidance and was making aware to the people that have the best way to obey the command of the leaders where these the very leaders will give the best and will tell them what and how the things and the processes of the company are to be carried out and in what manner. The chief aim of the Hastings is to communicate and change the methodology of sending and receiving the messages in the autocratic style and the Netflix was not afraid of the changing the business model by cannibalizing the very own customers. He made the communication with the employees and also makes them embarrassed and the communication style of the Hasting is purely based on the autocratic way where he was making the direction and tells the people how and in what way the task is to be carried out.

Agrawal (2014) says that Hastings change his feedback in the way that hasting was ahead of the technology and he also made the anticipation that when the customers will eventually gets the move then they will be instantly delivered via internet. Hastings made the team movement and the team also made the compromise of the technology. They the experts of the technology in his team made the branded box with the hard drive. This branded box was connected to the movie queue. In this way the hasting made the various sources and all the technology experts to get the feedback from these things. When Hastings watches the YouTube then he decided to end and get the kill of the hard drives because he prefers the YouTube in the better manner and the way. It was hasting who got the feedback by producing the branded hardware’s. The method and the approach that was followed by the Hasting were based on the way the technology experts and other different sources were giving. In all the way hasting was aware that when the technology is properly utilized when it will be giving them the opportunity in the company that will make the raise of the technology and the stock analysis will meet the demand. He also embedded the software’s and in the present time these the very software’s are known as the got all the feedback from the internet sources and these the very sources will give the better hint to the company. The internet becomes the tool of the importance to the hasting and thus he completely relied on the internet. From these facts it is clear that he relied and got feedback from these the very sources.

Hastings’ Embrace of Technology and Feedback

Alon (2005) says that Hastings change of the coaching guide involves his leadership style and his leadership style is purely based on the various sources and thus they are giving best. Hasting is a hard headed man and thus his autocratic style of making the command and the directions to the employee that has even sometimes not be in the favor of the employees has then to push up the company. The coaching guide of his is to make the autocratic way. The criticism is purely involved to know the various ways that Hasting was never taking the criticism and it was in the favor of no criticism rules and the policies. In this way, the criticism was never made and in no ways, it was tolerated. Hasting use the coaching guide of making the commands in the different directions where the criticism and other such like factors were never playing the role and thus the hasting was not in the favor of the various known facts.

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Armenio (2012) says that the conflicting management style that he tends to make for the Netflix and the software is that had never made the comments on the employees in any of the ways and thus in all the way he has made no remarks and whatever remarks and the style that he has will be made in the no responding way. The methodology that was being adopted was seen as the no responses on his part. Hasting never made any kind of the Reponses.Bennett (2014) says that in making a deal with the epic the conflicting management style that was adopted was that of the three studio joint venture that make the movie relatively from paramount lions gate and thus they will make it through these ways.

This joint studio venture was involves in the way that it gave the conflicting style management shaped.The way by which the Netflix product offerings can be made improved is that by making the remaining of the DVD twister and there can also be and the separate subsidiary systems. It can remain and make the improvement by pushing its members to stop using the expensive mail.The analysis is done and the leadership paradigm is the involvement of the autocratic style. The autocratic style that leads to the leadership paradigm was that of the telling to the employees what to do and what not to do. (Bingham, 2000)

Bird (2013) says that Hastings big five model of the personality changes with the autocratic style that was involved and was given the directions as afore mentioned. The big five model of the personality traits means that there is the model that links with the personality of the individuals who may be working in the group like that of the company etc. The big five model of personality change is

    • Openness to the experience that is accountable for what are the changes that is desired. There are various changes that are desired for example hasting wants the employee to work in the different manner as they used to work with the positive emotions and such like. The openness was considered importantly.
    • Another deal is conscientiousness which means that Hastings believes in the self dependency and the self discipline. There is the necessity of the self dependency that means that when the employees in the Netflix are self dependent then there can be made more kind of the technologies implement.
    • Extraversion means the positive emotions followed with the sociability and the talkativeness. There are the positive emotions which Hastings believes in the company and its employee has to follow the sociability. The major factor that runs is this extraversion. This will give the profit to the company and thus there will be mire beneficiaries that relates to the growth with the autocratic style.
    • Agreeableness is another trait where the one is ready to make it with the agreement of the people. There is always believes the hasting agreeability with the people where the persons or the employee will share the experience of the company working procedures and thus they will give the agreeableness in all the way of the process.
  • Neuroticism means that anger and the anxiety. The degree of the emotional stability is calculated to understand the emotional break out. There is always negativity inside the human beings. Hastings believes that when there is the anger and the anxiety like factors then there must not be presence of these factors as they will merely hindrance creator in the life of the employees and that of the company.

Boyd (2012) says that the University of lowa leadership is that of the autocratic style that was dealing not in the democratic or the other forms of the way but with the known sources. He has the autocratic style and knows that he also embedded the software’s and in the present time these the very software’s are known as the got all the feedback from the internet sources and these the very sources will give the better hint to the company. The internet becomes the tool of the importance to the hasting and thus he completely relied on the internet. From these facts it is clear that he relied and got feedback from these the very sources.

Hastings’ Conflicting Management Styles

Brownell (2006) says that the power, organizational politics, networking and the negotiations was linked in the way the hasting gave the proper guidance’s and the directions in the autocratic style. The autocratic style that as present means that the hasting was firmly determined who was all hard headed and never make a move to the long lasting solution which was to say no to anything. When he was associated with the pure software, he worked in the different style prior to become the CEO of the Netflix. In this way, the power and the organizational politics was linked to the way he used up the sources. The negotiation was dealing in the different manner where the employees were asked to obey with the directions as given by the Hastings.

Power: It is the matter of the exercising of the authority as Hasting did in the company. Hastings’s power is used in the manner that gives the betterment of the company and the power was exercised to make the employee aware of the known facts of the organization.

Organization politics: The organizational politics is the politics that runs in the organization and Hasting made the organizational politics in the autocratic way that makes the run of the organization.

Networking: Networking refers to the interconnection and in the Netflix Company, the networking is very important and runs with the company and the employees as he desired.

Negotiation: Negotiation is the process where the organization will run the systems in the company with the help of the fairness and thus they will negotiate. This will help to increase the efficiency.


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