How Digital Communication Mix And E-Commerce Can Reinforce Your Brand Identity

Using Digital Communication Mix as Marketing Techniques to Target Potential Customers

To investigate how digital communication mix ( email marketing , mobile marketing , SEO, Search Engine Marketing , Display Advertising ) can be used as marketing techniques to target potential customers.

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To identify how the features of E-Commerce can be used to reinforce brand identity.

Communication is a very important aspect for the business to grow and at the same time also create a relationship and strengthen the efficiency of the company. It also helps the companies to learn more and more from one another (Burgess et al, 2011). There are number of technologies like internet, social media and CRM systems and it also impact the way companies contact the potential customers. The new kind of communication is completely transforming the overall landscape and different type of messaging strategy that businesses uses (Burgess et al, 2011).

There are number of consumers and organisations that look for information and at the same time also connect with other kind of people and organisations from their electronic items like phones or computers. People can easily access so many sources of data or information online and a space in interactive media and customers also have to collect more and more information related to product comfortably (Burgess et al, 2011). Environment and work space are changing and so many people are now creating offices virtually and communicating on social media websites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter (Bosomworth, 2013). As landscape and media work ethics are changing and the money that is spend on different kinds of communication is also changing. When companies reach a developed stage it is important they change their way it communicates and at the same time communicate the values and advantages of the overall offerings the present and potential consumers (Bosomworth, 2013).

Integrated marketing communications is an approach that is designed to deliver one message consistently for buyers through different promotion strategies that may utilise all different types of media sources like TV, magazines, internet and different social media platforms (Allisat, 2014). In order to deliver information to the targeted audience consistently helps the company to establish an image in the mind of the current customers and also the future or potential customers along with target audience. IMC is helping the organisations to coordinate this process or the message that helps in brand building and also develops a strong customer and company relationship and achieving customer satisfaction (Allisat, 2014).

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Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning for Digital Marketing

People these days especially the youth have become an integral part of the millennial generation and the youth is driving and actively supporting the changes towards new and unique communication technologies (Gangeshwer, 2013). People opts to receive promotions through mobile marketing and from different stores on the mobile phone while shopping or through different mobile gaming machines that permits them to connect to the different websites and platforms. For example, advertisement on Facebook or Twitter has become quite popular as organisations are actively participating in different social media platforms. Today, traditional sources of media like newspapers, television and magazines are competing with Internet, mobile phones, social media platforms; various users based contents like blogs and at the same time YouTube as well as advertising based on out-of-home like movable promotion or billboards (Gangeshwer, 2013). This is why, all kinds of marketing media sources are bound to come up with some innovative ideas in order to remain important and relevant.

Today, the relevance of Segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP) has become relevant for digital marketing since application of marketing strategies can help in developing more relevant and important digital communication with the help of alternative tactical customer segmentation approaches (Mohammed, 2015). In addition to this, STP also aims on developing the effectiveness and at the same time selection of most important segment for the company and further developing a marketing mix and position of strategy for every segment.  

With the help of segmentation, companies can recognise different niches with particular needs and also have a mature to identify new and potential customer, apply a more focussed and efficient marketing message (Mohammed, 2015). The overall need of every segment is quite similar and so is the marketing message that must be designed in a manner that every segment can focus on different advantages and also features the important points rather than a common approach for all kind of customers (Mulpuru et al, 2011).
To identify how the features of E-Commerce can be used to reinforce brand identity.

It is very crucial to put the brand strategy that can help in defining the customers and see the business and the product from completely new and different angle. It has become important for the companies to become or achieve the important or winning difference. Another thing which is very important is how it helps the companies to be unique in the crowd and at the same time also avoid a competition on price (Mulpuru et al, 2011).

Using E-Commerce to Reinforce Your Brand Identity

Building ecommerce stores and brand strategy for the same is a very strong and powerful marketing and retention of the customers and achieves different loyalty techniques and it is important for any new and established business especially ecommerce businesses (Adam, 2011). The company must decide the brand strategy and also position it before getting in other aspects of businesses. Or else, companies will have to work in backwards in order to get the business in touch with the customers (Gilaninia et al, 2011).

The Ecommerce companies must understand the nature of business and the market. This can be done by asking some relevant questions like the mission and vision statement, how company solves the challenges related to product, current customer’s perception, and potential customers thought process and the standards that the customer deserves to get attracted with (Gilaninia et al, 2011).

It is important to get the answers of above question and then promotes the messages on the store. After that market research is very important and the companies must try to get in the mind of the customer and also know the business (Mistry, 2011). This can be done through emailing the survey to the present customers or apply the survey and its functionality within the store.

Companies must decide a unique or distinct selling proposition and this is the most fundamental step for any good brand strategy. The aim is to have a differentiated brand from the competitors and make some loyal customers by giving them a strong reason to purchase companies product (Tonkin et al, 2011). The story must be highlighted on all sources of media with unique philosophy and certain goals for the business as well as the product.

The company will also have to use brand product quality as a main tool for marketing and in a most effective is to build the brand loyalty. This is not an easy process but this process leads to a definitive result (Tonkin et al, 2011). These days if the product or services businesses are not designed by keeping quality in mind, than the customers will not return and in fact the customer will express open dissatisfaction across many social media platform openly and this may adversely impact the image of the company.   It is important to maintain the quality and also remain consistent in it so that the company can build some or many lifetime customers (Jun-long, 2010).


The knowledge of customer these days is quite high and with high customer expectation from the product and also the explosion in various engagement channels; marketing manager today is facing a challenge to deal with sprawling matrix of many disconnected and vague figures to understand (Ljungmark and Bernhardsson, 2011). There are some tools today that provide a more proper and consolidated view on different figures. There are two possible categories in the modern marketing where there is one who get it and have proper intricate systems in place in order to calculate and also act on the intelligence given by different channel metrics. Then there are those who view this metrics as a check box on the list of requirements and have something that they know they need but have no clue for leveraging effectively (Müllern, 2011). 

Collection of metrics actually means completely going beyond the tracking process and having business objectives. In order to leverage the metrics in most strategic manner it is important to create more loyal and engaging clients and have a business that needs to look at creating a more consolidated and have personal thoughts on varied customer and their span channels (Müllern, 2011). The company needs a metrics that can put together to help in painting more perfect picture to have end-to-end client relationship and also show how to get better target messaging in order to drive more engaged audience. Marketing managers will have to find a way to break down the elements and then connect different data sources (Müllern, 2011).  This way, the manager will manage to have complete view of the customer and various interactions with them in order to leverage the data in order to build strong relationships.


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