Hosting Winter Olympics Games In Vancouver – Factors For Success And Examples From Canadian Cities

Key Characteristics of Vancouver that will lead to Success of the Event

In the current life, Olympic has become one of the most global profitable media events and a large-scale game whose events are not only meant for entertaining, lifestyle and occupation but also a well a solid business (McCann, 2008). Following the Olympics movement evolution in twenty eth ad twenty-first centuries, the adjustment has been evolved, which seeks to favour the ice and snow sports by creating Olympics Games during the winter season (Thomas, Erdman and Burke, 2016). Thus, the best city for Olympics Games in Canada is the Vancouver city because it favours the Olympics Games which feature the competition of sports enhancing the participation of athletes from all over the world per taking in different competitions.

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Vancouver’s gross Domestic product index (GPD) is the major characteristic of Vancouver city in Canada, which definitely leads to the success of Olympic game to be held because it’s the most effective Olympics potential predictor which indicates the development of Canada’s economy (Sant & Mason, 2015). Hence, enhancing the resource assumption and thus enables athletes to be committed in their preparations for games as well as enhance the development of advanced systems of education and building and maintenance of facilities used in training the coaches.

The volunteers friendly warm welcome, enthusiasm and their service provision systems in official languages is another factor that will enhance the success of Olympic Games at Vancouver as the games ceremonies normally begin with proper prominence of the French language (Holden, MacKenzie & VanWynsberghe, 2008). In addition to that, the performances of culture will enhance the success of the event by highlighting the French and English diversity and richness which are the identities of Canada.

The success of Olympic Games which is an investment, does not just happen, but it is determined by more effort being put in place to achieve the success in Olympic Games event (Kaplanidou & Karadakis, 2010). All begins with inviting the other countries into Vancouver which requires capitalizing on the acquisition of international knowledge through attending the Vancouver board of trade functions which includes; professionals, business people join forces and bureaucrats to streamline the organization of national urban spectacle which enhances improvement of the local growth of key actors. Capitalizing, on the board of trade In Vancouver, enhances the success of the Olympic Games because it extensively uses the organizations’ former government officials and organizers to advertise community business in Vancouver (Sant & Mason, 2015). Additionally, there is a provision of strategies on how to make the Olympic Games event successful so as to invest more is through a perfect invitation of foreign countries.

Detailed Factors Lead to The Success of Olympic Games Event to be Held in Vancouver

The high population of people In Vancouver is one factor which influences the success of Olympic Games since the size of a country or city is measured by its population, Olympics is a fine Games that requires a largely spaced area to accomplish this event (Sant, Mason & Hinch, 2013). The Mega Sports bring together leading world’s athletes and thousands and millions of spectators watch from all over the worldwide and as a result, Olympic Games enhance peace, pride, unity and elite athleticism around the world.

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Another factor that will ensure the success of the Olympic in Vancouver is the improvement in the access on mass media and transportation systems which renders the accessibility of people to the Olympics Games around the globe (Zekulin, 2009). The end result is a great sports competition sports event in Vancouver enhancing social regeneration, economic development and cultural integration, sponsorship, ticketing, hospitality, and much more.

Local business community plays an important role in the success of Olympic Games in Vancouver through different ways, for instance offering accommodation to the Olympics Games overseas travellers who travel purposefully for the Olympic event (Jeff, 2008). Another involvement of the local community business is through the attendance of the local residences to the event. Provision of accommodation to Olympic corporation results in attraction of exposure internationally by the investors thus promoting the potential creation of profit for the Vancouver’s Olympic event.

Since running event endures factors associated with the environment, the poor organization and ill -timing is a great obstacle which is likely to hinder the success of the Olympic Games event at Vancouver because is the key cause of environmental stress which affects the performance of Olympic races (The OGI-UBC Research Team, 2010). Different environmental forces like geographical features, air pollution, altitude, heat and humidity of Vancouver are selectively considered and dealt with in global climatic zones and chronological order. These data related to mitigating influences and data at Vancouver are to be solved through focusing on Vancouver’s climate diversity zones and conditions of the environment so as to scrutinize the possible side effects that may lead to the failure of the event.

Canada has ever hosted the Olympic Games three times, the summer Olympic Games held once at Montreal in the year 1976 competing under the CANs IOC country code and the Winter Olympic Games at Calgary in the year 1988 and 2010 Vancouver Olympics Games winning, gold, silver and bronze medals in the respective Olympic Games (VanWynsberghe, Derom & Maurer, 2012). These events are useful to the success of the Olympic Games to hosted at Vancouver because at each level different concepts emerge which helps in making appropriate steps in preparation of Olympic events held at different Canadian is that the success of hosting Olympic Games is a long-term process that is implemented gradually basing on vital factors related to the event which includes   weather patterns, finance among other constructive factors.


In summary, Canada held various Olympic Games events, and in point of my view, the winter Olympic Games makes sense to be held at Vancouver city due to the city’s sustainability standards of green-building which embrace the management of carbon and programming offset influencing the reduction of consumption of water and energy thus favouring the winter Olympic at the city of Vancouver. This event will definitely succeed because of the appropriate measures put in place and extensive advantages of Vancouver city which include the well-improved infrastructure and the favourable sustained environment.


Holden, M., MacKenzie, J., & VanWynsberghe, R. (2008). Vancouver’s Promise of the World’s First Sustainable Olympic Games. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 26(5), 882–905.

Jeff, L. (2008). Police predict escalating 2010 protests; Documents show CSIS and RCMP have identified several threats to Olympic security. The Vancouver Sun, October 9th, 2008, A4.

Kaplanidou, K., & Karadakis, K. (2010). Understanding the legacies of a host Olympic city: The case of the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Games. Sports Marketing Quarterly, 19(2), 110 117.

McCann, E.J. 2008. ‘Expertise, truth, and urban policy mobilities: global circuits of knowledge in the development of Vancouver, Canada’s’. Environment and Planning A, 40: 885–904.

Sant, S. & Mason, D. (2015). Framing Event Legacy in a Prospective Host City: Managing Vancouver’s Olympic Bid. Journal of Sports Management. 29. 42-56.


Sant, S-L., Mason, D.S., & Hinch, T.D. (2013). Conceptualising Olympic tourism legacy: Destination marketing organisations and Vancouver 2010. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 18(4), 287-312.

The OGI-UBC Research Team. (2010). Olympic Games Impact (OGI) Study for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Pre-Games Results Report. The Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games (VANOC).

Thomas, D.T., Erdman, K.A. and Burke, L.M. (2016). The position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Dietitians of Canada, and the American College of Sports Medicine: Nutrition and Athletic Performance. Journal of Academy Nutrition Diet. 116(3):501-528. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2015.12.006.

VanWynsberghe, R., Derom, I., & Maurer, E. (2012). Social leveraging of the 2010 Olympic Games: ‘Sustainability’ in a City of Vancouver initiative. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, 4(2), 185–205.

Zekulin, M. (2009). Olympic Security: Assessing the Risk of Terrorism at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Games. Journal of Military and Strategic Studies, 12(1):1-25.

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