Here’s How Facebook Actually Won Trump The Presidency: A Discussion On The Impact Of Social Media On Politics
Brief description on the ways through which the social Media has changed politics
Here’s How Facebook Actually Won Trump the Presidency.
Social media is referred to as one of the most effective tools that is widely used by the social media users for different usage. It has been found that, in the current days, the Social Media platform is being widely using by different users including the learners, teachers and also even by the politicians for political campaigning (Patru? & Patru?, 2014). In traditional days the politicians had to travel from one location to another location to share the political vision and mission. Though, it was time taking but at the same time the voters used to get a chance to meet the nominated or selected candidate for the election. The candidates used to arrange stage meeting where they share their views about the current situation of the countries and about expectation what they are thinking to bring after their party will come to the power.
The tradition is available in the current days also but at the same time social media is being started using widely by the politicians to raise their voice without violence (Loader, et al., 2015). After analyzing the social media political campaign it can be said that this platform should be used by the parliament, parliamentarians, governments and political parties as well to involve the citizen over a platform for making discriminated public policies and for forming governments as well. However, all the political groups are required to develop proper strategies to serve the requirements accurately.
The role of social media in politics and eventually within the political parties is growing rapidly. During the selection of president of United States in the year of 2016, the online campaign was widely used by the political parties especially Facebook and Twitter (Harris & Harrigan, 2015). It has been found that in the year of 2016, during the presidential campaigning an American Business person, an author and a television personality launched the famous political personality Donald Trump in the New York City. Trump was nominated from the Republican for the United Sate’s President.
According to Donald Trump social media like Facebook and Twitter are the most powerful weapons for political campaigning even though he also said that social media helped him a lot to become the 45th President of United States rater social media strategy is referred to as a key component for the victory. In order to get result from the social media campaigning, the presidential election leverages the power and reach. However, just before the start of the presidential election, Donald Trump stops using the Social media platform for political campaigning.
Discussion on how the social media was effectively used to influence political relations in terms of organizing a campaign
At a certain stage of political campaigning, certain remarks from the opponents were sounded; those were quite controversial in nature thus that time Donald Trump stop got support from the US voters, though from the point of view of the voters, the campaign that had been arranged by the political party of Donald Trump was very much attractive. In order to gain competitive advantages from the political platform, Donald Trump was bound to use proper campaigning to attract the consumers.
He founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg was strictly against the usage of Social media as a platform for political campaigning and he tried hard to convince the voters to not to use the Facebook and twitter for this purpose. However, according to the digital director of the President-elect Donald Trump stated Facebook as a social media giant, as it was extensively used by the voters and politicians for influencing the voters against the opponents (Harder, Sevenans & Van Aelst, 2017). The social media platform for the online fund rising purposes helped the president to generate campaign of $250.
In traditional days there were many aspects those were not possible during the political campaigning however with the social media platform those become possible likewise. This particular approach was missing on the traditional polling and political campaigns. Like any other start up business the political campaigns also become more powerful after the incorporation of social media network (Tess, 2013). From the number of followers, likes and dislikes in the web pages before the announcement of the final results the political parties will get to know about their current status and popularity among the voters. If they found the opponents stronger then additional changes are needed to be incorporated by them for their promotion (Bonilla & Rosa, 2015). Not only this but also different conditional feedback were also gained from the social media platform during the age of the president selection campaigning. In addition to this, many advertising agents were also gained measurable profit during the campaigning phase. From this news most of the traditional advertising companies converted themselves as the digital advertisers.
I have selected another case study “HERE’S HOW FACEBOOK ACTUALLY WON TRUMP THE PRESIDENCY”, to understand the role of social media that helps the Donald trump to become the President of United States (Lapowsky et al., 2017). Though, Mark Zuckerberg tried to convince the Facebook users to make them understand that, Facebook had no nefarious impact in the election. However, Donald Trump stated that the social media giant was very much influential in the voting process. From the recent history of political campaigns it has been defined that, social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter are very much helpful for both political promotions and business purposes. I have realized that, in politics the social media has a powerful impact throughout including continuous scope development and actors broadening. It helps to incorporate new age of Political stages discovering new manners, valuable tools, options and disclosure as well. I think, in this platform, there is no chance of violence it means that the working environment will never be misbalanced. Even, regardless of time and location of the voters they will be able to share their opinions to others (Yamamoto, Kushin, & Dalisay, 2015). I have also learned that, the efficiency of political disclosures get enhances exponentially and reach to the highest level of success for attaining the preliminarily decided goal.
Explanation on how social media technology influenced politics
I felt that in addition to this, it also helps to guide the users through the channels due to the presence of the large span and other inaccessible areas as well. The relationship between the candidates and the voters grow up gradually, through the help of the social media networking sites like Facebook, Twitter etc. This particular case study is based upon the power of Social media in political Campaigning. As the political campaigning is not at all dependent on the info communication hierarchy thus, question centers of the voters could be cleared much easily. The ideas generated from the previous campaigns implies that, for the promotion of the election cycle social media is very much helpful because it does not take any extra budget and regardless of time and location of the voters their views could be shown by the nominees and all other political parties. Even the nominated political party becomes able to gather money from the social media campaigning. The social media helped to modernize the traditional political campaign approaches with different kinds of enormous sample sizes.
With the help of the advanced technology the rates of the political movements through the social media have been developed completely and also the trans-nationalization is also being maximized a lot (Loader et al., 2015). The involvements of the local citizens are also increasing after the incorporation of the social media platform to the traditional political campaigning approaches. Even for electronic marketing also the digital movement also the social media is widely used by the politician and all other political parties also. In traditional time it was not possible for the candidates to visit all the necessary locations but I have understand that after the involvement of the social media with politics massive transformation has taken place. The digital movement and the digital inspiring are very much helpful from both the business and voters point of views.
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