Healthy People: Understanding The History And 2020 Framework

What is Healthy People and How it was developed?

What is Healthy People and How it was developed?

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a. The historical development of the Healthy People is based on accomplishing 4 previous initiatives of Healthy People. These 4 health initiative are:.

1. 1979 Surgeon General’s Report: Healthy People: The Surgeon General’s Report on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

2. Healthy People 1990: Promoting Health/Preventing Disease: Objectives for the Nation

3. Healthy People 2000: National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Objectives

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4. Healthy People 2010: Objectives for Improving Health (Aungst, 2011)

b. Healthy people, is a project, which is a collection of national health objectives. The main aim of this project is to inform community and public health department to identify the threats to people’s health, which could be prevented. Other objective is to establish the national goals to reduce threats towards people’s health. The major objective of Healthy People is to define and realizing the vision that “a society in which all people live long, healthy lives” (Aungst, 2011).

c. Health of American is very important for, which different objective have been put forward. This project also provides the opportunity to more and more people to access healthcare services. Healthy People is using a strategic approach to improve the health of Americans. This will be applicable over the time line of 10 years and will be initiated regionally, nationally and on the state level (Asian, 2014). For all Americans if requires high quality education, decent housing, nutritious food, culturally sensitive healthcare services, reliable and affordable public transport, clean water, health insurance and clean air (Wang, Orleans, & Gortmaker, 2012).

d. Healthy people 2020is based on some major standards and benchmarks. The benchmarks of the Healthy people 2020 are based on the prior versions and key themes, which were based on removing the disparities from the healthcare system and social level. This policy is making a new and better change by introducing health equity as the major goal. According to the benchmarks, a subcommittee is appointed in order to consider all the health related issues in detail and also provided the international definition for health equity and health disparities (Kumanyika, 2013). According to these definitions, it is revealed that health disparities and differences require a special attention for targeting the public health issues. The health disparities are mainly increased due to a systematic process of social disadvantages. The benchmarks are based on providing the quality of health to complete population instead of just closing the gap among the sub-population (Kumanyika, 2013).

e. The health status of the people will be monitored on the basis of the progress made. The health initiative promoted will be monitored in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the objectives. The foundation health measure will be used to monitor progress. For every FHM different health related process are used to monitor the health related issues presented under that FHM.

The overarching goals of Healthy People 20202 are:

  1. Attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death (People Health, 2012). This goal is important to have the close look towards mortality rate and quality of life of people.
  2. Achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups (People Health, 2012). Disparities and inequalities are ingrained in the society, due to which many people could get required access to the healthcare facilities. Such disparities also affect the overall health outcomes of the country. Thus, this goal is very important to be achieves.
  3. Create social and physical environments that promote good health for all (People Health, 2012). Social and physical environment always affect the life of every individual. Social environment is the first, which comes in contact of an individual. If social environment is effective and healthy then it can help individuals have a healthy life.
  4. Promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors across all life stages (People Health, 2012). This goal is important in protecting and affecting the Affordable care Act. Health insurances will be encouraged and promoted.
  1. General Health Status
  2. Health related quality of life and well-being
  3. Determinant of health.
  4. Disparities

1. General Health Status: It provides the details about the health status of the general population.

i) Components include

1. International compariision of Life Expactancy

2. Healthy life expectancy

The Historical Development of Healthy People

3. Years lost from potential life period

4. Unhealthy days with Physical and Mental problems (US Department of Health and Human Services 2008)

5. Self-assessed health status

6. Limitation of activity

7. Prevalence of Chronic diseases (Lloyd-Jones et al, 2010)

ii) It measured on the basic of comparison done with international data.

ii) It is monitored on the basis of the components used. The process of monitoring includes monitoring the life expectancy, healthy life expectancy, the years which have been potentially lost due to illness, health status that could be self accessed, prevalence of the chronic diseases and limitation of different activities (Lloyd-Jones et al, 2010).

iv) By measuring and monitoring different aspects of the health related issues, this FHM contribute allot by providing significant data about variety of population. It measures the age specific deaths, life expectancy at the time of birth for both males and females, current life and death and illness pattern and it can also be helpful in illustrating long term aspects of illness rate and age specific deaths (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2010)

a. It is a vivid concept of well-being, which access the positive aspects of people’s life.

b. It is measured on the basis of Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Global Health Measure, this is responsible for measuring social, physical and mental aspects of health; Well-Being Measures the positive aspects in the daily life of people, which means that when were people satisfied with their life and felt happy and content; and Participation Measures, this includes the information about people and impact on their health by social participations.

c. It is monitored by focusing on the positive life aspects of population.

d. It impact on the overall health of the community is very essential and specific.  By focusing on the positive aspects of people’s life it measures quality of life.

Determinants of Heath

a. Components include social and economic factors, social, mental, Physical, health related quality of life and Participation in common activities. It basically focuses on finding out that why some people are healthy and others are unhealthy (Koh et al, 2011).

b. It measures the data through various ranges of social, economic, personal and environmental factors. It also measures the data achieved from biological and genetics studies.

c. It monitor by the help of ecological approach for promotion and health and prevention of diseases. It also monitors the health status through different disparities prevailing in the society (Koh et al, 2011).

d. he overall impact of this FHM is very significant, as it is based on individual level and population level determinants. It helps to understand the level of disparity among the society. It will help in making policies and improving the health services.

4. Disparities: This FHM is very essential in measuring disparities and inequalities based on different components.

a. The components that this FHM includes are race/ethnicity, mental ability, gender, physical and geography. There are many racial and ethnic disparities prevailing in American society that requires to be addressed immediately.

b. FHM is measured on the basis of the data available from different disparities in the society. The data is measured across disparities and inequalities based on sex, race, sexual identity, socioeconomic status, and geographic location (Fielding & Kumanyika, 2009).

c. It monitors different societal inequalities, avoidable inequalities, historical injustice, and healthcare disparities.

d. The overall impact of this FHM is mainly seen on the disparities in health and health related service.


Aungst, R. B. (2011). Healthy people 2020. Perspectives on Audiology, 7(1), 29-33.

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Fielding, J., & Kumanyika, S. (2009). Recommendations for the concepts and form of Healthy

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Koh, H. K., Piotrowski, J. J., Kumanyika, S., & Fielding, J. E. (2011). Healthy People a 2020

vision for the social determinants approach. Health Education & Behavior, 38(6), 551-557.

Kumanyika, S. (2013). A perspective on the development of the healthy people 2020 framework

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National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Objectives for 2020. Phase I report: recommendations for the framework and format of healthy people 2020. Section IV. Advisory Committee findings and recommendations.

Wang, Y. C., Orleans, C. T., & Gortmaker, S. L. (2012). Reaching the healthy people goals for

reducing childhood obesity: closing the energy gap.American journal of preventive medicine, 42(5), 437-444.

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