Health Finance And Project Management: Combating Obesity In Mount Pleasant Community

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After learning that many people are suffering from obesity at Mount Pleasant, it came clear that it is necessary to find a way of combating the issue in the community. Thorough research and investigations came to a conclusion that a medical facility has to be put up to assist the community in managing the obesity that is becoming a common disease among many people. The case of the rising number of people suffering from obese in Mount Pleasant gave the reason for the scheme to set up a primary facility to manage the disease. It has been noted that it is a disease that is persistent within the people with intellectual disability. The major purpose of the new community care facility is to assist in dealing with the increasingly growing population of the aged through the delivery of affordable, integrated and quality care. The facility is planned to be opened in 2017 to deal with obesity mainly for the people with intellectual disability in the community.

  • Developing a community with a minimum number of obese cases in the future
  • Driving at building a care facility that will be affordable to all in the community
  • Starting a center to offer an integrated and quality care to the community
  • Establishing a community that will live to appreciate the existence of the facility and the practitioners working in the care center
  • Investigating the case of obesity within the population of the intellectual disability

According to the world health organization, obesity is a condition that is characterized with excessive fats accumulation in the adipose tissue to a position where the health of the victim may be impaired (World Health Organisation, 2000). The facts have also been supported by the department of health and children suggesting that the prevalence of the disease has shown a dramatic increase within the past years becoming a major health issue in the community of Mount Pleasant (Allan et al., 2008). The department has also suggested that the disease has been high on the men than women all of whom are of the age of 18 years and above. Thus, obesity has been declared to be a health risk for the general population and is as well a factor for the persons with intellectual disability (Department of Health and Children. 2005). The world health organization has put it out that the population of the people with intellectual disability has shown a high level of the cholesterol and obesity as compared to that of the general population (Brown & Thompson, 2008).

The reason for this research is to develop a plan for starting a primary care facility in the Mount Pleasant community to assist in dealing with the problem of obesity among the intellectual disability population. According to a research from the literature review, it has been discovered that people suffering from intellectual disability are enduring obesity more than the general population and has as well been noted to be a bigger problem for the women within the category of the intellectual disability. Thus, it has become a critical issue to be addressed by services and the practitioners working within the population (Burns & Grove, 2011). 

Literature Review on Obesity

The impacts of obesity on the health status of the people were examined in a qualitative study in America. This was to help in figuring out the strategies to be applied in the setting of the primary care facility in the Mount Pleasant community. I figured that after conducting a research and analyzing the risks associated with the case, I would come out with better plans for the care facility. After learning from the research, it was organized that the data was collected from a community based specialty medical practice for the people with the intellectual challenge. The exercise took its leads through the utilization of the administrative service records, healthcare records and also the developmental disabilities profile. The information gathers were inclusive of the heights and weight of the participants and also their diagnoses of hypertension, diabetes, and their smoking status. Another effect to be established was the effects of obesity on the coronary heart disease on the intellectually challenged persons (Emerson, 2005). The data on the multitude was collected over a few months. According to the results, it turned out that there was a link between obesity and the persistence of the coronary disease with some good percentage of the coronary risk factor being obese. It also appeared that the risk factors included diseases like hypertension and diabetes for the people with obese or those who are overweight.

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After an establishment of another qualitative study, the health state of the aging disability population was defined. Among the population that used as a sample in the study, 55% of them appeared to be engaging in no exercises out of the approximate 50 percent who were declared as obese. The results seem to suggest that the people with the higher body mass were most likely to suffer from neurological and cardiovascular diseases. After learning this, it became clear that there was an urgent need to make the project a priority and establish a primary care facility that is to begin functioning in 2017 to make it possible to manage the case of obesity in Mount Pleasant community (Bhaumik, 2008).

The patient protection and affordable care act has been seen to be at the forefront supporting the integrated care and the public health where it has been enhancing the care for the patients more so the ones who are suffering from the chronic diseases such as obesity. In efforts to build the trend, the integrated clinical and community systems that is responsible for preventing and managing obesity, in conjunction with the institute of round table on obesity solution, there is a proposed model for the case. The model is to be used to prevent and treat obesity through the integration of the clinical and community resources.

Project Plan

The case is treated as a clinical crisis that needs instant transformation regarding the way obesity is handled as a chronic disorder that has been propelling heart disease and cancer as has been observed generally in the united states and now in mount pleasant. After the finding, there is now a proposal that the new care facility to be launched in 2017 use a certain model in preventing, treating and managing obesity. The model is expected to integrate the health care in the facility using the resources that will be available in the community making it easier for the people, especially the intellectually challenged to prevent the gaining and losing of weight unhealthily and avoiding it at all costs. The new model is expected to be inclusive of certain aspects;

The system is expected to be one that will mainly focus on the individual patients and the engagement of their family. It is assumed that the successful model for treating obesity will need some behavioral changes like the preparations of the nutritious foods as well as increasing the physical activity and families are playing critical roles in the efforts made (Poon & Tarrant, 2009). Two, the model will include clinical services that are restructured offered by the practitioners believed to be a lot more sensitive to the stigmatization of the victims of obesity. The physicians and the staffs are expected to learn the behavioral plans that could be employed to motivate the patients and influence them to changing their dietary habits and begin engaging in exercise. Third, the system should promote a better integration between the clinical practices and the community systems that could ease the patient’s efforts to lose or maintain their weights.  An example is where the partnership between the clinics and other resource providers could offer the opportunities for the structured regular exercises or also nutritional counseling (Brewin et al., 2007). 

The integrated care model is supposed to aim at changing the approach applied in the delivery of the care systems through the support offered for the primary care practitioners with the services given by the dietitians. These included the nurse practitioners, the social workers, and also the community leaders who are not considered health professionals amongst others. The model is though seen to be accompanies with certain challenges (Albertini et al., 2008). One is that the challenges of the model are seen in the training of the physicians giving them the experience to optimize the treatment for obesity while at the same time utilizing the community resources. The training of the practitioners is incorporation of the instruction of the behavior change strategies and updated information regarding the developing measures in treating obesity. Also, the practitioners will be expected to assist in the negotiations of written agreements with the service providers of the community considering that they might not have worked before. The physicians are to assist the community programs so the patients can get the best services (Bradley, 2005).

Risk Analysis and Contingency Plans

The sharing of data is seen as much more significant during the communication process with the patients’ health information that is between the practitioners and the community programs. The model is to resemble the diabetes prevention program that comes as a trial to demonstrate the intensive dietary as well as the physical practices that are counseling for loss of weight that appeared to be more effective than the medication applied in the prevention of the advanced diabetes in the patients (Davidson, 2002).

Considering that the Medicare is advancing to the value-based care, the incentives that are used for the health insurance schemes and the clinical schedules to invest in the community initiatives are to improve the results that are expected to be increasing. In making the project a success, the banks and other financial institutions are expected to offer their support in funding the clinic and the community system to fight obesity (Marshall, McConkey & Moore, 2003). A good example of the case to be applied was once seen in San Francisco. It is there that the Federal Reserve Bank assisted in the in the identification of the upstream interventions like the health food markets. The health centers were as well identified and it was discovered that the financial agencies would invest to fulfill their roles under the reinvestment act of 1977. A research also proved that the effects of obesity and the accompanied conditions on the costs of the health care and the other workforce performance that are to help in involvement in a corporate support through the development of the health insurance schemes for the employees (Levy & Sohler, 2009).

After an immense research, it is noted that mount pleasant, it was discovered that the population of the affected people in the community was to be based on the intellectually challenged population. The introduction of the new model of care in the new facility is to take a lot of money invested in the project. The size of the facility is also to be designed with regards to the estimated population of the obese people in the area. If the integrated approach is effectively used in the project, the community is to enjoy a lot of benefits in dealing with the pandemic and it would be easier to manage the disease (Carmeli et al., 2008). 


That a medical facility has to be put up to assist the community in managing the obesity that is becoming a common disease among many people. The case of the rising number of people suffering from obese in Mount Pleasant gave the reason for the scheme to set up a primary facility to manage the disease. The department of health and children suggesting that the prevalence of the disease has shown a dramatic increase within the past years becoming a major health issue in the community of Mount Pleasant. Another effect to be established was the effects of obesity on the coronary heart disease on the intellectually challenged persons. The integrated care model is supposed to aim at changing the approach applied in the delivery of the care systems through the support offered for the primary care practitioners with the services given by the dietitians. The training of the physicians giving them the experience to optimize the treatment for obesity while at the same time utilizing the community resources. 


Albertini G., Davidson P.W., Henderson C.M., Robinson L.M., Haverman M. & Janick M.P.(2008). Overweight status, obesity and risk factors for coronary heart disease in adults with intellectual disability. Journal of Policy & Practise in Intellectual Disabilities 5(3):174-177.

Allan L., Cooper S.A., Melville C.A., Morrison J., Smiley E. & Williamson A.(2008) The prevalence and determinants of obesity in adults with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 21:425-437.

Bhaumik S., McGrother C.W., Thorp C.F., Tyrer F. & Watson J.M.(2008) Body mass index in adults with intellectual disability: distribution, associations and service implications: a population-based prevalence study. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 52 (4):

Bradley S. (2005) Tacking obesity in people with learning disability. Learning Disability Practice 8 (7): 10-14.

Brewin L., Brown T., Psarou A., Stride C. & Thompson J. (2007) Management of obesity in primary care: nurses’ practise, beliefs and attitudes. Journal of Advanced Nursing 59 (4): 329-341.

Brown I. & Thompson J. (2008) Primary care nurses’ attitudes beliefs and own body size in relation to obesity management. Journal of Advanced Nursing 60 (5): 535-543.

Burns N. & Grove S.K.(2011) Understanding Nursing Research: Building an Evidence- Based Practice, 5TH edn. Elsevier Inc, Maryland Heights.

Carmeli E., Merrick J., Morad M., Orbach I. & Zinger- Valnin T. (2008) Physical training and well-being in older adults with mild intellectual disability: a residential care study. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disability 21: 457-465.

Davidson P.W., Force L., Frangenbery E., Janick M.P., Ledrigan P.M., McCallion P., Sulkes S.B. & Taets J.D. (2002) Health characteristics and health services utilization in older adults with intellectual disability living in community residence. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 46 (4): 287-298.

Emerson E. (2005) Underweight, obesity and exercise among adults with intellectual disabilities in supported accommodation in northern England. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 49(2): 134-143.

Levy J., Rimmerman A. & Sohler N. (2009) Factors associated with obesity and coronary heart disease in people with intellectual disabilities. Social Work in Health Care 48 (1): 76-89.

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