Health Care Provider & Faith Diversity: A Comparative Analysis Of Christianity And Baha’i

Spiritual Perspective of Healing

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Healthcare providers always meet patients with diverse beliefs; therefore, they require knowledge and practice of diverse faith expression. A comparative analysis of two faiths in relation to health care will be performed in this paper; Christianity and Baha’i. Additionally, this essay will illustrate how healthcare providers should understand people in different ways in relation to the two religions of Christianity and Baha’i. For Christians, people are created in God’s image and while Baha’i have two different views of creation in that they believe the world is eternal and has always existed. They also believe that individual elements of the earth came into existence at a specific time and they will cease to exist at some point in time (Harvey, 2000). These beliefs strongly influence how people view life and their approach to health care. In the contemporary world of health care, understanding of a person from the religious perspective is not considered although it greatly influences the patient’s healing process.

  In my opinion, spirituality healing is to focus all energy of healing towards God the source of the healing comes from God. In my experience, some people usually intervene on behalf of others during the healing process. This does not mean that the person intervening is the one providing the healing instead, God provides healing through the person. In my perspective, one does not need a healer to get healed. Spiritual healing comes from individual efforts and in certain forms. According to Harvey (2000) when an individual is empowered to cope with illness through prayer he will be healed. As far as believing in God means understanding the guidance of the Almighty and following them minutely. The word of God is more than just guideline of living. It gives life, and so people have to filter through God’s word into our lives to achieve spiritual health. According to John 6:63, “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life “. To achieve spiritual health depends on how much time we spend receiving the word of God, how often we pray to effect the necessary changes in our lives. It is not an easy process but we need to be healthy spiritually in order to be healthy physically and mentally (Harvey, 2000).

The Christian Faith

Christians believe that God created man to praise his name; when worshipping God people fulfill the earnest zeal of life. God created man to be holy because God himself is holy. In order to nurture a close relationship with God, it is essential to constantly pray, shower love, and being obedient and follow His directions. However, sin comes in when man chooses to go his way from God’s way. According to Christianity, sin putting more trust in oneself than God; it breaks individuals’ relationship with God. People cannot receive God’s love and care when we have sinned. For one to heal, prayer is the only way to restore the broken relationship that affects one’s body, mind, emotion and physical status. It is God desire that broken relationship be restored, meaning that diseases, other sufferings and even death according to Christians, are not part of God’s original plan. In the book of James, prayer is demonstrated as a way of coping with emotional and physical illness. Therefore, Christian leaders and Christians should always pray and also pray for the sick by anointing them in the name of God (Cunningham, 2006).

Confession is a common practice in most religions as it helps in restoring the broken relation with God. For Christians to be free from sins and its consequences, confession of sins is necessary. No matter how big one’s sin may be, God will always forgive an individual because it is a part of God’s promise to its people. When one confesses his sins, it means that he is in agreement with God, receives his forgiveness and restores the good relationship between God and Man.

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In Christianity, the baptism is important in healing because it is a symbol of the death of old sins and the beginning of new life with God. Baptism is an expression of unity with God; when one is baptized he starts a new journey of walking in God’s path as required by Christianity. Humility is practiced by almost all religion because it is a belief that being humble is the only way of following God’s teachings as required. In Christianity, Jesus served people by washing their feet and performing to several actions to show humility. Jesus kept insisting on practicing humility as the only way to enter the kingdom of God. Therefore, ordinance of humility is important in healing because it provides cleansing form our current sins and acknowledges that God is the one who can cleanse our sins. It also shows one as a humble person in front of God because he will be serving God’s people by showing humility. Practicing humility is an assurance that people cannot be separated from God (Cunningham, 2006).


The gift of healing in Christianity is to prepare people for God’s service and help achieve the unity that God desires. God’s people do healing because God uses them to reach out to others. Consequently, the healed should know God in a special way God heals through different ways. For example, God reveals through prayer and imitation. When one witnesses the work of God he will be drawn closer to God to also experience the power of God (Cunningham, 2006).

Baha’i have two different views of creation, in that they believe the world is eternal and has always existed. They also believe that individual elements of earth come into existence at specific time and so they will cease to exist at some point in time. Baha’i believes that the human body comprises of physical and spiritual parts, which contain human soul. Man’s soul is independent of physical parts and his mind. Therefore, when illness occurs it is a sign of weakness because there is not proper connection between the soul and the body, which is attributed to sin. Sin is being disobedient to God and his teachings resulting to the soul losing its main purposes and diverting to earthly possessions. Baha’i does not believe in revenge, but emphasizes in establishing strict institutions and laws for the good of everyone in society. Baha’i believes that healing can be achieved using medicine, psychological treatment and other spiritual means of prayer. To get healed means to recite prayers to heal both the body and the soul. If healing were factual, one’s prayer would be granted. According to Baha’i, physical healing is not complete until spiritual healing reinforces it. The best way to receive healing is through prayer and also obedience of laws and commandment of God (Sheena, 2001).

Most religions believe in God as the source of spiritual healing. Christians believe that God created man to praise his name, and when worshipping God, people fulfilled the deepest passion of life. For Christians, God is everything and they depend on God for their wellbeing. Other religions also acknowledge the importance of following God’s commandment to receive the healing needed. Healing takes place through the power of the Holy Spirit, according to most of the religions. Accordingly, God is a compassionate physician who has the greatest power to heal (Smith, 1995).

Most religions recognize sin as the element that separates man from God, and sin always appears when one does not follow God’s teachings and rely on his own thoughts for good health. Several religions emphasize on prayer and meditation as the only way to restore the relationship between God and an individual (Smith, 1005).

Thus it may be mentioned that these two religions, Christianity and Baha’i recognize sin as the element that separates man from God, and sin always appears when one does not follow God’s teachings and rely on his own thoughts for good health (Smith, 1995).

In healthcare setting, patient comes with different religious traditions and they are important to patients. However, not all healthcare providers are trained to relate to the spiritual aspects of patients. In addition, ethical code requires that healthcare providers do not impinge their beliefs on people they serve (Kysar, 1991). In dealing with patients from different religious background, it is important to respect their beliefs and integrate their beliefs in providing care and decision-making especially in certain crucial areas like end of life care. Patient’s values and beliefs should be respected. This requires competent communication skill by professionals. For example, prayer is the most common way of how people express various traditions; it is a process where people trust that care and healing come from God. Healthcare providers might feel uncomfortable if not familiar with certain religious practices. It is important to be more familiar with various religious practices.


People respond in different ways in relation to their religious beliefs. It is important to acknowledge these differences as a healthcare provider because, when individual’s spiritual needs are addressed, it improves the general health outcomes. Practices like prayer, meditation and confession and practicing humility are some of the practices or spiritual activities that can be integrated in medical education to provide insight on how to work in diverse religious environment (Meidany, 2002).


Cunningham, W. (2006). A Christian Perspective of Healing: Prayer. Pursuing the Trust

Ministries Publication. USA

Harvey, E. (2000). A biblical perspective on disease, health, and healing. Institute for

Christian Teaching Publication. Silver Springs, USA.

Kysar, R. (1991). Called to Care: Biblical Image for Social Ministry. The Christian

Century publication.

Meidany, P. (2002). Health and Healing. Kalimat Press. Los Angeles

Sheena, G. (2001). Tests of God. Notions of Suffering, Health, and Healing in the

Baha’i faith. Norton Publication, New Delhi.

Smith, P. (1995). A Short History of the Baha’i Faith. One World Publication. Oxford.

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