Health Care Management System: Consumer Price Indices
Singapore has achieved a higher grading the world in terms of health care system and in planning the medical facilities in a limited budget. In terms of the measurement metrics of the Gross Domestic Product the health care related expenses in Singapore are the lowest than all the other highly developed countries in the World (World Health Organization 2011). Though Singapore is relatively a smaller Country with a meagre population of 5.2 million it has been regarded high for its efficient health care systems. The initial health care system started after the independence with a mass – inoculation program which was formulated to overcome various epidemic diseases. The network of Hospitalization is large in Singapore with a large private network of Hospitals and Government Hospitals. The Health care system is so well organized that they have their systems in place in order to manage the large out – patient population with dedicated clinics for maternity and child care.
The Public Health Care Systems have been classified into five clusters – Alexandra Health Pte Ltd – AHPL, Jurong Health Services – JHS, National University Health System – NUHS, National Health Care Group – NHG and Singapore Health Services – SHS (Ministry of Health Singapore 2012).
Private Health Care Services like Raffles Medical Group and Parkway Health are the best Health Care Service Providers amongst all the other Health Care Organizations in Singapore.
The Health Care System provides Health Care Financing in various categories like Public Financing and Medisave.
Public Financing – Public Financing for Health Care System consists of 3 provisions like Medisave, Medishield and Medifund with an additional feature called Elder Shield.
Medisave is a popular medical scheme under the National Medical Insurance scheme through which the enrolled members build savings for their health care needs. Medisave can be used to pay various health care issues like hospitalisation schemes and expenses, some of the out – patient treatment expenses for their family members and their out – patient members.
Medishield scheme is a complimentary scheme in addition to the Medisave scheme where the prolonged medical issues and out – patient treatments for major illnesses are also covered. The Ministry of Health of Singapore decides on the premium of the medical insurance in terms of the annual contribution to be paid (Ministry of Health Singapore 2012).
The main Health Care System in Singapore was initiated with an onset of medical services and was funded by the Public Organizations and through the Government taxes. Singapore has framed a rule where it is mandatory for every person to contribute a pre decided amount towards their medical premium on an annual basis. The 3M Structure which has been formulated in Singapore has taken the major lead in the System and the Private Health Care System involves to a much lesser extent in the system (Department of Statistics Singapore 2011).
Organizational Culture is a system with shared values and assumptions which could also be termed as beliefs. These values help in governing the ways in which people behave in an Organization. The shared values are the ones which have a strong influence on the ways in which people behave and conduct their jobs in their work places. All the Organizations have a unique culture which is formed on the grounds of code of ethics based on which the Employees have to conduct themselves (Deal & Kennedy 1984)
Organizational Culture is made of various attributes or concepts like
The Organizations these days strive for a continuous innovation where they motivate their employees to take risk and innovate newer tasks in order to perform better in their jobs. This way they constantly promote a better place of work for their Employees (Schein 2011).
Process Excellence
Accuracy is a critical attribute based on which the quality of work is assessed. With a greater emphasis on the process excellence the Organizations look for more accuracy in completing and delivering their work
Result Orientation
The outcome or the result of a specific process is critical in performing a business where the Organizations focus on results and achieves the desired outcome through strenuous efforts (Schermerhorn, Hunt & Osborn 2008).
The Organizations in the present world are faced with a serious competition in all their processes and it is the individual organization’s effort to outperform and be innovative in all the processes they introduce (Jones 2010).
All the Organizations have different set of priorities to attend to and they set an order of priority on all these processes. All the individual processes put together constitute an Organizational Culture which in turn can work for the progress of the Company.
The Organizational Culture of made of various functions where there are 6 main functions like
Cooperation – This attribute is achieved by providing shared values and assumptions where the culture of an Organization could be promoted to a greater extent by enhancing the goodwill and the mutual cooperation between the employees of the Organization.
Decision making – This attribute is based on the shared experiences of the Management and the Employees of the Organization where they would have a consistent set of beliefs and assumptions that a specific process could be right in implementing to ensure the overall growth of the Organization.
Control Process – Control is the most critical attribute of all the functions of any business process where control is to be exercised on market, competition and on Stakeholders. The control process also involves framing rules and policies according to the latest trends of the global market. The Control processes also have a predetermined set of values based on which a majority of the Company’s decisions are taken (Bulach, Lunenburg & Potter 2012).
Communication – Promoting a better Organizational Culture strengthens the Organization and minimises the risk of any of the issues which could occur in an Organization. The issues could arise due to communication issues and any of the assumptions which might exist between various Clients and Companies (Lunenburg & Ornstein 2012).
Commitment – Dedication and Commitment are two strong values of any business which can set higher standards for the company to perform. Commitment is a stronger term which can contribute to promote a greater brand value to the Company.
Perception – Culture has to be strongly based on a set of values and beliefs than an individual perception. This forms a strong base for the Organizational Culture than in order to establish them in the market. By adapting and implementing such a function the employees would also develop a sense of behaviour which could be a strong base for the Company for its growth (Lunenburg & Ornstein 2012).
There are various factors which can influence the Organizational culture as there are various components which could be involved in it like the internal and external factors that could have a varied effect on the creation and perpetuation of organizational Culture (Frost 1991).
The internal factors and external factors which have a considerable effect on the creation and perpetuation of organizational Culture also could involve different processes like internal and external permitting conditions, precipitating pressures, triggering events, culture visioning, culture change processes, action plans which involve culture change, implementation and control of the cultural change processes.
External factors
In cases where the external factors exist the environment will be in support of the change as the process which is generally adapted and implemented in such a process is called as an Agile Methodology. The external factors could also vary depending on the type of business like a School or a Corporate. In a School setting the external factors could also involve the Political, Social, Legal and Environmental factors where in a Corporate Environment the external factors could involve the Economic factors as well other than the Political, Social, Legal and Environmental factors (Steinhoff & Owens 1989).
It is a combination of these factors which determine the success of the operations of the Organizations.
Internal factors
There are various internal factors which can have a major effect on the creation and perpetuation of organizational Culture where they could also contribute to increasing the likelihood of the organizational culture through various conditions like supplying of
additional resources, providing additional budget for handling the process, checking for system equipment and readiness to implement the process, checking the acceptance of the Employees and coordinating the required changes with the Employees and enabling the right leadership at all levels in order to ensure that the process is conducted with due diligence and as per the Organizational standards (Steinhoff & Owens 1989).
The performance of an Organization is a lot dependent on organizational values. The discipline promotes a great standard and it helps to promote the decisiveness of the excellence which could be related to the overall growth of the Organization.
In an Organization which is based on strong values, obstructive behaviours are all ruled out and in turn a culture which can promote a greater performance gets developed. Developing a strong performance oriented culture rewards the performance in a constructive way and ensures that all it engages all the Employees of the Organization in an active way ((Read & Hubbell 2005).
The effectiveness of a value – base culture promotes various factors like
Transparency – The Employees are motivated to have open talks with each other and with the Management to promote a greater sense of trust between the Management and the Employees. The employees would exhibit an open behaviour where spontaneity is motivated to express their ideas in order to contribute for the growth of the Organization.
Overcoming the issues – Transparency also promotes a detailed discussion between various parties involved including the Clients and Stakeholders. This attribute would solve any of the existing issues in the process and would also help the Management focus on their long term objectives which would ensure the desired outcome.
Focus on the overall objectives – With a greater focus on implementation the objectives of the Organization can be achieved and in the process any of the complexities involved can be reduced and controlled (Read & Hubbell 2005).
Organizational Culture is a combination of shared beliefs and values which can have a major influence on the ways of behaviours of the Employees. Culture is cultivated by the Management and the Employees where communication happens through various channels and socialisation occurs in the process. The Organizational culture can also change depending on the Organization where it decides to change the culture by considering the internal and external factors which can have a major effect on the Organization and its performance. When the changes get implemented the intervention plans also take place as a result to reform the Organizational Culture. There are various other factors which can influence the Organizational culture like precipitating pressures, triggering events, culture visioning, culture change processes, action plans which involve culture change, implementation and control of the cultural change processes. Changing an Organizational Culture and developing a strategy to promote it ensures an overall growth of the Organization by transforming their old culture into a new one.
Ministry of Health Singapore (2012). Consumer Price Indices (CPI) & Household healthcare Expenditure. Retrieved on Aug 15th 2016 from Ministry of Health Singapore: 7 mer_Price_Indices_CPI_and_Household_healthcare_Expenditure.html
Bulach, C., Lunenburg, F. C., & Potter, L. (2012). Creating a culture for high-performing schools: A comprehensive approach to school reform (2nd ed.). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Deal, T., & Kennedy, A. (1984). Corporate cultures: The rites and rituals of corporate life. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Frost, P. (1991). Reframing organizational culture. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Jones, G. R. (2010). Organizational theory, design, and change (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Lunenburg, F. C., & Ornstein, A. O. (2012). Educational administration: Concepts and practices. Belmont, CA: Cengage Wadsworth.
Schein, E. H. (2011). Leadership and organizational culture. New York, NY: Wiley
Schermerhorn, J. R., Hunt, J. G., & Osborn, R. N. (2008). Organizational behaviour (10th ed.). New York, NY: Wiley
Steinhoff, C. R., & Owens, R. G. (1989). The organizational culture assessment inventory: A metaphorical analysis in educational settings. Journal of Educational Administration, 27, 17-23
Read, J & Hubbell,V (2005). “Creating a Performance Culture”. Retrieved on Aug 15th 2016.