Health And Well Being: The Importance, Theories, And Concepts

Importance of Health and Well Being


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Task i

Select a research theme from any of the following themes:

1. Impact of diversity on health and social care provision
2. Health and wellbeing
3. Healthcare service improvement
4. Personal hygiene
5. Stress factors among college students
6. The importance of teamwork in health and social care

Task ii
Each individual member of each group should now choose a research topic within the research theme and write a research proposal to be presented as a word document,and submit it in a submission folder for your group on STPonline.
Note: Prepare a one or two page(s) plan of your research proposal for formative assessment.

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(NB: Your proposal,which should not be less than 1000 words and not more than 1100 words,must first be approved before you conduct your research project.)
Tips for Part 1:

• Describe the type(s) of research method(s) and toolsyou would use to gather your research data (also known as primary data).

• Outline the specifications of your research. Also, clearly define the aims, objectives, rationale for choosing your research topic and timelines for your research tasks. Outline the resources at your disposal for this research.

• Explain the role of ethical codes and ethics committees in research and prepare a consentform for participants of your research.

• Undertake literature search on your chosen research topic and note down key references in text and in a reference list.
Formulate and record possible research project outline specifications
Identify the factors that contribute to the process of research project selectionUndertake a critical review of key references
Produce a research project specification
Provide an appropriate plan and procedures
for the agreed research specification
Match resources efficiently to the research question or hypothesis.

Health and well being is state of positive outcomes that helps in shaping the meaning full life of the society. Health and well being comprise of good living conditions such as cleanliness and disease free are the fundamental to well being (, 2015).

1) Rationale

The basic reason for choosing this particular topic is the importance of health and well being of the individual while living in the society. The study will takes through the state of well being from current mentality of the individuals to the awareness among the society. The study also focuses on the various theories and concepts of heath and well being in order to elevate the role of well being over the period of time.

One of the major aims of the topic is to analyse the well being within the society. The research has selected Glasgow community for the research of health and well being in order to analyses the health and well being factor in more focused way. Apart from that, the research will also aim to study the mind of the families and their decision making for any product/services.

3) Objectives

  • To analyse the role played by the health and well being factors for community within the Glasgow
  • To assess the challenges faced by the families in order to maintain healthy living within the Glasgow community
  • To recommend the better factors that will be helpful for the community in future

4) Research questions

1. What are the roles played by the health and well being factor within the Glasgow community?

2. What are challenges faced by the community during the time of maintain the health and well being?

3. What are the factors that will help to overcome the challenges of health and well being?

Factors of Health and Well Being

1) Concept of well being

In UK, concept of health and well being is taken very seriously and oftenly taken as the stress research. Health and well being is also connected with positive impact of work and knowledge of health within the environment (Jesson, 2011). In UK, health and wellness is given top most priority and follows the stated measures of protocol to maintain the healthy living. Focusing on health and mental well being is being recognized by the fact that individuals remain healthy despite of overpowering stress (, 2015).

Figure 1: Factors of health and well being

(Source: Moule and Hek, 2011, pp-121)

2) Mental health and emotional well being:

As noted by Bass (2011), the mental illness is another major cause of the poor and weak living. Mental illness will turn into the emotional problems within the individuals (Kaplan and Kaplan, 2011). There are five major promoting qualities which will help to focus on the elements of well beings are environmental quality in which individuals lives, self esteem, emotional processing, self management skills and Social participations etc are some of the major areas that is needed to be focused in order to bring the street free environment (Kahneman and Deaton, 2010).

3) Meditations management

Most of the community are entering into the meditations daily in order keep themselves more of fit and healthy. As opined by Pollock (2002), medication helps to keep the mental and physical part of the body more of energetic and the positive. Another major part of it is healthy eating. The nutrition’s research evidence shows that adequate safe supply of food is required to the different life stages of maintain the functional capacity of the healthy ageing people (, 2015). Mediations management also has been one of the better ways of curing from the diseases rather than use of other use of the medicines drugs.

1) Data collections techniques: (Quantitative and Qualitative data)

Qualitative data helps in creating the theoretical concepts in the practical field which helps to understand the topic in a better way (Levine, 2005). Quantitative data collection is first hand data which can be collected via on flied investigations. Therefore, in this study, mixed approach will be required (Bryman, 2012).

2) Sampling

The sample for the quantitative approach which will be collected from the families residing in Glasgow for which simple random probability sample will be considered where the criteria is not fixed., Parkhead health care doctors are being considered for the qualitative research (Creswell, 2013). For quantitative 100 families of Glasgow will be considered and for qualitative 5 major doctors are to be considered.

3) Data analysis

For the quantitative form of questionnaire, closed ended survey questionnaire will distributed among the 120 families out of which 100 will be considered via random probability sampling. On the other hand for qualitative data, 5 doctors of park head hospital will be taken in the form of open ended questions. For qualitative data collection appointment will be taken from the doctors.

Theories and Concepts of Health and Well Being

4) Data presentations

The data will be presented separately in a form of table for the quantitative data collection. Data presentation will be numerical data in a wide variety of publications from the questionnaire (Ghani and Jan, 2010). The section will be appropriate to discuss the design issues for constructing the tables in clear format which will be easy for interpretations.

5) Limitations of study

One of the major limitations of the study was cost because SPSS and PH stat2 software will give chances of error free calculations. Apart from that, time is other major constraints because the time allotted for the study is less so the in-depth analysis will be of the topic will be less (Cameron, 2009). Lastly, respondent involvement in the process were been biased towards their locality and areas they live in so the reliability of data will another major constraints.

6) Overcoming the limitations

The limitation can be overcome via asking by the permission from the college and professor for the help and time extension of the project. Apart from that, by the excel sheet, data will analysis would give accurate form of calculations but not in-depth error free.

8) Ethical considerations

It is code of conduct that is needed dot followed which help to anlayse the wrong and right set of behvaiour. Respondents will not be coerced or external influence is done to attain the data. Secondly, data which will be gained via study will strictly used for study purpose not for the commercial purposes (Bryman, 2012). Lastly, respondents name and address is maintained secret in order to save from any kind of harm.

Reference list


Levine, D.M. (2005). Statistics for Managers using Microsoft Excel. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Bryman, A. (2012). Social Research Methods 4e. 1st ed. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. (ISBN9780199588053)

Creswell, J. (2013). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. 4th ed. London: Sage publication ltd.

Jesson, J. (2011) Doingyourliteraturereview : traditional and systematic techniques. London: SAGE.

Moule, P. and Hek, G. (2011). Making Sense of Research: An Introduction for Health and Social Care. 4th ed. London: Sage publications ltd.

Walliman, N.S.R. (2011) Research methods: the basics. London: Routledge

Wisker, G. (2009). The Undergraduate Research Handbook – Palgrave Study Skills (Paperback). 1st ed. London: Palgrave Macmillan.(ISBN9780230520974).


Ghani, U. and Jan, F.A., (2010). ‘An Exploratory Study of the Impulse Buying Behaviour of Urban Consumers in Peshawar’. In International Conference on Business and Economics, 1: 157-159.

Cameron, R. (2009). ‘A sequential mixed model research design: design, analytical and display issues’, International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, 3(2), 140-152

Bass, L. (2011). Social Focus on Health and Children’s Well-being*. Sociological Inquiry, 81(4), pp.495-498.

Kaplan, R. and Kaplan, S. (2011). Well-being, Reasonableness, and the Natural Environment. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 3(3), pp.304-321.

Pollock, D. (2002). “Being Alive Well”: Health and the Politics of Cree Well-Being.:”Being Alive Well”: Health and the Politics of Cree Well-Being. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 16(3), pp.382-383.

Smith, A. (2011). Breakfast Cereal, Digestive Problems and Well-being. Stress and Health, 27(5), pp.388-394.

Kahneman, D. and Deaton, A. (2010). High income improves evaluation of life but not emotional well-being. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(38), pp.16489-16493.

Websites, (2015). Healthy ageing literature review 2012. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Jan. 2015]., (2015). Wellbeing self-assessment – Health tools – NHS Choices. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Jan. 2015].

Appendix 1

Sample Quantitative form of questionnaire: families

A list of Questionnaire: for families of Glasgow


Age:                                                                 Location:

Contact No.                                        Email ID:

1.How many people living in your household?

2. How often do you smoke or drink?

Appendix: 2

A list of Questionnaire: For doctors of Parkhead health care


Age:                                                                 Location:

Contact No.                                        Email ID:

  • What is the importance of health and well being for families residing in Glasgow?
  • How meditation and medication plays crucial role in influencing the families to take care of themselves?

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