Havinhurst Developmental Task Theory, Marcia Identity Status And Gould Theory – Interview With Evelyn

Human psychology is mysterious

1) How is your relationship with your parents?

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2)  From whom you got adequate learning to walk?

3) Do you understand the sex difference and sexual modesty?

4) How you have learned necessary physical skills for traditional games?

5) How did you achieve personal independence?

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6) How did you achieve mature relationship with age mates of both sexes?

7) How the ideology is developed to your lifestyle?

8) Did you get enough knowledge from your parents regarding the future path of your career?

9) How did you understand the adjustment of physical strength and health?

10) Hoe did you develop satisfactory living arrangement?

11) How did you understand the personal values and self concepts?

12) Do you think the ideological concepts help in increasing the occupational commitments?

13) Does Gould theory help to understand the career evolution path?

14) Do think direct observation of a particular task provide you suitable understanding?

15) Don you think scientific discourse issues help you to make your life reliable?

In this particular context, an interview is conducted with Evelyn who is 19 years old. Most of the questions are based on the havinhurst developmental task theory, Marcia identity status and Gould theory. The questionnaires are as follows.

1. Human psychology is one of the most mysterious things and reading human psyche is also one of the most difficult tasks (Bechtel & Ts’erts’man, 2002). Therefore, psychology is one of the most vital studies that guide a psychologist in analyzing the psych of any person. Evelyn is a 19 years old girl, and she was interviewed for analyzing her psych, several questions was asked her for getting knowledge about her personal life her upbringing etc. on asking the question about her relationship with her parents, she answered that she has normal relationship with her parents (Crafter, 2015). Her parents as any other parents love her very much as well as they are truly concern about her, about her study, about her wellbeing’s. She also loves and respects her parents as usual.      

2. On asking this question Evelyn said, that her walking lesson was very difficult. As she was very weak in her toddler age, she faced difficulties in walking. Her parents help her in walking. Mainly her father helps her in walking. Initially, she learnt to scroll, she had tried to get up; however, several times she was failed in this attempt (Csikszentmihalyi & Csikszentmihalyi, 2006). Her father brought a walker for her and with that walker; slowly-slowly she tried to walk. Her parents helped her in her attempt, and eventually she learnt to walk.     

Relationship with parents

3. According my opinion sex differences depends on all the aspects of sex effects on disease and biology. The sex has profound as the susceptibility to the disease and effects on the physiology.   The function of organ and cells depends on the sex and determined by interplay among social, biological and genome environment (James, 1950).

Yes, I am having the knowledge of sexual modesty   it is defined as the distinguishing the individuals according to the different sex but they are not directly concerned with the reproduction. It is the differences in the appearances between the female and male species.  

4. I have learned physical skills for the traditional games from the area of the movement of the skill acquisition classes. The skill of movement is the series of movements that helped me to perform with precision and accuracy (Kagitcibasi, 2002). The skills have through my hard work and efforts in including climbing and balancing in the hilly areas and learned how the skills can be used to perform in the traditional games. The motor skill that I have practised and learned is to walk with good balance, steady and agility gait. Running at a comfortable speed in the obstacles and in one direction and turning around while running. Learned to walk on and jump over the low objects such as the string, lime or balance beam. The physical development helps me to foster the progress of my future.

5. According to my personal independence, it is state of my mind where, I can portray my thinking to the existing world without any interference. The personal independence cannot be, achieved, it depend on the situation. Previously I use to live with my family in a small apartment there is no personal independence (Lerner & Steinberg, 2004). The personal independence grows with maturity. After my school when I went to college, then I feel the meaning of independence. The situation helped me to think independently apart from the staying dependent for any decision to my parents.

6. When, we get mature with time the prospect of thinking changes. When I get apart from family the main aspect in my mind is hide my personal aspect. I use to stay a loop from night out and long vacation trips. Sharing less with my mates helps me to develop mature relationship. In the aspect of mature relationship, I did not judge my mates at the instant rather I think slowly (Milberg, 2002). In order to develop mature relationship I built a huge patience. Communicating effectively is a vital element in building an efficient mature relationship.

Learning to walk with difficulties

7. Evelyn stated that life ideology plays a vital role in overall lifestyle. Most importantly, in work places and professional life the reliable ideology should be taken by the individuals. However, I use to follow a stand ideology of honesty and helping people in our community that make me feel good as well as help to understanding the need of development in your community (Myers, 2004). In work places the reliable ideology of maintaining the code of conducts of the organization is properly maintained because the proper ethical consideration should be taken by the individuals and it directly influenced by the relive ideology taken by me. It will ensure the future career goals as well as the self respect is also developed.

8. Parents play a crucial role in understanding the factors and theories present in our life and in my life my parents provided enormous effort to make me eligible any filed of work. Since, my childhood my parents taught me how to deal with conflicts and make a reliable solution for a particular problem in my life. The proper understanding and leading a standard lifestyle is entirely gathered from my parents. In childhood days my parents use to teach men how to respect your teachers (Pope-Davis, 2003).  On the other hand, the differences between the bad and good things are also understood after the reliable knowledge gathered from my parents. However, the future career goals and the opportunities in modern world are given by my parent and it can be stated that the enough knowledge and understanding help me in ensuring my future acre smooth.

9. Physical strength is very important for the development of the body, increase in the desired energy levels of the human beings helps to understand the adjustment of development of the physical strength in the human body. Proper development of the physical strength helps to enhance the inefficiency of the mental health of the body as per the living standards. Thus, physical exercises are, considered the most important part of the human life as it helps to develop the physical strengths well as the mental level of the human beings (Qualls & Abeles, 2000). Thus, the adjustment of the physical strength is, seen in people merely at the age of 18 to 20 years of age.

10. Proper living arrangement is very crucial for maintaining proper health of the citizens of the country. Therefore there should be proper atmosphere as well as the food ate should be free from germs as well as they should be healthy. Proper food helps in the development of proper health of the human body and it also promotes the perfect growth of the body, thus there are three crucial points for maintaining the perfect living arrangement, they are food, shelter and clothing as these three things maintains the living conditions for the human beings (Roberts, 2003).

Understanding sex difference and sexual modesty

11. According to Evelyn, she would like to work to be satisfied in her day to day life. Her household works should be done perfectly. She would like to have a healthy life style. Arrangement of living is very much important according to her. She will make plans to do every day work (Scott, 2011). Satisfaction is very much important for survive happily.

12. Evelyn stated that, her upbringing thought her about the personal values. Self respect and self confidence increases her concept of self concepts. She is very much confident about herself and her career. Her family and her friends are very close to her. Respect to the elders and showing love to the young is thought by her parents. She understands the importance of maintaining professional life and personal life. She is very much focused about her career. Her way of talking displays her confidence about her own self. She is very much clear about the togetherness of family (Bechtel & Ts’erts’man, 2002). Her way of talking and attitude says a lot about her.

13. Gould theory reflects the understanding of “imperfect fact” where the fact and theory are part of the statement. Based on the fact acquired by Evelyn and her speech and the theories made on the study of the topic, it can be said that there is influence of parent on the career evolution path Evelyn has chosen. The decision was taken by her alone but the principles that she depends on while taking the decision is all based on her parents and upbringing.

Influence of parents will definitely be on the child and later when that child becomes an individual, the decision of the individual will become results of those principles the parents taught us (Crafter, 2015).

14. Definitely observation helps us showing the behaviour and working pattern of any individual. The person can be observed while performing one single task. The observation will remain on the person and his/ her activities while performing the task. Proper observation can be carried out as the person performs the task. The activities of the person will reflect three things. One, the person will perform the task with full concentration on that particular task and nothing else (Csikszentmihalyi & Csikszentmihalyi, 2006). Two, the person will not perform the task with any concentration and no interest at all. Lastly three, the person will perform the task with concentration along with performing other tasks like; receiving phone, eating, listening music, etc. Observation will help understand the person’s behaviour.

15. Yes the researches of the scientist helps in the evaluation of the proper health conditions that are required for the human life. Thus, the scientific researches made from the scientist’s points out the fact that there are many of the germs present in the water, which many of the people used for their life, as well as the cooking of the food needs to be, properly, executed. Some of the most crucial points related to the researches were regarding the maintaining the perfect level of the human life conditions that will help to evaluate the growth of 56the human body (Kagitcibasi, 2002). Therefore the scientists discourse issues reflects the desired conditions for the evaluation of the growth of the human body.


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Crafter, S. (2015). Cultural psychology and deconstructing developmental psychology. Feminism & Psychology. doi:10.1177/0959353515572703

Csikszentmihalyi, M., & Csikszentmihalyi, I. (2006). A life worth living. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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Lerner, R., & Steinberg, L. (2004). Handbook of adolescent psychology. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons.

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Myers, D. (2004). Psychology. New York: Worth Publishers.

Pope-Davis, D. (2003). Handbook of multicultural competencies in counseling & psychology. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.

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Roberts, R. (2003). Emotions. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Scott, G. (2011). The very next new thing. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Praeger.

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