Harnessing Demographic Differences In Organizations: What Moderates The Effects Of Workplace Diversity?
The impact of demographic factors on organizational growth and culture
Discuss about the Harnessing Demographic Differences In Organizations.
The following is the discussion of the article namely “Harnessing demographic differences in Organizations: What moderates the effects of workplace diversity?” The focus of this article is to analyze the given article and compare the inner differences of the managing the diversity. The growth of the people in an organization is dependent upon the diversity factor.. The other two of the selected article is in the same context (Martín-Alcázar et al. 2012). The other article namely “Managing workplace diversity: Issues and challenges” is also an article talking about the barriers and challenges in the expectations of employees about the diversity in workforce and how does it affects the human resource practices and financial performance (Onsongo and Maina, 2013). This also emphasizes on the study of diversity results in IT employees of any organization and the performance of the organization. The third article, which I have analyzed for the assignment is based on the managing tactics on diversity in a workplace, where equality is an issue that can influences the performance appraisals and socio-cultural issues (Rivas 2012). The assignment framework is divided in the three points that are brief summary, analysis and comparison among the article. The discussion about my understanding about the organizational behavior is also summarized at the end of the text.
Harnessing demographic differences in organizations: What moderates the effects of workplace diversity?. Journal of Organizational Behavior
This article hovers over many strategic and operational aspects of organisations. The first and the foremost variable that influences the organisational diversity is the strategically clarify the relation between the diversity and demography . Then the unit design that moderate the work force diversity affects. Then the inter-departmental function like human resource and how it contributes to the social integration of people in the organisation and its connection to diversity related demography (Guillaume 2017). The major variable that affects the diversity are the leadership and relation to demography of the group diversity. The culture and individual differences of the diversity is also discussed in the article. The discussion and scope of future research in the diversity is also given of the article (Patrick and Kumar, 2012). The article also shows the path of future research in this field of analysing the relation between demographical variables and organisational diversity. The significance of this research is about the corrective practises that need to be taken in the administration for further development in multiplicity (Martín-Alcázar 2012). We found that people who are demographically dissimilar experience greater uncertainty about how to interact with dissimilar. The article takes the above-mentioned variable and them analyses their affect in diversity and relational to the demography. According to the findings of the moderators, diversity affects the social integration performance and the well-being of the identified variables (Madera 2013). They are in the range of positivity to negativity regarding the organisations effectively. Further, the article also focuses on the categorisation elaboration model, which clearly depicts the diversity convergence in social integration in the organisation. Work group diversity and organisational diversity is correlated and affects the interrelation (Chattopadhyay, George and Ng 2016).
A new perspective on managing trust in organization-stakeholder relationships. Journal of Management
Key variables affecting workplace diversity
According to another identified article, the approach to diversity is dependent upon three factor performance appraisals, socio-cultural and affirmative action. The performance appraisals is also consist of three factors multiple criteria, raters and review, whereas the religion, societal attitudes paternalistic leadership are the contributing factors to this approach (Schnackenberg and Tomlinson 2016). Affirmative action is a variable that gets affected by manager’s attitude and decentralised units and goals of the particular organisation.
Fostering team creativity: perspective taking as key to unlocking diversity’s potential. Journal of Applied Psychology
Another related article is discussing about the demographic profile of the 300 employee’s work diversity intensity, which addresses the performance of the employees. The better financial performance of the industry depends upon the inclusivity and workplace discrimination level. It also takes into account the awareness level of the employees. They have also considered the strategies to adopt workplace diversity in an organisation. The variables that consist of the employees profile are that affects the diversity are gender, age, educational qualification, type of company, employee strength and their approach and attitude towards diversity. The strategies to increase the inclusiveness of the diversity are learning and accepting overseas assignments (Madera 2013). Offering language trainings and making them understand the benefits of the diversity inclusiveness also comes under in the path to making strategical difference in workplace culture.
The article is full of bibliographic citations and reviews from previous studies done on the topic. The citations and references are from a verified source, therefore, the information are evidence that can be used for future use (Guillaume et al. 2017). In addition it can be built as a foundation for future study as the article also clarifies and directs the variables to use as data for the foundation of further study in the field. The clear and good reviews given in the article are proof of good base of work too. The author of this article. The balanced analysis and the range positivity and negativity given about the different observation of six variables (strategy, unit design, human resource practises, leadership, climate and culture and individual differences (Guillaume et al. 2017) gives a clear understanding of the main focus of the research. The article mainly focuses on the diversity culture of any organisation (Mills 2012). The article is extensively based on the research of the moderating effect of growth-ridden variables of different constraints in diversity. The managerial implications of the study are helpful in building strategy for internal organisation diversity rules. This will be helpful for the managers to create the standard procedures to improve the work culture in their organisations. Though there are some holes as the interpretation of the analysis is more qualitative rather than giving the quantitative data about the research. Though the research shows the clear scope for future research, one main area that has been missed was in the area of defining the audience or whom it will be useful to (Sciascia et al. 2013).
Individual differences and their impact on workplace diversity
The article, which talks about the challenges and issues of managing workplace diversity, is also a verified article and cited by many scholars in the field. The article also explores on the diversity of the workplace culture and explores on the variables that consist of real factors under diversity like the gender, race, age, employee strength, attitude towards diversity and educational qualification of the employees that affects the diversity (Schnackenberg and Tomlinson 2016). The article also gives the rationale to the study that has been done on the demography of the 300 IT employees and is successful in defining the audience of the article and who it may be useful too.
Another article is a literature review of studies done previously in the field. This certainly have some gaps in the method of structuring the article. There are less verified citations about the article and less discussion about the core topic given in the heading. The article only identifies the variables but does not give any clue of research done on that variable. Lesser quantitative data gathered on the three main and subordinate variables clarified after them (Hoever et al. 2012). The objective of this article was to analyse the three factors(affirmative action taken by management towards diversity, cultural issues related to the core point, performance appraisals and organisational capabilities of managing equality) of managing diversity in workplace (Hoever et al. 2012)).The article is all too generally discussed about the issues. However, the credential s of the article’s author is viable and the author’s public interest statement is also included in the article, which is of course an evidence in the subject matter (Sharma 2016).
The CEM model is a comprehensive framework of factors that uses the workplace diversity to frame the contingency in work. Throughout the article there are some similarities in approach in explaining the variables with respect to the identified key variables that affects and moderates the approach to diversity (Varaprabhakar and Ramana 2013). Another article about the managing outcomes diversity issues and challenges and the third one is similar in defining the two factors of diversity, which are socio cultural background, and affirmative action of employees. The three of the articles focus is to analyse the corporate culture to increase diversity. Another part is to suggest the pattern of managing the diversity that can be beneficial in strategically leads to growth.
The key difference among the article is in the approach. In addition to the structural difference, the approach to study the variable is different. The main article is about what are the factors that reduce the overall organisational growth (Mills 2012). The strategy, individual difference, leaders and other factors that affects the workplace diversity, whereas the other two articles enhances the study of background variables like gender, race, socio-cultural background attitude towards diversity and other effects (Sciascia et al. 2013).
A comprehensive framework for managing workplace diversity
With respect to personality traits, the nature of diversity changes which comes under the individual differences. The corporate culture is certainly affects the diversity culture. Organisational diversity can lead to strategical growth of the organisation, based on the human resource practises they go through and the managerial competence (Lauring and Selmer 2012). The factors that come under diversity affect the standard procedures and practises. The human resource management is quit responsible for this kind of challenges and issues (Varaprabhakar and Ramana 2013). The creativity culture, which leads to innovation are also, stimulates the diversity. Therefore, relational demography barriers hamper the intergroup activities and hence the performance of the teams. In a workplace the place that gets affected by the diversity culture are cooperation among the work, judging the effectiveness of communication in the interdepartmental activities, showing kindness and respect in matter of interaction, decision making purpose and managing teams (Lauring and Selmer 2012). The crucial part of the cultural diversity and recognition of values of each other (Raphan and Friedman 2014). This can be done in incorporating the diversity related workforce culture in restructuring standard procedures and practises. Diversity and inclusion must be a priority for a company to lessen its market risks in this volatile competitive industry (Madera 2013). The internal potential can be harnessed by the undifferentiated complexity of the environment. The internal culture at least is in the hands of HR managers that can rectify the standard structural policies. This can be also done by the restructurising the culture by inclusion of different non-biased policies. To facilitate the diversity and inclusion disposal of diverse skill sets can develop the skill force, which can lead to organisational development (Onsongo and Maina, 2013). The difference personality is a result of diversity itself. Therefore, learning and gauging the different personality and sponsoring global inclusive and progressive environment are essential for a company to grow in this competitive environment. A better leadership can manage to do that. Diversity is also a key in perspective taking, which is helpful in drawing conclusion of the workforce culture in the organisation (Raphan and Friedman 2014).
Guillaume, Y.R., Dawson, J.F., Otaye?Ebede, L., Woods, S.A. and West, M.A., 2017. Harnessing demographic differences in organizations: What moderates the effects of workplace diversity?. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38(2), pp.276-303.
Hoever, I.J., Van Knippenberg, D., Van Ginkel, W.P. and Barkema, H.G., 2012. Fostering team creativity: perspective taking as key to unlocking diversity’s potential. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97(5), p.982.
Schnackenberg, A.K. and Tomlinson, E.C., 2016. Organizational transparency: A new perspective on managing trust in organization-stakeholder relationships. Journal of Management, 42(7), pp.1784-1810.
Other citations
Chattopadhyay, P., George, E. and Ng, C.K., 2016. Hearts and minds: Integrating regulatory focus and relational demography to explain responses to dissimilarity. Organizational Psychology Review, 6(2), pp.119-144.
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Madera, J.M., 2013. Best practices in diversity management in customer service organizations: an investigation of top companies cited by Diversity Inc. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 54(2), pp.124-135.
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Rivas, J.L., 2012. Diversity & internationalization: The case of boards and TMT’s. International Business Review, 21(1), pp.1-12.
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Sharma, A., 2016. Managing diversity and equality in the workplace. Cogent Business & Management, 3(1), p.1212682.
Varaprabhakar, P.V. and Ramana, M.T.V., 2013. Collision of Ethnicity on Trade and Industry Advance in India. Development, 25, p.26th.