Guide To Developing A Mining Plant: Project Tender Process

Aim of the project

This project depicts the importance of information technologies rather all other technologies in the mining industry. The project implies the role of technology in the mining industry and also elaborates the way through which the technologies help to overcome the stand issues associated to mining industry. In order to develop the project the project manager is required to select the project sponsors and also all resources those are needed to develop the project. Not only is this but also, for conducting this project the project manager is needed to engage project contractors and for that a project is required to be developed. In order to implement such project the project manager should apply a tender request to the project sponsors. The aim of the project, scope of the project its expected outcomes are also illustrated in this assignment. Definition of the project in context with mining plant or a large asset, the contract processes and the project justification are elaborated in this assignment. In addition to this, the financial structure of the project by identifying the project condition, project team members and required project processes are also illustrated in this report. Both for quality assurance, quality control processes and the required changes those should brought in the mining industry regarding the technology are discussed in this report. The safety requirements of technology, in the mining industry are also illustrated in this report.  

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The primary aim of the project is to develop different range of skills those are required to express the manner that is needed to be maintained by both the contractors and users throughout the period of tendering processing. The other aim of the project is to develop a properly constructed tender for the mining project.

The scope of the project is to develop a time as well as a financial schedule that is required to construct a mining plant. The initial requirement of the project is to select an appropriate plot for the plant and also for reducing the work burden; a proper communication approach is required to be conducted by the project manager.wit he help of open communication approach the project team members will be able to communicate with each other properly and not only this but also they could also share their view with each other. Proper engagements along with the contractors are other importance that is needed to be conducted by both the project team members and the project manager.

After successful completion of the project it is expected that the project, should deliver on time within the estimated time phase and budget as well. Apart from this, the project must be completed within accurate time and all the contractors should measure proper quality assurance and quality control plan. However, before completion of the project, the project manager should consider the standards of AS 410-1994 as a basis for the project development.

The tender is referred to as the project imitation phase. It means that, before planning the project on mining plant development the project manager should make official contract with the resource providers. In the tender of the project, the project manager will first select a location for developing the mining plant. This is the stakeholder’s sign up phase, where based upon the requirement of the stakeholders a financial budget is needed to be created by the project managers. Time and budget are the most important things that are required to be considered by the project manager.  The project must be completed within the allotted time phase and within the estimated budget.  However, for the completion of the project, the standards of AS 4120-1994 should also be considered. Before planning the project the project manager should also consider different safety measures for the labours who are working for the project. In order to conduct the project the project manager should sign contract along with the raw material suppliers, project labours, plant, and sub contractors also.

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Scope of the project

The standards of the code of tendering had been prepared by the Australia committee on construction Industry Practices. From the Australian standard code of tendering the standards for this project determines different aspects. The condition for the tender application, conforming tender, alternative tender and tender documents are also considered by the project manager. Cost of tendering and even tendering by the government agencies are the components of tendering process. Even proper tender evaluation processes are also required to be maintained by both the project manager and the project sponsors. Considering the project process and its implementation it is determined that for the completion of the project al least 3 years will be required. Before the commencement of the project, the project manager must, consider the starting date and the completion date.  The project starts up and the project disclosure is required to be considered by the project manager. Besides the safety concern another concern of the project include the project budget and completion time.

In order to develop the tender for the mining project the project manager should maintain proper content processes. Different sorts of contracts such as fixed price contracts, Cost Reimbursable Contracts and Time and Material Contracts or Unit Price Contracts are there and based upon the type of the project and tender the contract type is selected by the project manager.  For this particular this project, time and material contract or unit price contracts are selected by the project manager. In this contract process the contractors will be paid in an hourly basis and the man advantage of this contract is that the sellers can make money for every hour what the project manager actually spend s on the project. The project manager is responsible to select the best and most suitable contract type for developing their tender and project at the same time. The project should be developed in such a way so that it should free of different risks. If proper contract process is selected then, overall cost also get reduces. From the project components and selected resources it is found that if the project manager considers the Time and Material Contracts then this particular project tender is referred to as completely justified.  

In order to reduce the risk rate and work burden, the project manager is needed to divide the work load among the project team members efficiently. Based on the type of the project tender and its requirements the stakeholders of the projects are selected and the woks are also divided among the team members effectively. Before developing any project the initial phase that is required to be considered includes the feasibility study. In this phase the finance manager of the project, gone through a financial study where the budget is estimated. For this particular project, the finance tender include cost estimated for raw material, cost allotted for the labors, estimated cost for location maintenance, cost estimated for implementing different technologies in the mining plant. For developing the tender the project manager should initially select the most suitable location for building the plant. Then the cost will be allotted for hiring equipments those are needed for developing the mining plant. Apart from this, for testing the quality of soil and amount of minerals in the soil, different additional testing are also done by the tester and for the conduction additional cost is also needed to be estimated. It is measured that the project will be completed in the standard project fee and the finance manager has also considered extra budget for the project. The money allowances for the project are signed by both the project manager and the project sponsors. Before implementation of the project, the risks and other consequences of the projects are also analyzed by the project team members.  

Tangible Benefits


In $US

Cost estimated for the staffs

 $              35,000.00

The amount of agent commission

 $              50,000.00

Total Tangible Benefits

 $              85,000.00

Tangible One-Time Costs


In $US

Net estimated cost for mining plant development

 $            160,000.00

Total Tangible One-Time Costs

 $            160,000.00

Tangible Recurring Costs


In $US

Site maintenance cost

 $              65,000.00

Total Tangible Recurring Costs

 $              65,000.00

Project expected outcomes

Break Even Analysis

Costs for proposed system

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Cost for the staffs






Cost for agent commission






Total Savings

 $     81,000

 $     81,000

 $     81,000

 $     81,000

 $     81,000

Costs for proposed system

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Net development cost

 $   160,000

 $           –   

 $           –   

 $           –   

 $           –   

Complete maintenance cost

 $     60,000

 $     60,000

 $     60,000

 $     60,000

 $     60,000

Net Cost

 $   220,000

 $     60,000

 $     60,000

 $     60,000

 $     60,000

The project is at its initial phase it means that the project manager has just developed a project tender. The project initiatives have been undertaken by the project manager through the consideration of the raw material cost, additional equipment cost and labor cost. The project is under processing phase. The project manager has just developed the tender by signing the contractors and sub contractors. The stakeholders of the project development team are selected in this phase and in addition to this the labors requirement for the project are also estimated by the project manager. The role of the project manager and the project team members are to play the accurate job roles, to gain the expected outcome from the project. It has been found that for the labors the most important concern is their safety while working in the mining plant.  

For the successful completion of the project the project manager is required to divide the workload among the project team members. For this particular project the identified stakeholders are project sponsors, project manager, finance manager, consumers, contractors, sub contractor and advisory management committee. In order to interact with each other proper open communication plan is required to be maintained by the project development team.  With the help of open communication the stakeholders will be able to interact with each other efficiently and even they can share their views with each other. The role and responsibilities of the project team members are as follows:

Name of the stakeholder

Type of the stakeholder

Frequency of meeting

Responsibility of the stakeholders

Project sponsor



The project sponsor is responsible to estimate the project budget that is required to start and even complete the project professionally. Not only this but also the project sponsor selects the sponsors,  who will  gibe financial support  for the planning and evaluation of the project.   

Project manager



The project manager is responsible for controlling and monitoring the entire progress of the project in terms of the financial management, control and monitoring.

Finance manager



The finance manager is responsible to make the project budget and it will help the project manager to understand the actual budget required for  the successful completion  of the project.  

End users



The end users or the consumers will only consume the project outcome and based on the project outcome the consumers will change their demand. In order to meet the requirement of the consumers the project manager will make required changes in the project.




The contractor is responsible to take the tender of the project and after taking the tender he will bid on the project. After taking the tender the contractor will distribute the work load among the sub contractor.




The work divided by the contractor should be properly played by the sub contractor of the project.

Project communication plan


Target audience

Need of the meeting

Meeting Frequency

Communication medium

Meeting initiation

Project team members

Resource selection and information gathering

Before the project initiation phase

Face to face meeting

Distribution of the project plan

Project team members

It will help to distribute the work load among everyone and the work burden will get reduced

Before the project initiation and project kick off.


Project Kick Off

Team members

Communicate plans and stakeholder roles/responsibilities.

Encourage communication among stakeholders.  

At or near Project Start Date


Meeting among the project team members

Full project team

It will help to them view the entire project plan

Weekly meeting is required

Meeting and email

Project advisory team

Project manager and project sponsor

It will help them to understand the details on the commercial benefits of the project  

Monthly basis


Project tender is the foremost step of project management. In this phase the project manager plans for the very initiatives and the members of the project team are required to follow those steps properly for gaining commercial profit from the competitive marketplace. As, the project is on development of a mining plant the requirement or steps those are strictly needed to be followed by both the manager and other fellows are as follows:

The main objective of the project planning phase is to set up the min9ing project to for the determination of the project questionnaires developed by the project survey group. There are two steps those are strictly required to be followed especially for developing a mining project include business process improvement for the performance enhancement and compliance checking in context to certain rules and business regulations. In this stage the input are the organizational business process and the output of the project are to gain the answers developed for the research questions. Lastly, an information system is required to be set up by the project manager to manage the customer relationship management system and supply chain management system as well. Whether the raw material suppliers are supplying the accurate materials to the mining site or not will be also determined by the project manager. Three different activities such as identification of the research questions, business process selection and project team composition are also identified and those are followed in this stage.  There is an order in which these activities can be executed also varies based upon the project type and business processes followed. Certain specific questions are identified those are required to be followed for the processing of the mining project efficiently. With the help of the business processes certain quality event data could be identified that include data those are missing, incorrect data collection, imprecise data selection, unnecessary data collection etc. Then the research questions should be identified for meeting the project goal.

Project definition in context with mining, plant and large assets

In this stage, the event data will be extracted and a process model will also be selected by the project manager. For this particular stage the input events are research questions and information system for managing the supply chain management approach and customer relationship management system.  Three different steps are needed to be followed in this stage those include project scope determination, extraction of the event data and the processing of the knowledge. The attributes of the data are extracted within the allotted time phase for the successful completion of the project. With the help of extracted event data the business process can be selected accurately and relate. Then the knowledge regarding the process re needed to be transferred. Throughout the process, the effective data are required to be processed properly for delivering the accurate expected outcome of the project.

In this phase the data are processed properly, four different activities are identified in this phase those are needed to be followed in this phase, and those are view creation, event aggregation, logs enrichment and logs filtering. After creating the views through case defining and event class definition the data should be processed through correlation and data derivation.

In this phase the site will be selected by the site engineer for understanding whether the site is appropriate for conducting the business or not. For testing the location accurate testers will test the soil to determine whether the soil has balanced minerals or not. If properly balanced minerals are not found then the site engineer will change the site for mining. Through the developed questionnaires, the processing stages are required to be discovered and after these phases the final phase is the evaluation phase,

The main objective of the evaluation stage is to relate the finding analysis along with the improved ideas. For this stage the inputs are different process models and the resultants generated after the processing and testing of the soil for the nominated mining plot.

In this phase different equipments will be selected and experts team will be allotted and also labor crew will be grouped for checking whether the plot is successfully meeting the expected outcome of the project or not. If it is found that the mining resultants are not meeting the expected outcome then the plot or the equipments are required to be changed accordingly.

The summary of the project processes are as follows:

  1. The project manager will develop the project plan
  2. Then based on the type and requirement of the project the project finance manager will develop a project feasibility study to estimate the actual project budget.
  3. Initially the project executive needs to contact to contractors who will help them to execute the project successfully.
  4. Then the contractor will divide the work among the sub contractors so that the work burden can get reduced and the project could complete within the estimated time phase and budget as well.  
  5. Then the site engineer will select a location for developing the mining plant
  6. The role of the contractor is to hire accurate tester who will test the quality of soil before starting the project.
  7. After this, the project manager is needed to be agreed to the desired cost demanded buy the contractor
  8. After the approval of the project executives, the project will start.  

A step by step examination of soils is expected to be planned by the offices of a project. The initial phase in a project examination is a survey of the work effectively done in the past project arrangement. This incorporates an audit of the surveillance examinations. Apart from this, an examination of the observation plan, if any phase is accessible, and an assurance of whether the goal is as yet the same or not are also evaluated in this process. Depending on the consequences of the surveillance investigation and the span of the project, the necessities for the soil study must be determined. The number and separating of plans including their investigation profundity that needs upon what is expected to get the information of the minerals found by digging the mining site are also estimated in this phase. By concentrate the investigation exhausting logs accessible general data on the normal conditions could also get. From this the extra number of data including their separation and investigation features can also be resolved accurately. Keeping in mind that the end goal to stay away from loss of time and cost because of drilling and digging plot gaps, the accompanying is recommended for arrangement of a definite examination, the estimation for the project are done in the project feasibility study phase.  

Standard of AS 4120-1994

It has been found that the project is in the tender processing phase and not at all in processing thus no such changes are required by the project manager. If after the project execution it is found that the project is not meeting the requirement of the consumers and the project team members including the project manager then required changes are needed to be brought by the project manager himself. The changes that could take place include:

  1. Changing the contractor or subcontractors
  2. Change of equipments
  3. Change of labors
  4. Change of raw material suppliers etc.

In order to manage both the financial as well as personnel data an Information system is required to used by the management authority for automatic data update instead of manual data processing. The charges allotted for individual labors and sub contractors are also should be documented well through the information system.  Moreover, it can be said that, in order to govern the project properly the management authority is required to use computational system for managing data.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) serves benefits of the arbitration and mediation. Alternative Dispute determination (ADR) offers people that are occupied with a common technique for settling issues outside the court. Tending to common question through ADR is frequently more affordable and more private than that happens in court. There are two different types of ADR exists. The honor issued by a referee is legitimately official, and enforceable by law. Along these lines, intervention is normally attempted by gatherings who have not possessed the capacity to settle a debate through intercession. Also, a few contracts require that any question consequently be settled through assertion, instead of experiencing intercession or suit. Intervention is a choice that enables parties inside a process to choose on the off chance that they will approve to a settlement. In spite of the legal advisors or other legitimate specialist is available in the project will not be able to uphold a determination. The mining should maintain this also for outside settlement but considering the ethical aspects. The procedure of intervention can be redone to the requirements of the questioning gatherings.

In this kind of projects safety is one of the major concerns that are required to be maintained by the project manager. The safety concerns are as follows:

  1. Control on mining explosion
  2. The soil should be tested properly to reduce the rate of explosion
  3. In both the underground and opencast mining proper safety dressings including, gloves, mask and head covers are required to be provided to the labors who are working in the mining ground.
  4. Proper training and development programs are required to be arranged for the labors
  5. Technology adaptation for eliminating the methane emission rate

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