Grangegorman Campus Energy Efficiency Report: Strategies, Materials, Regulations, And Ratings

Energy Consumption in Buildings

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The report of Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) for the year 2014, the buildings accounted for 35% of the total number of final energy consumption and consumed 59% of the electricity (1). These energy needs for these buildings are different and comprised of 34% of oil, 26% of electricity, 21% of natural gas, 9% of coal, 8% of peat and 2% of renewable source of energy (1). However, in recent times, the energy efficiency is measured in terms of buildings so that it cannot affect the environment.

The organization that is considered is Grangegorman campus and his report will highlight the energy consumption in the building which includes the most used type of energy, the use of these energy sources. This report will also represent the energy efficiency of the selected business building and the material used for enhancing energy efficiency. The report will also be supported with the government regulations and policy strategies. Furthermore, the role of retrofitting and the retrofit scheme, building energy ratings, better energy warmer homes scheme and optimizing power at work will also be addressed.

Residential or corporate buildings need energy consumption in electricity, ventilation, Air Tightness, air conditioners and water usage. In Ireland, it is found that 26% and 18% of the total energy consumed by the residential and commercial/public sector respectively (2). Non-residential building consumes more energy than the residential areas as it has more floors and more electronic equipment to use by the people (3). It is also found that increase in the energy consumption has been increased due to space conditioning and lighting and Information Technology (IT) (2). In traditional times, use of oil is mostly used for energy consumption but that has been replaced by the electricity and thus, according to the 2008 data it has been found that the demand of the oil has been reduced by 52% while the consumption of the gas and electricity has been increased by 130% and 91% respectively (4).

In case of Grangegorman Urban Quarter the energy consumption is planned to reduce in the zero carbon strategy by the year 2050 (5). This campus is also focusing on the usage of 60% of main water lesser by 60% along with the development of biodiversity inside the campus (5). This building is also planned for incorporating effective waste management, transport management, and construction process (5). Planning for sustainable governance, sustainability education and community relations is also taken into consideration as this process will help in generating awareness among the community people to consume lesser energy and select those products that is energy efficient.

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Grangegorman Campus Energy Efficiency Strategies

Building constructions for enhancing the energy efficiency depends on some factors and these factors are- use of local materials, recycled resources, low density products through industrial processes, materials from renewable energy resource and durable building materials (6). One of the greatest factors that affect the constructions’ energy efficiency and economical cost is the transportation cost that is used (7). Thus, one of the strategies is to use local materials so that it is easy to get all the required products in lower energy consumption. In addition to that, preservation of raw material can be obtained if recycles sources is considered. This process is beneficial in reducing the embodied energy and the use of recyclable metals if used resulted in saving of 40% to 90% of electricity consumption (6). An argument is presented that some building materials are also produced through low density industrial processes and these products also save energy (7). Expansion of steel, expanded foam insulation, aluminum, cement and glass through high temperature processes are also used in making the building materials. Instead of using bricks, builders uses adobe brick that is dried using the solar power and helps in consuming more electricity (8). Lastly, Use of durable materials helps in making the building more resistant and long-lasting. These materials will also help in delaying or avoiding the maintenance and need of renewing material. The indicators in this case for the Grangegorman Urban Quarter campus are investigating Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) and development of Construction Waste Management Plan (CWMP).

The Grangegorma campus also implemented the strategy for improving the energy, carbon and climate change. The indicators that they have been planned are for enhancing the natural ventilation and minimize the mechanical ventilation energy consumption (9). The building in the campus is also planned for designing the embodied energy and carbon footprint so as to reduce the energy consumption. All the old global warming potential of insulation and refrigerants materials has been planned to replace through energy efficient products (9). The building is also equipped by high efficient lighting systems and it provides many areas where electric car charging facility will be provided.

The main water consumption has been planned to enhance along with the process of reusing of grey-water and rain-water. The main target is to use zero net mains water by 2050 (9). This will be attained through implementing Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) in the campus, extention of greywater infrastructure in each building, installing greywater systems and water leak detection systems, monitoring water usage for each residents and lastly installing sub-meters on water consuming equipment (9).

Building Materials for Energy Efficiency

In order to achieve good practice in Biodiversity, the Grangegorman campus is designed according to GDA Biodiversity Management Plan. Biodiversity Coordination and Biodiversity Enhancement can also be implemented through site specific biodiversity management plan (9). Moreover retaining of the existing trees on site and maintaining landscaping maintenance regime can also improve the biodiversity implementation strategy.

Three strategies that has been planned are- recycling of waste, organic waste and incorporation of building level waste management. This strategy is also equipped by incorporating appropriate recycling bins and developing waste management plan.

The factor that plays an effective role in determining the energy efficiency of construction materials is materials used in construction in the life cycle of the building. Thus, it is important to select the material at the beginning of the building construction and energy consumed during the life cycle process of the building material. Thus, in order to incorporate all the above strategies in developing buildings, government have developed many regulations like- Environmental Protection Agency Act 1992, Energy Act 2006 and Electricity Regulation Act 1999 (10). All the building made in the concerned campus in relation to natural gas and electricity must have hold the license under section 16(1)(a) of the Act of 2002 and section 14(1)(b) or (h) of the Act of 1999 respectively (10). The building is also incorporated with the technology of “smart metering system” and “intelligent metering system” which helps in measuring the energy consumption which shows accurate data than the conventional meter.

Moreover, the building energy rating is also a main factor that needs to be evaluated in order measure the energy effectiveness of a building. Thus, according to the European Union Regulations 2012, Building Energy Rating (BER) is important. The certificate gives the rating of the building on the scale of A to G. According to this scale, most energy efficient homes are A-rated and these buildings tend to have lesser electricity bills; whereas, G-rated homes are least rated (11). The concerned campus is registered to SEAI and they on the other hand organize BER assessment of the building developed in this campus. The apartments present in the campus have estimated the annual cost of the homes that are rated in the scale of A to G. All the buildings in the concerned campus are A to D rated so that they can consume less energy.


The report highlighted the importance of selection of building materials that is used to measure the energy efficiency of the building. It has been found that stating from the construction of the building to the entire life cycle of the campus, the materials used for developing the building plays an important role. The considered campus is Grangegorman campus and it has taken many initiatives and developed future plans to improve the energy efficiency of the campus. The factors for enhancing energy efficiency are identified as use of local materials, recycled resources, low density products through industrial processes, materials from renewable energy resource and durable building materials. It is also found from the business report is that the concern campus incorporated strategy for improving energy, carbon and climate change, water conservation strategy, incorporating biodiversity, waste management strategy. There are many government regulations that is followed in developing energy efficient buildings. These regulations are Environmental Protection Agency Act 1992, Energy Act 2006 and Electricity Regulation Act 1999. The buildings are also equipped by smart metering system, intelligent metering system and have A to D graded Building Energy Rating in their campus.

Reference List

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  9. Grangegorman-Challenges and opportunities of a sustainable urban campus. 2018 [cited 15 March 2018]. Available from:
  10. European Union (Energy Efficiency) Regulations 2014. 2018 [cited 15 March 2018]. Available from:
  11. Building Energy Rating Certificate (BER) | SEAI [Internet]. Sustainable Energy Authority Of Ireland | SEAI. 2018 [cited 15 March 2018]. Available from:

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