Governmental Action And Stakeholder Management In Technology Commercialization
Case Studies on Government Support for Technology Commercialization
1. Analyze the role of the federal and other level of government played in moving technology
Technical progress is referred to as a crucial tool, which is widely used by each and every industry to identify and also resolve different commercial and business oriented issues (Allen & Kathleen, 2003). Three different case studies have been nominated to understand the way through which the Government supports new technology commercialization. In addition to this, the role of federal and other levels of government played for moving technologies out of the laboratory into commercial application are also elaborated. It has been analyzed that federal and other level of governments play active role to commercializing the technologies towards measurable success.
2. Describe the kinds of problems that are addressed the case studies
2.1 Case study 1: Cyber security and progress
The first case study is about “cyber security and internet policy” which implies that due to lack of security and data privacy confidential personnel and business information may get hijacked by external attackers. Additionally, America fails to promote the flow of information absolute freely. Obama stated that, America is currently facing one of the most highlighted economic and national security issues that are cyber threat. The American economy of prosperity is completely dependent upon cyber security in the 21st century.
2.2 Case study 2: Federal chief information officer
The second case study is about “federal Chief Information officers” and their role in driving technology and applying it in different industries. According to some specialization it has been found that due to lack of accurate defense mechanism, information is not flowing from the service providers to the receivers. Lack of security in cloud server and other technology services are also affecting the continuous improvement of the digital field of America.
2.3 Case study 3: Creating an open and accountable government
The third case study is about “creating an open and accountable government”, which implies that there is a huge gap between the American government and common public. It lacks some actions of administration that has taken unprecedented steps for making the government much efficient. Inaccurate streamline operation, improper performance reinforcement, wrong management reforms are the issues associated in open accountable government.
3. The way through which government facilitate commercialization of these technologies
The Government facilitates commercialization of these technologies to resolve all identified issues. Obama Administration wills to preserve the open nature of the internet services through developing internet policy and procedural taskforce. The internet policy principles are to be followed by the global internet users (Nicholas & Steyn, 2017). Not only this but also, the Government of America developed the Federal Information Security Management Act, for continuous process monitoring and risk assessment. In order to get better citizen engagement and to promote transparency United States and India has evolved open source portals to access open data sites securely. The National science and technology council is focused on the smart disclosure for promoting accurate policies to convert the technology in terms of a machine readable format.
Key Challenges Facing IT Teams and Industries
If it is found that, innovation is rapidly diffusing throughout different industries then each firm will get less incentive for making investment to the innovations. Across various technologies and market structure, all of these factors effects substantially. Three different factors on which the Government needs to focus on include economic regulation, government competition and Uncertainty over the future policy.
4. Improvement of these collaborations
There are different ways through which these collaborations can be improved. It is the role of the federal and government to look into all of the activities. Based on the background of business and other application technologies should be collaborated to it.
With proper collaboration of technologies the benefits those may affect the business and its application include cost reduction, team environment improvement, increment of accessibility of documents and other resources. It helps to gain competitive edge, gives proper demographic workplace, improved employee productivity also. However, the technology collaboration can be improved only if the users follow proper rules and guidelines of using internet services. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) of all industries must set a guideline and al employees should follow them. Lastly, encryption algorithm should be incorporated to reduce the rate of data assaults from the unauthenticated users.
2. 1 Development of a commercialization conceptual model (1000)
In order to develop the commercialization conceptual model, a specific industry that has been chosen is information technology (Nicholas & Steyn, 2017). The conceptual model is completely focused on the different key challenges that the technology team of different IT industries face during driving their existing operation towards an advanced one.
Due to lack of managerial activities and operational applications most of the industrial IT teams are facing wide range of challenges thoroughly (Scott & Walker, 2016). In order to resolve these industrial issues, all the members are required to follow some guidelines and practices. These kinds of issues can be resolved through maintaining accurate leadership, management and stakeholder’s action as well.
Figure 1: Conceptual Model
(Source: Holmes, McGrattan & Prescott, 2015, p- 1156)
According to the above conceptual model, three different factors those are needed to be adopted by the IT project team members include informational dimension, intended consequences and communicative dimensions. The informational dimensions make balance between local and global business strategies (Schwalbe, 2015). The IT team of the industries are facing challenged due to lack of arrangement of financial programs and lack of contextualized information. From the social group activities it has been defined that, the communicative dimension helps to promote the different intended consequences. On the other hand, it also helps to decrease the issues of informational dimension. In order to resolve these issues the IT industry is needed to implement an Information Communication Technology (ICT). It’s tailored and standardization application helps the IT team to mitigate all the key challenges the current IT industries are facing simultaneously (Nicholas & Steyn, 2017). It is expected that, with the help of the commercializing conceptual model all the issues of research and development team will be resolved.
Strategies for Successful Stakeholder Management
The key challenges for those the industry might be affected negatively are needed to be resolved completely. The list of challenges that the IT teams are facing continuously include the following:
Customer service: In most of the cases the IT teams fail to satisfy the consumers (Hornstein, 2015). Through listening to the clients and arranging proper meeting schedules the issues can be resolved.
Lack of technical experts: Due to lack of experienced experts, the team members fail to apply all the operation accurately.
Lack of training and development: With the changing time phase, technology is also getting advanced (Riol & Thuillier, 2015). Thus, proper training and development programs are needed to be arranged by the IT industry to make the IT team familiar with the technology that has to be applied by the IT team of any project.
2.3 Illustration of necessary management, leadership and stakeholders actions to be taken
The stakeholder management plan with proper strategy is very much important to be considered for successfully mitigating the issues and key challenges IT teams and IT industries are facing. Proper identification, management and understanding of the stakeholders and meeting their expectation are the crucial actions to be taken by the project team members and the others to gain measurable economic success (Svejvig & Andersen, 2015). For successful stakeholder management the key strategies should consider include the following:
- Stakeholder mapping
- Key influence from the stakeholders
- Identification of the triggers
- Proactive mitigation of the stakeholder’s issues
- Developing community engagement planning
Again leadership is another important factor or activity that is needed to be considered by the IT industry for the successful implementation of the IT projects (Fleming & Koppelman, 2016). It can be said that if the strategic leader wills to manage project complexity with leadership management strategies. Then the followings are the actions those should have to be undertaken:
- It provides proper vision to the IT team who are working for the It projects
- The leadership strategy can create clear action plan for the consumers
- The resources allotted for the projects can be utilized accurately
- It also helps to ensure that the IT project team members are gaining right skill from the leadership strategies (Too & Weaver, 2014)
The other managerial actions that the IT project manager and the IT team members are needed to adopt are as follows:
- Scope management plan
- Communication management plan
- Resource management plan
- Stakeholder management
- Cost management
- Time management in terms of developing proper project schedule
People, process and technology are the three main project constraints those should be arranged properly to deliver successful outcome to the project clients. Not only the project clients but also the project team members should serve the activities accurately.
2.4 Key events, decisions and actions in this commercialization process
From the project management environment it has been found that, all the key players are required to serve critical roles to successfully accomplish the project. The different critical roles in a matrix environment include project manager, project team members, functional manager and also other upper management. From the commercializing conceptual model, it has been found that the key challenges which the technology teams of IT industry are continuously facing can be mitigated with this model.
Leadership and Management in Project Implementation
While moving from the research and development (R&D) to operation and identification of organizational leverage points through which the entrepreneurs can address the key challenges, the development of the conceptual model was very much important from the business perspectives. With the changing time, for proper organizational decision making accurate role and responsibility are needed to be served by the project manager and all other IT tem members (Fleming & Koppelman, 2016). The main of any project IT team is to drive all lab discoveries from the laboratories to the application field. Each of the stages can be completed successfully if it is followed by proper managerial aspects, leadership and stakeholder’s management as well. Not only his but also proper security approaches are also needed to incorporated by the IT project team members to avoid external assaults.
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