Golden Immigration Services Inc. – Immigration Firm In Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

INTL 339 International Business Planning

Business Model

Immigration firms generally comprise of lawyers, which are involved in the immigration. A legal Immigration lawyer is one who can defend a person’s case in the case of deportation. They can also provide information about work visas in other countries for a short period of time. Many organizations employ Immigration Firms, so it is easier for them to transfer employees abroad if the case be (Gilpin, 2018). The following is a report about an immigration firm. The organization being discussed in the following is Golden Immigration Services Inc., and is operating from Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.

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The main service that the firm would have is helping clients getting work visas in Canada. It would also help individuals avoid deportation if need be. It would also help international firms start businesses in Canada. For many clients, the firm would also be able to represent the client in court, and help them in taking the citizenship test that is required for legal citizenship (McFadden & Seederff, 2017). The firm would also have the service of obtaining immediate citizenship status under emergency situations as well. Since the firm would comprise of lawyers, they would be able to help individuals and businesses deal with issues of immigration.

The target customers would be major organizations who wish to set up branches in the country.

An organizational climate is the perception of the individuals working in the organization, about the impact of the environment on the individual well-being of the person. The organizational climate in Golden Immigration Services Inc., is a healthy climate, in which individuals are rewarded for their work, by the compensation that they receive, and by the work that is done. In order to keep the organizational climate healthy, the firm has tried to include pro bono work as much as possible, and kept the environment light and friendly, so that the climate remains positive and friendly (Knowles, 2016).

The organization would be owned by Ms Susan Smith and other lawyers. The senior lawyers would be given the opportunity to become partners, so that they would also be partly owners of the organization. This would ensure that the owners keep changing, and in the event of a retirement, there would be new owners (Khanna, 2016). The board would consist of the owners, and a few members from the bar council of Canada, along with senior immigration lawyers. This is to ensure that the employees also get a say in the organization, and feel a certain sense of ownership within the organization.

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The organization would be registered under the government as a legal firm, which aims to provide immigration services to the individuals who might need it. It would be a partnership, and would also willing to accept pro-bono work so that the organization is able to benefit from the work that is provided to them as well.

The Golden Immigration Services Inc would have an agreement with major organizations around the world, who would need to open businesses in Canada. This would ensure that there is a steady flow of clients in the organization, which is also beneficial as well (Green, Liu, Ostrovsky & Picot 2016). There would also be agreements between the government of Canada and Golden Immigration Services Inc., so that they would be getting a lot of work from there. Some of the work that they would be required to take on would be pro-bono work, which is why it is essential for the organization to honour the agreement.


Golden Immigration Services Inc. would be located in Mississauga, in the Ontario district in Canada. This is because a lot of the services and clients that the organization receives will be from Ontario. Ontario is a thriving business district, and there are a number of large organizations who have been opening up a branch in the district (Fourot, 2015). This means that it would be able to get steady business from the organizations.

The main competition to Golden Immigration Services Inc. would be other immigration firms. The main competition would be Pace Immigration Law Firm, which is one of the biggest law firms in Ontario. The organization has over 100 lawyers and have agreements with some of the biggest lawyers in Canada. This is why they are the biggest competition. Many of the lawyers in the firm have almost never lost a case, and have an excellent reputation as well (Samaddar, 2015). They have been known to provide excellent service, which is why they are one of the biggest competitions to Golden Immigration Services Inc.  

The market potential for the firm is very large. As mentioned earlier, there has been a large influx of people to Canada, and Ontario is one of the biggest and most-developed states in the country. This means that there are many clients that would be willing to pay a great sum of money to set-up businesses in Canada. They would thus, be requiring the services of an immigration firm as well. There are also many legal immigrants, who would be willing to pay for permanent citizenship. Thus, the market in the country is extremely large, which is there is immense potential for the organization as well.

The organization would be able to break even in the first few months, and would be able to make a profit in the first 6 months of being operational (Anderson, 2015). They would be able to have at least 10 clients in a day, and have 8 billable hours every day.

The organization has an insurance policy for the employees, so that they can cover their health. They would have damage protection, fire insurance and business insurance for their office.

The cases that are being handled by the lawyers who are working for Golden Immigration Services Inc., and the strategies that are being used would be intellectual property of the organization (Djankov, 2016).

In order to maintain the image of the company, Golden Immigration Services Inc., is planning to have advertisements in every major newspaper and on T.V. They would also be doing a lot of cases pro-bono, so that the image of the organization is maintained. It would also help in maintaining the image if the organization did not lose any of the cases that they decide to take on (Macaulay, 2018). This would be essential, since a loss for the organization would mean a major loss for the reputation of the organization, which would also be another major loss for the image of Golden Immigration Services Inc.

Target Customers

Golden Immigration Services Inc. is the name of the business.

The service mix that would be offered by the organization would include any type of immigration services, and representation on behalf of a lawyer in the court of law. This is essential in order to ensure that the reputation of the organization is being maintained.

The organization would charge the client based on the hours that the lawyers in the organization have been working. The junior lawyers would demand 50 CAD for every hour that the lawyer has worked on the cases that are related to the client. The senior lawyers would command an upwards of 100 CAD for every hour billed. If the case is pro-bono, or if the partners feel that they should reduce the price, then it would be reduced according to the changes that are being mentioned by the partners (Muratovski, 2015).

Since the organization provides services, and not products, distribution is not an aspect that should be mentioned. The client would have to approach the organization directly by making an appointment as per the necessity.

In order to get the promotion that the organization requires, they would be promoting themselves on every available channel possible. This would be through the use of social media, television and radio, and through print. The major promotions that they would be getting would be through the word of mouth (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). They would also have a website that is dedicated to the positive feedback of the clients, and the testimonials that they have made. This is essential for the organization to get a great rating, and it would be an ideal method of promoting themselves as well.

Golden Immigration Services Inc. has an office in Mississauga, as well as in most major cities in Canada. They have the basic equipment that is required for the firm, which includes chairs, desks, offices for the senior partners, a library, internet and a computer.

Most of the lawyers would be using their own cars, but in order to take the lawyers to court, there would be a car and a driver that is provided to the lawyers. There are no products that are being offered, so this would be the only logistics that would be required.

The main methods and procedures for fighting the battle in court would be left to the lawyers themselves. However, all the procedures and methods that can be used to win the case would be legal, and according to the standards that are mentioned in the constitution. There would be different laws that are related to different cases, and since the laws are different, the methods would also be different (Bloom, et al, 2018). However, the procedures would involve the lawyer going to the court, and making their case in order to win.

There are systems that are in place if a lawyer makes a mistake, and in case they are not able to fight the case properly. There are paralegals who would be willing to help the lawyers research relevant cases and laws, and thus, help them in preparing their argument as well. There are also systems that are in place to ensure that the top-performing lawyers are eligible for a promotion as well.


The organization consists of 2 or 3 name partners, whose names would be the name of the organization. The most top-performing senior partners would be eligible for a name partnership, only after the name-partners have retired. They would have veto power in the organization, and in most cases that have been taken up by the organization as well. There would be 10 senior partners in the organization, and 20 junior partners (Yunus, 2017). The number of paralegals would vary based on the number of paralegals that are required in Golden Immigration Services Inc.

There would be internal regulation in the organization by the board and by the name partners. This would ensure that the work that is being done is according to the regulations and guidelines of the organization. There would also be an external regulation that is done through the government, and this would ensure that the proceedings of the organization are according to the rules and regulations of the government.

The start-up need for Golden Immigration Services Inc., would be 100,000 CAD for the first year. This would involve the start-up cost, the cost of registration, cost of office and the equipment as well as the salary of the employees as well (Eriksson & Kovalaina, 2015).

There is an initial investment made by the owner of 50,000 CAD. This is half the expected cost that is required by the organization.

The money that is borrowed by the organization is 50,000 CAD, which is half the expected cost of the organization.

The financial statements, which include profit and loss statement, balance sheet, cash flow, will be provided publicly. A sample balance sheet has been provided in the Appendix.

The credit policy would be that the client would pay an initial amount of 100 CAD at the beginning, which would be a retainer, and then they would pay towards the end based on the hours billed (Broekemier, Chau & Seshadri, 2015).

The cash flow would be revealed at the end of the year to the public.


The business plan of Golden Immigration Services Inc., has been mentioned above. Since it is a firm that requires zero production of actual goods, but involves services, there needs to be constant checks and balances that need to be in place. Thus, it would be essential to have an equal number of pro-bono customers and paid clients in order to make a profit.


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Djankov, S. (2016). The Doing Business project: how it started: correspondence. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 30(1), 247-48.

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Yunus, M. (2017). Social business entrepreneurs are the solution. In The Future Makers (pp. 219-225). Routledge.

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