Gold Coast Health: Providing Sustainable Healthcare Services To The Community
The Gold Coast Health Facilities
Gold Coast health is a public service provider in Australia that provides sustainable healthcare to community through a wide range of broad secondary and tertiary health services. It fulfils healthcare needs of community across two hospitals, wide network of health precincts and community health centers. The health care services of Gold Coast health consists of primary adult specialties along with pediatric services. They also provide allied health services to support, recognize and revive quality of life for people in community through range of services that includes occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech pathology, nutrition, social work and psychology (Gold Coast Health 2018).
The Gold Coast Health has different facilities like:
- Gold Coast University hospital:
This is situated in Southport and is amongst Queensland’s biggest teaching and research units that provides specialized health services in areas of cancer, mental health, and emergency to fulfill patient needs as well as meets learning needs of prospective clinicians (Hardygroup 2018)
- Robina hospital:
This is situated in Robina CBD and is 6th biggest hospital in Queensland which provides primary services for emergency, trauma, medical and surgical, women and children and mental health. It is part of health hub that consists of Robina Health Precinct and Campus Alphs Health services (Hardygroup 2018)
- Robina Health Precinct:
This provides broad community health services to respond in an effective manner to community demand and support acute care needs specifically multi-disciplinary health services that involves aged and palliative care, community child heath, maternity health, community rehabilitation and chronic disease care (Hardygroup 2018)
- Southport health precinct:
According to Hardygroup (2018) it offers range of community based health services at central Southport that supports current private health services at Southport, offers support network for Gold Coast Health’s acute facilities and also offers small/large group education programs.
According to Hardygroup (2018), Gold Coast Health’s Allied service under GCAHS is an integrated system that consists of hospitals, community arrangements for adult and children. A new leadership role of Executive Director in Allied health services has been created that will support vital strategic leadership aspects of workforce to manage delivery of safe and quality health care services to the community that is supported with coordination.
The role ensures that health care services are developed and administered in collaboration with other service delivery providers, community and employees in combined manner to ensure high performance outcomes that is consistent with strategic goals of GCHHS. The role of Executive Director (Allied Health Services) will be a single point accountability position that will demonstrate attaining expected results of services to make sure that GCHHS contributes to attain its vision (Hardygroup 2018),
The Executive Director will be core member of Executive management team and will work in collaboration with other Executive Directors, Clinical Directors to provide safe, efficacious and sustainable care within GCHHS along with working towards transforming clinical practices, strategic advices to the Board. The role of Executive Director (Allied Health Services) is to support high level, expert advice to Health service Chief Executive, Chief Operations Officer and members of Executive Management team that will support augmentation of strategic vision of GCHHS.
The role has dual reporting which includes reporting operationally to COO about divisional betterment elements and professionally reporting to Health service Chief Executive about executive performances. The Executive Director will also be responsible to create and regularly monitor systems that give feedback on standards of performance so as to ensure information is well circulated in channels to instantly address areas of risk or opportunities to attain best practices performances (Job Description)
Gold Coast Health Allied Services
Strategic Plan 2016-2020
The strategies which are adopted by Gold Cost Health are as follows: (Queensland Government 2018)
- Monitoring real time information, health trends and environmental conditions in order to determine consumer demand.
- Building a culture of success where staffs are inspired to do the best work.
- Encouraging health literacy by providing information which is accessible, clear and easy to understand.
- Engaging with all the members of the community.
- Patients with chronic diseases and mental illness are suitably supported in the community to ensure the quality of life.
- Actively supporting professional development, training and research and translation of knowledge into practice.
- Plan and prepare for potentially large scale incidents and service disruptions (Queensland Government 2018)
Gold Cost Health Organizational structure
Mission, vision and values of Gold Coast Health
- Vision:
The vision of Gold Coast Health is to be identified as a center of excellence for best in class health care services (Gold Coast Health 2018).
- Mission:
Gold Coast Health’s mission is to establish itself as a center that works for well-being of patients and community health needs through delivering of changing needs across community health, hospital care and specialized services to make sure the best quality of care. Its mission is to support community with active promotion of good health, improve patient outcomes with research and practice and ensure better service through technology, innovation and maximizing use of resources. Another significant mission is to be a center that supports inclusive and diverse workforce and ensures their safety and well-being so that staffs by using their skills and capabilities helps to provide Gold Coast health’s purpose of high quality health care for community (Gold Coast Health 2018).
- Values:
The values of Gold Coast Health surround around six pillars i.e. integrity, community first, respect, excellence, compassion and empowerment. Gold Coast Health aims to be open and responsible to the people they serve for care needs, values patients and communities best interest first, gives respect, listens and values and acknowledges one another, drives towards exceptional performance and results, treats people with compassion and sensitivity and empower one another to achieve more (Gold Coast Health 2018).
1 (B): Key selection criteria
The key selection criteria states that the candidates who will apply for the post of Executive Director in Allied Health Services should be able to offer viable direction and administration of Allied Health Services in order to ensure that a whole of Health and Human Services focus underlines the decision making and practice. The key selection criteria also states that the candidates who are willing to apply for the post of Executive Director in Allied Health Services should be able to drive the improvement of a culture which supports association, information based decision making and attitude coherent with the beliefs and preferences of Queensland of Health and Gold Coast Hospital and Health Services.
One of the selection criteria for the candidates willing to apply for Executive Director in Allied Health Services should be able to deal with the improvement and execution of the five year result based approach of the assimilation of Gold Coast Hospital and Health Services through clinical partnerships. Another criteria state that the candidate who wishes to apply for the post of Executive Director in Allied health Services should be able to drive the progress, performance and analysis of the new services in order to ensure that those services confirm to the service and budget requirements (Job Description)
As opined by Malila, Lunkka & Suhonen (2018), the theory of health care leadership focuses on different variables which are correlated to the clinical and service care environment and that might assist in determining best particular style of self behavior which is most suited for a particular circumstance. According to the theory of leadership there is no particular leadership behaviour which is suitable for all types of situations. According to Özer, Ugurluoglu, Kahraman, & Avci (2017), multiple researchers also pointed out that truly effective leadership style is not just based on the quality of the leader but is concerned with maintaining the ideal balance between the behavior, needs and context of any situation. According to Mohan (2015),
Executive Director (Allied Health Services) Role
the theory of leadership suggests that good leaders are successfully able to access the needs of their subordinates, take note of the situation and accordingly adjust and modify their behaviors. As stated by Weiszbrod (2013), the success of a particular situation depends on a number of variables which includes the leadership style adopted by the leader, the qualities of the subordinates and the aspects of the situation. Therefore in context of the selection criteria regarding Executive Director in Allied Health Services it can be stated that in order to fulfil the selection criteria in Allied Health Services it is very important to adopt a leadership style which complies with the contingency leadership theory in order to fulfil the selection criteria.
Moreover according to Healthcare Leadership model there is no formal leadership responsibility in service care setting and hence leaders do things in a systematic manner so that it assists everyone to develop themselves as a leader and is applicable equally to all roles and care environment that exists in care organizations. Basically it is based on nine core dimensions that help to manage people in care leadership roles to be a central part of being an efficacious leader by realizing personal attributes like self-awareness, confidence, control, knowledge, personal reflection, resilience and commitment as foundation for behaviors.
These have direct impact on behavior of others and way people interact so awareness of behavior is vital in key leadership roles that impacts colleagues, teams, culture and climate in healthcare organization and even influences care experiences offered to patients or service users (NHS Leadership Academy 2018).
The leadership dimensions that are identified in Healthcare leadership model are:
- Inspiring shared purpose:
In this dimension the leader should be enthusiastic to add value to care services and further improve these by building upon principles and values. As such leaders should build a shared sense of purpose among different people in diverse work areas within care organization to motivate their beliefs on shared values that supports delivering quality care services to users, families and community. So it is vital for leaders in care settings to stay true to care principles and values and remain committed to contribution towards patients care and also in a behavior that inspires others to believe in shared purposes and fulfilments. These values should be held even under pressure and promoted actively and consistently to lead by examples so that responsibility is taken for benefit of care services (NHS Leadership Academy 2018).
- Leading with care:
This dimension illustrates vital personal attributes in leaders for healthcare that gives them ability to interpret needs of teams, give care, secure safe environment to enable everyone do their job efficaciously. As such leaders should be able to interpret emotions that can impact others and manage them specifically to deal with unsettled feelings of others so that their energy is focused in right direction of delivering care services that are exceptional (NHS Leadership Academy 2018).
- Evaluating information:
Leaders should look for vital information to create ideas that drives efficacious improvement or change and these decisions should be based on evidence and various perspectives that meet needs of care. As such it is vital for leaders to be alert and open to information and evaluate so that they can make better developed improvement plans (NHS Leadership Academy 2018).
- Connecting to care services:
Strategic Plan 2016-2020
Leaders should even be able to determine service fit for different needs of people and should be able to interact and connect with them together by interpreting the manner responsibilities and services are delivered, identifying impacts on goals, values and cultures and understanding shared risks and collaborations (NHS Leadership Academy 2018).
- Sharing vision:
Leaders should be able to communicate vision of healthcare organisation to others that should be attainable and realistic so as to inspire others to achieve the vision together. The leaders should convey this vision to compel and make others clear by demonstrating honesty, hope and help for service uses (NHS Leadership Academy 2018).
- Engaging the team:
Leaders should be capable to bring people together and make them collectively contribute to deliver desirable results and continued improvements of care services, as such leaders should be able to facilitate teamwork and create a sense of pride in working together for a purpose with efficacious team engagement that stimulates respect, compassion, care and attention to detail to improve services for patients (NHS Leadership Academy 2018).
- Holding accountability:
Leaders should be clear on performance goals and indicators and should assist others to understand these clearly to make them own responsibility and should also share balanced feedback for betterment. Leaders should clearly communicate expectations and should provide freedom to others to manage their own job roles (NHS Leadership Academy 2018).
- Developing capability:
Leaders should motivate others for improvement in learning and building of expertise to meet future demand and challenges and should act as role model by demonstrating a positive behaviour. This capability demonstration inspires others to develop their own potentials (NHS Leadership Academy 2018).
- Influencing outcomes:
Leaders should make decisions that drive positive influences on others, build bonding and collaborations by understanding their needs and then arranging for priorities, allocation of resources and approaches to improve care service delivery (NHS Leadership Academy 2018).
The key selection criteria in Gold Coast Health Services state that the interested candidates should be able to recognise and deal with possible behaviours in order to improve service fulfilment and attainment of performance. The criteria in Gold Coast Health Services also states that the interested candidates should be able to promote leadership and decision making to insure the commitment regarding resource acquisition and resource delegation to improve care experiences.
The criteria in Gold Coast Health Services further states that the interested candidates should be able to direct the improvement and execution of multiple contemporary human resource management activities and behaviours of care givers to insure the improvement of a more effective, skilled, lucid and highly inspired human resources for the organization. The criteria also states that the interested candidates should be able to ensure that financial risks are recognised and controlled with necessary and required moderation and emergency approaches should be designed and implemented accordingly.
Hence the selection criteria for role of Executive Director is in alignment to Healthcare Leadership model that is based on dimensions of shared purpose, leading with care, evaluation of information, connecting to care services offered, engaging the team, holding the accountability, developing capability and influencing the outcomes (NHS Leadership Academy 2018).
Mission, Vision and Values of Gold Coast Health
As opined by Kvas, Seljak & Stare (2014), the various elements of the health leadership framework consists of achieving the outcomes, converting the system, coordinating and conspiring beyond bounds, involving people and creating bonding and developing and leading self. As opined by West, Lyubovnikova, Eckert & Jean-Louis (2014), the various sub elements of the health leadership framework are namely building a common vision for future health outcomes, being accountable for performance and results,
focusing on the factors which make a difference, demonstrating self-awareness, constantly seeking personal growth, modelling desired behaviours and values, taking responsibility of own performances, facilitating effective team performances, exploiting talent and diversity, developing and implementing effective team processes, creating a workplace culture environment wherein the human resources can contribute, mobilizing human resources to take collaborative actions, encouraging creative insights from variety of sources,
creating cross-sectional connections in order to deliver service agreements, demonstrating critical and systematic thinking and shaping a preferred future for health service deliver. All the above elements comply with the selection criteria which have been discussed above and therefore in order to fulfil the selection criteria at Allied Health, candidates must comply with formal health leadership framework (NHS Leadership Academy 2018).
The key selection criteria in Gold Coast Health Services state that the interested candidates should be able to offer strategic direction in the administration of a vital portfolio by making sure that a whole of GCHHS focus underlines on decision making and proceedings. The key selection criteria in Gold Coast Health Services also state that the interested candidates should be able to cascade strategic plan through service fulfilment and assure the connections with the operational plans and also be able to provide leaderships to the direct reporting of the post in order to ensure the alignment of the organizational goals with the business plan and with the annual organizational plan health priorities.
The key selection criteria in Gold Coast Health Services also state that the interested candidates should be able to build strategic partnerships which would support the GCHHS to attain its critical goals. The criteria in Gold Coast Health Services further states that the interested candidates should be able to command execution of risk mitigation procedure in order to make sure that the risks associated with business are recognised, evaluated and mitigated in a timely way (Job Description)
As opined by Morrow, Glenn & Maben (2014), strategic management is described as continued planning, controlling, evaluation and reasoning of each element which are very important for healthcare to reach its purposes and objectives. As opined by Sebastian, Fulop, Dadich, Fitzgerald, Kippist & Smyth (2014), strategic management also includes designing and execution of prime objectives and programs which are taken by people in key leadership roles based on context of resources and assessment of internal and external. Therefore it can be stated that the selection criteria which are laid down by Allied health regarding Executive Director complies with the basics of strategic management.
1 (C):Response to selection criteria
As opined by Yankah (2016), the successful candidate who will be selected to the post of Executive Director in Allied Health Services is required to demonstrate capability to utilize financial, human, physical resource management and efficient control skills to make sure that effective alignment of the Allied Health Services workforces with the patient demand. As the health care sector is a very sensitive sector which caters to the patient demands by providing different types of health services to the patients need to effectively carry out financial resource management in order to ensure that there are no financial constraints involved in providing quality health care services to the patients of the healthcare services. Effective financial resource management is also vital in order to forecast and develop effective budget which will help in meeting the financial targets of the health care services which will help in its survival.
Key Selection Criteria for Executive Director in Allied Health Services
It is also very important for the successful candidates to demonstrate effective human resource management in order to ensure that that there is a constant flow of workforce in the Allied Health Services. As the health care sector is facing tough challenges regarding the attraction and retention of human resources, therefore it is vital for successful candidates selected for the role of Executive Director of Allied Health Services to develop and implement strategies which will help in attracting and retaining qualified candidates in the Allied Health Services.
It is also very important for the successful candidates selected for the role of Executive Director of Allied Health Services, to demonstrate effective human resource management in order to motivate the workforces of the Allied Health Services which will help them in accomplishing the aims and objectives of the Allied Health Services. Demonstrating abilities of effective human resource management by the successful candidates will also help in enhancing employee performance and will also help in improving the productivity of the health care staffs (Job Description)
According to Tennent (2015), it is also important for the successful candidates selected for the role of Executive Director in Allied Health to demonstrate effective physical resource management in order to ensure that the physical resources of the organization remains fully capable of fulfilling the demands of the organization. In terms of health care sector the physical resources can be identified as buildings, fire-fighting equipment, medical equipment,
communication equipment, fixtures, waste disposal equipment, vehicles and health facility furniture and therefore it is very important for the Executive director to demonstrate ability of physical resource management in terms of their purchase, maintenance, valuation and disposal. The successful candidates need to demonstrate effective physical resource management as the physical resources of the health care sector are open to misuse, abuse, theft and fraud, need to be retained in good working conditions, needs replacement and are of higher values and therefore there is a high requirement for physical resource management for the successful candidates.
According to Stander, de Beer, & Stander (2015), effective governance skills is a very important criteria for successful candidates to be selected for the role of Executive Director in Allied Health as effective governance skills will help in the effective alignment of the workforce of Allied Health with the demands of the patients of the hospital. As opined by Shaw et al. (2013),
effective governance skills among the successful candidates will help in the development, implementation and monitoring of effective strategies which will help in accomplishing the vision and components of the strategic plan of the organization. Effective governance skills among the successful candidates will also help in ensuring that the effective alignment between clinical governance and corporate governance. The effective governance skills among the successful candidates will also help in managing the boundaries between clinical governance and corporate governance.
According to Pihlainen, Kivinen & Lammintakanen (2016), it is also important for the successful candidates to be aware about the importance of vision and effective strategies for leadership in managing teams as vision is a very effective element of leadership in health care sector as the vision guides a leader of the health care organizations to lead his team. It is also very important for successful candidates to be aware about the vision as the vision of leadership permeates the workplace and is manifested in the actions, values, beliefs and goals of the leaders of the organization. The vision helps in attracting and affecting every employee of the organization and therefore it is very important in terms of managing teams in the organization.
According to Jeyaraman et al. (2018), it is also very important for the successful candidates to be aware about the effective strategies for leadership in managing teams as effective strategies of leadership helps in effective management of the human resources of the organization. Effective strategies help in ensuring that employees of the organization are always motivated in nature and there are no conflicts among the workers of the organization. The knowledge of effective strategies in managing teams among successful candidates is also very important as effective strategies of leadership helps in enhancing the productiveness of employees and also assists in increasing retention of the human resources in the organization.
1 (D):Developing skills, knowledge and experience
As opined by Mishak Beckman (2013), in order to develop the experience, knowledge and skills which are required in order to fulfil the role of Executive Director in Allied Health Services the preliminary task that a candidate requires to undertake is to gain complete knowledge of the roles and responsibilities which are required for the job role as it will help in better understanding of the job role. The proper understanding of the job role will help a candidate to develop approaches and strategies in order to carry out the roles and responsibilities in an effective manner.
As opined by Newkirk (2013), so as to develop experience, knowhow and expertise which are required to fulfil the role of Executive Director in Allied Services, a candidate can also seek the help and guidance of a mentor who has past experiences in similar job roles so that the individual can gain necessary knowledge, skills and experience required for the job from a mentor. In order to develop the experience, knowledge and skills which are required in order to fulfil the role of Executive Director in Allied Health Services a candidate can also take various online courses based on his weaknesses so that it will help in addressing his weakness and will also help to develop experience, knowledge and skills of the candidate. According to Haase & Franco (2017),
another important activity which a candidate applying for the role of Executive Director in Allied Health Services needs to do is to increase the level of communication and interaction with members beginning to various levels of the organization in order to get improved interpretation of the regular operations of the organization which will help in the development of experience, knowledge and skills of the candidates.
As opined by Grady (2016), another effective way through which the candidates applying for the post of Executive Director in Allied Health Services can develop their experience, knowledge and skills which are required for the job role is consulting various real life case studies of various organization and their solutions which will help in gaining practical experience regarding various types of complex situation which will help in developing experience, knowledge and skills required for the job.
According to Aij & Teunissen (2017), the job role of an executive director in health care services is very demanding and sensitive in nature and therefore it requires higher focus and attention. Being an executive director of a health care service, involves setting up various professional boundaries in order to carry out the responsibilities associated with the job role in an effective manner. As opined by Coxen, van & Stander (2016), in terms of Healthcare it can be stated that maintaining a professional boundary between a healthcare executive and with the other workers of the organization in order to promote professionalism and in order to promote ethical behaviour among the other staffs of the hospital.
Some of the professional boundaries which I, after being selected for the role of Executive Director in Allied Health Services need to negotiate are being over-frank with particular employees of the organization, accessing the personal details and information of any employee or patient of the hospital, sharing details about my personal life with my colleagues, avoiding any kind of relationships with any employees of the hospital or with the patients of the hospital, receiving any sort of gifts from any colleague or other from any patients or from their hospitals , favouring any particular employee or group of employees of the hospital, disclosing information related to the workings and operations of the hospital to any outsider or in social media and providing personal contact information to any colleague or patient of the hospital.
- The first approach which I would take in order to negotiate the professional boundaries associated with this role is by identifying my self-limit in terms of physical, mental, spiritual and emotional which will help in recognizing the limit of my tolerance and also help in recognizing my level of uncomfortableness.
- The second approach which I would take is to understand the difference of being open and frank while communicating in an organization as open communication helps in clearing confusion while frank communication could lead in the generation of grievances.
- The third approach which I would take is by paying attention to my self-feelings as there are three feelings namely discomfort, resentment and guilt that act as red flags or cues that I require to wither to establish bounds in specific conditions or that is letting my boundaries slip.
- The last approach I would take is to understand the difference between personal and professional life by maintaining a work-life balance so that my personal and professional life do not mix with each other which could lead in crossing of professional boundaries.
Aij, K. H., &Teunissen, M. (2017). Lean leadership attributes: A systematic review of the
literature. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 31(7), 713-729.
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