Goal Setting For Developing Core Skills

Task Overview

  1. The skill that has been selected is decision making skill I think that this is one of the very important skills that I will be requiring in the long run.
  2. I want to develop this skill because I think that this no one if the most important skill in order to teach to my ideal self. One of the skills that I want to achieve in this long run is the conflict resolution skill. In order to do this I have to concentrate over the skill of making a proper decision at the right time.
  3. this skills will be really helpful for me in the process of going  near to my ideal self

In the near future I would like to work upon my accountability skills and become a successful manger. In order to do it I have to be a good decision maker. I need to work over my knowledge and my domain skill. I have to make sure that I m not getting afraid of any tough and challenging situation. In order to become a successful manager in the near future, I have to develop all the necessary qualities that are needed for the purpose of managing the employees in a proper way. I have to work over my decision making skills as I often get confused while there is any situation that needs any urgent actions.

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S-I think that this goal of improving the decision making skills is one of the specific goals. This will helps me in order to achieve my goal of becoming a well accomplished and successful manager. I think this goal is really important as this helps me in making myself much more confident. I will also be able to take up decisions in a very quick and apt manner.

M- This is also measurable in nature as I will be getting the constant feedbacks from the colleagues and also my friends in order to measure the progress. I will be able to know the exact progress that I am making in my course of attaining the ideal self.

  • I know that this goal is also achievable as I can work over my decision making skills by following all the possible resources. There will always be a lot of constraints. However I will try my level best to overcome them and attain the desired goals.

R- I think that this is a worthwhile goal as a sound decision making skill is needed for becoming a successful manager. I cannot become a successful manager unless I am not having a quick judgment and decision making skill.

T- I have set a certain target date like six months that will help me to fulfill this criteria properly. I will also set my priorities accordingly. This will help me in reaching to this goal properly.

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The goal may be aimed toward professional development, social development, personal development, or some combination of these

My goal is to become successful, at decision making skill by the end of this semester.

Subgoal 1:  I will try to work over my communicating skill.

Action Step 1: In order to do this I will be undertaking some communicating classes. I often faced the problem of fumbling while I try to convey any decision to the people who are listening.

Action Step 2: I will try to follow my role model and make sure that I am being able to work over  my decision making skill and also utilize the steps that are most essential for me.

SMART Goal Statement

Subgoal 2: I will try to work over my anger. I have often suffered through a very depressive and angry mood while trying to think over any particular decision. I will thus, try to work over m y patience level and give time to analyze and understand the situation before finding a y suitable decision for the same.

Action Step 1:  In each of the decision making situation, I will try to use my empathy and my understanding capabilities.

Action Step 2: I will make sure to take a break from any challenging or intense situation. This will enable me to refresh my mind and think about tye mater in a more confident and peaceful manner.

I will follow this format for each journal entry about a role model:

Role model’s approach: This is because she has one of the very innovative and good approaches for improving the decision making skill.

  • Getting a well informed opinion

She always keeps herself well informed. She takes the ideas and the opinions of people living around her. This is indeed helpful for taking the right decision.

Would this approach work for me? Why or why not?

This approach will help me a lot. This approach will help me to have a clear and sound idea about the matter. Before reaching to any conclusion I will be discussing it with some experienced people. This will surely help me to know about the possible consequences of any decision that I am taking.

I will follow this format for each journal entry about a conflict situation I encounter:

Describe the conflict situation:

The situation occurred when I had an important meeting but at the same time, I knew that one of the clients was getting late as he had some serious issues in his home. At the same time, he had been working very hard for this particulate project. The rest of the colleagues wanted to start the meeting without his presence. However I knew that it would not be fair. I was in a dilemma

How might the other person be feeling or thinking about the situation? Why might they be feeling or thinking that way?

Others might have thought that I am being biased. They might have disliked waiting for the meeting to commence just for one single team mate.

What technique could I try in this situation to resolve the conflict?

I could try to use the technique of

Search for alternatives: This would help me to strike a neutral balance between the two scenarios I could arrange for a video calling or teleconferencing meeting where I would be able to keep that team mate in a complete connection with us throughout the coyrse of the meeting. St the same time, I would also be able tp stop the rest of the team from getting disheartened or impatient.

Describe how the situation unfolded:

The situation was in my office. There was a meeting scheduled for a very important project. However one of the team mate was unable to arrive and was getting late, Others wanted to start the meeting rather than waiting for one single guy. However In knew that this guy was the most important and hard working person behind this project. Thus, I wanted to start the meeting along with him.

– Describe the technique/approach I used:

– How confident did I feel on a scale of 1-5? (1=not confident, 5= confident) ___4_____

– My emotional energy level (1= drained, 5= energized)_____4__

– Did I do a breathing exercise before the conversation? Yes / No __yes_____


Found 3 or more conflict role models + techniques (recorded in journal)

Tried at least one new technique/journaled about use of technique:

Total # of conflict situations encountered:

Average confidence rating going into conflict situations (calculated from journal entries):

Average emotional energy following conflict situations (calculated from journal entries):


























Cokely, E. T., Feltz, A., Ghazal, S., Allan, J. N., Petrova, D., & Garcia-Retamero, R. (2018). Decision making skill: From intelligence to numeracy and expertise. Cambridge handbook of expertise and expert performance.

Sekaran, U., & Bougie, R. (2016). Research methods for business: A skill building approach. John Wiley & Sons.

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