GO App Launch: Real World Activation Tender
In the current competitive business world, companies are required to develop and improve their products in order to secure a big market share and enhance business survival. In the development process, companies should apply innovative ways to market the new product and to create awareness of its existence among the prospective customers. Among the key strategies applies to achieve brand recognition include the use of launching processes. GO application serves as a good example. The application is set for a launch in three months’ time, that is, in February 2019 in Dublin city, Ireland. The developers of the new technological application are Glen Herirly, Dave Reid and Feargal McKenna. The application is aimed at improving the online services of the company to its customers (Singh, 2017). Among the key activities that will be undertaken in the event launch include the demonstration of the app features and the various networking opportunities that come along with the developed application, speeches from various speakers form the music, tourism, Irish event organizers and also from the stakeholders. In addition, the event will include fun activities that will enhance the interaction of the event attendees. The company has invited several music agents, tourism management team and influencers who will ensure that the attendees receive high quality services more so in the fun activities and refreshments. Among the key people expected in the launching function include government representatives, that is, key Irish political figure, media companies, PR agencies, event organizers, charity management, festival and tourism management, music agents, bloggers and athletics associations form Ireland. More importantly, the potential Irish sponsors will be present in line with key stakeholders. The paper develops a plan for the “GO” application launch activity.
The scheduled launch exercise is meant to bring together the various business market stakeholders who are expected to play part in the realization of the application success. Furthermore, the event is aimed at developing knowledge on the benefits and new possibilities that come along with the new application. Through the launching strategy, Go app developers will secure the target market for the new services developed through the new application. To attract full attendance the company has incorporated fun activities that are aimed at enticing the various guests to attend. More so to ensure an effective launch process the company has ensured the involvement of all of its members, in particular, those involved with the technological development (Mahmutllari, 2014, 7). In addition, to help realize the full effect of the launch process the company will adopt the use of technology to demonstrate the application usage and the benefits involved. The move will create curiosity among the attendants towards the application. More so the use of the application in the launching process will assure the attendants of its relevancy and importance. The concept and the theme of the event will be “Shaping the future; The next level experience.”
Project planning develops the way of managing and monitoring the progress of a given project. The launch program shall entail the expected performance of the application, that is, the advantage of the application services to the consumer and to the business as well. In this perspective, charts will be developed for a demonstration of the expected results (Kanwar et al, 2013, 2997). The illustration will help develop confidence among Irish sponsors since it will portray the expected growth of revenue earned from the application usage by the customers. In addition, the project plan will entail the financial costs made in the development of the application and in ensuring it is fully absorbed in the technology market. To outline the loyalty of the customers, the plan will show off the various activities that come along with the app, that is, the advantages of the app to personal users, groups, clubs and charities and to the business users. As a result of the demonstration of the application’s credibility, the attendants of the launch function will be satisfied by the application contribution to enhancing a positive change. Among the key advantages involved with a project plan in a launching activity include, one, the plan will help to illustrate and describe the project in detail to the understanding of the various stakeholders involved. In addition, the plan will help to illustrate the objective of the innovation or project and helps in attracting potential Irish sponsors into the funding of the innovation. Also, the plan will act as a measure of the business progress in line with the new development in the business environment.
Event Objectives
Pest and swot outline the key requirement both external and internal for the realization of a project success. They are used in the development of business decisions since they act as guides on the business path. They help in developing an earlier plan for the achievement of an intended activity. It is therefore important to develop a pest and swot analysis in the development of a launching activity. In our Go app launching event, the pest and swot will involve such considerations as servicing of members who will be present in the launch activity, enhancing regional development and creating understanding among the present members on the GO application launch. On service Providence, the company will focus on offering high quality services that are in accordance with the member’s needs (APINC, 2015, 5). The launching activity will be accompanied by catering services where members will be offered the Irish cuisine and Irish drinks. In the GO launching activity, the company will develop the budget of the various fun activities involved with the launching process to ensure that attendants are satisfied with the services and hospitality offered. In addition, the services development will be done using the latest technology as an innovative way of service. Technology will be used in describing the importance of the application to the various groups present. The launching process will outline strategies on improving the society. The company shall consider developing the skills in the community and enhance their connectivity with the technological development, for example, the launching process will show the importance of the application to business and charities and individual members of the society. The company will also consider offering financial support to athletic teams as a way of marketing its services. As a result, the launching of the “GO” application shall entail the foundation that the company is to develop on the support of the Ireland athletes with a well-developed budget. Similarly, the company will develop a budget towards the description and analysis of the newly developed application. Under this category, the company will consider the advertising cost incurred through the creation of description charts and technological devices to be used in the illustration process. The company budget should major on the new product awareness creation since it is the main objective of the launching activity.
The launching budget will be as follows.
Amount spent in % The field of spending
50% Product description and awareness
25% Initiation of athlete foundation and other regional development initiatives
25% service delivery to attending members that is fun activities and foodstuff
Venue consideration is key in determining the success of a launch program. Venue selection should be based on the purpose of the planned event and the duration of the event (Smith, 2017, 19). Furthermore, the venue should contain recreation and entertainment platforms where the attendants can access refreshment. Similarly, the jovial climate in the launching process will ensure effective communication between the consumer and the producer through which the benefits of the new application will be outlined. Furthermore, the selection should be based on the number of attendants of the launching function and the budget for the function. Lastly, the company should consider the quality of services offered in various venues to help come up with the best servicing venue. Having considered the necessary factors the company has decided to host the launching application in Dublin city, Ireland where it will choose a suitable restaurant that has a capacity to hold 250 members who are expected to be present in the function. In the same selection, the company has also considered the technological development of the restaurant that will allow for technological illustration of the application importance. Furthermore, technology will be useful to the media activities that will be conducted by the invited media, that is, the information recording and video shooting of the launch activity. Also, the quality of the surrounding is a key consideration in terms of inspiration to the attendants. The selection was also based on the avoidance of risks involved with weather issues where the restaurant selected is well structured to host all the members thus helping to avoid the risks posed by poor weather conditions. The selection of Dublin city is based on the high-quality tourism satisfaction which assures of high-quality services to the attendants of the launch function (Zhou, Liu & Tang, 2018, 3). The town is also largely developed with high connectivity to internet services which provides a motivating environment to the technology-based launching program. The environment of the selected restaurant has been shown in the appendix.
Event details and deliverables
Marketing strategies are activities that are aimed at developing the awareness of the newly invented product. In the launching process, companies offer sponsorship to sporting activities and teams more so in areas where they are facing financial difficulties. For the “GO” application marketing, the company has considered the Athletics organizations of Ireland to be present in the launching program. The company will offer the coalition support through a sponsorship program. As a result, the company products will earn brand recognition after it meets its sponsorship promises (Doldge & Marmbrandt, 2012, 2). Furthermore, the brand of the commodity can be included in the athlete’s uniform to enhance more brand recognition. The strategy is also focused on attaining the target market for the new application usage, that is, the youths who are usually interested in technological advancement. The youths are mostly focused on sports since they are young and energetic and by sponsoring sports activities the company is assured of an increase in the market share of the new application. Similarly, the illustration methods developed for the application will increase the awareness of the new application among the general population. The illustration will help define the brand of the new “GO” application, that is, the definition of the core identity of the product that defines the benefits of using the given commodity in comparison to others. The company technology illustration will help develop interest and desire to use the application in their activities, that is, business, personal and group activities increasing the demand for the commodity. Furthermore, the launch will include the community in order to illustrate to them their fitness to using the application and its relevance to their activities. In addition, the company will outline its plans to develop and maintain the quality of services provided by the GO application in its project plan segment which will help to develop trust and loyalty for the “GO” application following continued consumer satisfaction. Also, the company has offered websites through which the members can conduct an application test. The websites include https://play.google.com/store/apps/detials?id=com.go.app.production for android and https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/go/id1370534148?ls=1&mt=8 for iOS. The application test helps in developing the application to ensure it is effective during the launch activity (Koljonen, 2016, 12). The development is done based on the feedback expressed by the members on ways of improving the application.
The operating plan of a business develops an idea on the continued functionality of the business. Among the key developments made in an operating plan include a financial strategy of the business, a summary of the business activities, identification of investment areas and development of investment in the identified area (MaRS, 2009, 4). The main aim of outlining an operating plan is to attract potential investors and sponsors into the identified field. The plan also outlines the possibility of the innovative idea being a success creating confidence among the investors and stakeholders in the invention development. Furthermore, the business develops its objective and goals in the operating plan outlining the various strategies that will be put in place to facilitate the realization of the set goals. As a result, the launching activity will include the description of the operating plan of the “GO” application. The outline will develop the future expected results of the app performance in the market more so the consistent increase in the app market share. Similarly, the evaluation will entail the expected rate of return of the application from the profits realized. The returns will assure the project sponsors profit returns to form their investments in the project. Increased profits in future will lure the investors to invest more of their money to ensure the success of the project. In addition, the plan will develop the increased benefits to be enjoyed by the consumers following the continued use of the application.
Concept and theme
Work breakdown entails the management of activities to take place in the launching process. It outlines the project to be carried and develops the cost and the time frame for the accomplishment of the project. Under the project process, the schedule ensures that the program meets the consumer’s requirement. It also outlines the activities to be undertaken in the fulfillment of the planned function by developing a plan that describes the role of the various stakeholders in the project (Hans, 2013, 19). Similarly, Google company will develop a work schedule that will outline the responsibilities of various stakeholders in the “GO” launching event. The schedule will also outline the benefits extended to the consumers of “GO” services during the launching process.
The event team is responsible for planning and ensuring the success of the launching process. The team has several roles to play in a launching program that is developing the theme of the launching process and development of a launching process plan. The team ensures that it entails every activity required to meet the goal of the launching process that is attaining the target group of the product being launched. The team conducts an investigation to similar launching events to identify the various factors that may result in the failure of the launching plan. In return, the team develops a measure to avoid the mistakes and ensure that the plan is successful. In addition, the team is responsible for inviting various personnel expected to be part of the launching process. In the invitation, the team focuses much on identifying potential business sponsors who may fund the project. The identification process is developed on the interest of the investor to the project more so in line with the project objectives (City of Wodonga, 2016, 7). Other activities undertaken by the event team include timing of the launching activity, hiring premises for conducting the launching plan and arranging the budget for the plan. In the launching activity, the team is responsible for developing an entry program that entails registration of members who will be attending the function. Similarly, the group describes the code of dressing expected in the launching event.
After the launch process the event team has various responsibilities that include an appreciation of the business project sponsors and other stakeholders. in addition, the team enquires for feedback from the experience gained from the activity more so from the target group. The evaluation helps identify the overall performance of the activity in relation to the activity objective (Anih, 2012, 38).
GO founders have developed an event team that will be responsible for the launching function of the new GO application. The team has developed the code of dressing to be adopted on the launching activity that is invited guests are expected to be officially dressed as illustrated in the appendix. The team will ensure the success of the launching exercise through the application of the knowledge developed concerning event teams. Similarly, the team will develop a performance report that will help evaluate the performance of the event in attaining awareness creation and the target population of the newly developed application.
GO company has developed new technology to improve its service delivery to its consumers. The move will ensure the growth of the business more so due to the application of the launching process that will ensure the market of the new development in the technology market. Through the launching process, the business secures sponsors to its project which enhances fast implementation due to the availability of development resources. In addition, the business develops ways to attain its target market through various activities which may include sponsorship programs to the community for example in sporting activities. Furthermore, the process helps the business to develop strategies for growth based on its future performance. The development ensures continued monitoring of the innovation performance which results in business growth. In addition, launching helps in the development of a business model that distinguishes it from other similar products in the market. Following the scheduled launching process, the “GO” application will realize immense development resulting in the overall development of the company.
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