Globalization And Its Impact On Business Communication In Lion Nathan



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Lion Nathan is an Australian company which has its name in the food and beverage industry. The company is currently operating in both Australia and New Zealand.  This organization has its reputation in the beverage industry of Australia.


It has been seen that the market situation is changing  due to the globalization. The demand of the consumers are changing (Argent, 2018). In this context it is needed for the organization to modify and improvise the product according to the demand of the consumer. The problem the company is facing is the changes in the market situation and the changing pattern of the competition in the market.

Purpose of the paper:

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Due to the globalization the  organization is facing some of the issues as well as opportunities. The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the issues and the opportunities for Lion Nathan in the context of the globalization. 

Globalization and its effect on Lion Nathan, Australia:

Lion Nathan is food and beverage company which has its reputation in the food and beverage industry. It has been seen that due to the globalization different companies have been facing different changes and issues due to the globalization. The globalization enables the users and the consumers to access different types of products from different parts of the world. This enables the users to avail more options (Naghi, 2017). In this context it can be said that the demand the requirements of the consumers are changing rapidly (Davis, Chelliah  & Minter, 2014). The food habit and the preferences of the consumers are also noticeable. It has been seen that the people of the Australia and New Zealand are preferring soft drinks over hard drinks. In this context the Lion Nathan is needed to understand the changing food habit and the demand of the consumers. The required steps are needed to be taken in this context (Murray  & Overton, 2016). The focus of the organization in this context should be on producing of the varieties of soft drinks so that the consumer can choose from different kind of varieties.

Issues faced by Lion Nathan due to the globalization.

Due to the globalization there are certain issues those are faced by the organization. The main problem the organization is facing is the changing of the scenario of the competition in the market. Due to the globalization many organizations are entering into the food and beverage market. Some of them are foreign companies which includes some of the world famous and well known companies (Reeve, 2015). Lion Nathan has to compete with those companies. These companies are producing new products frequently. In this situation  Lion Nathan has to be updated about the market trend (Ristovska & Ristovska, 2014). Apart from that the company is understanding the need for the improvisation and the application of the new technology for the enhancement of the products. Apart from that the entrance of the different companies in the market has enable many options for the consumers. In this situation the pricing plays an important part. People would prefer the products with reasonable price. In this context the main challenge for Lion Nathan is to provide the quality product in reasonable price. 


Impact of globalization on the business of Lion Nathan:

There are certain impacts of globalization on the business of Lion Nathan of Australia. The impacts and negatives. Some of the positive impacts on the business of the Lion Nathan are that the organization can think of expansion of the business outside of Australia and New Zealand (Williamson,  Loose, Lockshin & Francis,2014). This will help the organization to explore a new business sector and environment. The company can use new and advanced technology for reaching to the consumers. Recently Lion Nathan is using the digital media and  different social platforms for the advertisement and promotion of the products (Ali & Garg, 2017). This helps the organization to reach to the large number of consumers from different parts of the world. The organization is conducting different surveys for understanding the changing requirement of the consumers.

One of the negative impacts of the impact of the globalization on the Lion Nathan company is that some of the famous companies suppressing the profitability and popularity of the Lion Nathan (ZHANG & NOLAN, 2014). There is a lack of variety of the products in the company. In this case, it is important that the company is taking some of the initiatives for improving the overall business situation in the market.

Challenges and opportunities due to the globalization:

Considering all the factors it can be said that the globalization has positive impact on the business of the Lion Nathan, Australia. Globalization has enabled the organization to use various advanced resources and technology for the improvement of the business (Davis, Chelliah & Minter, 2014). The organization can  conduct surveys through the different social and online platforms. These surveys indicate the choices of the consumers regarding the preference of the buying of goods. Apart from that with the application of the new technologies Lion Nathan can produce new products. The cost effective solutions are needed to be developed so that the products can be reached to the consumers with reasonable price (Caldwell & Friedgut,2017). The globalization has increased the competitiveness in the market. In this case, the Lion Nathan has to discover different options for the improvisation of the position of the business.

The main challenge in this context is reaching to the consumers. This can be considered as external communication for the organization. Consumers are considered as one of the important stakeholders for the organization (Cunningham & Ferrell,2015). The description and the uniqueness of the products are needed to be known to the customers. In this context Lion Nathan has to reach to the consumers through different ways. Social media and the online platforms can be used in this context. 

Purpose of the paper

Lion Nathan is a popular and profitable company. The organization can expand its business and can establish its presence in other continents like Asia. In this matter the organization can collaborate with other regional companies of that place or any famous food and beverage company. The possibility of the collaboration  is one of the positive attribute of the globalization.


The paper has discussed different aspects of the globalization and its impact on an organization. In this context the company chosen is Lion Nathan, Australia. The impact of the globalization has been discussed in the food and beverage company. It has been seen that external communication is important for managing the business of the organization. The external communication is managing the consumers and reaching to the consumers in a proper way in the changing business environment. It has been seen that the organization is lacking of the variety of the products. the managing of the consumers and reaching to the consumers  are largely dependent on the current business situation of the organization and the position of the competitors  in the business situation. Lion Nathan has some opportunities for development of the business outside of Australia and New Zealand in the situation of the globalization. However, the organization is having tough competition with the other renowned companies for acquiring the consumer base in the food and beverage industry. It can be concluded from the above discussion that Lion Nathan has opportunities for expansion of the business by  improving the way of communication with the consumers. 

Different problems and opportunities have discussed with aspects of the globalization  for Lion Nathan. It has been seen that the company has certain drawbacks which can become constraint for the company in order to expand the business in the era of globalization. The globalization enables entering of different new companies in the market. Lion Nathan improvise its internal structure in order to compete with the new companies in the business market. Apart from that the company can improvise the infrastructure from the technical aspects so that it can exploit the usage of the social media and different online platforms to reach to the consumers. Apart from that the organization can  conduct different surveys through online in order understand the the changing demean do the consumers. This will help the organization to make and innovate the products those will meet the requirement of the consumers. 


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