Globalization And International Assignments: An Overview
International Postings and Assignments Approach
The recent trend of globalization has helped in the growth of organizations in the international markets. Key elements of the change that is being undertaken by the businesses are based on the understanding of the different factors that affects the functioning of the organizations to support their needs of sustenance in the competitive markets. Identification of the requirements of the organization is based on the strategies that are formulated by the organizations and the manner in which the organizations assess risks while making decisions for the business.
The different approaches that are undertaken by the organizations to cope up with the multidimensional areas of the change is based on the understanding of their position in the market and the manner in which the strategies can be implemented to bring in improvements. The strategy of relocation, position replacement (capacity replacement) has for sure its own challenges and engages the company in more “duties” such as additional financial costs and personnel dedicated section. Moreover, not only the budgeting for such matter is in question but the prediction of the right manner to perform the action can be treated as a challenge (Pardo, Nam and Burke 2012). The monitoring function that is undertaken by the organization has helps in identifying the steps to bring in improvements in the systems.
- Relocation: the challenges and cost occurred by both parties (company and employee) :
- Position replacement (capacity replacement)
- Readiness for the international position:
Concerning the readiness for the international position, Investment in International expats assignment has proven over many years a good and beneficial strategy for companies adopting the globalization image and seeking cross border markets. In the view of expanding and reaching international markets companies are deploying what is known as international staff to establish, manage or lead their operations in a different country then the original based Headquarters.
The network mobility of the organization helps the same in the assessment of the different aspects of the changes as per the needs of the market (Doherty and Dickmann 2012). On the other hand, the identification of the needs of the enterprise to bring in changes in the systems and the performance of the business is developed through the consistent efforts of the business to bring in modifications in the situations.
The two sides of the coin leave us to contemplate on the international individual expectation. This Career advancement and wider exposure window is tempting for many but might not be the case for others. This leads us to know that compatible approach and evaluation takes place from that side too. An international expat’s reasons, capabilities, commitment and integration are key elements to reconsider before taking any step. This self-evaluation includes the assessment of the beneficial reward when becoming an International Expat. Financial or career advancement are considered prior to any move.
Benefits and Challenges of International Assignments
In addition, family restraints or duties also figure at the top of this chart where said commitments might either turn down the hope of a move or in multiple cases opens a door to relocate the small family. The major aspects of the self evaluation is based on the identification of the issues that are faced by the entities of the business and the manner in which the concerned person can place themselves in the place. It will be enabling the people to recognize the different aspects of the transition and the manner in which it affects the decision making process of the firm.
The self evaluation of the enterprise helps in maintaining the varied aspects of the change in the economic dimensions of the organizations. The major aspects of the change that is facilitated by the businesses are based on the understanding of the needs of the business to bring in improvements in the systems (Shah et al. 2012). The readiness for international positioning of the employees has helped the businesses in making their growth in the competitive markets. The major aspects of the change that is being undertaken by the business is to evenly distribute the workforce for enhancing the functional attributes of the business in the market.
- International individual expectation:
- Career advancement & wider exposure
- Financial reward
- Society integration and cultural barriers
A top leading Accounting Firm (Deloitte) published a very interesting study case entitled “Smart Moves – A new approach to International Assignments and global mobility”.
This document details and elaborates International assignments from all its angles and aspects. The below chart interpreted in this research is a self-explanatory figure they used to scale the “Development Value” on the vertical axis vs. the Business value on the horizontal axis.
In general, the International assignment life cycle becomes clear and unified through the identification of varied jobs on one side and talent assessment from the other (Doherty, Haugh and Lyon 2014). The process of interviewing the different candidates for the job roles their employment and deployment is based on the decision that is taken by the management of the business in the market. The different aspects of the change that is planned by the management of the business is based on the understanding of the varied aspects of the improvements in the market.
When deploying a personnel on an assignment abroad, even if the procedure and the end result looks unified, the road and dimensions changes that is a junior celibate candidate going on a support assignment to complete a task given to him within a year is completely different from a senior candidate with family relocating for 5 years. The identification of the needs of the employees and thereby providing them with their requirements helps the organization in retaining their workforce. It also helps the employees to create new paths for resolving the issues that are faced by the employees while working in the organization (Mahoney and Kor 2015). The smart role of the organization is dependent on the major aspects of the change in the varied situations and crisis that is faced by the employees while operating on the assigned objectives.
- Achievements or success of the Expat approach
- For companies: job fulfillment and expectation.
- For individuals: failure in the adaptation or integration to the new environment, culture, habits.
The Importance of Talent Management
A top leading Accounting Firm (Deloitte) published a very interesting study case entitled “Smart Moves – A new approach to International Assignments and global mobility”.
This document details and elaborates International assignments from all its angles and aspects. The below chart interpreted in this research is a self-explanatory figure they used to scale the “Development Value” on the vertical axis vs. the Business value on the horizontal axis. In general, the International assignment life cycle becomes clear and unified through the identification of the job role and the assessment of the capabilities of the candidates to bring in changes in the structure and the performance of the business in the business (Cascio and Boudreau 2012). The different needs of the organization are facilitated through the changes in the market and the manner in which the needs of the employees can be facilitated through the change in the approaches of the business (Teklehaimanot and Teklehaimanot 2013).
When deploying a personnel on an assignment abroad, even if the procedure and the end result looks unified, the road and dimensions changes. i.e. a junior celibate candidate going on a support assignment to complete a task given to him within a year is completely different from a senior candidate with family relocating for 5 years. Not only their needs are different but also their complete assignments take different paths. Here comes the smart role to be played at the company level to cater to the difference yet fairness of different categories and assignment types.
The different aspects of the change in the business through the most cost-effective approach of the same as it play a major role in the turn of events along the way. This factor can pave the way to accomplishment of the target for both company and employee or in a less fortunate scenario a failed approach. Moreover, the achievement of the employees has helped in undertaking the various aspects of the change in the systems and the performance of the businesses in the market.
The different aspects of the change that is planned by the organization is based on the identification of the needs of the employees and providing the same through the changes in the systems of the market (Powell and DiMaggio 2012). The company’s role is to be up to that level which one more time emphasis that the process is almost a loop or a continuous chain. The job does not end when the selection and the deployment takes place, what comes after is at equal distance and should be considered as important as phase one.A yearly survey conducted by ECA International a software and technology business, is highlighting the fact that even the profile of candidates is changing along the way to coop with the rising need or multicultural environment (Butler and Callahan 2014). Where the focus before was on males between 35 to 50 years old, now it is on both genders equally and almost all nationalities. This change like any other; drags along many other changes in the nature of the “case” (Frank and Obloj 2014). Talent management of the organization helps in maintaining the different forms of change in the proper functioning of the business in the market.
Success Factors for International Assignments
On the other hand, the identification of the needs of the employees to bring in changes in the systems of the business is based on the delineation of the different aspects of the change in the market as per the needs of the same to bring in improvements (Hu and Sheu 2013). The implementation of the talent management systems has helped the businesses in bringing forth changes in the performance of the same. The assessment of the objectives and the delineation of the capabilities of the same have helped the organization to bring in changes in the systems of the business in the market (Verbeke and Kano 2012).
The same survey highlights, using a puzzle graph, the expectations of both parties; expats and company from their own point of view and records. It is worth mentioning here that also the nature of the business plays a very big role in the outcome or figures we are looking at. The assessment of the surveys and the manner in which the different aspects of the transition can be initiated by the organization is developed through the understanding the capabilities of the workforce to cope up with different market situations (Wang, Chiang and Tung 2012).
Reflecting on the different aspects of the change helps in maintaining the different aspects of the change in the situation of the business in the market. The talent management of the organization helps in maintaining the situations that might be faced by the organization while identification of the labor needs of the business (Marshall 2013). Reflecting back on the infrastructure of the modern companies or for companies established a while ago and shifting to modern environments, we know that the solid foundation that leads to its durability is a key for its ability in supporting this type of assignments (Aguinis, Gottfredson and Joo 2012).
This good news allows the companies to rest assure that a strong return on investment will be the result. In addition more and more companies are now using a common practice or strategy known as the “talent pool” where candidates with different expertise are added to this pool and chosen at the best first availability present. The reduction the time of the working hours and the manner in which the functioning of the workforce is managed by the organization has helped in maintaining the paradox of the changes in the market (Fine 2012). This reduces the time needed to assess and deploy where a pre-screening was almost fully done. Not only will this fasten the process or international reassignment but it will keep on records the gaps or areas where not enough candidates exist.
Factors mentioned are to be used proactively and interactively between them to ensure compliance and success of the project and to materialize the road leading to this strategy.
This criteria will enable the company look for potential candidates to fill these areas once the need arises. This is a time saving strategy that does not affect the current position or work of the candidate but shows its potential interest in a given area and time (Campbell, Coff and Kryscynski 2012).The Harvard business review adds a cherry on top to the overall view of the assignments, where they consider the extra mile that most companies never reach or know how to reach (Kaufman 2012). In the example, they state that if a mission or assignment is given to a specific candidate that fits all the criteria and has all capabilities, qualifications and readiness to tackle its duty doesn’t stop at the first fulfillment or achievement. A follow-up and training or experience and knowledge passing are also a step to complete. Being assigned to do a job and leave is not the approach to guarantee continuity (Nickson 2013).
At a certain time the knowledge and expertise has to be transferred in the new location or environment. Under the same umbrella we can discuss of some not mutually exclusive approaches, like the principal goal that balances between the knowledge and the effective know how. What is learnt or known or the norm in a place cannot necessarily be the exact same norm in another. The business responsibility is not only to deploy doers but also to ensure its openness for change when the doers request it. Standardized plans or practices can be modified due to environmental or cultural needs
Therefore, it can be stated from the above discussion that the whole Expat approach has proved throughout the years to be the “way forward” to go for many successful companies. Due to the nature of the current worldwide market structure, this approach is the “guarantee” of a company’s sustainability. In a world moving at this high pace, adaptation to the change is a must, whether it is from the employer’s side or from the employee’s side. Both parties take responsibilities and benefits depending on their ability, capacity and capability of adaptation.
The resource and capabilities of the organization is assessed through the assessment of the capabilities of the workforce, which has helped in maintaining the steady position of the business in the market. As long as there is no radical change in the process, this successful approach will always be the heartbeats of the whole organizational job environment. The changes in the job environment of the organization have helped the businesses to bring in modifications in the systems through the steady growth in the processes.
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