Globalisation And Indigenous Cultural Identities

Week 2: Personal Perspectives Regarding Indigenous People

In first week my learning experience had been very significant and effective towards my awareness of the indigenous people. In week 2, I am sharing my personal perspectives regarding the indigenous people. This unit helped in maximizing and exploring my awareness in terms of ingenious people. In this week, I had read about indigenous people, aims, objectives, and culture of indigenous people. I also learnt that how indigenous people are facing ample of challenges in the global market. My emotions have been further triggered remarkably throughout this week (Loomba, 2002). The impact of globalization also had been shown in the classroom. It is stated that indigenous people is an extensive term that used for those people who are native to a specific place or who are unique in their habitats. In this week, I had got ample of knowledge and experience about the indigenous culture, indigenous politics, self determination and autonomy. This will further help in communicating and collaborating with a radically diverse realm, I further analyzed that indivisibility is one of the significant aspects of indigenous people. In this week, my teacher also taught me about imperialism and colonization (Said, 2006). 

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According to me autonomy and self determination are needed to promote the indigenous people. I observed that colonialism took place through more effective and subtle mechanism. I believe that autonomous is essential for self governing the indigenous people in the country. I have observed from the study that self governing is needed and significant to act effectively and make unique decisions (Glauser, 2011). Lecturer taught the significance of epistemology and relationality regarding the indigenous people. I observed that indigenous people are expected to give up their traditions, trends and culture and accept the western way of living with the expectations that they will all incorporate effectively (MoretonRobinson, 2004). I have learned in this week that how indigenous people are highly and effectively knowledgeable about whiteness and whites. It provides brief information about indigenous rights that include:

  • To be free from favoritism
  • To self determination
  • Enjoy all fundamental freedoms and human rights
  • The right to autonomy and community

Through week 4, I have learned about the culture for sale and examined the politics and ethics of culture heritage. The key concepts of week 4 include colonialism, post colonialism, autonomy and self determination. It is the continuation part of week 4. My personal perspectives further had been influenced throughout this week 4. The cultural heritage is everything that explains the distinct identities as peoples (Byrne, 2012). It is bestowed on us by our associates and gifted to us by nature. I have gained knowledge that the indigenous peoples demand self-sufficiency over what the perceptions imply that means indigenous people want right to make effective and unique decisions about the various issues that are unique and dynamic to their culture however they are still decided by other people and generally in violation of their promotion and interests. I am sharing my personal experience that self determination, colonialism and post colonialism are fundamental for indigenous people to survive and grow in the country (Byrne, 2009). 

Week 3: Autonomy, Self-Determination and Indigenous Rights

I am going to explaining my experience related to week 5. In week 5, I have learned about globalization and contemporary indigenous identities and cultures. I have elucidated that there is a close relationship between indigenous culture and globalization. It is assimilated that indigenous people generally use their own culture, language, and traditions in the country. I have noted that indigenous people speak around 4,000 languages. Thus, it is analyzed that indigenous people have distinctive and unique culture norms and traditions that are practiced in today’s modern world. In this week, the teacher taught us about the indigeneity and further explained that how indigeneity play a major role in various countries. The explanation of an indigenous Hawaiian is developed in the 1921. The indigeneity also are existed in the New Zealand. The further topic which was covered in week 5 is globalization. Globalization is a process of development and simultaneous compression by which global and local have become extensively interconnected.

In this week, I have learned about the key themes of the film, Maori culture, and issues that faced by indigenous people. The indigenous culture plays a major role in Western countries. Indigenous people are explained in the national and international legislation as having a set of particular rights and interests based on their historical ties to a specific territory and country (Hall, 2007). According to me indigenous people are distinct and unique populations relative to the dominant post colonial culture of their territory. According to me indigenous culture includes ample of ceremonies and practices centered on a belief in the dreamtime. I have been studied that a favorable and positive culture can offer indigenous with a sense of purpose, belonging, self worth and social support. The indigenous people are predicted to give up their emotions, traditions and culture. There is a close relationship between indigenous people and culture that help to survive in the competitive market (Lucero, 2013).

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The topic for week 7 was consuming indigeneity: tourism and the exotic other”. Through this topic, the teacher taught us that how tourism put direct impact on the indigenous people. I have also learned about the power and action that help in making effective and dynamic decisions. The tourism is a cultural phenomenon that becomes a significant part of indigenous people. The tourist imagination is widely configured on the basis of myths, images, ideas, opinion, and fantastic about other. The modern tourism corporations include commodity and discursively construct. The tutor taught us that how Australian guidebooks and explained that the various travel experience and knowledge was constructed distinctively to mass tourism by analyzing and focusing on the cultural, learning, authenticity and cultural interaction. After studying the tutor notes, I have analyzed that indigenous people are able to preserve and protect their ancient traditions and culture. The tourist imaginary also promotes the individuals and further I stated that tourism also plays a major role in indigenous life. The indigenous tourism was emerged from the 1970s onwards. The positive and negative impacts of Nepal tourism also had been shown in week 7 (Paradies, 2006).

Week 4: Culture for Sale and Politics of Culture Heritage

This week was highly very important for me to learn about the indigenous culture and perspectives. It further explained that how indigenous people and culture are being shown in this week. In this week, we analyzed the Rocks discovery museum which is located in Australia. The Rock discovery museum is a family friendly museum that tells the story of the rock area of Sydney from the pre-European days to the current. I have gathered ample of information, facts and knowledge about this museum which has enhanced and improved my knowledge and skills. There is a unique and effective collection of archeological artifacts and images which enhance the knowledge of people globally. I have collected ample of information about the gadial indigeneity after visiting in this museum. Apart from this, the nature of the colonialism also had been presented in this museum.

The week 10 was completely related to land management of indigenous people. There is a close relationship between indigenous people and land that the country is constructive for them. The wellbeing of people is high influenced by land. There are various factors such as economic, social, cultural, and educational and governance may affect the rights and interests of the indigenous people. The indigenous people have long term and effective against the deforestation, gas extraction, mineral and oil (Holman, 2011). Their resistance eliminates and reduces land based carbon emission and further maximizes carbon sequestration. The aboriginal land management preserves biodiversity and maintains a wide range of ecosystem services and protects the rich and unique culture and responds to the demands and expectations of the most significant and valuable. Aboriginal communities are widely impacted or influenced by climate change.  

The topic for this week was indigenous rights. In this week, the tutor provided a brief information about the indigenous rights. It is stated that tracing social policy are essential to improve and enhance the life of abnormal people. Eradication and exclusion also had been taught in this week. Along with this, various historical records shows that how indigenous people were hunted and brutally murdered by others. The aboriginal protection board’s policy also had been explained in his week. According to me, this policy helps in gaining various advantages. Civil rights movement was also developed for indigenous people. As per my opinion, effective training should be provided to indigenous people to protect their rights and interests. Equality and non-discrimination are significant human rights of indigenous people. In today’s modern world, indigenous people are facing ample of issues. The environmental dispossession and displacement also had been presented in week 11. Inequality, discrimination, gender issue and environmental issues are being faced by indigenous in today’s globalization world.

In this week, I am going to learn about the sustainability, self determination and development of indigenous people. Various key issues in aboriginal culture including global poverty, development, and documentary were explained in week 12. The ontology and epistemology also play a vital role in indigenous life. Epistemology is a major concerned with the nature of experience, knowledge and various tools of gaining knowledge. On the other hand, ontology may be defined as a concerned with what is real, true and effective and nature of reality. According to me indigenous people have the right to fulfill the aspirations and goals contained in the millennium. Along with this, I have evaluated by studying in this week that a sustainable community is one that is environmentally, socially and economically. After attending all the sessions in the classroom, I have personally noted that aboriginal people should have right to self determination. 


Byrne, D. (2009) ‘The fortress of rationality: archaeology and Thai popular religion’, in L Meskell (ed.), Cosmopolitan archaeologies, Duke University Press, Durham, NC, pp. 68-88.

Byrne, D. (2012) ‘Anti-superstition: campaigns against popular religion and its heritage in Asia’, in P Daly & T Winter (eds), Routledge handbook of heritage in Asia, Routledge, London, pp. 295-310.

Glauser, B. (2011) ‘Being indigenous: the concept of indigeneity, a conversation with two Ayoreo leaders’, in S Venkateswar & E Hughes (eds), Politics of indigeneity: dialogues and reflections on Indigenous activism, Zed Books, London, UK, pp. 2144.

Hall, M. (2007) ‘Politics, power and Indigenous tourism’, in R Butler & T Hinch (eds), Tourism and Indigenous peoples: issues and Implications, ButterworthHeinemann, Oxford, pp. 30518.

Holman, C. (2011) ‘Surfing for a Shaman: analyzing an Ayahuasca website’, Annals of Tourism Research, 38, no. 1, pp. 90109

Loomba, A. (2002) ‘Situating colonial and postcolonial studies’, in Colonialism/postcolonialism, Routledge, New York, NY, pp. 119.

Lucero, N. (2013) ‘Being Indian in the city’: generational differences in the negotiation of native identity among urbanbased American Indians, in E Peters & C Andersen (eds), Indigenous in the city: contemporary identities and cultural innovation, UBC Press, Vancouver, pp. 193215.

MoretonRobinson, A. (2004) ‘Whiteness, epistemology and Indigenous representation’, in Whitening race: essays in social and cultural criticism, Aboriginal Studies Press, Canberra, pp. 7588.

Paradies, YC. (2006) ‘Beyond black and white: essentialism, hybridity and Indigeneity’, Journal of Sociology, 42, no. 4, pp. 35567.

Said, EW. (2006)’Orientalism’, in BG Ashcroft, G Tiffin & H Pages (eds), The postcolonial studies reader, 2nd edn, Routledge, London, UK, pp. 2427.

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