Global Financial Markets And Volatility: An Assessment

Debt Market

Discuss about the Global Financial Markets and Volatility.

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Dow Jones Industrial average is used as the standard gauge for the assessment of economic health in United States. However, this particular index is able to consider only 30 companies and still considered as the leading stock exchange due to its broader scope and excellence in representing U.S. Stock market. The different types to the early initiatives taken by Donald Trump’s regime have reignited the confidence of the investors and they are able to depict the factors affecting the capital market in a better way. The various actions taken by Trump have been able to state on the introduction of new blue chip stock options. The inclusion of broader S&P 500 benchmark is conducive in setting new highs for the rallies in economically sensitive sectors.  Dow Jones rose to a record-breaking 22,000 in August 2017.

The study has introduced the conceptualization of the different types of the market which has been mainly discerned with debt and equity market. The report is seen to assess the various types of the factors which can discern funding and investment opportunities, assessing performance of the market and know about the contributing aspects for the performance in 2015-2017. The report has further decided on the opinion for the 2018 foutlook for the capital market standings[1].

Debt Market- Debt market is seen as the where the investors are seen to buy and sell securities mostly in form of bonds[2]. Debt market has been further considered as a substitute to channels for finance. Some of the main forms of the debt funds have been discerned with long term debt, short term debt, gift fund and monthly income plan (MIP). It has been also seen that debt market has been seen with the obligation to put collateral for securing loan fund. At the same time the funds can be raised otherwise also.

Equity market- This is identified with the issuing and trading of shares through exchanges which takes place over the counter markets. This form of the market has been further termed as the stock market and forms a vital aspect of the market economy. This has been further seen to  provide the investors slice of ownership in the organisation along the with realization of the gains in the future. This form of market has been further discerned as the meeting point for the seller and the buyers of the stock[3].

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Equity Market

International investment and the funding activities have been seen to be associated to the various endeavours which affect the investing activities as a result of currency conversions to foreign exchanges and regulations. At the same time it has been further discerned that the financial advisors are seen to recommend on the holding of the stock for a diversified portfolio. In addition to this, there have been several types of the other ways which has been taken into account with the consideration of the different type the other factors associated to the exchanging of currencies. The most common form of the investment in the foreign market has been discerned with the consideration of “exchange traded funds (ETFs)” or mutual funds which has been seen to be associated to the international stocks and bonds. The foreign holdings across the multiple industries and the countries among the investors have been further seen with quick and highly-diversified foreign exchange component in the portfolio[4].

The various types of the investors has introduced sufficient amount of money in the stock across the globe which has been seen with the opportunities, such as investing in shares. The main opportunities in the capital market are evident with a mix of fiscal stimulus initiatives by Trump administration along with the acceleration of economic growth and inflation.

The post election rally has been able to spend more amount of money, which has been further seen to be stalled with total number of investors below 20000[5]. 

The depiction of the present situation of the market has been able to state on the early initiatives taken by the Donald Trump in terms of improving the infrastructure and following the different types of the policies which been seen with sending of the “Dow Jones Industrial Average” to close above 20,000 for the first time. The broader sense of S&P 500 benchmark has been considered with economically sensitive sectors which have been considered with the executive decisions of Mr. Trump. Despite of the slower growth in the US dividend activity for Q2 2017, the growth in terms of DJIA has been discerned with all time high of 22000 points in August 2017. Aside from growing U.S. capital market, EU and UK market has been discerned with various types of the uncertainty with Brexit[6]. U.K. and European capital market are highly interconnected. This is evident with three quarters of all the capital market business in the EU 27 taking place in U.K. It has been further discerned that U.K. could miss out on the potential advantages of the capital market union projects. They have further warned that in the event of Brexit it would either come to halt or become more inward looking project for the rest of EU excluding UK. The various types of considerations for the emerging markets has been further seen to be discerned as per the losses which has been be resulted with the hike in the US interest rate and this hike in Asia and Nikkei has been further identified with the several consideration of the Shanghai Composite remaining sluggish in the mid year[7].

Funding and Investment opportunities

The closing of trading in New York was further seen to be decreased with 0.8% at 20068.5 and S&P has been further seen to close up by 0.8%. This has been further seen to be depicted with small and domestically oriented companies[8]. 

The main form of the contributing factors to the financial performance has been further seen to be based on the use of long term financing option. This particular consideration has been based on the main form of the depiction which has been stated with the frequent use of financing as per the time frame exceeding by a period of one year. The limited consideration of the finance in the developing countries has been further seen to be evident among the smaller firms. The bulk of the long-term financial aspects have been seen to be used by banks with the use of the public equity and private equity with limited firms of all sizes. The different types of the consideration for the market failure has been further seen to be discerned as per the policy distribution and misappropriation effect in the long term finance, and suggestions which has been depicted in form of the important role of the policies addressed with several distortions and the failures in the capital market. The contributory factors can be further discerned with other aspects which have been identified with the key policy and overcoming the challenges for long term finance, which is seen to be having an important role for economic growth and the sharing of the prosperity. The first quarter of the present fiscal year has been identified with expanding of the orders, promoting policies and improving the production and reducing the engineering costs[9].

Based on the prediction of the capital market experts, the stock market crashes has been considered as per the availability of the past data. As per the data of 2017, the IMF has been discerned with lower growth forecast for capital market of US for 2018. This is has been evident with a decrease of 2.1% from 2.5%. It has been further discerned that the various types of the consideration of the stocks of US has forced the investors for paying attention to the incessant calls for recession. In this particular article the biggest form of the stock market prediction has been seen with the one year points target for S&P 500 to 2575, which has been seen with 6% upside increment than the present levels. Capital market researchers have further considered one of the most important forms of the market intelligence data with the various types of the increasing nature of the one-year points target for S&P 500. This has been further seen to be discerned in form of the 6% performance increment based on present levels. There have been several types of the prediction which has showed bullish nature of the market prediction in 2018. The stock market prediction has been further able depict 2700 points as the target for S&P 500. The target has been further seen to imply 11% increment from the present levels of observation. The sluggish stock market prediction has been further with the assessment of stock market crash expected to take place in Japan in 2018. The world market has been predicted to be facing a major situation of recession[10].

Assessing market performance


The main aspect of the study has been able to highlight different types of capital market. International investment and the funding activities have been seen to be associated to the various endeavours which affect the investing activities as a result of currency conversions to foreign exchanges and regulations. At the same time it has been further discerned that the financial advisors are seen to recommend on the holding of the stock for a diversified portfolio. The post election rally has been able to spend more amounts of money which is seen to be stalled with total number of investors below 20000.  The “Dow Jones Industrial Average” is seen to close above 20,000 for the first time. The broader sense of S&P 500 benchmark has been considered with economically sensitive sectors. Although there is slower growth in the US dividend activity for Q2 2017, the growth in terms of DJIA has been discerned with all time high of 22000 points in August 2017. Aside from growing U.S. capital market, EU and UK market has been discerned with various types of the uncertainty with Brexit. U.K. could miss out on the potential advantages of the capital market union projects. They have further warned that in the event of Brexit it would either come to halt or become more inward looking project for the rest of EU excluding UK.


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