Global Branding Strategies: Amazon, EBay, Apple, And Microsoft
Amazon’s Global Branding Strategy
In the current scenario, the companies are focusing on creating brand image of the product in the global market. Being placed in the domestic market does not provide adequate growth to the companies due to which they aim to change their domestic brand into the global brand so as to gain more profit. Once an image of the product and the company is created in the market, then it becomes easier for the organization to gain competitive advantage as well. Thus, the fact shall be noted that a global brand can help a company to gain a sustainable competitive advantage in the market (Dinnie 2015). A premium price for the product and services help the company to place themselves in the premium market. Also, the brand position helps the company to raise theirs above the value of competitors present in the market. Global positioning refers to the process with which a company attains its position in the market and the customers perceive it as the best position for the company (Verbeke 2013). Further, the companies which gained advantage using the global branding strategies are discussed below:
Amazon is an American electronic commerce and cloud computing company situated in Washington. The company was originated in the year 1994 by Jeff Bezon. Now Amazon is regarded as largest internet retailer in the world which was initially originated with a motive to sell books online but later with time the company started selling all types of products in the market. The organization played smart, that initially, they started their business with all available resources and later when the company found that the market is growing along with their share of the market. So, they introduced new product lines so as to create amazon a global brand (Knight 2015).
Amazon in today’s world is called a global online brand all products are sold at reasonable prices. Further, the company created its name by providing quality services to the customers and the vision and mission statement of Amazon pushed them to become one of the largest global brands in the international market along with the domestic market. The vision of the company states that they want to create global dominance in the international market. And the mission statement of the company states that Amazon they want to achieve effectiveness along with high-quality services as well. So the vision and mission fulfilled all the requirements which the company needed to become a global brand (Winston, and Weinstein 2016).
eBay’s Global Branding Strategy
The company did not rush to initiate innovation in their process instead they maintained their growth and slowed created a position in the global market. Further situated in a retail market the company placed themselves in a position which was afforded by all. Thus, in this way slowly steadily Amazon created the company as a global brand in the market.
The global branding strategy includes a structure which is initiated by the organizations to promote their working in the global environment. Global branding and positioning strategies are implemented by the organizations to create brand structure. This structure tells about the way in which brand is framed in the market and place where it is positioned according to its attributes. Thus, in this way, the brand of a particular company is formed and positioned in the market (Patton, DeLozier, and Thompson 2015).
Further talking about the company eBay which is working as e-commerce organization; the company is known providing goods of different brands on their website. From their sites people purchase product, so basically, the company is indulged in delivering services to the customer for the product which they have bought from their website. Relating the activities of the company to the global branding strategy, it shall be noted that as the mission of eBay states that they want to pioneer new communities’ worldwide building through commerce and sustained by trust, and inspired by opportunities in the market. Thus the branding messages of the eBay assisted their activities to position the company in the correct market. The company was originated in the year 1995 as an online goods and service provider company which managed to buy and selling online. One major reason which helped eBay to build global brand worldwide was the innovative use of technology in the market which attracted more and customers towards the activities of the company (Aiello, and Donvito 2016).
It is one of the fastest e-commerce businesses in the whole world which gives an identified brand structure to the company. Talking about the approach which the company used to initiate global branding in the market, it shall be noted that the company eBay used an innovative model under which they increased the satisfaction level of customer by providing them valuable products and services at reasonable prices. eBay initiated a strategic approach to purchase products at low prices in bulk and then sell them to the customers at reasonable prices. Also, the company being placed online diversified their services providing model by placing themselves in all approachable places. Furthermore, innovation was used by the company in such a way that they implied the customer to customer services model under which the customers itself posted products on the website and people purchased those products from the customers only. The company involved in between to give authenticity to the transaction and deliver the goods to the customer (Schlegelmilch 2016).
Apple’s Global Branding Strategy
Lastly, it shall be noted that all such activities of the company helped to initiate global branding strategy for them. eBay initiated product dominant brand structure in the market which displayed that the products are mainly focused on the company as they shall deliver adequate satisfaction to the customers according to the prices. Now the company has become a corporate brand because of their business strategies and the trust of customers on the brand (Steenkamp 2017).
It is important for an organization to select an adequate market under which they shall initiate and sustain the business activities in the market. For that purpose selection of right market and right way to enter in the market is very important. As correct way to enter will help the customers to create goodwill of the company in the market and correct target market will help the company to grow in a global context (Amos 2016). Further, right target market selection will attract the correct customer for the company who will actually initiate sales for the organization. Entry mode helps an organization to enter into new surroundings in a competitive way. Right entry mode will help the organization to reduce the risk and gain brand image in new environment as well. Further, the companies which used these strategies to achieve competitive advantage are discussed below:
Apple Inc. is an international electronic product and software producing company. The company is famous for providing products like iPhone, iPod, MacBook, IOS software etc. These products and services of the company are sold worldwide through direct, retails and online stores. The company is leading the electronic market and attaining maximum satisfaction of the customers through its quality products and services provided in the industry. The products of the company are considered as one of the most efficient products which adequately serve the expectation of customers (Dempsey 2014). Further, it shall be noted that the brand of the company is created due to repurchasing of the products in the market. It is said in the external market that if once a person has started using the IOS software then they cannot turn back to purchase any other software in the market. Thus, due to quality services provided by the company in the market they have earned the satisfaction level of customers (Hennart, and Slangen 2015).
Further, the fact shall be considered that the company has earned such a reputation in the market because they have adequately placed themselves at the right position in the right market and targeted the right people for the sales. Target market selection and entry mode are very important for companies to enter the market as they decide the brand position of the company and it also creates a value in the eyes of the customers. Suppose if an organization has a weak or inefficient mode of entry then the customer will create a negative impression of the company in their mind even if the organization provides efficient services in the market. So selection of adequate target market and mode of entry is very important. The company aimed to target the richer segment of the market to purchase their premium services in the market. Tech-savvy people who prefer IOS software were preferred and the upper class of the society was targeted. As the products served by the company hold a premium value in them, so considering that fact Apple target the people who can actually afford the software provided by them. So the organization initially examined the value addition in the services offered by the company and then they targeted the customers according to features of their product. In this way, the actual prospective buyers were targeted by the organization (Ang, Benischke, and Doh 2015).
Microsoft’s Global Branding Strategy
Apart from that mode of entry is very important for an organization to expand their business in the new and international market. The management of Apple identified that they have adequately captured the domestic market and now they need to target the international market. With respect to which they entered in the international market through licensing agreement with other organizations of different countries. This gave an ease to famous foreign country firms to provide services of the Apple to the people present in their local market. Thus due to this process, the company entered in the international market through safe entry process as the local firms of the company created and provided services under the name of Apple; due to which Apple created goodwill in the external markets as well. Thus, in this way the company earned reputation through target market and mode of entry (Kraus, et., al., 2015).
Microsoft is world largest software and hardware producing company. Microsoft is an American company which is mainly providing software in the market. The software supplied by the company used worldwide and there is no replacement for the services provided by the company. The company was originated in the year 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. Initially, the company sold basic interpreters for Altair 8800. Afterwards, with growth and expansion, they emerged as organization selling software for increasing the efficiency of computers. Further, one fact shall be noted that like Microsoft, all other organizations also earned name and fame in the target market by correctly entering in the right market with right entry mode as well. Thus, it shall be noted that an organization can initiate its working in the market and grow only if they get the right environment to sustain their activities in the market like Microsoft received (Anderson, and Sutherland 2015).
Microsoft is long-standing company running 1975 when very few people had computer with them. The company adequately targeted the people who have computers with them or are interested in the electronic equipment. Initially the target market for the company was small but still, Microsoft placed itself firmly in the market. Due to which later with the emergence of internet and growth of computer equipment the company also increased their share in the market. Furthermore talking about the market entry mode which Microsoft used to expand their business in a global context it shall be noted that company used Greenfield Investment strategy (den Hartigh, et. al., 2016). Greenfield Investment strategy refers to the strategy under which an organization opens their subsidiaries in different parts of the world. It means that an organization totally opens up their store in a different market with help of any other local organization. This type of strategy helps an organization to understand the market capabilities and work in a way so that the external market features matches o the services provided by the company (Gollnhofer, and Turkina 2015). Microsoft opened their subsidiaries in a different part of the world. Thus, this process helped the company in such a way that the company increased the trust level of the customers and sales subsequently increased.
Thus, the above-mentioned task adequately talks about the competitive strategies which different companies used to sustain their growth in the international market and earn competitive advantage as well.
It also tells about the innovative activities which company implemented and focused on to produce output for the company in the market.
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