Geological Features, Biodiversity, And Climate Challenges In Japan And Mongolia

Japan’s Geological Features

Japan and Mongolia are both endowed with various geological features. Specifically, both countries have mountains which are of different significance to each. There is a relationship between the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. Noteworthy both countries has geological features. In addition, both countries face climatic challenges and threat from human activity. However, there are measures in place to restore balance.

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Notably, Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan with an elevated 12388 feet off the ground .Mount Fuji is situated on the Honshu Island in Japan. Additional, Japan’s northern and Southern Alps are among the highest mountain range in the country. These mountainous forms have created revenue for the Japanese government due to their size, tourism thrives(Worldatlas,2018).In Japan, mountains have a religious and cultural significance .Further, the mountain range are home to alpine vegetation which is unique as they develop along the mountain slopes. Uniquely, some Japanese population have extended their settlement near the mountain slopes (World atlas, 2018).In addition, Japan is endowed with the Ocean dome which is the largest indoor beach in the world. The Ocean dome occupies 1200miles and it is situated at the Kyushu Island. As shown in “seas and oceans”photograph.Approximately, the beach is 300 m long and 100m wide. The fact that it is an indoor beach and large make it a magnet for tourists.

Mongolia’s Gobi desert is the largest in Asia thus making it a tourist attraction as showed in the “gobi” photograph. The desert is spread across China and Mongolia. The Gobi desert stretches 16000km in length and approximately 1000 km in width (Platanovich & Allito).The Gobi desert is endowed with dinosaur fossil thus making it a tourist attraction site to the rest of the world and a source of revenue for the Mongolian government. For the Mongolian population, mountains are of a spiritual significance. The Tavan Bogd is the highest mountain in Mongolia, shared by Russia and China. It is located 4374 m above sea levels. The mountain is significant due to the adventure of climbing the mountain. At the Khuiten peak, the Tayan Boyd is at its highest. 

Noteworthy, Japan has four seasons ;winter,spring,summer and Autumn.Specifically,summer is experienced within the months of June-August, Autumn from September to November, Spring extends from march to May and Winter covers December to February. Temperature in Tokyo during the winter is around 4.5 degrees celcious with a precipitation figure of 52  p(mm).During Spring, Tokyo temperature ranges 14.6 degrees Celsius with a precipitation rate of 125p(mm)(J.N.T.O).  Recently, Japan‘s climate has been experiencing some changes owing to the global warming and other reasons. Rainfall and rising temperature has been the common trend in Japan. This climatic changes are likely to affect Japan negatively in various areas. Some areas are likely to experience drought while others natural disaster owing to too much downpour (‘Climate change…).Japan’s response to climate changes has been mainly due to the implementation of environmental sustainable practices. 

Mountainous Forms in Japan

Primarily, the climate in Mongolia is characterized by summers and winters. Approximately, Mongolia enjoys 250 days of sun yearly thus making it a very sunny. The temperature is considered diurnal all year round. For Mongolia, the summer season is warm and dry whereas its winters are extremely cold.Noteworhy, Mongolian climate is considered the most continental in the world. Averagely, the temperature in Mongolia between the months of November and March is -0 degrees Celcious.During winter season, the average temperature is -40 degrees Celcious. At summer, the average temperature is often above 40 degrees celcious (Weather Online).Owing to the global warming and other climatic changes, Mongolia has also felt the effects of climate change. ).Specifically, desertification, low water volumes for most water bodies, increased number of pests and rodents and reduced biomass volume are some of the consequences of climate change in Mongolia(Ministry of environment).

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Notably, Japan is boarded by the Pacific Ocean. In addition, Japan has its own share of large water bodies such as the Yoshinogawa,Ara-Kwa among others. In addition, Japan boarders the Sea of Japan. The Sea of Japan is 1752 m deep and covers 978000 square meters (‘Sea of Japan”).Noteworthy, the Khovsgol Nuur is the largest fresh water source for Mongolia (World Atlas).The lake covers 136km in the North west region of the country.Further,the lake boarders the Russian border. However, the Khosvgul Nuur is considered the second biggest lake in Mongolia. The lake stands at 1645metres above sea level. Also, the lake freezes during the winter thus raising challenges for the Mongolian people. The second largest water body in Mongolia is the Hovd River.

Noteworthy, Japan has a wide diversity of biodiversity. Among the commonest animal species in Japan are the Tanuki (dog), wild boar, bears. Native animal species in Japan include the Ussuri bear, Sika deer, Serow, flying squirrel and the Leopard cat among others(‘3D Geography’).Other native In addition, Japan has a list of exotic animals and plant species. For the plant species, various herbs and shrubs have been introduced into Japan from Asia and other countries. For instance, the Abelmoschus  Moschatus native home is India and China. Also, there are endangered plant species in Japan. Specifically, the Ogasawarana Metamorpha(shellfish),the Fabriciana Nerippe (Insect).Hynobius  abei (salamander),the Opisthotropris Kikuzatoi (stream or brook snake) and the Japanese river otter are considered among the endangered species in the country(Ministry of Environment). 

Mongolia also has its own share of exotic and native species in the plant species. Among the native plant species is the Acer ginnala which is a tree species, Agrilus Planipennis which is an insect and the Alectoris chukar which is a bird species (‘Global invasive species database’). Equally, Mongolia has its share of endangered animal and plant species. Primarily, the Argali sheep, snow leopards, the Gobi bear and the wild ass are among the most endangered species in this part of the country.

Japan’s Ocean Dome

Undoubtedly, there is an interconnectedness among the spheres. Both the Hydrosphere and the atmosphere has a connection as to how the rain falls. Water bodies play a part in the climatic changes on the earth. The global water cycle is an example of the relationship hydrosphere and atmosphere connection “interaction between atmosphere” image shown below.Specifically, owing to the vaporization of water from water bodies and reaches the cold trap in the atmosphere which later turns into water falling down as rainfall. In addition, the climatic changes could be as a result of the Hydrosphere and Atmosphere relationship (Khain, 470-473).Particularly, high temperature in the atmospheres lead to warming of the water, endangers marine life such as corals and jellyfish thus the assertion that there is interconnection between hydrosphere and the atmosphere.

Human being consumption of hydrological features has various consequences on this resources. On the water quantity, quality and ecology, human actions have consequences such as overfishing, pollution, over irrigation. Some of this action have led to rivers drying up and marine life being endangered. Human actions such as fishing, irrigation and transport vessels (pollution), dangerous fishing habits through the use of chemicals has endangered ecological stability and marine life (Booth and Derek).Overfishing might lead to extinction of certain fish species whereas pollution might cause death of marine life or bleaching of coral reefs which is injurious to marine life. To curb the danger of these human countries, countries have implemented anti-pollution legislative frameworks to guide the use of these hydrological resources. In addition, some countries have declared part of their water bodies a no fishing zone to preserve the fish species from extinction among other measures (Holroyd) 

Collectively, both Japan and Mongolia face challenges of animal and plant species extinction. This species endangerment might be attributed to climate change. Climate change is an international environmental issues and not just affecting Japan and Mongolia thus the need for their participation in mitigating the effects of climate change. The challenges facing Japan and Mongolia are challenges faced by many other countries in the world hence there is no reason why these challenges are Unique to Japan and Mongolia. 


The atmosphere, lithosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere roles are interconnected. For Japan and Mongolia both face similar challenges when it comes to environmental factors. Geological features of both countries have economic significance .However, there are religious, settlement and cultural significance to these geological features. All in all, Japan and Mongolia share some similarities.  

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