Gender Roles In Clothing: Analysis Of Consumer Behavior

Gender Roles in Clothing of Boys

Select one example of an item of clothing that is made for boys and a second example of clothing that is made for girls. Demonstrate your understanding of relevant theory by explaining how ideas and norms of gender roles are present in these objects.

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Consumer behavior has been considered as the study of how an individual consumer group or firm, make choice, buy, consume, the offerings for satisfying their wants (Solomon, Dahl, White, Zaichkowsky and Polegato, 2014). This concept of consumer behavior also involves the actions of the customers in the marketplace and the fundamental reasons for the same.

The way a human behaves and develops feeling is indifferent. There are so many reasons behind such transitions of ideas and behavior. One such factor is gender. No matter how equally we want to treat men and women there are some indifferences which both the genders in terms of behavior, clothing, habits etc. posses. So, in order to cope up with such challenges, there are businesses settled so as to provide perfect appearances, experiences, and pleasures that is being demanded by both the sides. There are so many businesses in the economy and they are making sure to provide a facility with all the possible resources (Tanner and Raymond, 2015). Specifically taking the clothing and experiments which various companies have done in this sector. There is justified set of clothes which boys wear and simultaneously this goes for the girls. Hence, in similar way businesses creates clothes which are inclined to these two sections. H&M is a multinational brand operating worldwide in this section as a brand for clothes for both boys and girls. So, there are various ranges of clothes which are being generalized by the company so as to make available for the customers who are associated with it (Mathras, Cohen, Mandel and Mick, 2016). The set of rules which are made for clothing in both the sections are identifiable because what boys will wear and what girls will wear is a common sense.

The question which has to be justified here is that why boys and girls are inclined to wear a set of clothes (Stephen, 2016). Why is it so that companies have different sections for both of them and how people judge them on the basis of clothes? Clothes in today’s world are a symbol of identity as it is commonly visible in clothes that who is a boy and who is a girl. So, it also makes it easy for people to justify who is who. Similarly, in this case, there are set of justifications which are required as to know which clothes are for boys and which are for girls and upon what parameters they are being made. Every company can have a justified answer to this that the behavior and the set of structure boys and girl are different and the way they are looked also varies from person to person. The set of clothes they wear identifies their gender by any person just by having a glance and it plays a major role in the economy as to decide in common on what parameters a person will behave (Juster, 2015). In order to have a better understanding only these clothing lines were introduced and made for making it easy for both the genders to have proper clothes for their body according to shape and size.

Gender Roles in Clothing of Girls

In order to have a better understanding of this factor clothing item like Skirt for girls and denim for boys can be chosen. As we know the behavior of both the gender varies from person to person but first, in general, it can be understood by gender. Let’s take into account girls who are justifiable that they are more sensitive and their body is gentler than boys. So, if a girl wears the skirt it looks pretty ass skirt are for girls to define that they are pretty, beautiful and gentle. The emotions of girls also vary as they are sensitive and more inclined to have better understanding capability than the other gender (Martin and Woodside, 2017). This specifies the need to justify the clothing line for this section of society. Hence, H&M serves its customers with this purpose so that they have a perfect set of clothing which is for girls according to the demand and tastes of this gender and one of such item is the skirt which is accepted worldwide as it is a worldwide brand. Gender roles in the clothing line are also justified. Girls have clean legs which are beautiful and adorable whereas boys are muscular and have the same time of legs which does not look nice under a skirt which justifies gentleness. Hence, this differentiates the clothing line for both the genders.

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Secondly, taking boys and their clothing choices so types of denim are preferably are worn by them as they have several sets of behavior sections upon which they have to behave. Boys have muscular personality according to which they have to behave and this in line is being taken care of while a company launches a collection for same section (Lantos, 2015). The behavior and preferences of customers play a very important role in inclining the company to produce clothes in same preferences. Hence, the boys have more oriented and speculative personalities on the basis of which their clothes are made and they are sold so, types of denim are more justifiable for this character and set of behavior in which these people correlate the behavior of these set of sections (Parsons, Maclaran and Chatzidakis, 2017). When a boy comes in mind of a person the behavior is sectioned in such a manner which justifies masculinity of the gender. Strong, bold and obnoxious in general and more specific terms. So, the clothes have to be in the same range which represents the personality of the gender. Hence, company’s have a set of market knowledge which is basic while making products for boys that it has to be according to preferences of the section. Boys prefer to be covered while they go for an informal and formal meeting as well as for work. So, types of denim were the solution as they do not require daily washing and can be used multiple times in single wash. So, this was the solution for the gender for the better outcome of the efforts they are putting in. Hence, the preference and behavior in which the boys’ work has been taken into consideration while development of this section of product so that it can be used more optimistically by this section of the human. Everything is produced and developed for convenience and this clothing line was made to make sure that the people who wear it feel comfortable in their appearance as well as gives them social confident to behave (Miner, 2015).

Impact on the Market

Hence, it is specified how gender roles and ideas have been justified in the clothing line of the companies like H&M to have a better appearance as well as better understanding in general for the set of humans. Likewise, for this situation, there are set of avocations which are required as to know which garments are for young men and which are for young ladies and upon what parameters they are being made (Harmeling, Moffett, Arnold and Carlson, 2017). Each organization can have a supported response to this that the conduct and the arrangement of structure young men and the young lady are extraordinary and the way they have looked likewise shifts from individual to individual. The arrangement of garments they wear recognizes their sexual orientation by any individual just by having a look and it assumes a noteworthy part in an economy as to choose in like manner on what parameters a man will carry on. Keeping in mind the end goal to have a superior seeing just these attire lines were presented and made for making it simple for both the sexes to have appropriate garments for their body as indicated by shape and size. It is important and very much inclined for people to behave in a manner such that they have been given identity as. So, in regards to this various innovation have been done specifically for various sections of society (Parsons, Maclaran and Chatzidakis, 2017). The appearance of a person only specifies how he or she is whether it is a boy or a girl.

Hence the preferences for clothes also vary from boys to girls. H&M has made this sure that people from every gender are satisfied in the same manner as they demand and expect to be satisfied. This is the significant part of a presentation of a person in general to the public so as to have better knowledge regarding people so that there is no identification confusion. This is a primary solution for secondary needs which are there for people and society (Baker and Saren, 2016).  As the behavior of both the genders varies so as their choices which are sometimes justified and set and sometimes need to be studied. But clothing sector has definable clothing for both of this section which can be identified without any type of efforts. Hence, such that the range of clothing for boys and girls varies in various ways which are very important for the society as well as people to have the better understanding of everything.


After analyzing the above-presented essay it has been concluded that consumer behavior plays a significant role in the business environment and are also considered as liable for stimulating the business operations of the firm.


Baker, M.J. and Saren, M. eds. (2016) Marketing theory: a student text. California: Sage.

Harmeling, C.M., Moffett, J.W., Arnold, M.J. and Carlson, B.D. (2017) Toward a theory of customer engagement marketing. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(3), pp.312-335.

Juster, F.T. (2015) Anticipations and purchases: An analysis of consumer behavior. Princeton University Press.

Lantos, G.P. (2015) Consumer behavior in action: Real-life applications for marketing managers. New York: Routledge.

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Mathras, D., Cohen, A.B., Mandel, N. and Mick, D.G. (2016) The effects of religion on consumer behavior: A conceptual framework and research agenda. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 26(2), pp.298-311.

Miner, J.B. (2015) Organizational behavior 1: Essential theories of motivation and leadership. New York: Routledge.

Parsons, E., Maclaran, P. and Chatzidakis, A. (2017) Contemporary issues in marketing and consumer behaviour. New York: Routledge.

Parsons, E., Maclaran, P. and Chatzidakis, A. (2017) Contemporary issues in marketing and consumer behaviour. New York: Routledge.

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Tanner, J. and Raymond, M. (2015) Principles of marketing. University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing.

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