Gender Inequality In The Workplace: Causes, Effects, And Advocacy

LAWS70186 Human Rights Advocacy

Background of Gender Inequality

Gender inequality is basically not perpetuated via the differential access towards and control over the resources of the material. The norms and the stereotypes related to the gender tends to reinforce some of the gender related identities and tends to constrain the nature and the behavior of the women and men in some of the differentiated ways that forms the root cause and the ingredients towards inequality (Hacker, 2017). One of the main ingredients and the primary makers of the economic and the social stratification, gender is the result of the optimum exclusion. Apart from the socio economic classification, there have been systematic differences in the gender in the wellbeing in the connection to the material. The degree and the range of inequality tend to vary across the countries over the time. The concept of gender inequality is the basic characteristics of most of the societies in the current decade. With the very power of the men in the society and a better position of the masculine population in the political, social and economic hierarchy, the discrimination among the female and the male has been a growing issue going beyond educational attainment, income and empowerment (Amin, 2015). For more than two of the decades the aim or the goal of the reduction of the gender inequality has been one of the prominent issues in the international organizations and in the statements of the national strategy. The famous millennium development goals reflects the ongoing global issue and the attention towards the problems of the gender inequality as an international problem (Tolbert & Castilla, 2017). The assignment highlights the gender analysis and the evaluation of the gender differences in the domain of capabilities, agencies and livelihoods. The assignment furthermore reflects the issues faced by the women in the domain of gender inequality at the workplace.

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Equality can be connected to various dimensions of the lives of the people. According to the norms of equality, it is the belief that people out to be equal in connection to the central conditions of their lives. Equality is basically the state or the condition in which all the individuals irrespective of their gender have equal chances and opportunities. Gender is actually not the only dimension of the social relations that tends to cause inequality. Women have been subjected to deep diversity, inequality and discrimination from various decades in respective domain. The context of gender inequality has been a wide spread political and societal goal in the last decades and also in the changing times (Tolbert & Castilla, 2017). Through out the decades, the concept of gender inequality has shifted from the concept of similarity to the ideas of equal worth and from the female centeredness towards the emphasis over the significance related to the gender. The assignment explains the issues faced by women in the sector of employment in terms of promotion, qualification, payscales and other classifications. Through out the times of the history, women have faced intense discrimination regarding the absence of legal rights and very little independence from the social norms. Women has been long viewed as less than full human and their rights have never been considered equivalent to the men in the society.

The Social Issue

Egregious inequality of gender still exist in the global basis despite of the international and the national measures taken towards the eradiation and the improvement of the rights of the women and the context of gender equality (Besse, 2018). The concept of gender inequality is a social issue that needs to be brought to the light for the empowerment of women in the current decade. The inequality has always been a social issue starting from the discrimination in the education level among the male and the female. The problem of gender inequality is a major social issues that has been brought to light by various feminist movements that are happening in the current decade (Correll, 2017). Although the gap in the participation of both the genders in the labour market has reduced and narrowed in the every day experiences in the developing countries, the issue of the gender discrimination still persist in the current decade.

The inequality among the genders is not perpetuated exclusively via the differential access towards the control over the resources of the material. The norms and the stereotypes of gender reinforce the identities and the constrain of the behavior of the women and men leading to inequality (Amis et al., 2018). The approach towards the global trends in the gender equality is cognizant towards the gender disparities favor of men.

According to the topic details of the assignment, gender inequality in the workplace has been one of the rising concerns in the current decade since differentials in the society. The factor of income is one of the most basic indicators of the gender inequality. Women tends to be less educated in compared to men since they are not send to the schools, these lead to a gap in the knowledge among the genders. In the era of rising context of feminism, women though being equally qualified are often rejected by many organizations due to the nature or the attitude of gender biasness (Huffman, King & Reichelt, 2017). In the multinational organizations, women are often the victim of the discrimination from promotion and higher level promotions and differences in wage as compared to that of men. This is a major social issue that needs to be highlighted a solved.

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The context of violation of gender equality lies at the very heart of the human rights and the values of the United Nations. The fundamental principal of the United  Nations Charter that are adopted by the leaders of the world in the year 1945 depict the quotation of equal rights of men and women (Stainback, Kleiner & Skaggs, 2016). The article of the charter furthermore illustrates promotion and protection of the human rights of the women which is one of the major responsibility of the state.

Various regional and international instruments have highlighted to the dimensions related to the gender and the issues related to human rights. The most important among the international conventions is the UN Convention of Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) which was adopted by the UN general assembly in the year 1979 (Calás, Smircich  & Holvino, 2014). 45 years after the adaptation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and eight years after the enforcement of CEDAW in the UN force, the World Conference of UN regarding Human Rights in Vienna explained the importance of the rights of the women in the society as one of the major factor in the context of the human rights.

Violation of Human Rights

The persistent stigma related to women being the second gender has translated the society and the people in the society towards the vulnerability of the discrimination of the female in comparison to that of the men (Thébaud & Pedulla, 2016). The discrimination and the prohibition of the women from their inherent and their inalienable rights is one of the major ingredients serving the notion of the violation of the human rights.

Gender inequality in the organization is basically a complex phenomenon that is mostly visible in the structure, process and the practices in the organization. In case of women, some of the most harmful inequalities in relation to the gender are generally enacted with the human resource practices. The policies, decision making and their enactment tend to impact the training, the hiring and the pay and promotion of the women. The gender inequality in the workplace is a big issues for the women since women in the current scenario still faced the context of the gender bias in the workforce (Stamarski & Son Hing, 2015). Despite of some of the best efforts from the companies and the multinational organizations towards the promotion of the diversity and the equality, women are still the subject towards the domination and discrimination and are targeted victims of low paying administrative ranks while the men of the organization continues to dominate the women and exceed in the executive level.

While the outright differences and the discrimination of the women may not be the part of the current business world, there lies some of the major generation gender biases in the current scenario. Unlike the previous and the first generation biases in relation to the gender there has been some of the major international acts of discrimination that are powerful but yet often invisible barriers in the pathway of the advancement of the women (Ridgeway, 2014). Rising from the cultural beliefs regarding the gender as well as structures of workplace, the patterns and the practices of the interactions that inadvertently favors of men tends to impact the notion and the culture of the freedom of the women thus violating the basic human rights of the women.

Women are also perceived as being less ambitious as compared to the men due to their focus and nature towards the responsibilities of the family. The age old concept of women being the home maker is still ongoing in the current decade. According to the researches, there lies very little differences while men and women aspire for the leadership roles in the organization since the women are often turned down due to the their inability towards the commitment and the responsibility towards their employment (Sen, 2017).

The gender disparity is generally harder to spot and the promotion of the proper gender equality is even more harder. Some of the effective strategies towards the improvement of the gender equality in the workplace are as follows.

The driving of the skill towards equal development – The persistent belief and the myth that men are advancing towards the high grades of payment and the sustainment of the wage gap due to their high qualification is something that needs to be busted (Freeman, 2017).


Creation of the role models – Women requires a push at the helm to initiate a trickledown effect that furthermore inspires the other women towards the aspiration to the executive level.

The elimination of the gender based roles – The closing of the gaps in the gender starts with the development and the introduction of the organizations way of looking at the employees and making sure regarding the provision of equal and equitable chances and opportunities from the entry level.

Furthermore some of the basic steps the employers can take towards the improvement of the propagation of the gender equality at the workplace includes the following.

  • The reassessment of the requirements of the job for the team of the senior management and leadership.
  • The expansion of the applicant pool
  • Consideration of the biases and the prevailing stereotypes
  • Rethinking of the process of the interview (Boyd, 2018)
  • Making sure that all the employees have similar access towards the opportunity
  • Minimization of the gender pay gap
  • Addressing the importance of the work and the life balances
  • Fair evaluation system
  • Coaching and training of the employees

Despite the great gains and the introduction of the various policies and measures by the government and the UN agencies through out the world, there still lies gender inequality in the employment force through out the world. Women in the current generation still continue to earn less than their male counterparts (Gurr & Naples, 2015). Although the wage of the gender gap is diminishing  in many of the  countries, the gap still exist till today and there has been some bare changes  since the mid of 1990s.

The context of the gender inequality at the workplace is not just the fight of the women, it is the fight of each and every person. While most of the labor force is occupied by the feminine gender, according to the research studies, women in the current generation of the world still struggle for the proper social and the economic equity. The ever persistent gender wage gap is one of the major obstacles of the current women towards the attainment of the economic justice and the proper attainment of the human right of the women (Hill, Madden & Ezpeleta, 2016). The persistent implicit biases and the gender stereotypes play some of the major roles in the prevalence of the equality in the gender at the workplace. Some of the noticeable changes in the progress of the women empowerment included the increase in the number of the employed women among the age group of 16 to 64. The rate of the number of women joining the employment and the labor sector increased to 53%  in the year 2010 and to 72% as estimated in the year 2015 (Cole, 2015). However even if 47% of the population in the current world working in the labor market are ruled by the feminine force, only 35% are constituted by the women for the managerial position.


Equality is basically the state or the condition in which all the individuals irrespective of their gender have equal chances and opportunities. Gender is actually not the only dimension of the social relations that tends to cause inequality. The degree and the range of inequality tend to vary across the countries over the time. The context of gender inequality has been a wide spread political and societal goal in the last decades and also in the changing times. Through out the decades, the concept of gender inequality has shifted from the concept of similarity to the ideas of equal worth and from the female centeredness towards the emphasis over the significance related to the gender. The problem of gender inequality is a major social issues that has been brought to light by various feminist movements that are happening in the current decade. Although the gap in the participation of both the genders in the labour market has reduced and narrowed in the every day experiences in the developing countries, the issue of the gender discrimination still persist in the current decade. The assignment reflects on the gender analysis and the evaluation of the gender differences in the domain of capabilities, agencies and livelihoods.


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Amis, J. M., Munir, K. A., Lawrence, T. B., Hirsch, P., & McGahan, A. (2018). Inequality, institutions and organizations. Organization Studies, 39(9), 1131-1152.

Besse, S. K. (2018). Restructuring patriarchy: the modernization of gender inequality in Brazil, 1914-1940. UNC Press Books.

Boyd, M. (2018). Gender, refugee status, and permanent settlement. In Immigrant Women (pp. 103-124). Routledge.

Calás, M. B., Smircich, L., & Holvino, E. (2014). Theorizing Gender-and-Organization. In The Oxford handbook of gender in organizations.

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Correll, S. J. (2017). SWS 2016 Feminist Lecture: Reducing gender biases in modern workplaces: A small wins approach to organizational change. Gender & Society, 31(6), 725-750.

Freeman, M. (2017). Human rights. John Wiley & Sons.

Gurr, B., & Naples, N. A. (2015). sEx and gEndER. Expanding the Human in Human Rights: Toward a Sociology of Human Rights, 7.

Hacker, S. (2017). Pleasure, power and technology: Some tales of gender, engineering, and the cooperative workplace. Routledge.

Hill, C., Madden, C., & Ezpeleta, M. (2016). Gender and the Extractive Industries: Putting Gender on the Corporate Agenda. Oxfam Australia.

Huffman, M. L., King, J., & Reichelt, M. (2017). Equality for whom? Organizational policies and the gender gap across the German earnings distribution. ILR Review, 70(1), 16-41.

Ridgeway, C. L. (2014). Why status matters for inequality. American Sociological Review, 79(1), 1-16.

Sen, A. (2017). Elements of a theory of human rights. In Justice and the Capabilities Approach (pp. 221-262). Routledge.

Stainback, K., Kleiner, S., & Skaggs, S. (2016). Women in power: Undoing or redoing the gendered organization?. Gender & Society, 30(1), 109-135.

Stamarski, C. S., & Son Hing, L. S. (2015). Gender inequalities in the workplace: the effects of organizational structures, processes, practices, and decision makers’ sexism. Frontiers in psychology, 6, 1400.

Thébaud, S., & Pedulla, D. S. (2016). Masculinity and the stalled Revolution: how Gender ideologies and norms shape young Men’s Responses to Work–Family Policies. Gender & Society, 30(4), 590-617.

Tolbert, P. S., & Castilla, E. J. (2017). Introduction to a Special Issue on Inequality in the Workplace (“What Works?).

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