Fundraising Strategy For Non-Profit Health Organization
Key Elements of Fundraising Cycle
The case for support
The Non-profit health organizations are very known in almost all the countries in the world. With respect to 2014 research by NFF (Non-profit finance funds), the non-profit companies constitute 5.4% of the GDP (gross domestic product) and about 87% employment from the nonprofit organizations within the field of social services, education and health in Canada. Their primary objective is to raise funds and otherwise to partake in events that benefit the communities around them(Aggarwal, Evans, & Nanda, 2012).
Related research
In the year 2004, some nonprofits companies were recorded in Canada, and the number is increasing every new year. Such organizations should be recognized by the internal revenue service within Canada for them to remain that way(Aggarwal et al., 2012). Their success mainly depends on the willingness of the other members of the community to give often. Every nonprofit organization has its objective goal which is establishing a profitable, steady foundation with the capability of doing what required to reach its mission(Waters, 2011). Some of the outlets for these foodstuffs are the restaurants and the grocery stores which are likely to offer access to healthy foods although the community is required to be more innovative(Cao, 2016).
The urgency
This project will involve the policy and environmental strategies that will contribute to expanding the replicate in promoting the healthy foods resources in various communities residing within the Calvary city. Then it will as well facilitate in planning for the innovative frameworks that will increase the resources that have never been implemented around or within the town of Calvary.
The hope of the project
The project will be conducted with the hope of establishing a community gardens to allow people to grow farm products which can be shared with other family members, neighborhoods. This will also help in reducing the cost of the household and the food literacy and create the neighborhood spaces for conservation, beautification, conservation and increase the safety for the public linking the neighbors by making use of underutilized land. Home gardens will also be established to offer households with direct access to the fresh vegetables and fruits preferred by the senior members of various families. Hence the home gardens will provide a crucial role in providing affordable food of high quality and locally produced food. The schools around the Calvary city will as well be encouraged to establish gardens which will provide the youth and the children hands-on practices in science, cultural research and the pressure in growing the food.
Why is the project special or unique?
Many nonprofit organizations and projects have been established in Calgary city hence the fresh food mobile project will not be the first one and the last project. However, its unique since its mainly focusing of the senior people within the community who are not able to access proper diet. The project is as well aiming at transforming the health of the society through raising the availability of the fresh food among the local individuals.
The model of delivery
Donor Pyramid and Effective Strategies
Education is one of the key part in transforming the health of a community and many privileges for the health practitioners to get involved in nonprofit health care programs. Hence this project will employ the outreach as one of the key aspect of the fresh food mobile organization. Various practitioners will be required to go under-served communities through holding the workshops with the senior people and show the important of eating healthy food. Educators will as well be sent to healthcare especially in the departments of health and nutrition to educate them on how they should interact with these senior people in the community.
Organizational vision, mission, and mandate
This fresh food mobile project will be guided by the following mission and vision;
The vision
The concept of the fresh food mobile is to grow the significant number of individuals within the Calvary city to have the accessibility of well healthy fresh food.
The mission
The mission of this project is to raise the health of the low-economic individuals within Calvary city through creating some agricultural spaces in the public facilities; a region of the agriculture and an environmental project that will enable access to healthier fresh foodstuffs and establish employment, training, and learning.
The description of the project
The product
The fresh food mobile project will be conducted within the market with a wide variety of fresh farm products like eggs, bread, and other non-perishable commodities. All these items will have an affordable budget below the market value to attract all the individuals within the Calgary city. Hence everybody will be able to access the fresh food like the apples, sweet potatoes, berries, bananas, the almond milk, and cucumbers though they might vary depending on the seasons.
The process
In the city of Calgary, not every individual can afford to access the nutritious diet. One of the critical challenges is the financial income since this is one of the geographical regions which is situated in a very remote and rural area. Also, some financial constraints like weather, time and access to proper transport may limit the fresh food mobile organization from accessing the food. One of the goals of this project is increasing the accessibility of fresh food to the communities in the city hence the need for the following procedures;
Identifying the potential donors
The process of identifying potential donors is one of the most critical factors of this fundraising project. It is an essential point through it has been considered a keystone in many fundraising processes. This is because it overwhelms the qualification procedure through a comprehensive study and screening of the wealth to analyze the propensity and the capacity of the donor(Weerawardena, McDonald, & Mort, 2010).
Cultivating on the identified prospects
Developing on the identified potential donor is the next important part within the fundraising processes. The prospective donors should be well nurtured and refined to make the solicitation easy. Hence the fresh food mobile organization should do the nurturing moderately since too slow or doing it very fast can cause some challenges. The process itself will need more than months or less to establish a good association with the donor(Zhuang, Saxton, & Wu, 2014).
Types of Fundraising for Campaign
The solicitation of the gifts
This is one of the most challenging processes in fundraising. In this stage, the various donors will be approached with the satisfied request for a donation in the form of the financial contribution although other gifts could be accepted. The processes will as well involve a series of the meeting with more two individuals especially the leaders of various groups(Ebrahim, 2010).
Stewarding the supporters
The stewardship process in this fundraising campaign will be very critical in establishing an appropriate relationship with the donors for future donations. At this stage, the gifts from different donor shall be acknowledged and also will be reported on various progress and the project’s outcomes. The acknowledgment will incorporate the donors from all the levels although their degree of commitment will be considered as well(Ebrahim, 2010).
In the beginning, the finances available may not be adequate although the fresh food mobile organization need to evaluate the resources at hand. The organization must be meticulous in tracking the growth of the various assets and expand the as the organization continues to grow(Najev ?a?ija, 2013). In respect to this, there is a need to recruit a board of management
The goals
Therefore, the fresh food mobile project will be carried out concerning the following goals.
- Establish the existing assets within the community to strengthen the whole community.
- The marketing days will be able to highlight the other marketing organizations within the community.
- Quarterly activities shall be held to raise the connection within the community to increase the accessibility of the fresh, healthy foods.
- The market will be opened throughout regardless the financial income in the Calgary city which means in case one is in need of vegetable soup, or a closer store will be readily available.
The behavior
There are some bottom-line advantages to any community when there is good access to healthy foodstuff. However, millions of individuals in Canada are still living within the low-income regions. The challenge is especially experienced in the city of Calvary in Canada where the community within the area is always with tight schedules and other duties that have limited them from concentrating on their eating habits. This region has the tight time schedules which have led many individuals in eating on the fast foods. These quick meals are not required as a healthy option for a well-balanced homemade diet. Good health is essential in an individual’s health since it assists in nourishing the body to recover from various sickness and other infections. Choosing between eating healthy meals other than feeding saturated with fats food will contribute to improving one’s health. The recent research has shown that a properly balanced diet is constituted by the vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, oils, and fruits.
The performance
Currently, the research has shown that because of the inadequate resources from the donors, non-profit organizations have to go an extra mile in asking the various supporters for funding and creating a good link with trust(Francis, 2009). Concerning (Saxton & Wang, 2014) the supporting parties require transparency and accountability within the performance results. Hence there is a need for the fresh food mobile will be necessary to assess whether their perspectives have been established concerning accountability, performance measures and transparency(Panic, Hudders, & Cauberghe, 2016). This will be done through conducting surveys among the leaders on the annual expenses and examining their challenges, resource allocation, and their thinking objectives. The above aspects will be useful in determining the notable performances and transparency between the FFM and the donors. According to (Wang, 2014) the management of any non-profit organization should be able to acknowledge the difficulties experienced by the organization and not taking advantage of the resources received from the donors.
Volunteer Management and Data Management
which will be issued with a job’s description. The board of the administration shall be accountable for exceeding the goals set by the organization through a quarterly self-evaluation procedure. In case one is serving in the board of management for the first time, he or she will be facilitated through presentations by the board’s president and the CEO(Andreoni & Payne, 2011). At this level, it’s essential to meet the expectations of the fundraising. Therefore, a sample of the list of various activities should be drafted to help the members of the board to understand what is expected from each of them. After providing the board of the management with such information, there will be need of offering them with a document of the vision and the mission so that they can use one voice in speaking the dreams of the fresh food mobile organization(McCorkindale, 2010). The concept will enable the board of the management to comprehend the how the success of the organization will look like both internally and externally(Croson, Handy, & Shang, 2009). The board of the management will have the following members of staff;
The resource manager
The main role of the resource manager is to assign various tasks concerning their sense of accountability. The manager must be well equipped with the diversity within the community and be able to demonstrate a cultural competency that will enable various people to work together.
The financial manager
The manager shall be entrusted with the funds of the organization and other assets brought regarding donations. The personnel must guarantee a fundamental understanding of how to balance the financial entities.
The volunteers
These are essential individuals since most of them will be recruited from the community within the city of Calgary. The volunteers will assist in collecting donations, training and distributing the food to the community.
The budget
The process of budgeting is the procedure in which an organization builds its budget. A proper budgeting process incorporates all the individuals who have various responsibilities in implementing the objectives of the organization(Dolnicar & Lazarevski, 2009). Both the financial management and the staff in the fresh food mobile will participate in building the activities that will win more starting capital for the organization. As time goes, the annual budget will record with the assignment of the responsibilities, deadline to clear the pledges from the donors and various tasks allocation(Kong, 2008).
According to (Saeed & Shabbir, 2014) a proper budget includes the appropriate strategic plan and suggest that the income should be put into the before any expense. That means the fixed cost within the organization will be identified and shall be related to the revenues. The decisions of budgeting in this project will be based on fiscal accountability, vision and the mission of the fresh food mobile organization(Prugsamatz, 2010). The items to be budgeted for should be in line with the financial statement and the structure of how the organization should operate to make sure there is a good comparison between the actuals and the budget(Bahmani, Galindo, & Méndez, 2012). Lack of this alignment might make it difficult for the management staff hence undermining the usefulness of the quarterly financial reports. For instance, when one is accounting for the items, not in line with the budget can result in overages within the budget(Zhu, Wang, & Bart, 2016). Hence while creating the budget for this project, the financial team will be aware of internal objects that might translate to certain line commodities needed for outside reporting.
Legal Framework and Ethical Issues
The organizational information
The fresh food mobile (FFM) is the upcoming non-profit organization whose main purpose is to seek a way of transforming the community health through improving access to local and fresh products in communities lacking such access(Bang, Ross, & Reio, 2013). The purpose of establishing this organization is to create a sustainable agricultural space within the city to facilitate access to affordable healthy fresh food while building the employment, training, and learning. The fresh food mobile organization will adopt a health food resource concept that will organize healthy living initiatives in various parts of the city through a garden strategy(Hess & Bacigalupo, 2013). The strategy will be established within the set broad goals which will overwhelm the availability, affordability, production and the healthy eating habits(Werker & Ahmed, 2008).
The organization will focus on the kind of food nutrients needed by the body among the senior people in carrying out the normal physiological processes will make a big difference in a person’s healthy life(Sarros, Cooper, & Santora, 2011). A proper diet is required to be composed of the meals rich in minerals, vitamins and doing exercises. Vegetables and fruits have a high quantity of critical food nutrients need by the body for it to remain healthy and accessing these food substances are essential in preventing obesity among the many people in Calvary city. Therefore, providing easily accessible and affordable, fresh, healthy and cultural foods will help the community in promoting health for all its people.
All the non-profit health organizations should be recognized by the internal revenue service within Canada for them to remain that way. This because their success majorly depends on the willingness of the other members of the community or donors to donate often. Hence the senior individuals in the community who are not able to access the food will be able to access these fresh foods. Such foods are like the apples, sweet potatoes, berries, bananas, the almond milk, and cucumbers though they might vary depending on the seasons. This will help to reduce the cost of the household and food literacy. The program will as well create the neighborhood spaces for conservation, beautification, conservation and increase the safety for the public linking the neighbors by making use of underutilized land. The senior people will also be trained to create their home gardens to offer households with direct access to more fresh vegetables and fruits preferred by the members of various families with aging people. Hence the home gardens will provide a crucial role in offering affordable food of high quality and locally produced food. One of the critical challenges is the financial income since this is one of the geographical regions which is situated in a very remote and rural area. The other problem is some financial constraints like inadequate time, weather and access to proper transport may limit the fresh food mobile organization from accessing the food.
Aggarwal, R. K., Evans, M. E., & Nanda, D. (2012). Nonprofit boards: Size, performance and managerial incentives. Journal of Accounting and Economics.
Stewardship Principles of Accountability
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Wang, Y. (2014). Individualism/collectivism, charitable giving, and cause-related marketing: A comparison of Chinese and Americans. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing.
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Zhuang, J., Saxton, G. D., & Wu, H. (2014). Publicity vs. impact in nonprofit disclosures and donor preferences: a sequential game with one nonprofit organization and N donors. Annals of Operations Research.