Fundamentals Of Collection Development: Roles, Challenges And Recommendations

Matrix Organizational Structure

Discuss about the Fundamentals of Collection Development.

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This report presents the critical analysis of roles and functions of managers in an organization. Additionally, it also discusses the challenges that may face by a manager at the time of performing their roles at the workplace. Moreover, it also demonstrates the structure of the organization. It also shows recommendation to overcome the challenges that are faced by the manager at the working place.

BHP is a business entity of BHP Billiton Plc and BHP Billiton Limited which is previously recognized as BHP Billiton. It deals with an Anglo-Australian multinational public company such as mining, petroleum, and metals. It was established in 1885 which headquarters is in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. It was initiated in 2001 by the merger of Australian BHP (Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited) as well as Anglo-Dutch Billiton Plc. In the era of 2017, the high amount of previous resources of Billiton has been drawn out into south areas and it has started to rebrand itself as BHP. 

The matrix organizational structure can play a significant role in an organization. It can be supportive to make a link among various departments of employees for accomplishing an organization goal. Addition, it can be said that the matrix structure is a mixture of divisional and functional structures. Furthermore, the matrix structure can enable the organization to a combined various department like goods, consumers, and geographical location. Moreover, the small firm is created their knowledge about the advantages and disadvantages of the organizational matrix structure earlier executing in the business operation. The matrix structure can be beneficial to increase the motivation and effective data interchange (Griffin, 2013).

The most benefit of executing the matrix organizational structure in the operation of the business can direct to an effective data interchange. Additional, the organizational matrix structure can support to work closely and directly communicate with each other too frequently solve problems. Effective ways of communication increase production and permit for prompt decision-making. For illustration, in the matrix organizational structure, employees of the different departments such as finance, research and development, and marketing could confer with each other before executing the strategies. The particular data interchange permits executives to react promptly regarding customer and organization needs (Certo, 2015). 

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The matrix structure enabled the employees to a democratic leadership style. Additionally, it can be said that the organizational matrix structure includes all member of the team before making a decision. Furthermore, it also provides the capacity to the organization for contributing valuable data to each department of the firm before decision making regarding the employee satisfaction and inspires the employees. In the matrix organizational each workforce gives the equal importance to share their views and opinion regarding decision making (Dumas, et al., 2013). The management roles and functions play a significant role to accomplish a specified task. In additionally, Garret Morgan’s metaphors categorize the roles and functions of the management. It is discussed as below: It is basic symbol and foundation of the Taylorism. Additionally, it can be said that the geometrically structuralist approach helps to identify the views and opinion of employees towards the organization. There are different types of departments that can be included by an organization like top-down, bottom-up, centralize, and decentralize (Hopkin, 2017).

Increased Motivation

This section categorizes an organization function or roles as an organizational DNA, which considers some factors like Introduction, Maturity, and Death. It can also be supportive to develop the views and opinion regarding the organizational issue. In addition to this, it can also be said that it enabled the organization to exchange the ideas and information of employees towards the solution of issues of organization (Johnson, 2014).

In this function, the organization is given the importance of culture before making any kinds of decision about the issues of the company. Furthermore, it can be said that culture metaphor direct impact on a company to increase the productivity in long-term. Therefore, an organization is mainly including the culture to improve the financial performance of an organization (Daft, et al., 2016). 

The organization can classify the roles and function of management by considering the intellectual prison. It can support to perform each activity of an organization in a logical way at the same time it can also enhance the productivity of a firm. Furthermore, the Intellectual prison can also help to accomplish the task of an organization in a systematic way.

The organization can also categorize the management roles as a scheme of alteration and flux because it emphasized similar aspects of the company as an organism metaphor by the systematic way.   It will help to improve the profitability of the business in the upcoming period. In addition, there are different components that are considered like notion stability, entropy, physics ideas, and dissipation. It can also enhance the market share of the company through appropriately deal with market risk (Too, et al., 2014).

The management roles and responsibilities classified by power. Power is important factors that can directly influence the productivity of organization as well as employees. Additionally, when an organization used negative power then it can be caused of declining the performance of workforces. Besides this, the positive power of management can be supportive to inspire the employees regarding the accomplishment of organization goal in long term. Therefore, it can be said that power can be a significant factor for an organization (Verzuh, 2015).

The management theory can be utilized by an organization to manage the issues of the organization in at working place. The Henry Feyol is important management theory in the working place. In addition, it can also be said there are different types of management theories that are discussed as below:

Serial Number




Classification of work

It can help to categorize the work of an employee, which can also supportive to decline effort of employees. In addition, classification of work can gain the productivity of an employee.         



It will be supportive to provide the order. It cannot be considered in lack of responsibility.



Self-control can determine the relationship between organization and employees. It could be a major cause to influence the productivity of the firm.



One executive can lead the function of the organization. 



One main executive one plan for group actions to accomplish same objectives.


Different interest of employees

In an organization, each individual has differed interest that can influence the working style at the workplace. It can create the complexity to accomplish the same task of an organization. Therefore, it can be said that it can also be a major issue for BHP limited (Maxwell, et al., 2017).



Compensation can be a significant factor for both organizations as well as the employee. In addition, the compensation should be appropriate for both workforces and corporate.



It presents the degree of performance that can be relied on the size of corporate and quality of executives.  


Scalar chain

It supports to demonstrates the line of executives from the bottom level to top level.



It can show the place of employees. It means a right person at the right place. A right person can make command on the management function systematically.



A mixture of harmony and justice about the employees.


Stability of occupancy of personnel

Workforce’s requisites to be given a time period for making stability in the job. Therefore, managers can provide can provide a flexible and friendly environment for the sustainability of employees (Lussier 2011).   



Each employee of an organization can show their creativity within limits of the organization.               


esprit de corps

Harmony can be imperative for a corporate to encourage the employees for teamwork.

Management Roles and Functions

Henry Fayol developed the management theory of organization. It is used by the organization to forecast and plan, to establish, to control, to direct and to manage the activity of an organization. Henry Fayol provided many technology and concepts that will be used by the upcoming researchers named scalar chain, a division of labor, centralization, and unity of command (Shockley, 2014).

Values play a crucial role in a company to make an appositive image in the market. It defines an image as unified sets of administrative values which orient their team members, direct their prospects and division activities. In addition to this, it can also be said that an effective value of an organization can enable to increase the creativity, efficiency, and productivity in long-term (Feng, et al., 2013).

Ethics can also a vital component for an organization as well as employees because it directs influence the productivity. Ethics can be the moral principle which governs the employee behavior. Ethics can influence both small as well as the large organization. The unethical behavior of an organization of can declines the financial condition of the company in long term. While the ethical behavior of the company can easily attract a large number of customers in long-term. At the same time, it can also be said that different organizations have a different set of ethics standard. There are some components that can be common for all the organization such as psychology, law, and law (Rainer, et al., 2014).

Diversity also influences the performance of the organization. At the same time, it can be said that the diversity can create problem to complete the task of the company in long-term. In this case, the company can use effective strategy to improve the diversity issues together with inspiring the employees for feeling comfortable at the working place. It also provides an equal chance to each employee without any biases to contribute their roles and responsibility in the working place (Thomas, et al., 2017).


·     Well-build position in market as it can earn high return

·     Sound financial condition and diversified stream of revenues

·     Marketing is developed centrally through CSGs

·     Recognized revenue stream and sound financial condition

·     Sound international brand recognition

·     Well-built employees with more than 45,000 workers

·     One of leading mining as well as petroleum corporations

·     Involvement in CSR activity improves the brand image


·         Intervention of government may decline the operational efficiencies

·         Previous cases of incidents can also lead to  criticism


·     Opportunity to acquire the associated smaller corporations

·     Development of operation in copper as well as coal

·      Liaison with other international corporations.


·         lessening demand for exports in some nations due to well-built domestic production

·          High rivalry

There are different kinds of activities that are performed by manages of BHP Billiton are discussed as below:  

  • The manager can support each employee in their day to day activities to accomplish the business objective systematically.
  • It also clarifies the roles and responsibilities of employees about their performance at working place.
  • It also documents the performance of employees to provide appropriate compensation and make a career  
  • It provides training and development to improve the skills and learning activities of employees.  
  • It also makes an effective documentation for legal purpose along with mitigating the disputes at the working place (Jones, et al., 2015).

Management should provide constructive and clear feedback to their employees regarding the policy of the organization. As a result, it will be supportive to accomplish the task in specified time and cost. In addition to this, management should also communicate with employees about their roles and responsibilities along with objectives of project and norms. Consequently, it can mitigate the complexity of work issues as well as an effort at the same time support to increase the efficacy of employees in long-term. Management should also offer fair compensation for inspiring the employees towards the accomplishment of the organizational goal. Along with this, management should also inspire the employees by using reward scheme and sustain them for long-term (Donate, et al., 2015). 


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