Functional Training Program For Adult Education School Students

Challenges of Cognitive Training in Adult Education School

Discuss about the Education Training on Cognitive Fitness.

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In this quality assurance procedure, we will take a close look at training provider in a adulty education  unit. Among the essential components in the formation of theadult education is the cognitive training, through which all recruits and former students must pass in the adult education school for their training as officers, the cognitive training tests the tenacity and courage of the cadet as a training element and in turn as an objective within the adult education formation.

With regard to the cognitive training currently performed by the school, this does not present an accurate control over workloads (Foley, & Grossman, 2015). Over time this has an impact on the appearance of injuries and their increase, which suggests that the cognitive training processes are not very effective. Time to apply them. Modern training in South Africa adult training requires constant planning, dosing and control that allows a follow-up to athletic and physiological preparation processes. The achievement of these objectives that have been programmed within the development of cognitive activities, will be used as a means to achieve a better performance in future combat courses which are part of the adult education profession (García-Peñalvo, & Martín-Suárez, 2014).elop a well-structured training program. The quality assurance office (QAO), enforces and executes the School Quality Assurance (QA) that ensures that there is constant and adequate development of education, training and strengthen the adult education officers for a decisive action plan.

With all these in place, the program requires values, ethics and morals among the trainers. They should therefore have values such as, integrity, accountability, collaboration and innovation of training methods to keep up with the change in times.  Service in training requires selflessness in training while humbly serving the nation (Gewirtz, &Zamir, 2018).

 The students of the adult education school require special training conditions, due to their adult education performance; also face extensive class schedules and participate in the different activities scheduled in their daily lives. When observing the training processes carried out by them, the limited time spaces that the students have for cognitive practice in the adult education school, there is a concern to structure a functional training plan that complements their adult education and cognitive expertise, but always in the search for an organized work according to the needs, the characteristics, the demands of the different combat courses.

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Proposal for Functional Training Program

For the previous approach arose the proposal to use functional training as the alternative that best suits the needs of the students of the adult education school, since this included the practice of exercises similar to those that are executed within the adult education profession. One of the advantages offered by functional training is that it requires very few elements for its practice, low costs, it is characterized by exercises and cognitive activities in small or large spaces, all the above is ideal for the activities carried out by the students of the adult education school(Johnson,2015). The cognitive activity practices carried out within the adult education school are framed within the field of preparation for combat and cognitive training for sport, under these conditions is sought as a goal of better adult education and cognitive performance of students of the institution, these components will eventually make it possible to lay the foundations of the training and then form special groups that will allow them to face the fury of the law and operate in the country.

The special conditions in which the conflict in the country develops, which has been going on for more than 60 years, make the preparation and cognitive training of adult education forces a constant process, since at any moment they can be summoned to the combat. forces, the type of combat to develop can be urban or rural, another aspect to highlight are the topographical difficulties that our country has.

For the foregoing, the proposal to propose functional training as an alternative for the development and evolution of the cognitive training programs carried out in the adult education school arose, which rests with its students and the staff of instructors participating in said training in South Africa. By performing an adequate cognitive training and understanding the importance that this represents in the adult education training programs, he will seek the achievement of clear, relevant objectives, providing quality programs, within the processes of sports training to achieve the highest standards in the international cognitive preparation process at the Adult education School (Mattsson, &Ekblom, 2015).

Adult education institutions in South Africa,  have special characteristics within society, present a function based on three essential aspects: to maintain public order, defend the civilian population, control sovereignty, these conditions make up a trilogy that unites them as a whole and gives the sustenance that the laws that govern them.


To perform these primary functions in the adult education forces, organizations are required cognitive training processes oriented in the field of the functional, to improve components such as the nervous, also perform work aimed at improving the intramuscular coordination and intramuscular, all previous focuses on the development of physiological processes that in turn complement those of training, which are taught to the different courses in which students participate and which complement the training required of the training adult education (O’Leary, & Izard, 2017).. The programs aimed at cognitive development and the achievement of objectives in body performance in which loads, sessions, intensity and volume are planned, will be aimed at achieving specific objectives in the field of cognitive preparation. In the adult education field, these processes are also essential, but they will focus on cognitive resistance works, this capacity allows the adult education to support jobs for long periods of high or low intensity and is a dominant factor in the cognitive preparation that it requires. Under these parameters an integral human being will be sought in the cognitive field so that he contributes to the adult education field, executing sports, recreational, operational activities, leading a healthy life due to the operational conditions and preparation for combat since these conditions are required by adult education force.

As resistance is important in the performance of adult education personnel, it is necessary to program, based on a training plan, the frequency, duration, intensity and volume to achieve an excellent adult education performance, but at the same time participate in social actions and sports that enhance their professional work. Within the quoted in the previous paragraphs, the observations, the experiences that have been presented in my teaching, as a strength coach and 11 years of experience in the Adult education School of General Students (Peck,& Cameron, 2017)

What are the effects of a functional training program, on the resistance and resistance to strength, the corporal composition of the first level students of the adult education school?

The former emerges as an integrating element in the cognitive field, the special lifestyle that is present in this type of population, such as feeding, training, living, sharing the same spaces with their peers and the different special conditions of this adult education corps which forms the future officers of the School .Objective General Determine the effects of a functional training program, on the resistance, and resistance to strength, the body composition of the first level students of the adult education school.


Evaluate the resistance, resistance to strength and body composition of the first level students of the adult education school. Design the functional training program for the first level students of the adult education school. Apply the functional training program to the first level students of the adult education school. To determine the effects of the functional training program, on the cognitive condition of the first level students of the adult education school (Rogers, 2018).

The hypothesis proposed in the present study was the following: What are the effects of a functional training program, on the strength and resistance to strength, the corporal composition of the students. First level of adult education school Variables Dependent Variable: Functional training plan. Independent Variable: resistance, resistance to strength and body composition.

Orientation In The Training Field For An Organization

While each service has different schedules and training requirements, the orientation process is basically the same for everyone (Rouw, & Brandt, 2016).. During this period, new recruits should probably: organizations in South Africa training must ensure that adult trainees;

Quality Assurance System

Submit the enlistment packages (MEPS documents)

Undergo dental and medical exams

Receive uniforms and training equipment (shorts, sweatshirts, shirts, etc.)

Undergo the necessary cuts of hair (women can keep their hair long, as long as they can wear it in a prescribed way)

Create direct deposit accounts for salary checks

Evaluation of implementation of Quality Assurance

From the orientation, the real training begins. This varies depending on the service and lasts from 8 to 12 weeks.The work carried out presented an X-ray of the Adult education Factor as a member of the National Power, regarding its capacity to face current threats.

Review Mechanisms

The tools used to carry out this academic year correspond to the prospective method for strategic planning at the highest level of government. The information elements collected contribute to the fact that this document could be used by the newly elected authorities and that the government is about to take office next January.

The presentation was divided into five main parts: Diagnosis, National Policy Conception, Strategic Conception, Conclusions and Recommendations.

The Diagnosis included an analysis of the situation at the government level of the internal and external environment that marks the political moment of the country. Current threats and adverse factors that stand in the way of achieving national objectives are identified. This part is complemented with a SWOT analysis of the adult education factor, also in the internal and external scope, in relation to the constitutional mission assigned to the School. In the second part, through the interrelation and analysis of scenarios ranging from the most pessimistic to the most optimistic, two specific ones were built: a probable scenario and a desired scenario. Of these last two forms a “National Political Conception”: The “What” to do (Stepan, 2015).The third part is the Strategic Conception, which covers the different fields of national power. From this moment and for reasons of the specialty of the Superior Course of War, planning focuses on the Strategic Conception of the adult education factor of national power. The “How” to develop the National Political Conception in the adult education field.

Results and Analysis

In this academic year, an additional element to the traditional ones that make up the National Power was included: Science and Technology. The work presents important recommendations to develop this factor within the adult education expression to contribute to the National Political Conception.

The main conclusions seek to take advantage of the strengths of the adult education such as the planning capacity at all levels, its flexible organization and the current educational programs. The South African Trainors objectives set and the strategic actions to achieve each one must be concluded – completely attached to a solid organizational culture based on principles and values (Wood, & Fletcher,2017).

The recommendations propose the creation of a adult education doctrine applied to the organization participation in citizen security, transparency of spending, efficiency in budget planning and use of resources, equipment, use of science and technology, and the strengthening of behavior based on principles, values ??and adult education ethics (Yeates, &Oneko, 2016)..

This work can be consulted by anyone in the Library of the Superior Command of Education of the School, located at Km 5.5 on the Atlantic Highway, inside the South Africa Adult education Brigade.

As of January 2008, the undersigned will be integrating the V Superior War Course. A professionalization course required to ascend to the rank of Colonel of the School of South Africa and that prepares the officer to contribute, in his field, to the achievement of the National Objectives proposed by the government of South Africa.


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